Where's the outrage?

Where's the outrage?

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its in brown people country no one cares


Not a "Victim Group" in the modern Marxist hierarchy.
We can't have this making the rounds for months in the Media. It might promote the idea that Christians can be "persecuted" rather than be persecutors.

>We can't have this making the rounds for months in the Media. It might promote the idea that Christians can be "persecuted" rather than be persecutors.
Most of the news stories I've read about this do, in fact, say that there's coordinated attacks on Christians and it's being done by "The Caliphate" aka, Islam.

Easter Worshippers*

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delete /pol/

Why is every blue checkmark saying Easter worshippers?
What am I missing in the world of underpaid Twitter intern lingo

grrr i am mad grrr
there you go OP
no seriously though what do you want

>Sri Lanka
nobody cares about poos

It's just some guys doing something.

>What am I missing in the world of underpaid Twitter intern lingo
Maybe that it's obviously cherrypicked, out-of-context tweets relating to worshippers of a specific holiday that was occurring at the time?

Trying to avoid getting the words "Christian" or "Christianity" or anything like that trending on Twitter.

They can't admit that the victims were Christians. Just leave it that they were brown and foreign and killed on Easter. That's good enough for them and allows them to avoid hitting trigger-words.

A christian poo is still a poo

>former US president
>most recent dem nominee
Fuck off

>I'm worried that this will negatively impact people’s views towards the Muslim community. I feel bad for them.
Me too, why aren't we condemning white people after the massacre in New Zealand? Riight, whitey is not responsible. It's an outlier. But whenever non-whites do it, all of them did it, somehow.

That nigger obama made it up.

He's probably wondering why there's been no talking in the Mainstream Media about this while people are STILL whinging over the New Zealand shooting more than a month later when it had less than a quarter of the casualties.

It won't trigger 30-million articles on the threat Islam presents to civilization. Female Newscasters aren't going to wear Christian headgear on the air out of "solidarity".

It's a legitimate question as to WHY these things aren't happening.

They don't give a shit about the terminology.
They give a shit about what people online think of their use of certain terms, though. This deliberate self-censorship is because they feel they might be criticized for saying Christian, when they weren't the only ones attacked.

who the fuck cares if some pajeets exploded?

>when they weren't the only ones attacked.

Who celebrates Easter via "worship" except Christians?

Holy shit just fucking admit that they don't like admitting Christians can be persecuted. It's a well-known taboo in modern PC culture. Stop dancing around the truth.

Why are poltards pretending this hasn't been all over the news? Even reddit wont stop talking about it. The fact you faggots try to politicize ever tragedy for your culture war makes me sick

>NZ and Sri Lanka somehow comparable
Yikes, kys. Where is your outrage after the 13th bombing in Afghanistan, last week, you phoney fag ?
>Non Christians got killed
I get it now.

>They can't admit that the victims were Christians

Stop playing identity politics.

There is nothing wrong with Christians dying since they are the main cause if violence in the world today.

>Former POTUS
>Previous candidate for POTUS
>multiple high-level politicians

Holy shit the lengths you people will go to to deny getting called-out.

I think the Musims made it political enough when they set those bombs. It's the religion of peace you know.

Christians deserve to be killed along with Muslims and all other Sandnigger religion followers. Why do poltards think they're any better than Abdul?

>NZ and Sri Lanka somehow comparable

How are they not you jiggling retarded faggot?

People in the west are going to obviously pay more attention to western issues, though. It's not that bizarre. There are attacks around the rest of the world constantly, especially when you include the Middle East and Africa. Maybe people should give more of a shit, but they just tend to view these places as being perpetually stuck in a violent conflict and tune out.

New Zealand also shares a similar culture with other western countries and its gun laws were relevant to a number of ongoing discussions, particularly in the US. It's not just that the attack itself is still being discussed, but also all of the implications.

Plus, the mainstream media is talking about Sir Lanka.

Why don't these dumb fucks realize that if God was real and loved them and cared about them then he would stop these kinds of things from happening? Or maybe, just maybe, their 'religion' is made up sack of bullshit

Muslims bomb each other while Christians send themselves to missionary missions to aid others.

why aren't you white?

Shut the fuck up, Commie.
Go LARP somewhere else.

Could Yea Forums mods be more obvious poltards? lel why did hiro even separate Yea Forums and 4channel if he was just going to let pol keep driving away users with their deranged hysterics and cuckolding obsession

you don't worship Easter, you observe it, you remember the sacrifice our lord and Savior Jesus Christ died for and then came back to life 3 days later, you worship Jesus not the holiday (holy day) around it, its a common mistake though so you're alright

World is identity politics, cuck. You wanted globohomo world - congrats, that is the ONLY conclusion to it. Go buy some Coca Cola.

Are Christians the only people that use hotels, too?

Stop acting like Obama, a Christian, hates other Christians so bad he doesn't want to mention their religion at all. It's much more likely he was trying to avoid an online freakout.

>brown people kill other brown people
>I should be outraged because these particular brown people worshiped some middle eastern cunt

>dude, bad thing happen because u aren't magically invincible
>therefore god not real

I wanted to assume this was bait but I realized there are millennial athishits that legitimately think like this.

You realise the text is bold because they had to search for it right?

Outrage over what? A bunch of adults who literally believe in the easter bunny and a sky wizard got what they deserved. 140 fewer retards in the world

>Are Christians the only people that use hotels, too?

But he didn't say "people in hotels". He said "Easter Worshipers". Obviously he thinks the target was people worshiping on Easter, i.e. Christians, but won't say it.

All these tweets are written by the same PR firm that represents the DNC. None of these people actually write their own tweets. It's all carefully controlled propaganda.

Based /pol/ driving away newfags



God is either real, and doesn't like love or give a fuck about us, God loves us but is completely powerless, or God doesn't exist. It boils down to that.

>Obama, a Christian

Obama is as "Christian" as Colbert is "Catholic".

>assclown who believes in nothing gets what he deserves
Thats how much sense you just made. It can apply to anything over nothing.

>where is your outrage after the 13th bombing in Afghanistan
Shit in the toilet - shit on the table and all that.

Its funny because you think this post makes you look smart

it didn't happen to white christians so no on really gives a fuck

Christchurch Mosque shooting didn't happen to white Christians either, it happened to Ramadan worshipers, and that was all over the news non-stop.

a religion of Easter?

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Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

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>pol keep driving away users
There is literally nothing wrong with that, corporate cuck.

My heart goes out to all the people in hotels.

Wrong board retard

It's teenagers venting their sexual frustration: the thread, again!

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*whips out guitar*

*plays Don't Look Back In Anger*

>Yea Forums doesn't care because it hasn't yet been made into a movie or Netflix series where heroic women and niggers help survivors, and it was an evil white guy that set them up the bomb
>/pol/ doesn't care because it was brown on brown, and like the crusade of Saint Brenton, the attack mainly targeted worshippers of a foreign religion that invaded
>Boomers don't care because Tamil Tigers have been blowing the shit out of Sri Lanka for decades so it's not a surprising headline
>Zoomers don't care because they couldn't point out Sri Lanka on a map, or pronounce it

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>white christians
No such thing, only Amerimutts believe in something like that, along with their god Yahweh and prophet Yeshua.

Or God gave humans free will and doesn't reward goodness with earthly gains because we would lose interest in bettering our souls

Imagine posting open borders cuck Zizek unironically.

As a Christian I feel worser for the Muslims who gave their lives for something that they believe in, I just wish they believed in Jesus so they didn't go to Hell. I'll be keeping them in my prayers for the next three weeks.

Borders are against the Bible's teachings.

>They can't admit that the victims were Christians
except by identifying them as easter worshippers? What other religious group celebrates christmas you fucking idiot

They believe in Jesus, mortal man, as a prophet of Allah.

If that's true then muslims are based, not even Jews believe in Jesus.

earthly gains=not getting blown to bits while worshiping God on the holiest day of the year?

they're brown so no one really cares honestly. if it was a white country it would be international news for well over a month, this will be forgotten within a day or so.

It's kinda hilarious how far removed the word Marxist has been from it's original meaning. It's like some kind of vague empty insult for anyone a far-right winger doesn't like now.

Yes. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Whats a better reward then going to Heaven?

yeah fuck chr*stians

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Nah, muslims are still going to burn for an eternity in hell for denying Jesus as the divine Son of God.

The funny thing about the worshippers thing is that conservative outlets like the Daily Caller use the term themselves when talking about Christians but now sperg when Obama used it.

1) They were killed by other humans acting of their own free will
2) Everything earthly is fleeting including pain and heartache. The worst torture is nothing compared to enlightenment.

It's the new buzzword equivalent of what commie was during the cold war.

This better not affect my cinnamon

Because it leaves out the word "Christian" which is good enough to confuse white American protties who probably don't know what Easter is except for chocolate easter egg hunts.

Living a long happy life on Earth then dying peacefully and going to Heaven?

>Obama, a Christian

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The Bible only implies that Jesus is the "the Son of God", it doesn't outright say it though so maybe they're rifght.

Only God gets to choose when you go to Heaven unless someone with free will goes against God's plan.

It hasn't moved an inch.

Most of the victims were brown. Nobody cares.


Matthew 16:15-16
>Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven.

Saudi Arabia runs the UN agency in charge of refugee resettlement, fuckface.

Yeah I'm for it

That Bible passage is just saying that were all God's children.

It's because the bombings attacked people observing Easter in the church, retards

Kind of like what the word "far-right" means to Marxists?

Please, tell us what it means then.

>making shit up

Whatever. I'm sure you le epik owned the Conservatives with this GOTCHA argument.

>Where's the outrage?
literally in every media all over the world? what a garbage bait thread


Literally every fucking time.

You faggots slide the definition of "Marxism" around all the time. Funny how you only whinge when your opponents do it.

Facts don't care about your feelings, sweetie.

All "Marxist" means is that you want to abolish the world as it is in pursuit of a demented fantasy where reality is totally inverted and incompetent people selected against by nature reign supreme on the basis of dialectical materialism.

Cool, are we going to get a bunch of news-casters wearing nuns' habits on the news to show "solidarity"?

Are we going to have Christian hymns broadcast over state-run radio?

The outrage is ON ANOTHER BOARD. Make a film about it and we can discuss it here, bub.

>You faggots slide the definition of "Marxism" around all the time
No, you just can't even bother to learn the definition of something you criticize all the tme, just like with socialism.

pretty sure marxism is about economics not white and brown people

mon ami

And nothing of value was lost

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Wow. That's exactly what it means. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with the socioeconomic theories of Karl Marx. Glad that's cleared up. I thought you were some kind of idiot conspiracy theorist but now I see that's not true, not true at all.

Multiple hotels were bombed as well so while many churches were attacked, so were areas filled with foreigners

I'm outraged they didnt take our more christ cucks desu. I'm so sick of persecuted Christians in America whining about starbucks cups and people saying happy holidays. Just holy war your low IQ asses off the planet already you pathetic faggots

On the radio today they were talking about how this was "an attack on the international community". No mention of the specific targetting of Christians, just "the international community". I am so sick of this shit.


That, you fucking fagmaster, is how the dictatorship of the proletariat is prophesied to come into being. Unfortunately all of you are actually lumpenprole subhumans chasing a nightmare to your deaths.

You don’t live here. There was 120 of my family at my ranch on Sunday with all their kids doing the Easter egg hunt I set up and all the adults hanging out and cooking and drinking. My brother John came and did his service and we all had a beautiful amazing day. Y’all are missing out on wholesomeness. Too much hate on the internet.

everywhere except in America

They literally just cried for a week about Notre Dame and the "judeochristian heritage" (jews were being banished and killed in france as the ND was built, but nobody wants to remember that either) and got 300 millions to fix it, even though the church is worth hundreds of billions.

Sri Lanka is brown people, nobody gives a shit. Nobody gives a shit China is genociding muslims either. The news cycle is entirely anglocentric and used to prop up a westernized narrative of everything.

Have EVER in your life heard the term “easter worshipper“? They are obviously pussyfooting Christians.

hope you're not mormons

You mean media outrage?

Why would the jews, who control 90% of the media, ever want to tell the goyim that they're being treated and slaughtered like cattle?

The ONLY thing you will ever see in the news are things that tell white america how bad and evil they are and how they need to financially support immigrants.

>50 muslims is kill in new zealand
>my phone provider bans Yea Forums
>sri lanka happens

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You're right, Muslims getting killed isn't news, it happens every day, why would the seemingly the whole world care? Is it like the US, where blacks killing other blacks barely gets a mention, because it's so common that it's not worth mentioning?
The real reason that when some white looking psycho lets loose, they're scared. Because they know what happens when whites snap en-mass.

>tfw media mentioned it by talking about some danish billionaire tourist who lost his kids in the bombings
nevermind the 200 or so dead brown people, a rich white guy is suffering

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He was literally one of Danmark's richest people. That does make it more somewhat newsworthy.

Nope just the one wife and 3 kids! Having 3 kids is tough I couldn’t imagine having 3 wives lmao.

same reason the media spend more than 10 seconds whenever a funeral or a mosque gets blown up in pakistan or afghanistan
how many times has something like "30 dead in an explosion in islamabad" scrolled by on the blotter without you batting an eye

Well his kids were part of the 200 dead so it’s newsworthy. I’m sure there’s articles of all the other families crying if there’s any left.

Because it happened in brown country, simple as

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there's aren't very many interesting danes, can you be more polite?

If it keeps fags like you from turning this place into reddit 2.0 I'm all for it

Wrong board.

There is a specific easter mass you retard. You worship DURING easter

>giving a shit about pajeet off shoots


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Almost like nobody gives a shit about sri lanka you dumb fuck poltard

you're just a close minded fool

I've actually known them for over 20 years

t, american

Why the fuck do you worship a god who uses shitty excuses like that?

no one has heard of 'easter worshipers' prior to this easter. what you talkin bout nigga

Stop making excuses for king nigger. No ones buying it. He's a saturn worshiping homosexual.

so alot of people are talking about Tarrants rampage and its backlash compared to this current attack.

Have those who claimed responsibility say this is pay back for Tarrant?

like no seriously when the fuck can we cut this fucking bullshit?

you are not worshiping the celebration of Easter
and the worship you present at Easter's many masses is not the defining description of you as a Christian or follower of the Christ

This is the better part imo

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Because it's the truth

Its a bit like what happens in American schools every 3 months.

New Zealand prime minister didnt dress up as a nun

He's not even Christian nor Sri Lankan

Not really. Marxists moved it themselves when they adopted the critical theory of the Frankfurt school, its been about culture war ever since the 60s.

Doesnt make much sense being a classical Marxist after the 1950s or so.

Marxism is muh oppressed working class. Cultural marxisim is muh oppression expanded to a generalized muh oppressed class.

Kek can just imagine their copy & paste soulless PR guy telling them "Easter worshipers" is more appropriate

>killed by muslims

no one worships Easter you fucking retard

Those were in active war zones you absolute mong.

>hurrr other religions commit terror attacks too, incel

Why yes, there's not a day goes by that I don't notice another Hindu bombing. Or Sikh bombing. Or Christian bombing.

Its always a fucking muslim

Hindus don't use bombs, they assault people directly.

Also if the news spent time on muslims killing other muslims in the whole of the middle east that's all we would see 24/7. They kill each other far more efficiently than drone strikes/special forces ever could.

What do poltards do with their time when they arent screeching hysterically about being persecuted and how all white men are turning into trannies? Or is this literally your entire lives?

Well when you put it that way it just sounds ridiculous

they're killing people in the streets in new zealand, pretty sure that's a war zone

Sri Lanka has been in a state of civil war for most of the last 30 years
b-but weekeepedia says its not active....

Ask me how I know you are talking out your ass

Name one Bible passage where Jesus or God says borders are good.

What do you do when you arent dilating all the time? Or are you constantly trying to keep the open wound from healing?

Name one Bible passage where Jesus or God says borders are bad.

where does it say they are against his teaching?

All your salt is the primary reason it never heals properly.

The burden of proof is on you

that doesn't even make sense you stupid tranny

WOW the libtards call them easter worshippers hiding that they were christians. WOW

Yes, nu-speek is fantastic.

ur so unlikeable

You made the claim it was against Christ's teaching, now you cant back it up? The burden rests on your shoulders, not this prove me wrong when I wont even prove myself right shit you are trying to pull.

only when you tit, do we tat

it's like they're presenting christians as unworthy of mention

>There are a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.

>We have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.

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In between making fun of how easily SJWs are triggered they have to find something to do.

I know wtf is "easter"?

Wrong quote


This world...

Easter Worshippers deserve the fucking guillotine along with the rest of em

Comparing Sri Lanka to Iraq/Afghanistan(and therefore Pakistan) is ridiculous. The latter being on a much larger scale and a source of a huge modern day conflict between the west and all forms of Islam.

Obama and Clinton should be impeached for this

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I guess mostly in Sri Lanka

So this is basically the right's equivalent of not using the right pronoun, right?

How long did it take you to make this?

based janitors not deleting the thread

>be incel
>do and say incel shit
>get called an incel daily
>think this is a problem with everyone else


it's tantamount to calling dead fags cave explorers

What the fuck is this

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Checked and great post all around


To be honest, terrorism in the name of religion is like a daily occurence nowadays. It's just the madlad from NZ actually filmed the whole thing.

>terrorism in the name of religion is like a daily occurence nowadays
[citation needed]

>Dude we cant use christians because that would paint them as victims and that is only reserved to joos and mudslims