Where does this all lead to?

where does this all lead to?
> Every metropolitan area with over 10% blacks is experiencing ridiculous violent crime explosions.
> City officials, for fear of social justice backlash of a perception of racism, lay on their Police leadership to be lenient on "the community".
> Bureaucratic police hierarchy will do anything to save their sweet pensions, comply.
> Low-level police officers needing easy prosecutable cases, go after white citizens with petty citations and ignore major crimes by blacks because "no one saw nuffin, anyway".

In the 70s when crime (coincidently) rose in cities, a "get tough on crime" approach got many politicians elected with zero-tolerance policies.
In today's world, Its a crime to be white. Any policy that is unnecessarily harsh on "the brothers" will be deemed barbaric and require the Feds to step in with Consent Decree reform.

How do you think this circus will end?

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america will look more like brazil as the years go by
eventually collapse or be eaten by robots or something

Before this thread gets killed, should I watch Rolling Thunder or The Killing of a Chinese Bookie tonight?

delete /pol/



I'm not even a conservative but the fact that the tweet on the left got THIRTY SIX THOUSAND likes, man even I can see that this is a very dangerous route to go down

Poltards havent won a cultural battle in 70 years. Sorry loonies, you lost. Guess you have to move to russia or just keep shooting up schools, but that only makes the inevitable slide to the left happen faster

We will begin to recognize Israeli false flags in our everyday lives

Keep dreaming tranny.

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access to white people will become a human right. basically slavery, maybe to make a point. very sci-fi esqe

And force us to be on boards like Yea Forums %100 of the time instead of ~%50? Retard.

The woman on the right is not the same as on the left you lying fuck

fp probably accurate in two to three decades post

Why are you happy civilization is going down the toilet and we're all going to be poor and enslaved?

>dude hysterically obsess about brown people while ignoring the worst wealth inequality in the western world, collapsing worker and consumer protections, corporations and banks funneling trillions off shore and looting the national treasury with massive tax cuts for the rich, and successfully putting themselves in charge of their own regulation
Dont poltards ever get tired of being useful idiots and voting against their interests? It's just so tiring and sad that theres this group of retards in the country that are desperate to burn it down with their double digit IQs and bitterness. You really need to kill yourselves if you want to help

you mean nazi?

Attached: gay nazis paulie.jpg (404x713, 89K)

americans are nigger lovers and niggers will be their undoing.

>It's an Israeli false flag that my waifu leaves me for a nig
literally what

Yeah, thanks spics!

Stop voting for corporate shills if you don't want the country to be broke you idiot. Theres a reason literally every western euro country has a massively higher average incomes. Dumbfuck poltard

>double digit IQs

>Poltards havent won a cultural battle in 70 years

Attached: Dank Meme Frog President.jpg (550x550, 51K)

Just give up, I've tried this, it doesn't work

Explain how posting on Yea Forums about how you hate black people is supposed to solve American workers having their unions and negotiating power stripped away by Republicans over the last 49 years? How is complaining about Mexican fruit pickers supposed to prevent health insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre existing conditions? Which national economic problems in America can you identity that trace directly back to the races you obsess about. Please use specifics and details

>muh republicans
>libcucks still think only whites hate niggers
I have bad news for you tranny.

>Theres a reason literally every western euro country has a massively higher average incomes.

But they literally don't.


t. Bern-Victim

Yeah, that's the REAL problem in America.

most of /pol/ was pretty independent before Trump showed up. You think people were cheerleading for Bush and Cheney? Responsible for 9/11? lol

I certainly would nationalize a bunch and tax the corporations and dynastic wealth, but I'd also change banking laws and the monetary system... inflation isn't keeping people any richer, and if you forgot, /pol/ largely supported Ron Paul for speaking out against the feds and the tax-thieving wars.

the federal reserve* not the feds of course, lol

lmao moot tried that once

/pol/ was good before r/the_donald

>Trump was a victory

why didnt we listen?

Attached: You could have stopped it.jpg (500x708, 113K)

Trump is Zionist/conservative, not /pol/

I think when Moot tried to nuke them is when the shit really started to kick off. r/t_d users is only an after effect.

and he lacked the backbone to stick by his decision. the creation of /pol/ was a mistake.