If you aren't remembered, then you never existed

If you aren't remembered, then you never existed.

Attached: evil-lain.png (1520x855, 771K)

thank god

>the memory of my existence is wiped out
>my life is a brand new empty slate
Sounds good, either for killing myself guilt free or doing everything different and not repeating my mistakes.

that's what I want though


I regret deleting Lain after watching it.
It was a good show that grows on you.

I liked lain until I found out the creator was a numale

don't ruin this for me

Good point, but if a tree falls in the woods and no one's around to hear it does it make a sound?

he's into lovecraft and likes insert le ebin cthulhu references into other anime he's made


99% of all people who ever lived are forgotten

>hp "niggerman" lovecraft
pick one, retard


here's reddit

That makes him a numale?


in my opinion that is the highest level of numale achievable

okay well as long as he's not like a transgender feminist like ikuhara

nah, he's a numale but not an sjw

Konaka wrote the screenplay, he didn't create it. Nakamura directed it (he's dead) and ABe designed the characters.

Within universal causality, everybody is immortal.

Love craft is based, methinks you are the soi here, go read twilight again

Ikuhara is HomoChad

The Japanese love Lovecraft, though?

not helping your case

gay people don't really care about lesbians, he's some sort of socialist autogynephilic pedophile discord tranny

They love big things with tentacles that live in ocean and occasionally pull some nasty shit with women.
Japanese culture is weird.

this, redditfags think anything with tentacles is a lovecraft reference

What did they mean by this?

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freddy sweater

yeah, that's the weirdest part