*bong hit*

>*bong hit*
>they like want to destroy our memories, man

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*sips* ahh they don't remember like they used to remember.

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>Ironically loses memories by doing a bong

>that's what death is.... init. forgetting. being forgotten.

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>memories can't be found in books
>literal recordings of events can't be found in books
>if bran dies we lose everything

>characters that literally only exist in books
woah deep man

books can't take you to any point in time to observe the actual events as they happened. they're just recorded tomes written with the slant of the author to guide you through their understanding of what happened. Bran is a literal time machine, but he is more than that, he is the roots of time itself. watch the fucking show.

>everyone dies one day. everyone. even wolves. but not books. not words. words dont die.

you're straight up retarded.

The North Remembers

this show is so fucking gay lol

Season 8 has been a complete joke so far.

Who reads the books when everyone is a zombie you absolute fucking mong.

*throws the book in the fire*

Total recall is always top 5, right there with Terminator, Predator, Big trouble in little china, and The Thing.

About 6 billion people on the rest of the planet?

Did you seriously think Essos has a problem with winter, or that anyone gives a fuck about what gos on in a tiny little island like westeros (you can literally walk from one end to the other in 3 eps?)

Some fanfiction tier dialogue writing this episode.

Manlet detected. Women prefer men taller than them, get over it.

>Ignoring the fact that the Knight King brings an Ice Age with him every where he goes, and that he could form a land bridge out of ice between the continents.
>Ignoring the fact he has a dragon, and can fly to Essos and start converting people to his dead army

You aren't very smart are you.

uh what

David and David implicitly saying that we, the viewers, are nothing but animals because we don’t have a Branbot9000 directly accessing the time streams.

>All the white walkers want is to kill the three eyed raven
>Old TER lived beyond the fucking wall for hundreds of years
DABID, I ...

The greatest singer in the seven kingdoms.

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Song was actually pretty nice desu

It doesn't even fucking make sense

They didn't care about their legitimate history with the first men a few days ago, why do they care now? And if they really wanted to target history, why not go after the tower of Maesters and literally history books?

Night King

based and not soi top 5

That cockless cunt went from Kings Landing to Winterfell in an episode.

>the north remembers

It doesn't seem to remember that they're facing an undead army lead by a guy that can turn dead people into zombies, so WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY HIDE IN THE CRYPT?!?

You know, the place where they store DEAD PEOPLE.

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>the night king wants to get to me
>so lets store me in the castle furthest north that is as close to the wall as possible

Why didn't they simply fly bran to the moon using the dragons??

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A whole hour long cringe compilation, every scene is so cringe i have to close my eyes in shame. That song fat podrick sings at the end was the the cringe cherry on the cringefest cake.

He wants to keep his memory of when Gilly wasn't a landwhale

Yea that singing was pretty awful and cliche.

No the knighting of Captain Phasma was the cringe zenith by far.

Old TER was holed up in a cave that WW had no way to break in because lolmagic.

Only reason he died really was because Bran slipped up

>99.99% of people who don't have the power of greensight have no clue about ancient history of Westeros and are just fine.
Also it's a very odd stance to take, being proud of your ancestors and history when 90% of GoT screenwriters probably believe that white men irl aren't allowed to be proud of past accomplishments without being racist.

NK necromancy needs line of sight, that's why he has wights drag Viserion from the bottom of the lake.

Also most of the dead in the crypt are just bones and the few skellies are encased in stone tombs, I doubt they have the STR to get out

*throws jewish book on bonfire*

What the fuck was that? Was it a way for this stupid Jew couple to show “character development”? Look at Sam all educated and wise and shieet, YAY SCIENCE!!! GOD I FUCKING HATE AMERICA

Ned Stark will make a surprise appearance next episode but it'll only be his reanimated head rolling around

The only thing better than medieval singing is pirate shanties ARRRRRRR XD XD

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Gute arbeit

but also fuck tradition lmao

>can make an ice bridge over the narrow sea
>has to wait a couple days for a lake to freeze over in season s07e06

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