>be at interview
>they ask me to name my 3 favorite films
Be at interview
>LOTR 1- 3
>Cap America Civil War
>Infinity War
only true answer if you want the job.
>Man of Steel
>Hipster shit 1
>Hipster shit 2
>Hipster shit 3
Proceed by explaining these movies are 2deep4them and you don't watch mainstream shit
Instantly pull down my pants and shit on the table. Fuck wageslavery
I don’t watch films, I watch kinos.
The man we should all aspire to be.
>Cannibal holocaust
>A Serbian film
Can you guys just shit on command? If I have to shit, I really have to shit, but I can’t otherwise. If I wait, it just goes away, and then I can’t shit until I feel like shitting again.
>we'll keep your resume on file
I stalked my interviewer on Facebook a little bit and also found his YouTube account. Apparently he's really into Marvel movies and interracial relationships (AMWF) so I talked a little bit about that with him and we got along.
>pic related is his youtube feed
The Sneedening
Captain Sneed
Tinker Tailer Sneed
They're calling security for sure
norbit is based
Is your interviewer Asian as well or does he just have a weird cuck fetish?
>user, are you mentally challenged?
>The Fountainhead
>To Be or Not to Be
Frozen, Cars 2 and Lolita
>Die Hard
Not actually my favorite flicks but in this hypothetical situation, they would be the safest choices to get the job
The Hottie and the nottie
Herbie 2 : fully loaded
Mortal Kombat annihilation
This chink also loves the BSB
>can you start today?
1. Matrix 1
2. Groundhog Day
3. Spiderman 2
Spongebob Squarepants The Movie
South Park : Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
The Simpsons Movie
Welcome aboard fellow gentlesir!
When I went to camp in grade 7 I didn't shit for an entire week because the bathrooms were filthy.
To this day I still don't know how I managed it. I didn't eat a lot, but still, you'd think your shit's be tumbling out your asshole
>Passion of the Christ
I'm probably getting security.
>Ernest Goes to Camp
>Ernest In the Army
>Ernest Scared Stupid
Thank you, we will call you back
paul blart
paul blart 2
the UK version of paul blart 2 where they removed a headbutt and two moments when knives were opened to get a PG rating
Au Revoir Les Enfants
Zero de Conduite
>passion of the christ
>king of kings
>the ten commandments
Did I get the job?
>Moonrise Kingdom
>Leon The Professional
Do they really do this in america? Why the fuck would that be even relevant, jesus f'ing christ
perefect. you will head the cyber crimes division im sure
To make sure the interviewee isn’t some psycho autist
It's an icebreaker and it helps us get to know our applicants.
Shaw shank redemption
Fight clubs
Possible school schooter right here.
they don’t care about the answer they just want to see how you handle the question, explain your choices etc
basically they’re screening for virgin freaks
So how much do you lie at interviews? I'll need to get a job soon but I'm terrified of the interview.
Everything on my resume that isn’t an outright lie is inflated
My bluff was only called on it once, when the interviewer wanted to test if I was actually proficient in Mexican
don't lie, just try to relax and not be an autist. Remember they're just people like you and the most important thing is to make a good impression. If you're false and trying to lie then you'll come across that way
>they don’t care about the answer
Then how come the interviewer for Lockheed Martin said that I shouldn't have said "Because of Winn-dixie" and gave me a really dirty look.
>hotel for dogs
>the turin horse
I don't watch films
Sorry sir, the position has been filled.
Groundhog Day
Terminator 2
Wayne's World
It's definitely not good for you
>t. someone who has never been interviewed for a job
Are you interviewing for a job in the film industry? They still don't give a shit what you like. They just want you to do a job.
Groundhog Day
Terminator 2
Wayne's World
Do you have a single source to back this claim up?
>not be an autist
I'm fucked then.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Fifth Element
Conan the Barbarian
>Office Space
>Employee of the Month
>Taxi Driver
When can you start?
We'll call you.
*crumples up resume as you leave*
>Taxi Driver
Sorry user, we don't hire incels for the same reason we don't hire known terrorists.
Jokes on you I didn't even give you my resume.
Groundhog Day
Terminator 2
Wayne's World
>The Greates Story Never Told
>The Passion of the Christ
>The Eternal Jew (1940)
>Oceans 8
>Ghostbusters remake
>Captain Marvel
You're hired user, when can you start?
>My bluff was only called on it once, when the interviewer wanted to test if I was actually proficient in Mexican
>proficient in Mexican
Groundhog Day
Terminator 2
Wayne's World
Call him back and give him a goddamn medal
3 is too narrow. Maybe 5 or 10.
I only poop once every 7 days. AMA
I was unironically asked about if I watched The Big Short and liked it when I was offered my first financial analyst job
This is the type of shit that happens when you let homosexuals and women rule your company
I have never watched a movie
So you're a female?
To be fair that’s a frankly improper answer for your favourite poem film
Interstate 60
Catch Me If You Can
Only Old Men Are Going to Battle
Groundhog Day
Terminator 2
Wayne's World
>Le Ravageur
>Flight Plan (Original Theatrical Version)
>Joker (2019) (Saw it early)
>is he Asian
yes, and I'm in Hong Kong
the godfather
shrek 2(unironically)
how likely am i to get hired
I am sorry but this is an entry level position. A man of intellect and taste would get too bored within weeks
What if I said
>Black Panther
>Captain Marvel
>The Last Jedi
They're obligated to hire me or come off as racist and sexist, right?
>Human Centipede
>Freddy Got Fingered
When do I start?