Americans have never heard this before

>Americans have never heard this before

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Other urls found in this thread:

These guys the beatles or what? It's shit

They were like the Stone Roses couldn't decide whether to form a Beatles and Sex Pistols cover band, but then did a bunch of coke and listened to Slade and T Rex discographies

I wish I hadn't.

that sounds terrible

Sorry, I was listening to something better

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probably the most overrated band ever

Cool Britannia was that small window between 1993 and 1997 when white Britains were proud of their country. I've been fascinated by that era in Brit history desu

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Wow that sounds bad

that's not u2
the milk song is good, tender is okay, the rest is pompous bootleg-pavement and guided by voices crap

Oasis were good

>mfw Americans don't know a single verse from Rock n Roll Star
>mfw Americans can't shake along with Shakermaker
>mfw Americans don't roll with Roll with It
>mfw Americans will never ask What's the Story (Morning Glory)
>mfw Americans never want to Slide Away
>mfw Americans don't want to Live Forever
>mfw American have never drank a gin and tonic to Supersonic

D’You Know What I Mean?

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'88 - '92 was better though. Rave era was unironic unity between all different social classes/races/walks of life etc. People put down the beers and stopped fighting each other and hung out in fields in the M25 just dancing to tunes.

Britpop/cool Britannia was just a bunch of okay indie bands that decided to mine 60s and 70s British rock artists for inspiration and run around with the Union Jack.

u2 had a few actual decent songs

>What's the Story (Morning Glory)
>Live Forever
I've heard these all on the radio before

Shakermaker is the worst song they had until Be Here Now came out.

Was this thread necessary when it's already on Yea Forums? Reminder it's just the same dozen or so anons here browsing all these boards.

Uh like what? Vertigo? Beautiful Day? With or without You?
All crap

Why are bongs so obsessed with this one hit wonder?


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literally this

Oasis had one mildly popular song 25 years ago and that's it. Nobody ever cared about them before or after. They had no other remotely hit songs at all get played on mtv or radio or anywhere outside of shitty Bongland

It is

>the stone roses
>t rex
literally who i ask

please tell me which """""""songs""""""" from these self-important limey faggots yo proclaim to love so I can laugh

>the milk song is good, tender is okay, the rest is pompous bootleg-pavement and guided by voices crap

imagine having this shit of taste. Stay on Yea Forums, kid.

>the stone roses
nigga you better be yankin muh chain

I don't love any of them. U2 sucks dick.


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britpop is absolute trash and oasis is the worst of the whole stinking pile

I just googled them. T Rex I recognize the Bang a Gong song from whatever boomer radio my uncle played. Slade too, with Come on Feel the Noise, though the version I know is a cover from the 80s. The Stone Roses I literally have no clue. Never heard that in my life.

I can't tell if these are troll posts anymore but this fucking song was on the radio all the time.

>I can't tell if these are troll posts anymore but this fucking song was on the radio all the time.
It may be the Brit national anthem, but not in America it wasn't.

a movement purposefully murdered by the British govt especially labour.

>reduces your dynamic range to -7
wew you could almost hear the instruments for a second

Oasis were literally instruments of New Labour. Britpop was a government conspiracy to recapture youth support. The Gallaghers were M15 agents who worked for Blair and his goons.

It was the same thing with the Grateful Dead in America.

>Video unavailable
>This video is not available.

Based Kevin Shields

you missed out then


They can shake along because they remember the commercial Oasis stole it from

Missed out on what exactly? The Stones Roses seemed like 60s revival crap with reverb.

>T Rex

>The Stone Roses

he really didn't

Oasis or Bloor?

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posting the single greatest britpop band you cunts

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>"I hate Thom Yorke physically, I dislike that kind of man."
>"Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Cobain disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge."
>"He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does onstage is therapeutic."


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this is neat

Oh fuck, this song. Finally something that was an actual hit in America in my lifetime. I definitely heard this growing up. Never knew who it was. I thought it was the Black Crowes, except for the fact singer was obviously not British which confused me.

Hugh Grant/Richard Curtis were the film side of this propaganda conspiracy

>this is neat
the whole album is great, give it a listen sometime

>actual hit in America
yeah I'm a fellow burger and they're very good.
you have also heard "I wanna be adored"

also listen to Lush!

Why do Brits think this is good? These guys came across as assholes in every single media appearance, their songs were mediocre at best, their live show was incredibly boring and the singer sucked ass (if he even showed up for the tour in the first place), and their whole "DUDE We Love the Beatles xD Oops we broke up in the middle of our tour oh wait just kidding we'll be back in 6 months oh wait we broke up again" antics were fucking stupid as shit

Oasis is blue collar while Blur is white collar

Don't lump T Rex in with fucking Slade. Bolan was the GOAT


The reason Americans can't stand Oasis is because they were too life-affirming, upbeat and overall laddy. Americans in the 90s were into more moody miserable shit like grunge or hick songs about drinking piss beer and driving trucks.

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Oi mate it's funny because he said "shit" on tv and then changed the lyrics to "up yer bum". Hahaha isn't that grand? And then he spat on the stage and threw his beer at the crowd? What an actual legend!!! Greatest live act of all time. Those bloody yanks will never understand.

Noel > Liam

bongs had a lot of great bands in the '90s, but Oasis were far from being one of them.
they just had a couple of 6,5/10 albums

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But Sally can wait is my favorite song

Speaking of shitty british acts, does anyone remember that Robbie Williams dude? I swear the record companies were pushing him so hard here with that dumbass james bond song in commercials and on mtv and literally nobody cared. Dude seemed very uppity too. "the ego has landed", what a fucking joke lmao. one hit wonder bitch.

That song was playing over the speakers when I was in Walmart the other day.

Bullshit. Where do you live?


Oh yes....
the pinnacle of music




Only absolute LADS understand oasis.

>release Leisure
>it's shit and nobody cares
>the music press negatively compares you to The Stone Roses, My Bloody Valentine, Ride and Happy Mondays as a shitty pop band who is trying to make a generic version of "real" music and capitalize on it (think Muse to Radiohead, Mumford & Sons to all other indie folk)
>try to tour the US and fail miserably because your band fucking sucks shit
>get mad at the negative reception your band is getting
>instead of stop being shit you decide to spend the next year telling everyone how you loathe American culture and it's all the fault of America and grunge that you're not being treated like the fucking second coming of The Beatles
>make the album Modern Life Is Rubbish with a bunch of songs about how Britian is GOAT and Americans are all fat stupid Republican redneck fundamentalists
>become a modest success in the UK
>follow it up with Parklife, an album that is more or less the same thing as Modern Life Is Rubbish but more commercially successful in the UK
>spend a year as the biggest band in Britain while the rest of the world does not give a single fuck about you
>suddenly Oasis comes out of nowhere and becomes a global phenomenon (including in the US)
>Blur is now no longer viewed as "cool" in the UK

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This sound familiar:

If you've ever played in a cover band in bongland, this is the song that makes you feel like god. Nothing else even comes close to how British crowds react to this. If you're ever in a busy pub in the UK and you experience the crowd singing this song, you'll understand.

>thinking Radiohead's debut album was a cultural success

What? The one that was panned by critics and disowned by its creators

Americans will NEVER EVER know the feeling of singing along to Live Forever with a crowd of people

I kinda feel bad for them...

Eh, not really no. Maybe I've heard it, but I couldn't say...

are britcucks really this cringe?

What's this then?

Woo-hoo was pretty popular in the US

>male dominated death

But there were loads of female-lead Britpop/rock bands during the 90s.

>>release Leisure
>>it's shit and nobody cares
it could have been a very good 6-songs EP tho

I remember reading a comment from an American that one of the recent Muslim boondoggles in Uk must have been a false flag because he had never heard don’t look back in anger before

What about Alanis Morrisette, Brandy, TLC, Jewel, Sheryl Crow, Mary J Blige, Celine Dion, Lisa Loeb, Bjork, Gwen Stefani/No Doubt, Lauryn Hill/Fugees, Courtney Love/Hole, later period Madonna, Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, En Vogue, Aaliyah, etc.?

Like this is article just lazy.


you're kidding

You'll never get it, m8. It's a lad banter thing.

In all seriousness young Liam had a fucking awesome studio voice but had no business being on stage. He had a good tool but needed it kept in check because he himself obviously didn't know how to use it right.

That's not America

I'm convinced all these lefty journos these days virtue signalling by talking shit on the 90s have no memory of what it was actually like.

a lot of them were too young or not even born yet

Nah Blur are coming back m8. For some reason kids love them again.

>not America

>Nah Blur are coming back m8. For some reason kids love them again.
Yeah like 10 years ago when they reunited but also had plenty of cred thanks to the Gorillaz connection and Pitchfork. Their legacy had definitely grown during their absence. But after two reunions that just consisted of cash-grab festival appearances (no real tours) and string of okay singles and long-delayed album (that they ended up just recording in 3 days - and it shows), they've lost it again. Never mind that most indie rock influenced by them has now moved on and rock isn't that big with the youth anyway.

Maybe if they reunited for their 30th anniversary and did a proper tour this time.

>when you remember Mogwai's embarassing "feud" with Blur

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Can't speak for what the band are doing but again, for some reason this new generation of teens are mad on them (my 2nd cousins, my gf's little sister and all her friends) apparently they're massive with the kids again. Christ knows why. But then skinhead fashion is coming back as well from what I've seen so maybe the youth are bored and trying to find alternative classic shit to revive to feel hip and relevant again.

based digits

were they just bad that a band that made hit pop music started to veer into more experimental territory and frankly were more interesting than anything those losers did after mogwai young team.

I found a reallly scratched up Blur CD in the middle of the street when I was like 10 years old figured someone threw it out of their window. None of the songs would play except the second one and I didn't have any other music except the Enema of the State album (clean version cause my parents were dicks) so I probably played it on repeat like 100 times. Eventually parents got sick of it and it probably ended up back in the middle of the street but I never knew the name of that song.

Found out 15 years later its literally called Song 2. Anyways that's the only Blur song I've ever heard and it's pretty good.

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Huh, yeah. Who knows? Maybe kids just want a break from the utter trash state of pop music (
which has lost most of the local flavor in the UK, just all records from America or sellout grime-trap stuff).

both overrated, but Blur is way better

Strongly agree. Music is the worst it's been in quite a while.

we have sweet caroline to sing drunk at bars right before last call. its alright

Wow, who would have thought Yea Forums would be almost as uneducated about movies as it is about television

Oh fuck you, now I'm gonna have this song stuck in my head again.

Absolute kino

Woohoo and Coffee and TV were the ones I remember being big

only their last (and worst) album can be described as britpoppish

>Coffee and TV were the ones I remember being big
I don't remember this one being big desu

What about "Boys Who Like Girls etc."