What's the point of his character anymore?

>Thor 1 he wants the throne but isn't ready for it and needs humility

>Thor 2 has humility but doesn't want the throne. States he can protect the realms better without being king somehow

>Thor 3 he finally matures enough to accept responsibility of being King and leading his fractured ppl

>IW loses them and everything else and we see pathos in this character

Lel hey Valkyrie you wanna be Queen? Ima fuck off into space for some fun adventures with my Guardians friends lmao

The Russos literally destroyed everything from Taika's development. His character included. Fiege clearly has no clue what to do with him. He fluctuates every other film.

Attached: thor-1554329380123.jpg (534x755, 115K)

>Fiege clearly has no clue what to do with him.
because he's a white male

>The Russos literally destroyed everything from Taika's development.
Who cares? these are children's superhero movies

Yeah, it's weird. I barely remember him from the first movie and Avengers, pretty much all of his characterization was 'I'm powerful and immature' and I didn't watch Darkworld. In Ragnarok and Infinity War he didn't really seem like Thor and he seemed just a little too happy considering how much bad shit has happened to him recently. Though I actually enjoyed him a lot in those movies because of his charm, he just didn't really seem to get into the emotional turmoil the plot demanded. I think the decision to kill off all of the Asgardians in Infinity War was the worst decision in the movie. It negates Ragnarok which is annoying because it was actually one of the better movies in the mcu.

He should grow his hair out again. It's kind of weird to think of Thor having hair that short.

>What's the point of his character anymore?
Being obese :AJHAHAHAHA :DD

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1xbet rimjob out yet?

What's the point of having Captain Marvel around when Thor already showed in IW that he can solo stomp Thanos? He only lost because he didn't kill Thanos.

It's Gunn trying to dismantle Taikia's influence in the MCU, bevause Gunn knows that Taikia could easily replace him.

The leak going around is fake you fucking faggot. Also fuck (((Waititi))), Ragnarok was not a Thor film

Is this shit online yet

>hey Valkyrie you wanna be Queen
Time for Space Wakanda

Attached: rtd7cqwwfpdedw55vpzj[1].png (800x767, 1.32M)

>What's the point of having Captain Marvel
To inspire little girls

Attached: brie larson inspire girls.png (621x553, 220K)

1. He's not a strong womyn
2. He doesn't have toe fungus

Q:What are your powers?
A: Full control over any kind of fungi

Thor has a decent arc and character development hindered by shitty mcu scripts.
>Thor 1 starts off full retard, gets completely owned by Loki, comes back wiser and kicks his ass
>Avengers - no longer Loki's bitch, comes to Earth to help but doesn't develop much except be strong and stoic
>Thor 2 - has a stupid romance with Natalie Portman and brings her to Asguard like a dumbass, loses his mom and gets pissed, starts taking his home and place as potential king more seriously. Reconciles with Loki
>Avengers 2 - can't remember desu, similar to A1
>Thor 3 - kicks Syrtur's ass but comes back to Asguard to find himself hoodwinked by Loki once more, Odin dies and he's pissed at Loki for about 1 minute. Hela appears and Thor no longer seems to care about how fucked his whole family is. Loses Mjolnir, in Sakar tries to get back to Asguard and finally realises Loki's a cunt and they'll never really work together, learns to use powers without Mjolnir. Back at Asguard learns that 'Asguard is a people, not a place', decides to destory Asguard to defeat Hela. Reconciles with Loki once more and leads the 100 Asguardians left on the ship.
>Avengers 3 - Loses fucking everyone he had left, makes friends and quips with Guardians of the Galaxy. Realises his only fate is to avenge everyone he's lost by killing Thanos, whether he survives or not.

Unsurprisingly, the biggest regression and clusterfuck is all in Ragnarok, everything else wasn't great but wasn't full retard.

>I think the decision to kill off all of the Asgardians in Infinity War
It definitely looked like it, but why wouldn't Thanos kill just half? Assuming they were allowed to leave with the valkyrie

>Natalie Portman and brings her to Asguard like a dumbass
where else was he gonna take an earth lady infected with weird space thing? I don't think he knew it was an infinity stone, but she had red shit infecting her and attacking police men. You put that bitch in an asgard scanner asap.


He killed half then killed half again there's probably only about 50 left and mostly peasants as the half he killed were the royal and warrior blood.

The leak is 100% real

>The leak going around is fake you fucking faggot. Also fuck (((Waititi))), Ragnarok was not a Thor film
the only tolerable Thor movie isn't a Thor movie


In the MCU, Thor is over 1,000 years old.

That is around 1,000 years living on a floating land mass smaller than the size of New York.

1,000 years spent with a relatively small population of people.

From his perspective, ruling Asgard would be more of burden. Tedious and boring.

In perspective, it would be the equivalent of staying home to be mayor of a small town, vs. travelling the world having loads of adventures.

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use the spoiler tag faggot