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Huh. My wife's son told me he was a wizard when he was three. Guess I should save up for his tuition at Hogwarts.

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Welcome to nu-Weimar. You know how the ride ends.

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>tries to draw a parallel between a human's identity and a fictitious profession

are you slow in the head or something? missin a few screws there pal?

I’ve been seeing shit saying how great the Weimar Republic was kek

So is trans kids the new "adopt a nigger" among celeb circles?

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Until I can solicit a prostitute and her underage daughter for a loaf of bread we arent anywhere near close yet. It's getting there but we're 25 years off. The kikes learned their lesson after WW2 not to rush things.

>thinks injecting tweens with hormons and chopping off dicks makes them girls
I don't know man, you seem a little wacko too

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Thank god i grew up in the 90's, i had 3 older sisters so i liked to play with their barbie dolls, because i just copied them, these days i would be put in a dress & told im a girl

>muh 3 year old tranny
What is up with all you reddit/lefty-pol migrants? Have you considered fucking off back to your own shitty websites?

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No they didn’t, things are accelerating at light speed on the internet. 5 years ago nobody knew what white privilege was, then checking your privilege became a thing, now it’s just universally accepted that you’re only allowed to say bad things about white people. Gender wasn’t a “spectrum” 5 years ago, now every celebrity says it.

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Very long, but interesting and eye-opening read on the origins and essence of the trans question. Spoilers: big pharma is heavily involved.

What's your earliest memory? Maybe I'm retarded but I don't remember much before I was 5 or maybe even older. I sure as hell don't remember what I was saying when I was 3.

Yeah, they're more insidious this time.

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Libtards will unironically defend this

ian looks like he doesn't even know what day it is

You were a girl, and that's why you now have such a strong desire to fap to traps.

We are still decades away from peak-Weimar Berlin in the west. Id maybe go as low as 15 years but that's it.

>Child says a thing
>Parents take it seriously

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I really don't understand what kind of social pressure makes parents go through all these fucking hoops to justify fucking up their children mentally. Don't these fucking retards realize it's just kids being drawn to certain shiny things? A fucking child has absolutely no concept of what gender is, much less sexuality. If a young boy says "mommy I want the sparkly pink thing" you don't fucking parade him around as god damned transgendered. They have zero way of actually knowing what it means to be male or female. This is just basic fucking logic and understanding of child psychology, for fuck's sake nothing makes me angrier than these virtue signaling "progressive" leftards parading their children as if they were some thing or trophy on social media just for internet brownie points. Fuck this world, western civilization was a mistake

These people need to be exterminated for how they brainwash children.

>fictitious profession
It's a way of life chosen from the youngest age you fuck

Shes doing it for attention, just like when she adopted that black child

this kid doesn't look any older than 2. Let that sink in for a minute. What's next? Parents deciding that their baby's incoherent babble means whether they're trans or not? Fucking mentally ill retards

Her and Angelina Joeli are sick and wonder why they are femcel

you misspelled single mothers there buddy

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So you have no idea what it means to be a boy or girl before 10-12 or whenever puberty hits you? Until then you're just an animal, barely aware of your desires beyond "me want shiny thing"?

>Naming your child Ian Watkins in current year +4
yeesh, kinda makes sense to abuse him I guess.

>that kid picture

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Has anyone pointed out to her that she is abusing her child?

Kinda weird how many celebrity kids turn out to be transgender huh

My earliest memories were from when I was also like 3 years old, playing cowboys and indians with my dad with these plastic figures he bought me. I also us arriving at our new apartment. Nothing quite interesting aside from that. I think the first time I thought a girl was pretty was when I was like 4 years old maybe? I don't know but I remember I did have a crush on one of my teachers around that age.

Kek, when I was 5 I thought I was a robot, because I really liked bionicle

magic is about as real as transgenderism. An illusion that ends up a disappointment.

Women were a mistake.

>Weaken faith in God
That's good
>Change attitude towards immigrants
That's.... bad? Not so bad? It's 100% context based. Either way fuck off back to /pol/ christfags

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She gave him a life far better than he could have ever hoped for had he stayed in his african shithole. She can raise him however she wants, as far as I'm concerned he's property.

someone post the picture of all the dads with their tranny sons

>he doesn't remember how at 2 years of age he let the neighbor's giant BBC slide him. It was neverending, but he was greedy and took it all

I thought I was a super saiyan. I wonder why I gave that up and decided to be normal instead

I've read some weird conspiracy theory in here that actors who adopt niglets are actually forced to do so by the Hollywood establishment. As a punishment you know.

I'm willing to bet this lunatic didn't listen when the kid said "mommy, I'm a boy!" she probably told him he was confused.

Do you guys think we’ll see social groups where parents shame each other for raising their children male or female or whatever? People seem so susceptible to this garbage. The way social norms are upheld now are mostly through gossip and shaming, just like always, but what happens when the moms get together to gossip about the other mom who is raising her son as a boy instead of letting them decide?

It seems far fetched, but is it really?

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100% fake

This is retarded when I was 3 I was eating ants and my dream was to be a truck driver. 3 year olds are DUMB

Fuck off. Even babies have a strong sense of gender identity. If my child used their first words to tell me their real gender, then I wouldn't doubt them.

Go back to fucking \POL.


Fuck off back to your discord tranny. You sure start to get an idea of what girls and boys are as you grow up, but you can't fucking grasp what it means to be male or female in society until you're way past puberty and start to become mature in your sexuality. Before all that it all fucking boils down to
>girls like pink and dolls and unicorns and fairies
>boys like blue and cars and robots and explosions and wacky autistic shit that girls get bored with
It's not even got anything to do with fucking gender actually, it is common knowledge that human beings start to develop their actual personalities when they hit puberty both because of the brain development that occurs and the social changes that teens and preteens go through. I can't believe I actually have to explain this to you mouthbreathers who never even finished high school

Truck driver is a great profession

get child services involved and remove the child from her custody. This is dangerous, damaging and cruel.

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What's the big deal? it's not like she's injecting him full of hormones or scarring his body for life. Who gives a shit if he likes to wear dresses or whatnot? Kid probably doesn't give a shit.

Dear God,

Im sorry. Please send another 10 plagues.

Love user

Guess she hates her kid and wants him to suicide after puberty

>If you think that abusing kids is not ok, this now makes you a nazi.

When I played with my friends I pretended to be Arthas from Warcraft 3. In retrospect, thank god I didn't have a computer that could run WoW back then, I would've turned out so much more autistic

>you have to be brain damaged to like immigrants
No shit.

I can understand how she feels. Just last month my son ran up to me and said "Daddy i'm a dinosaur rargh". It took alot of introspection to realise what was right but we've had him on cross species gene therapy since. When he's not at school we let him run around in a leather dinosaur suit i had commissioned.

this is just too fucking much

fuck this gay earth...

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it's not like she's injecting him full of hormones or scarring his body for life.


>the argument that the only difference in raising them is the pronoun you use.
Then it probably isn't too harmful to just use the pronoun that they are 99% likely to be. And teach them about letters and numbers instead of asking them to try and define themselves as a boy or a girl.

Except Jews don't do it to their own people you fuckin JIDF faggot.

>Hey male-kid, I know you're a boy, but im gonna use female pronouns for you, call you a girl, dress you like a girl etc. Totally won't warp your sense of gender identity for years to come! And when you're 12 we're gonna chop that annoying little penis off so some time in the future you'll join the proud, stunning and brave 41%!

>He doesn't want to be a truck driver

I remember playing with girls and liking red and pink colors when I was 4-5. I couldn't care less about toy cars. Somehow this didn't mean I was a "transgender" boy. It was just a phase I grew out of by the time I was 7. Because that's how kids naturally develop. I still like playing with girls though.
Forcing sexuality upon a kid that doesn't know any better, just because he said something out of context is nothing short of child abuse.

fuck you buddy

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Light doesn't accelerate, moron.

post the blind item that says all these celebrities with trans kids are in some pedo org

How do you know this?

Yeah that kid is doomed because he was allowed to wear dresses and play with barbie dolls when he was in kindergarten. Better shoot him and spare him a life of confused despair.

reread what he wrote

I thought gi joes were for girls because they were dolls

>not wanting people to believe in magical space fairies that condemn for all eternity you if you say the word faggot is being a secret kike shill
ok there you fucking mongoloid
Fun fact for you christfags, the templars got fucking excommunicated by the Pope when the French king decided he didn't want the templars being such a based order and he burned them all at the stake. So much for your fucking church you backstabbing retards

>Hollywood weirdos are destroying their descendants.


Same here. I liked playing with the polly pocket sets my girl neighbors had because you could have the mini figures do all sorts of crazy shit, never really was into the shit that all other kids my age liked (action figures like max steel, or football). Fast forward to when I was like 6 and my tastes had changed completely, I was now into cars, toy soldiers, dragons and a lot of more classic boy shit

Its all the plebbit fags hanging around for cape shit spoilers.

I wanted to be a ninja turtle growing up. Clearly my parents abused me by not letting me dye my skin green and lean the ways of martial arts while living in the sewer.

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Why would magical space fairies condemn you if you say the word faggot. God thinks fags and especially trannies are an abomination. The fact that they are turning children into trannies now confirms it's true.

they were cleared of all charges posthumously fedorafag

not all crusaders were templars either

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It just mentions that they are "in a club," which can be used to describe similar individuals who just act the same. But it does mention some sort of rules that they are supposed to follow, which might be something real and strange.

If you want an interesting insight into the phenomenon is pretty good. You're right about kids though, Alice Dreger basically did an essay saying kids not conforming to 'traditional' gender identity is just part of growing up and exploring who you are, it doesn't necessarily mean your transgender. Trans activists tried to destroy her career over it.

Heard on the radio last month how theres a huge demand for truck driving now. Very common to make $65,000/yr. Some places $100,000/yr.

No they fucking weren't, read a book for once you illiterate mongoloid. The entire organization of the templars, including the Grandmaster were burned at the stake just some years prior to the hundred years war. By the time this happened all other crusader organizations were gone anyways because they didn't have nearly the amount of power the templars held.

Because you have to completely change your lifestyle and be on the road a lot. So a lot of people don't want to do it which is why there is a shortage of drivers.

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So if your kid (God forbid you ever breed) came up to you and said he was a dog, you'd treat them like an animal?

did you skip the ending or something?

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>You know how the ride ends.
with a new Hitler?
I hope so

>mentally-ill "progressive" parent coaching the answer she wants out of her child so she can enforce her own deluded worldview onto him

Call the police and have this innocent child taken far away.

I treated yo mama like an animal last night

Does this mess of a woman still pretend she's SA? When she's clearly 110% American.

in case you needed more proof that israel needs to be nuked..

desu that doesn't change all the fuckery that the Church complicitly made against their most devout warriors.

Yeah, pretty much same here. Thankfully, my mother quicky figured out a reason why I kept playing with dolls and not with toy cars or ever a football. Dolls had much more moving parts and accessories and I somehow found it more interesting. Toy cars did not and they bored me. So she bought me a bunch of Lego sets to see what happens. Turns out I fell in love with them. Because I just just analitical and creative as a kid and playing with moving parts and building shit was my jam.
Thank god she came up with that and not the "he's clearly transgender" idea.

please accelerate the ride
what a fucking retard...

so the church got played, is that the crime?

Hope someone captures this woman and burns her alive

Again, she and three other big actors with 'trans' kids are part of a big sex cult. Liev Schrieber another of the members.

They have the Samson option where they launch nukes at every single world capital if anyone at all nukes them. Clever bastards

>kids know what they talk about
>it's in their genes!!
>force them to eat hormones their body doesn't produce
>a pronoun changes their sex in puberty
good lord

Im kind of glad im from South America, USA and Europe truly submitted to the nose, good luck cucks!

This thread again

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What's the benefit of being in this club? None of those actresses have anything really big lined up

why is it only wypipo the one doing this tranny shit?

I don't know what to tell you if you think that having a completely shambled identity before you're a fucking teenager is a good or neutral thing

>he doesnt realize wypypo are the least likely to be tranny

Naomi Watts is married to Liev Schreiber?? Fuuuck

bro just look at all the pictures, they are the only ones with income to get hormones and shit

Leftist are too stupid to realize that they were brainwashed.

If you own the truck it’s almost all income too. BUT you live in the truck and drive 11 hours a day. You may have a shitty company that asks you to drive more and break DOT rules too. Don’t.

Reminder that you are dead and in hell.
>he thinks transgenderism is an identity
It is a mental illness and the fact that you are so smug about it just explains how actually retarded lefties are.

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As if I didn't have enough reasons to hate that cunt

is it just me or is the whole child transgender thing mostly in america? i know we have some young transgenders here but it seems like it's becoming an everyday thing in the US

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Checked also yes.

I saw a transgender yesterday while on a jog. I was running and couldn't make out details, but he was very tall (195-200cm), thin, wore a lot a makeup and a cocktail dress at 10am. Very bizarre experience. I'm from eastern europe.

>quads of lies
You have entire countries (ex: Sweden) where kids are raised gender neutral. Communist yuropistan is where all of the bad things in modern society began.

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Why are White people so evil? Literally willing to destroy their children's lives for their virtue signaling.
What a pathetic people, you deserve your inevitable fall into the abyss.

raising kids gender neutral is not the same as transgender kids

t. swede

Ehm...? Have sex sweety.

That's where the tranny stuff came from five years back. It went "posts on tumblr" -> "gender neutral Swede faggots" -> "trannies on your tv"

Also, said gender-neutral countries are unsurprisingly filled with trannies.

BrainsWay or BrainSway? Convenient naming.

God look at that poor kid

Yeah, it is very much an American trend. It makes you look cool and progressive. And you get free and easy oppression points. That or you have some legit mental illness that nobody is eager to treat, because that would be improper. People used to listen to Marylin Manson in order to look cool. Now they are cutting off their dicks or best case scenario pretend to be opposite gender for no reason just because the media brainwashed them to do so.

Why? It's 2 unrelated things. A Depression treatment cure vs. an unrelated news article

christ you incels are paranoid

this is why i beat women.
they deserve it, even when they don't.

It's not the jews fault you're a tranny

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Modern women are not good mothers and I fear the next generation after Zoomers.

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Nazi's were mainly trannies

what's the problem? It's redpilled.

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