Trailer was pretty decent I thought
Do you think the upcoming HBO show Chernobyl will be good?
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it's HBO, so i don't expect anything. especially when you see shit like the "ja" used as an R which is a staple of slavaboos and shitty caricatures.
i've seen enough documentaries, the events portrayed will probably be nothing new. the only reason to see it would probably be the cool body horror and gore or whatever
>it's HBO, so i don't expect anything
I think you're being a bit hyperbolic. HBO is still capable of some very engaging TV they continue to be one of the best imo
its going to be 10 seasons of what could have fit comfortably in a 2 hour movie
Its a mini series you tard
That logo is racist
ok, then 10 hours
Who came up with this terrible name? I can't even tell what the show's supposed to be about.
Unless they do some fantasy alt history it isn't going to be very interesting, since barely 30 people died during the initial meltdown and firefighting operation and zero of the second responders ended up dying.
will he be useful this time round?
It means Chernobyl in weaboo.
The makeup looks great. Crozier doesn't looks like a bong at all.
>We're making a miniseries about a historical disaster-
>Jared Harris is in the waiting room right now, sir!
We were only going to keep HBO for 6 weeks so my wife can get her GOT fix. I may keep it for a few weeks to give Chernobyl a chance.
what did he make outside of the terror and this?
mad men is not a historical disaster imo
Guaranteed to be overly dramatized stupid shit. I've already watched proper documentaries on Chernobyl catastrophe to know how boring, meaningless, and uneventful it was. Just a retarded mismanagement of the system people didn't fully understand. I don't need to see a bunch of jumpcuts and low angles at actors with frightened stares to know the consequences it bore. And that's assuming they at least get the facts right, because I wouldn't bet on American television not to completely skewer historical reality for the sake of a more exciting story. They turn everything into a shoutfest, because otherwise bored housewives won't watch it.
Also, in this day and age everyone knows that this backwards R doesn't actually read like R. To use it as one nowadays is downright satirical.
Why can't they just talk in Russian?
Novichok effect on brit actors.
>zero of the second responders ended up dying.
What the fuck are you talking about?
None of the clean up crew who were brought in to shovel shit and build the sarcophagus died from radiation poisoning and only a handful of them died from cancer later in life.
>based on a story
That's all well and good but this isn't being billed as a documentary.
You probably don't like any WW1 or 2 movies either because they are only based on stories too.
>untold true story
Suuuuure. How many leather-clad NKVD commissars with C96 in every shot can we expect?
Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes.
>None of the clean up crew who were brought in to shovel shit and build the sarcophagus died from radiation poisoning and only a handful of them died from cancer later in life.
"According to Vyacheslav Grishin of the Chernobyl Union, the main organization of liquidators, "25,000 of the Russian liquidators are dead and 70,000 disabled, about the same in Ukraine, and 10,000 dead in Belarus and 25,000 disabled", which makes a total of 60,000 dead (10% of the 600,000 liquidators) and 165,000 disabled."
Yeah right, no one died from exposures of up to 1500 Rad/hr
>since barely 30 people died during the initial meltdown and firefighting operation and zero of the second responders ended up dying.
That's a well known soviet lie, user.
More people died but they weren't officially linked to the accident.
And hundreds of thousands of liquidators are either dead, disabled, or soon to be dead.
Based retard.
>"According to Vyacheslav Grishin of the Chernobyl Union, the main organization of liquidators, "25,000 of the Russian liquidators are dead and 70,000 disabled, about the same in Ukraine, and 10,000 dead in Belarus and 25,000 disabled", which makes a total of 60,000 dead (10% of the 600,000 liquidators) and 165,000 disabled."
Totally and utterly debunked by the fact that the USSR, Russian fed and a coalition of international medical groups closely monitored the health of both the liquidators and evacuated civilians and recorded all of their findings (and still are).
Try doing an even cursory amount of research on the topic instead of believing conspiracy theories.
Wikipedia would be a good jump off point:
also appeared in fringe, the terror, and the expanse
>600000 liquidators
>60000 dead
>Soviets dindu nuffin they wouldn't lie it's a conspiracy theory
>There's no way they could have tricked international commissions with a fake data in a totalitarian country where everything was basically propaganda fueled cherry picking
>Even though they denied accident and only admitted when Swedes started detecting abnormal amounts of radiation in their country
Found the retarded westerner. I live in former Soviet state and this is complete horse shit.
Read up so scientific articles about the liquidations then instead of relying on wikikepedia.
The liquidators themselves weren't told the real amount of radiations they received, the soviets were heavily criticized for all the lies they told about their mismanagment of the population exposed to the radiations.
>Try doing an even cursory amount of research on the topic instead of believing conspiracy theories.
The soviet union lying extensively about all the industrial accidents they had is neither a fantasy nor a conspiracy theory and is, again, well documented.
Wikipedia is NOT a good source of information, and is NOT a "cursory amount of research"
I've been documenting the accident for the past ten years to a point where I gathered almost enough info on all the 30 dead people to make individual biographies in english.
There has never been any "close monitoring", the WHO relied on soviet and then russian reports to make their estimations, the vast majority of deaths linked to radiations were dismissed as natural.
Example :
Former liquidators dying of heart failure : while it is a well known health complication from high radiation exposure, these deaths weren't attributed to the chernobyl accident.
And the list goes on.
Again, relying on wikipedia and a few quotes is not what one would call a "cursory amount of research" simply because you didn't even search about the methodology used to count the deaths.
For this delusion to work you would have to believe that the Ukraine and Russian Federation are both still perpetuating a USSR coverup 30 years after the fall of the USSR and declaration of independence by the Ukraine. Take your meds vlad.
>For this delusion to work you would have to believe that the Ukraine and Russian Federation are both still perpetuating a USSR coverup 30 years after the fall of the USSR and declaration of independence by the Ukraine. Take your meds vlad.
Or simply have to believe that they don't give a single fuck about the liquidators and aren't seriously monitoring their health, which is actually the case because they don't have the money and resources to do that ?
But no, that's impossible of course, huh ?
He was BASED in Fringe
Because they don't want to spend money on compensations for liquidators and those affected by this disaster Ukraine is already Africa tier poor, they need any more problems and Russians don't give a shit it's not located in Russia. Another common lie liquidators were only Russians/Belarussian/Ukrainians while in reality many people working in state apparatus where brought over from all over Soviet Union, And it wasn't admitted until dissolution of Soviet Union.
Ukraine is a poor shithole and Russian Federation is legally successor state to Soviet Union, admitting fucks up and paying compensations isn't in their agenda.
If the series portray Russians as brutish incompetent savages once again, I’m gonna cheap shot a random American in Moscow.
Your mother is a failure
It's good to see Barry Keoghan in more things.
Why can't HBO into Cyrillic?
>only like 20 people died
>lets make a movie about it
lol why?
Will there be fugging and tiddies?
It's vnimanie.
IT's the Numanium, Jerry.
>dramatic talk about how the meltdown will affect the ecology of the region for decades
>the actual place nowadays is full of plants and animals living perfectly fine
>they even have Barry Keoghan
Wtf the cast is too powerful
It's just "Attention, Attention". It was used as the starting sentence for public announcements. Not for emergency sirens though.
If by perfectly fine you mean higher much higher disease rates and much higher chances of deformities appearing on new borns plus shortened life span, then alright.
>scientists can't be wrong about the future
Spoken like a true global warming denier.
Because the radiation affects cellular metabolism, and all organisms have different metabolic rates. Dogs would be highly susceptible to numerous cancers. There's a lot of plants that would still cause thyroid cancer from eating them.
Watch Chernobyl Heart if you want to see what the radiation does to people in the area, a ton of kids born with fucked up conditions and sky high cancer rates.
Which isn't the case. The only observed consequence in actual scientific records are the accumulating level of cesium in their organisms, but the speed it accumulates over their lifetime is still too slow to do any harm to them before the end of their natural life expectancy.
Why do Americans do this ? I started learning Russian only a few months ago and I can already see how embarrassing that logo is.
>I started learning Russian only a few months ago and I can already see how embarrassing that logo is
Woah you learned Cyrillic script in a few months such a badass.
well it has been 4 decades
we wuz soviet power plant technicians n shiiet
>t. hack graphic designer
he was the best actor in the expanse by far. he and thomas jane had a great scene together if memory serves.
Radiation does not cause cancer by changing cellular metabolism, it causes it primarily by altering DNA and the creation of free radicals in the body.
Outside of moderately increased rates of thyroid cancer (mostly due to the Soviet failure to provide potassium iodide pills and Soviet not quarantining the food supply contaminated by iodine 131) the rates of deformities or other health complications are not statistically significant when compared to other former Soviet states.
I'm pretty sure it's a white guy with dark lighting. That said, Soviet universities always had strong exchange programs with African countries and there were lots of niggers in them who would prefer to stay in the Union after their graduation.
That's clearly a white guy under a under a lightning and post effects.
This isn't true, small deformities and anomalies in organisms have been observed. Like more butterflies having asymmetrical shapes on their wings/misshaped wings. Birds with deformed beaks and anomalous color patterns, and also bugs with odd color patterns. This means that the radiation definitely had a impact on the DNA of the organisms living around the plant.
Looks pretty good, I'm looking forward to it.
i know im just memeing
my grandpa was a firefighter in the ukranian SSR around that time, thank fuck he didnt get sent to deal with this shit . i know people who had relatives that were buried in lead lined coffins.
>Reactor 4 starts to melt down
>Mushroom cloud seen miles away