The Shield or Sons of Anarchy?

The Shield or Sons of Anarchy?

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>bikers who deal drugs, run guns, brutally assault people, kill people (even their own family members) but are staunchly trans-positive and anti-racist.

Those 2 shows aren't even from the same universe. SoA is absolute trash, cheaply produced show appealing to literal retards.

The Shield however is one of the finest shows that ever aired.

The Shield is a medium steak with garlic mashed potatoes

Sons of Anarchy is monkey poop

the main writer for The Shield was the creator of SOA

SOA is top 2 EVER
Shield is a capeshit show on ABC

Do you have to pick when they're in the same universe.

The Shield, how fucking dare you even compare them

The shield of course
Ronnie was a dumbass in the end

sons was fun til around season 3. after that i can't even keep up with what groups are against each other because it changed so often. muh blowback

so what? It was just a marketing scheme. SoA Is fucking cringey trash compared to the Shield

No they're not

OP trying to bump his thread by saying something controversial

Please spoiler your post
You're literally giving away the ending

I'm giving away nothing. He could be a dumbass for any number of reasons, like trusting Vic


SoA was only good for the first 2 seasons and even then, it wasn't even close to The Shield's worst.

Threadly reminder that Shane did nothing wrong

>Those 2 shows aren't even from the same universe.
Yes, they are. There is nothing in either show that creates any narrative conflict.

All shows set in the real world are in the same universe.


First, let's see that mouth!

The sopranos








Imagine being this retarded

Not to mention literally supplying arms to terrorists.

If you are a man going through his midlife crisis, watch soa
Never watched shield, never will. Fuck capeshit.

Sutter wasn't the main writer on The Shield

>killed his family

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>Shane resurrected from the dead and became a tranny
>Vic became a trucker
>Lem came back from the dead and became a biker

SOA was probably a prequel


>Fuck capeshit.
are you fucking stupid?

>Never watched shield, never will. Fuck capeshit.


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They were asking for it

bro this show has been done for like 11 years....does it still count as a spoiler ?

the shield is basically the better version of sons of anarchy, or rather, sons of anarchy is the bad version of the shield
they are actually set in the same universe. vic kills jackie with his fucking truck. it's canon.

How is it even possible to be this retarded? I know this is Yea Forums, but still.

>saying a character is dumb spoils the whole ending
He didn't say that Vic betrays Ronnie or that Shane kills his whole family anywhere in his post ya idiot.

the shield>the first 4 seasons of sons>>>>the last 3 seasons of sons

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the show with Cleetus van damme

Vic smears JACKIEBOY in the finale. Out of all the Shield cameos his character was never stated to be someone else. He even alludes to his past career, ex and kids that she has taken, and how he has nothing left and after his job was done he became a trucker. It was Vic man