What was the exact moment Star Wars jumped the shark?

What was the exact moment Star Wars jumped the shark?

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opening scroll of TFA

When Kylo didn't rape Rey.

When Rey resisted Kylo's mind probe.

That would be really lewd if she wasnt wearing pants.

Ewoks. Hell, it might have been when they dredged up Tatooine for the first act of Jedi.

Anakin being "the Chosen One."

>this will begin to make things right

When Boyega defected the first order as a janitor working directly for Kylo in the front lines.



>dredged up Tatooine for the first act of Jedi.
To be fair all that stuff is pretty original, but I wish it weren't on Tatooine all the same.

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>implying that's not how the army works


When the mouse bought it


Such a soulless moment.

The army has super hero’s that can stop bullets with their mind? And they have janitors working directly for them on covert raids?

Episode 1.

Imagine if they just found their own unique ship and went on an adventure without Han Solo being shoehorned in

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>"They must be dead by now. Destroy what is left of them."

i mean prequels had some cool things and I like episode 3 for the most part but if you think it wasn't episode 1 you're either delusional or underage


Why wouldn't janitors go to the front lines?

Star Wars never jumped the shark.

It's as great today as it was when I saw that Star Destroyer rumbling over Tatooine chasing Princess Leia in 1977.

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Luke said they were going back to Tatooine at the end of Empire.


Return of the Jedi showed signs of what was to come.
>Yoda talking like an idiot (rewatch Empire. He drops that crap after revealing who he was)
>Lando and Han going from dangerous cool dudes fighting on the side of the good guys to super nice, jokey niceguys.
Still a good movie with most of the good elements of the series.

han came out of the carbonite with brain damage.

>her first time piloting a ship ever

The Special Editions were the moment when it became clear that Georgie had completely lost the plot.

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>Yoda talking like an idiot
are you talking about his backwords speak?

This. Prophecies always suck in movies.

when a little boy blew up a entire command ship

Good to see the mouse shills in full damage control

>b-but the prequels!

Time has shown the prequels to be kino. Onions Wars is just a cash grab, its no more special than the next Transformers film. The SW brand is now dead, the old fans arent coming back, and the new ones are more concerned about fat, gender queer characters.

Ooga booga to you as well

>Time has shown the prequels to be kino.

Jewsney saying EU isn't canon

phantom menace.

When they didn't make Fin the main character. I was expecting an interesting arc where a basic grunt from the evil side becomes the a jedi that topples their organization.

People are going to reference various parts of the earlier movies, but I don't think they fully understand the definition of jumping the shark.

Yes I think that picture shows the exact moment.

When the Ewoks showed up.

Rose Tico

The first plane hit the tower on September 11, 2001.

They don't even fucking know each other.

TFA when they just happen to board the millennium falcon. Getting even worse when Han Solo just bumps into them

When George made changes to the original 'Star Wars' trilogy, it died that day and ive never looked back.

That said, I can rewatch ep 3,4,5,6,7 with ease.
Fuck the rest.

also, nigger.

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when you said nigger were you referring to yourself?

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When the 8 year old boy singlehandedly destroyed a space station.

This was Leia sensing a Palpatine Clone and wanted to hold her so she could read if she was evil or not.

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midichlorians, master yoda midichlorians count

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Star Wars is a shit franchise. Star Wars fans are either zoomer posers that want to be hip with the pop-culture or insufferable cunts

>has a ruthless, elite, veteran division of Special Forces troopers nicknamed "Vader's Fist" for their extreme loyalty in combat; capable of murdering multiple jedi

>"I dunno, I guess just throw that janitor in there or something to even things out"

This is why Star Wars is lazy and soulless without based autist Lucas at the helm to squeeze lore into everything so it makes sense

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When TFA was released

Imagine if Lucas hasn't shoehorned in C3PO in the most ridiculous way possible in The Phantom Menace

There's nothing wrong with Ewoks.
Yoda in ROTJ didn't act all silly and wacky like he did when he first met Luke.

letting a nigger handle a lightsaber

You mean Mace Windu, right?


I still don't hate the idea of Kylo being an insecure angsty emo, because it's at least giving him a character and flaws. He has more character building than anyone else in the TFA.

But thinking back on it, JJ shouldn't have made Kylo into a joke with this scene.

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That wouldn't be out of place in Spaceballs II.

Wait, why is that called the TIE Shark? Is it submersible?

The end of ESB sets up the fact they're going to try to save Han from Jabba on Tatooine.

han shooting second

>This is why Star Wars is lazy and soulless without based autist Lucas at the helm to squeeze lore into everything so it makes sense

To anyone who isn't a braindead hack, the most obvious and interesting to portray a stormtrooper deserter character would have to make him an actual stormtrooper - e.g. intrinsically brave and calculating professional who is at peace in battle, but struggles with adapting to life outside the military structure of the empire and solving problems without callous violence, as well as coming to terms with all the evil he's done in the name of bringing order.

But since JJ is retard we have this pathetic retard who flip flops between being a clownish coward and a martial artist whenever the writers remember that they need to simulate a character arc for him.

the whole third film or the original trilogy, although the ewoks thing is probably the most egregious

>have a spaceship with laser cannons
>don't utilize them to blow a bitch into meat pieces
>don't utilize them to overload her fagsaber
>don't utilize them to blast the surrounding sand into her body and eyes, blinding and scarring her
>don't utilize your air-superiority
>go to ground level and try to bash into her just so she can have a jumping scene where she trains for the NBA

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I was so mad she cold shouldered Chewie there. Poor Chewie, not only having to face the fact that his best friend was dead, but also realising that his slag face wife (who he probably felt was some level of friend) doesn't see him as anything other than an extensive of her now-dead husband.

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The first 5 minutes of TLJ


Yeah. The scene where he fucks up the interrogation room and 2 stormtroopers walk away was enough
When this person became Lucasfilm president. I still don't understand how someone so braindead could climb up so high in life

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I actually enjoyed episodes 1-3, no matter how bad they were, I had fun with them and at least they were original.
I remember when I left the theater after seeing the force awakens and how much i hated that movie, how cold and soulless it felt.

Yep. It's indisputable.

this followed by the muh modern camera work after the opening scroll, Kylo freezin a laser because why not and Who talk first?

literally racism against chewie

Then how could I have know when to clap?

yep this a muh AT-AT retard

>He has more character building than anyone else in the TFA.
well that's true but because these characters sucks soo bad that Kylo shines compared to them

That scene baited me into thinking the sequels were going to be good for a moment, being honest with you

Delete your account.

Jar Jar Binks.

The scene where they compare Starkiller base and the Death Star. Episode 7 was already bad, but this is where things just got completely ridiculous. Not only does it make absolutely no sense that the FO could've built something like this unnoticed considering their size and resources, but also since they are an imperial remnant watched by the republic, but it is also completely impractical since the FO wanted to take over the galaxy not destroy it and they could've just built an unstoppable legion of ships and droids. The thing is its not just idiotic from an in universe perspective, but also from a writing perspective. In Episode 4 there is a conversation which justifies the existence of the death star as more than just a weapon: youtube.com/watch?v=YnNSnJbjdws
The Death Star isn't just a big station with a gun, and its biggest weapon isn't its laser, but rather the fear of said laser. With the imperial senate now dissolved the Death Star would serve as a deterrent for anyone who would want to rebel, i mean there is a reason why they only blow up Alderaan, even though Leia gave them the information. It was to serve as a demonstration of what happens to people who resist the new order and inspires fear, without having to destroy an actually important planet. Of course JJ and Disney doesn't have time for such nuance, they saw that "Death Star is big scary laser which blow up planet so me make BIGGER SCARIER Laser and blow everything up".
This is a scene where Disney and JJ absolutely demonstrate their lack of care and knowledge concerning Star Wars, and it perfectly embodies how they are only creating soulless copies of the original, without knowing what made them great.

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right when Disney purchased Star Wars from Lucas.
I can't wait for episode 9 to flop hard

>starts dark
>someone gets killed
>Kylo seems menacing
>freezes that laser
>I talk first or you talk first

I knew right then and there it was over for real.

Part of the classic hero journey is "The return." Maybe it was an accident as Jabba being on Tattoine makes sense and Jabba has Han. But it seems to me that Luke going to rescue Han is a blend of "Atonement" for his failure in ESB and "Returning with the Elixer" bring his Jedi powers back to the normal world to do good for his fellow man.

Yeah personally I found TFA to be a series of successive disappointments. It started with "ok I can deal with this" but then each one being worse than the last.

What really hit me about the Starkiller scene is just how much Abrams was willing to throw away any sense of realism for the most trivial of jokes.

Mary Poppins moment

2nd Death Star

When Leia flew through space like Superman.

This Suppose To Be A Star War Not Some Gay Matrix Shit Nigga

I still remember when the movie came out and dip shits in this board were actually defending TFA despite how thinly plotted and awful it was compared to the originals. The whole thing falls apart when you start thinking deeply about any particular element

the first movie

the second George cashed the check

I would say dropping the bombs in outer space from ship to ship, that scene made no sense although it was exiting, it could have easily been an adult swim sketch

He's not trying to kill her
He's trying to woo her with a power slide, we all know girls get wet at that.

>I still don't understand how someone so braindead could climb up so high in life
Liberals and progressives reward failure.

Did they explain this ?

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He explained that Chewy was busy with Finn and that’s why Leia ignored him.
They never explained why she hugs Rey or how each knows who the other is. We’re just supposed to accept that Leia is pretty much a wizard now.

Another fucking Death Star.

>Chewy was busy with Finn
Not in that pic

No 20th century fox intro desu

Kek, that was his explanation though.
I guess the real answer is that he thought we would all be so inspired by two strong women hugging we’d leave and depose all our republican congressmen.

Kek at deposing

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Why can't we see the lightsaber Rei has unnecessarily on while running?

>When an angsty, petulant manbaby is the most fleshed out character in your new, multi-billion dollar trilogy, you know you fucked up.

Maybe in hindsight, but I actually thought it was clever in the theatre so I don’t want to criticize.

I actually liked Rey in TFA, her character intro was very effective. But the big mistake IMO was making her unusually strong with the force. She should have just been a right place at the right time hero instead of girl-Anakin.

Luke only held up against Vader since Vader didn’t want to kill his son. Rey’s inexperience could have been off-set by Kylo’s autism.

probably C-3PO being built by Vader

this exact moment

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hi tv I just marathoned this interesting set of photos. what did I think of them?

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stinky barren pusy
big healthy teeth

Came here to post this

Anyone that doesn't say episode 6 is a hack

>watched her husband get killed
>gave her a huge
reminder that BabyAnakin and Luke got medals at the end of their first movies. Rey got a hug.

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>doesn't hug her husband's best friend for years who also saw him die instead

Anakin didn't get a medal.

lol virtue signaling niggerdog lover

oh shit you right dog
he just gets a whole fucking parade and an adult princess makes sex eyes at him

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That parade was dedicated to the Naboo citizens and Gungans making peace, though.

>Rey gets a Mary Sue ending because Leia hugs her first

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>intimately hugging someone you never talked to before
Wow, I didn't know Star Wars was one of those deep art films about deep human emotion.

Oh wait, no, they did it because they basically assume everyone knows and love their protagonist intellectual property character and didn't even realize Leia never said a word to Rey the entire film.

Are you fucking retarded??

Did you even watch the movies???

Luke lives on tattooine
Obiwan watches over him
They need to get off planet.
They hire a pilot
This pilot was on Tatooine to see Jabba.
Jabba is still after him in ESB
Pilot (Han) gets taken back to where he was originally in ANH



This. Everything went downhill after that.

this lady wants to fuck kids
thats fukced up

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>t. retard who still doesn't know what a mary sue is

Way to miss the actual problem, idiots.
Leia barely knew Rei and never actually spoke to her. That's why that scene is dumb.

The exact moment was ewoks in e6.

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Falcon reveal in 7

Nothing compared with what came later.

Return of the Jedi

nobody knows anyone it's wish fulfillment fantasy for babies. Rey's whole motivation the whole movie is that she's longing for friendship and family. Getting a fucking hug from the leader of the resistance, Princess Leia, is the bow that wraps that up.

Acting like a fucking retard because Leia doesn't hug the asshole enabler dog that probably caused the breakup in the first place isn't an argument. It's nitpicky cancer about a kid's movie that was clearly well executed when that is the kind of shit you have to latch onto as a critique.

They've always been racist against the stinkey giant dog niggers. They don't give them clothes. They don't give them medals. They don't give them goddamn hugs.

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Luke fucking vanished????

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He grew up to look just like vader should ironically

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lmao retard

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>Old canon
The Emperor's death causes a power vacuum within the Empire. The bureaucrats, the military, the dark side adepts, and the spies are all vying for control over the throne. What ensues is a chaotic decade where warlords rise and fall and the Empire splinters and reforms again and again. With the creation of the New Republic and gradual elimination of the more aggressive warlords the galaxy slowly reforms into one dominated by the New Republic, but with the Imperial Remnant ever present outside of the galactic core.
>Disney Canon
The Empire collapses within a year because they all commit suicide or flee. The Republic demilitarizes and has no control outside of a single star system.
The First Order builds a planet sized super weapon without anyone notices and destroys the Republic in an instant. Proceeds to conquer the galaxy, as in all of it, simultaneously

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>nobody knows anyone it's wish fulfillment fantasy for babies.
That's the point, idiot. It shouldn't be so fucking dumbed down. Entertainment from acting is about the nuances and little interactions, when characters do things because the script tells them to there's a complete void of entertainment.
>It's nitpicky cancer
It's not nitpicky cancer because there's no real engaging interraction between the characters getting to know each other. It's just a scene that needs to be done before the movie ends. It's not a "bow that wraps that up". It's not the cherry on top of the cake. It's lazy and careless film making and even JJ Abrahams admits he fucked that one up.
>Rey's whole motivation the whole movie is that she's longing for friendship and family
Except for the part where when she gets the chance of having a new family she wants to go back to her desert shithole to live alone. Whoops, seems like Rey has no clear motivation at all and they even tease about this in the next film.

You want to both attack it for being fantasy for babies and defend Rey as having clear motivation, you aren't being very consistent here.

the old EU, for all its faults, was written by people who actually cared about the universe

Too bad they absolutely fucking blew it

I thought you guys kept saying the Empire in the original movies were imposing and competent. These guys are bickering like spinal tap band members and the samurai guy is like Oh you question my plans well how about i PRESSURE POINT haha
like that's how a guy i knew in 5th grade acted

compared to disney blowing it while not caring at all

Wasn't the millennium falcon supposed to be a fucking space truck originally?

unironically this.

it's just a regular freighter that Han modified a lot
it's a passenger van that he strapped machine guns and nitrous to

People have been making this bullshit kids movie argument since PM (and never before then).
That’s a lot of Thursday Night Football commercials for a children’s movie and their budget proves that their audience has a wider scope.
When you take people’s money and give them shit, it pisses them off.

>Jumping the shark is the moment when something that was once popular that no longer warrants the attention it previously received makes an attempt at publicity, which only serves to highlight its irrelevance.

After the original trilogy, Star Wars remained hugely popular and more films were in high demand. Therefore the first prequel movie, The Phantom Menace, cannot be said to be the moment when the franchise "jumped the shark" (even though it is the movie that killed it).

It also cannot be said that Attack of the Clones, nor Revenge of the Sith, was the moment. When episode 1 was released, it was released with a promise of a new trilogy. Neither of the following films in the prequel trilogy can be said to be an attempt at publicity - or revival. Any pretense of "saving" or "reviving" the franchise had already died before the end credits of episode 1. Now it was just a matter of finishing what was promised, milking the last drops on behalf of the investors.

When Revenge of the Sith was finally over. The series was dead. Everyone agreed it was dead, and no one was asking for more.

Therefore; the correct moment Star Wars "jumped the shark" was with The Force Awakens.

it's a series for all ages with a slight lean towards being accesible to children

ask george lucas that's a fact

Jedi Rocks

This was when I figured I was watching a kids show.

The old EU had shit storylines like Luke turning to the dark side. They pushed out too much material way too fast with no quality control and by 2012 it was impossible to know what was going on.
Nobody was unhappy when they retconned it.
It’s like when The Beatles got famous and started selling salt shakers and mothballs.

Doesn't change my point. Even if they wrote crazy out-there dumb retarded shit they still cared about star wars.

Rian doesn't, JJ doesn't. Kathleen Kennedy sure doesn't.

>"wheres the map to luke?"
>kills all of the people and the old man who might've known about the map of luke
>blows up the ship without checking for the map
This right here told me they weren't thinking when they wrote the movie.

>Kylo can easily read the minds of people to find details like the location of a map
>he doesn't do it to Max von sydow even though he knows that he knows
>just kills him instead
yeah it's dumb

Ewoks for certain. The ending of RotJ was such shit compared to SW.

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>That's the point, idiot. It shouldn't be so fucking dumbed down.

rey gets a hug

Christmas Special. Everything went downhill after that.

>You want to both attack it for being fantasy for babies and defend Rey as having clear motivation,
you're a fucking retard if you don't understand Rey's motivation. You probably haven't even seen the movie. She's literally counting the days waiting for a family.

Honestly maybe go back to /r/prequelmemes if you're THIS incapable of understanding basic shit in kid's movies.

When Wilford Brimley in the Battle for Endor.
I taped this off television and my sister would watch it constantly. This any the Ewok Adventure.

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>before the divorce

When they took the concept of 1-6 being the rise of Anakin/fall into Vader and subsequent redemption in the end and shit on it by adding on 3 additional movies because lol merch gotta get dem shekels

Anakin was described by Obi-Wan as the best star pilot in the Galaxy.

Anakin being a natural talent at flying is meant to drive that point home.

>Kylo commands every ship to fire at Luke
>he doesn't know it's a hologram
OK what kind of shit has Kylo seen Luke do where he thought that wasn't overkill

where's episode 6.5 that was clearly the better movie

>Example of re-purposed existing Carrie footage that Lucasfilm decided to show in the first IX teaser.
I got a bad feeling about this.

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>t. retard who really doesn't know what a mary sue is but rather blurts it out ad nauseam as an appeal to Yea Forums in the hopes to conform

Dis man speaken dah true-true.

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He was just standing there, you dumb fucking ape.

even haircuts and outfits are the same

>he can't tell 2 images apart

judasin' your kin for a piece of ass

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you fucking niggers that try to justify the prequels while saying Rey is a Mary Sue are the biggest bullshit hypocrites there are. The SECOND you start shilling in defense of baby anakin it is 100% clear that your primary issue with Rey is that she's a smelly gril.

And yeah it the OT Obi-Wan says Anakin was a good pilot. That doesn't mean he's not a Mary Sue when LITERALLY the first time he's ever been in a starfighter he wins the movie doing a bunch of impossible bullshit. It's one thing if he, after years of grinding and close calls and learning experiences, made it to being "best star pilot." But he was just born with magic space AIDs that just made him amazing at literally everything in TPM. He's a rocket scientist spacecar driving AI programming slave with no actual education.

It's some of the most bullshit mary sue nonsense in the history of movies. If you defend that but get triggered that Rey got a hug and didn't die and shit, you're not fooling anyone.

If Rey was a sexy boy protagonist you'd think he was a pussy.

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You telling me eight year old you wouldn't fuck teenage Natalie Portman?

no I can't, what's the difference?


I think he's talking about Rey.

george a good boy

goerge didnt nuffin

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Rey jumping over a TIE isn't that crazy compared to what Anakin and other jedi did in the prequels.

Wat. The parade was not for Anakin, it was for victory for the gungans.
What an embarassing post.

I'm telling you 20 year old natalie portman, a princess, isn't going to be making sex eyes at some fucking little slave kid. That's Mary Sue bullshit.

The thing is magic space AIDs didn't actually make Anakin's live better in the way that Rey did. He joined a monk order that make a point to shit on him everyday.

He couldn't even use it to save his mom for one.

>That lack of trigger discipline from the second she grips the prop
I know it is a fake gun for fake people, but this is basic shit Daisy, get some fucking trigger discipline.

>gets to stand front and center for a GIANT parade right next to the leaders of the planet
yeah but rey got a hug

>when LITERALLY the first time he's ever been in a starfighter he wins the movie doing a bunch of impossible bullshit
Are you genuinely autistic or something? That was literally autopilot and R2 flying most of the time. He only survived out of sheer luck.
Stop getting mad just because you can't accept that your favourite character is shit.

She isnt making sex eyes at him, shes just grinning at the little hero. Jesus you're dumb. Just stop, or at least get a trip so i can continue making funof you in ither threads

>He actually doesn't think Rey is one of the biggest Mary Sues in existence
>He thinks Anakin is because he's good at flying

Because hes fucking 11. Have you never seen kids get special privelages for being kids?

bro in Phantom Menace she was legit 14

Maybe because he was with Qui Gon and Obi Wan who was his master, dipshit?

>The thing is magic space AIDs didn't actually make Anakin's live better in the way that Rey did.
shut the fuck up. Not an argument. It makes Luke's life perfect at the end of his first movie. And he wanted exactly that. And he has no actual reason stated in his first movie to think he had the force at all. He just HAPPENED to be a special fancy little boy.
>He joined a monk order that make a point to shit on him everyday.
Rey NEVER enjoys shit in any of the movies. She longs for a family, to be part of something. Whatever. At the end of the first movie her mentor and surrogate father figure is dead and her new friend is in a coma. She doesn't get to go to ANY parties. She's NEVER hailed and celebrated as a hero. She gets a hug and then sets off to go waste a movie with some asshole space wizard. At the end of Rey's second movie there's like 20 people total left on her side. She's never gotten to enjoy anything.

>He couldn't even use it to save his mom for one.

>ALL these disingenuous prequel babbies

Imagine being assblasted about an 11 year old being treated like a kid

no I'm serious natalie portman was only like 14 in PM and her character was supposed to be about the same age

>calls other babies
>cries like a baby when proven wrong
Stay in school, babbie.

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>She longs for a family, to be part of something.
Oh wait, so you telling me Han Solo didn't immediately take a liking to her and tried to treat her like a daughter when she magically knew more about his old ship than he himself did?

Or how Kylo Ren didn't treat her like a magical princess and end up trying to woo her because of her magical space AIDs?

And on both occasions she turned down the opportunity to be part of something because of reasons?

according to wikipedia she was 18

A New Hope

are you talking about 11 year old you's love for the garbage prequels?
>born 1981
she was clearly an adult and he was clearly a little fucking slave babby

the original trilogy and a bunch of the games are pretty good. the rest of the shit like cartoons and cg shows are garbage.

When Anakin's pod was disconnected. Multiple racers pass him by, and he goes off to the side and takes out a little wand, reaching for the cable. He reconnects his cable, does a thing, and then goes back to full power. He immediately catches up to all the racers and Sebulba. Pretty retarded on all accounts.

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well then they cast her too old because Padme is supposed to be 14

>It makes Luke's life perfect at the end of his first movie. And he wanted exactly that.
How would a kid know that he would doom the entire galaxy and have a kid that would save him? None of this was ever mentioned or hinted. Stop talking out of your ass.
> And he has no actual reason stated in his first movie to think he had the force at all.
Qui Qon sensed that he had a strong force sensitivity, as well as the council. Even took a force test.
>Rey NEVER enjoys shit in any of the movies.
She sure as hell loved beating the shit out of Finn and loved hanging out with him since the moment they met.

>proven wrong
> Oh wait, so you telling me Han Solo didn't immediately take a liking to her and tried to treat her like a daughter
yeah he has father issues for some reason!

and the compressor scene that retards can't understand shows them bonding over their mutual history working on the Falcon.

and again, ObiWan falls in goddamn love with BabyAnakin and tests his blood for no reason and then they force him into the Jedi cult against the rules.

Han takes a liking to luke and luke is an entirely useless whiny virgin.

You're citing basic things that happen in movies that you normally have NO problem with, but because it's a smelly girl that you don't want to relate to it's all REEE SHE DOESNT DESERVE THAT SHE SHOULD BE FUCKING DEAD

Not really. Anakin built it to be faster from past experience. Have you not ever played racing games before?

not obiwan qui gon. then obiwan just continues shilling for anakin because ginny said to



So you're saying daisy will become a sith overlord?

>i am a brainlet
yes you are

Yes, keep spouting that word.

thread is over

based fuck virgins

>Obi Wan
>immediately falls in love with Anakin
>why do I sense we’ve picked up another pathetic life form
>this boy is dangerous
It’s pretty obvious that you only watched the Plinkett reviews not the movies themselves.


>Reddit spacing

>Qui-Gon was 60 when he died
>"Old" Ben Kenobi was 58
some people just age well I guess

The Last Jedi being so average. Star Wars should be overall amazing.

the Ewoks are trash, it should've been Wookies.
I'm saying Yoda stops the backwards talk thing in Empire once you find out he's a Jedi. Then he picks it up again in Return of the Jedi because everyone was quoting the backwards stuff.

>freezing the laser was good
Exact point that convinced me it was going to be shit, desu. Part of the increasing watering down of any mysticism and rarity to the force.

He fucked it good and proper

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canonically she was 14

>mfw I just realized Alec Guiness was wearing a hairpiece in A New Hope

I'm betting it's a dream or vision she's having.

keep going

keep shilling
>doesn't know what reddit spacing is
what is up with you



invading this place?






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>haven’t watched the movie
>makes a shit argument
>his shit argument gets refuted
You’re embarrassing. I wish your knowledge on the prequels didn’t end on RLM reviews.

Look at Liam Nesson now. hes 8 years older then Alex was in A New Hope.

Star Wars fans should be gassed

Did I hit a nerve there, buddy?

When Lucas decided to ruin the original trilogy with his Special Editions. And then the prequels, of course.

Without this the franchise would've slowly faded away and remained a beloved classic, like Back to the Future movies.

>strawman meming to defend the prequels
keep going kiddo you're doing SUCH a top tier job shilling for Disney properties right now LMAO.
idk who you are so no. How could you? You the discord tranny?

I'll have no idea when you're dead my dude.

>defending the prequels is considered shilling Disney
>shills the soulless corporate product that is Disney’s Star Wars.
Is this the power of zoomers?

Star Wars and Empire were great. The original plans for Return were great too but then Lucas decided that mass appeal and special effects are more important than story and characters. Everything since has been awful.

naw, the prequels remain the original sin. Disney Wars ist just more offensive

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At least ROTJ is still watchable. It's not great, but it looks good in comparison to other shit that came after it.

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Walkers. Nearly always deployed on empty flat terrain because wheels are just not cool enough. Slow and unstable. George was like a kid who just wanted more toys to play with (and sell).

Attached: imperial_walker.jpg (1920x816, 88K)

She was 16 when it was actually filmed in 1997.

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… and how could I forget? Force ghost Obi Wan. What's the point of killing anyone when no one's ever really gone?

I'm not a fan of Empire Strikes Back if that wasn't obvious already~

Attached: ghost-obi-wan-jedi.jpg (1280x570, 58K)

>oh look a big clunky ship I've never flown before
>whoops ha-ha almost crashed it
>suddenly performing aerial stunts and acrobatics like she's in the fucking Blue Angels or something
>oh btw I speak wookie, it was an elective

Attached: hqdefault (14).jpg (480x360, 35K)

I'm still still mad

The presence of ghosts shouldn't have extended beyond the voices Luke hears in his head, like he did in the end of ANH.

But instead they decided to make actual ghosts.

He's just a retard. I bet he ships reylo too.

>threatening to kill someone on Yea Forums
Calling the police. ;)

its watchable and its got some really great scenes, but its also really annoying because it butchers a great story. Personally I consider that scene in Empire when Luke and Leia stand on the bridge watching the falcon the actual end of Star Wars

>defending the prequels is considered shilling Disney
100%. Who do you think turned prequel memes into a cult in the first place. They knew they had these toxic properties so they boosted and encouraged and rewarded and created an entire industry of contrarian babbie shills ensuring that people continue consuming prequel merch.

you're the biggest shills of anyone because you're not interested in objective truth, history, or intellectual honesty. You're just doing it for your nostalgia feels and for the memes.

You're basically trained to think like a terrorist, but for bad movies.

>>shills the soulless corporate product that is Disney’s Star Wars.
It's all Disney's Star Wars. And if you're too young to understand that the Prequels were literally just industry-facing ads for ILM, you really shouldn't be acting like an age faggot.

The ONLY reason the prequels exist is because Lucas was trying to get his companies established for the cgi revolution. His primary goal was to set his companies up, and explode the Star Wars cinematic IP so he could sell more random shit to assholes. The scripts were farted out, he was a piece of shit actors director, he didn't care about getting good takes, he didn't care about using camera movement to build scenes anymore, he just cranked out some lazy ILM Reels with asshole insulting pandering to fans and a fucking meaningless narrative

Like this idea that NOW Star Wars are a "corporate product" and they fucking weren't in the 90s, is so goddamn silly

At least now it's not ONE old asshole narcissist that made one good movie 40 years ago. It wasn't "charming" to see this lunatic have a disjointed fever dream and ruin everything with bad CGI for three fucking movies. It's interesting NOW as a historical artifact but they're still The Room tier autism bad, compared to ANY actual movies

The ST at least competent when it comes to production and aesthetic continuity with the OT. That alone makes them better

Attached: Perfect summation of everything bad about the prequels.webm (1920x816, 888K)

>The original plans for Return were great too but then Lucas decided that mass appeal and special effects are more important than story and characters.
I've never heard of this, is this some bullshit coming out of some "EMPIRE IS THE ONLY GOOD STAR WARS MOVIE!" OTfag that likes to blame Lucas for everything or is it true? I'm genuinely curious to read the original idea.

I like the final confrontation that ends with Vader killing the Emperor. It's a pretty natural follow-up to the things that were set up in the last movie.

Oh, wait. I guess the Emperor isn't really gone...

Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984).


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Not him, both the prequels and the sequels are trash. Sequels obviously look better but are even more intellectually insulting, they also are completely directionless and shit on OT way more than PT did. PT had better soundtrack, and at least one cool character (Palpatine). Sequels have literally nothing. Defending Marey Sue in any way is pure retardation.

"He could use a good kiss!"

The original idea was to let Han die in the beginning, and then have Luke travel to some kind of imperial planet where the emperor resides. It was supposed to feature wookies instead of Ewoks and have a bitter sweet melancholic tone. Lucas didnt like it and so Gary Kurtz (who I think had much more to do with how great the first movies were) left and we got Return of the jedi, which was literally designed to make money, not to tell an interesting story.

I just fucking realized that Thor being able to speak groot in Infinity War was a hard jab at Rey randomly being able to speak wookie in TFA

Bravo J.J.

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>Not him, both the prequels and the sequels are trash.
It all is it's fucking hippy boomer schlock that degenerated into some giant corporate zeitgeist that elevated some dipshit with a smart wife to a position of way too much power and detachment for way too long and he already ruined most of it with the Special Editions before he even slithered onto the PT.
> Sequels obviously look better but are even more intellectually insulting
>they also are completely directionless
TFA wasn't. TFA is very well directed. TLJ was fucking bananas.
>PT had better soundtrack
Fuck that. Only thing people remember is DUN DUN DUNDUNDUN fight song. I have no idea what Anakin's theme is for the PT. Rey's theme is catchy as fuck. I can immediately get that playing in my head.
>Sequels have literally nothing
Everyone likes Poe. And this is all shit from the cynical grownup pov. Kids are all dressing up like these faggots every halloween. Just because they don't mean stuff to you doesn't mean they're not working on the people they're supposed to.
>Defending Marey Sue in any way is pure retardation.
The whole thing is just shorthand for bitching about the girl. It's polcel newspeak that demonstrates that you don't actually know much about scriptwriting. Basically just bastardize a fan fiction concept and a Max Landis tweet into messaging strategy where you bitch about girls without cognitive dissonance.

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Episode 1 was the most Star Wars like of the prequels, the other 2 are the boring pieces of shit. You can tell Lucas really tried to make episode 2 and 3 more like the people "said" they wanted.

>TFA is very well directed.

Attached: shitty bird.webm (1280x532, 2.8M)

Oh, so you're one of those guys. Thanks for wasting my time.

Don't confuse kino with fun. Prequels are entertaining dogshit, the video games and TV shows saved them. You're absolutely correct on the ST tho.

like what the fuck do you hum with this? It's just a bunch of orchestral ups and downs. It's just darth vader theme all slowed down and layered with a thousand fucking instruments. Kind of a perfect metaphor for the PT.


Back to basics. New rhythm. Easy back and forth play with the dun doodoo duns or whatever, and then they come together for the crescendo. It's trimmed the fat down to a few instruments, it's not just circlejerking the OT theme with a bunch of shit.


that's clearly the best. And Rey's theme feels like it's in the same universe as it, and it's also hummable and memerable. Anakin's theme is fucking cancer.

Attached: felicity blows up death star.jpg (480x438, 24K)

>dude i've played battlefront once!
>dude anime wars is awesome!
>the video games and TV shows saved them

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that bird looks great. looks better than all the fucking cartoon poopy in the PT. 100% better. It's fun seeing puppets and sfx. The OT was filmmaking propaganda. It inspired generations of kids to want to make movies. Shit like that is fucking production porn. Like how much of an empty consumer are you that that didn't make you happy when you saw it?

For OT, Williams was at his peak in his 40s. By PT, he was settling down in his 60s.

I remember Across the Stars, Duel of Fates, and the CIS theme a lot better than anything in the sequels

Not everyone can force ghost, only a handful of Jedi

It looks like shit, user. Not any amount of shilling coming from you is going to change that. I've seen better effects and more effortt coming from a primary school Christmas play.

Attached: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg (1200x630, 370K)

>duel of the fates
sounds nothing like star wars

it looks fucking great. It was JJ making it clear that we practical again bb. That looks like some shit you could fabricate on your own. Not some corporate fucking bullshit that 40 koreans made on computers.

Guess you are just a consumer shill for Disney. I'm a shill for good production and good movies. That puppet is goddamn fantastic. And if you don't understand that shit you're a fucking idiot.

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>posting a shitty looking puppet in the OT to attack the ST for having a shitty looking puppet
I don't get it

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PT also have tracks like Battle of the heroes, Across the stars, Anaki's betrayal or Jedi temple march; way better than anything from ST, Williams was clearly more inspired while making music for the PT than he was while making ost for ST. Rey's theme is boring as fuck.
>everyone likes Poe
Only because Oscar Isaac is charming and pretty charismatic. No one gives a fuck about the character itself, he's a filler and he was supposed to die in TFA originally.
>The whole thing is just shorthand for bitching about the girl
No, you retard. I'm not even a male and I hate Rey; she has no actual character flaws, no motivations, no true desires and struggles, she just does what's "right" all the time like the mary sue she is, she's already perfect and a saint at the beginning of TFA, and she doesn't change at all by the end of TLJ, she's one of the most stale, dull and shallow characters I've EVER seen in my life. She doesn't have ANYTHING to stand for her own so they just gave her iconic stuff from other, better characters, like Han's Falcon and Luke's saber, and every OT character cares about her so much and everyone recognizes her power, because the audience needs to be told how fucking amazing shs is. It's not because she's a girl. Everyone who played KOTOR games loves Kreia, some people (me included) think she's actually the best character created in SW universe ever. No one fucking cares she's a woman, because she's well written. Disney doesn't care about women or blacks, they use them as a shield against people who criticize their movies; they know they can't write for shit so they throw some minorities here and there, and if anyone doesn't like their movies, they can always use the racist/sexist/homophobe card. It's cynical and disgusting. No one would bitch about Rey if she was well written. Stop pretending like you know anything about good writting, petty contrarian.

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When Luke left his Jedi training early to save the day.

>PT also have tracks like Battle of the heroes, Across the stars, Anaki's betrayal or Jedi temple march
bunch of unremarkable bullshit. Just because you are in a Disney meme cult and you kids play that shit """ironically"""" doesn't make it good, and it all either sounds retardedly Star Warsy or not star warsy at all. Duel of the fates sounds like some shit he had laying around from a different movie.
>No, you retard. I'm not even a male and I hate Rey
tits or gtfo faget nobody cares
> she has no actual character flaws
yes she does she is torn between accepting the call to action for fucking most of the movie. She is crazily lonely and guarded in her first act. All very well established in short order.
> no motivations,
yep it's family. Real easy.
>no true desires
> and struggles,
little struggles with the external consequances of her decision to make friends with BB-8, and internally, with her hesitance to accept the call to action.
>she just does what's "right"
she makes one decision. She decides NOT to sell out BB-8. That's the inciting action for the entire thing.
>she's already perfect
> and a saint at the beginning of TFA
lonely, chooses friendship over food.

And you're a PT faggot too? Talking about "already a saint?"

>She doesn't have ANYTHING to stand for her own so they just gave her iconic stuff from other, better characters,
got that stick. and pretty much same as Luke.

these are all meme crits btw. Means nothing really. You're some kind of company wars Disney shill i dont care. Shoulda been here 3 years ago.

>No one would bitch about Rey if she was well written.
LOL we've been bitching about Rey since before she was even cast.

>maul back
>space witches
>obi wan shaves all his hair and is injected with a syrum that changes the shape of his face
>Created and Executive Produced by George Lucas
anyother answer is a nu Yea Forums babbie answer

Attached: market.jpg (432x243, 26K)

>The Disney Star Wars is complete shit
>You're just a Disney shill!
Unironically what did he mean by this?

>What was the exact moment Star Wars jumped the shark?
when lucas left

Rey has no actual flaws that make her suffer consequences. Stop shilling and go back to tumblr. Also, stop implying I like PT, because I think it's trash. It just has a better soundtrack and is less insulting to the characters from OT than ST is. ST is an abomination and your shilling won't change it.

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Episode 1. Star wars is pleb scifi. Star trek and stargate SG1? Now thats scifi.

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>doesn't realize that prequel memes have been Disney marketing since they bought Lucasfilm

Attached: 181. 100% sweetie.jpg (2923x2909, 1.7M)

>Disney is intentionally saying the much hated prequels are better than their films
Even then, you're defending Rey and saying she isn't a Mary Sue

>Rey has no actual flaws that make her suffer consequences.
yeah she does she's lonely and chooses companionship over food, which is the inciting action for the film.
>Stop shilling and go back to tumblr.
Was here first faggot. Keep shucking and jiving shill.
>It just has a better soundtrack and is less insulting to the characters from OT than ST is.
It is not "less insulting." Nothing is "more insulting" that the PT. You're just a degenerate whataboutist nigger shill prequel babby like the rest of them with no fucking bottle. No fucking argument.
>ST is an abomination and your shilling won't change it.
Let me spit in your mouth.

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the problem wasn't merely making him an insecure baby, it was that plus rendering him almost entirely ineffective as a villain antagonist after the beginning of the movie.

when they cast a woman. Women can't be star wars

The first one?

>Disney is intentionally saying the much hated prequels are better than their films
They're not saying anything. They're boosting and encouraging the "debate." Drive consumer behavior with spite and conflict. Having autistic prequel shills endlessly circlejerking and rewarding themselves is good for the brand. It's good for business. It's part of their IP that otherwise is compete fucking garbage. But now they got people demanding t-shirts with literally every line of dialogue from those movies!

They don't care if you want to be angry about the new ones while you're still in a consumer cult for their properties regardless.
>Even then, you're defending Rey and saying she isn't a Mary Sue
I'm actually more just defending the actual concept of Mary Sue before it became Newspeak for polcel retards that wanted to whine about girls without having to admit it. They're ALL "Mary Sue" by pretty much every traditional understanding of the concept. Luke was some snotty moisture farmer surrogate for Luke that got to save the feminist stronk woman princess and blow up the hidden fortress. Anakin got to win a spacecar race and fall in love the princess and blow up the hidden fortress. Rey didn't die and all the running for her life doesn't count she wasn't struggling enough!

Like even from production aesthetics. Rey is CONSTANTLY panting, drenched in sweat, making stress faces, and barely gets a moment of down time in TFA. Han takes a liking to her enough to offer her a job on his ship. WOW! What a cunt! It's not like Ginn and Obi Wan did the exact same thing in the other trilogies or anything! She's a Mary Sue for that but they aren't!

It's a cancerous newspeak term for people that literally don't know fucking shit about movies or production or movie history. It's the dumbest fucking knownothing retards that bring up fucking Mary Sue irl.

Attached: backwards nigger.gif (435x419, 1.91M)

i dont know. dont watch star wars but I know that people were angry there was a woman

Second movie for both characters:
>Luke leaves too early to save his friends despite Yoda's warning, Vader fucks him up and cut his hand off, he survives but doesn't save the day

>Rey overpowers Luke with a stick, leaves the training and Yoda says she already knows everything (even though she received even less training than Luke), suffers literally NO consequences, then her FIRST shot from the Falcon takes out three TIE fighters at once, then she uses the force to lift a shit-ton of rocks, she saves the day
>not a mary sue

Don't even fucking @ me troll. You can't do anything.

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it's kind of impressive how you manage to have something marginally resembling a point, but then manage to stuff all your posts with some of the dumbest shit I've seen and SW threads generate a lot of dumb shit.

jesus christ you don't know shit about what Mary Sue means. You're just revealing that you spent a lot of time with retards who abused the meaning of the term Mary Sue and used it as a synonym for overpowered because you were too stupid to come up with better adjectives.
I really fucking hate retards like you who don't realize how fucking stupid they are.

mary sue = woman in my MAN'S film franchise

I'm fairly certain it's just shitposting. Surely no one is stupid enough to think that Disney wants people to ignore their merchandise.


>Like even from production aesthetics. Rey is CONSTANTLY panting, drenched in sweat, making stress faces, and barely gets a moment of down time in TFA

That's just because Ridley can't act for shit and can't close her fucking mounth. You can't be THIS retarded. Now I know you're just baiting and I don't have to take you seriously. Keep jacking off.

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There are a few, even if we're just talking sequel trilogy. Leia Mary Poppins, Commander Tumblr, saving the animals from the evil one-percenters. But bringing back the Emperor is
the most recent, and it's among the worst.

A literal muppet training Luke to be a jedi



space muffins

His midiclorian count is over 9000.

low-quality bait

Second movie:
>Luke hangs out with a goblin for a week, learns that "there is no try" and levitates spaceships ez.

>Rey overpowers Luke with a stick, leaves the training and Yoda says she already knows everything (even though she received even less training than Luke),
she was there about as long as he was goblining it up. And by the standards of the PT they're both HUGE Mary Sues. They needed to be doing that shit from birth bro.

>suffers literally NO consequences
from what? Luke was refusing to do anything.

>then her FIRST shot from the Falcon takes out three TIE fighters at once,
In TLJ? I don't even remember that shit the movie sucks. How is that her first shot in TLJ? She shot in TFA too. And again this is a universe where baby Anakin can do literally everything. But Rey shot 3 things at once!?
> then she uses the force to lift a shit-ton of rocks, she saves the day
there is no try.
>not a mary sue
they're all mary sues. That's the point. You degenerate niggers that refuse to acknowledge this just out yourselves as ONLY being buttmad that the protagonist is a smelly girl.

These are things that if it was a guy protoganist, it'd be "insulting" that he's such a wimp. He manages to use to force to lift some rocks in a life or death moment. WOW! Real impressive dude.

Like look at what Anakin does in his second movie. Fucking skydiving onto cars and all kinds of wacky fantastical bullshit. Look at how impossibly fast their fights are. We've already broken the seal on EXTREME space magic silliness. But now suddenly when the protagonist does protagonist shit it's OMG MARY SUE.

>dont @ me
stay asspained m8000

Attached: sheev jerk.gif (438x363, 2.25M)

>bunch of unremarkable bullshit. Just because you are in a Disney meme cult and you kids play that shit """ironically"""" doesn't make it good, and it all either sounds retardedly Star Warsy or not star warsy at all. Duel of the fates sounds like some shit he had laying around from a different movie.
yes she does she is torn between accepting the call to action for fucking most of the movie. She is crazily lonely and guarded in her first act. All very well established in short order.
These are not flaws if they aren’t acknowledged by the story or have any real consequences on the character or plot. These are also part of her “tragic backstory” which is a common trait of Mary Sues because authors can’t make good background for their character.
>yep it's family. Real easy.
It’s her motivation to stay on Jakku, not to do any particular thing after she left the planet, which also got resolved in the same movie and brought up again in TLJ because Rian is a hack.
>little struggles with the external consequances of her decision to make friends with BB-8, and internally, with her hesitance to accept the call to action.
She doesn’t struggle, she can do literally everything and be always morally right.
What are her real flaws? She is too good or too naive? Common Mary Sue traits, read above what I said.
>lonely, chooses friendship over food.
These are not flaws you fucking monkey.

>jesus christ you don't know shit about what Mary Sue means.
>t learned about it 2 year ago
explain it then fucken cunt LMAO
>You're just revealing that you spent a lot of time with retards who abused the meaning of the term Mary Sue
yep I've been here watching (You) turn it into polcel nuspeak for the last 4 fucking years
>and used it as a synonym for overpowered because you were too stupid to come up with better adjectives.
that's literally how it is used, and "han liked her" and "leia hugged her" and "she should have gotten killed in that fight" and "she shouldn't have known how to do a jedi mind trick" and "she shouldn't have known how to fly that spaceship" and "she shouldn't have previously worked on the compressor of the falcon" and "she shouldn't have already known how to fight with sticks" and "kylo would have raped her I would have haha."
>I really fucking hate retards like you who don't realize how fucking stupid they are.
entirely an ad hominem what a slithtering zero-sum cancer you choose to be.

Hang yourself in mom's closet boring cunt.

>That's just because Ridley can't act for shit and can't close her fucking mounth.
nice cope LMAO. Keep shilling Disney.




Thanks for confirming once again that you no idea what a Mary Sue actually is.

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Just deepfake Adam Drivers face on blacked porn and get over it already you fucking cunts.

Fuck off faggot, even Daisy herself thought her acting was wooden upon rewatching TFA.

said the person that literally cannot define it without looking it up

been asked repeatedly now to actual demonstrate your understanding of either the original term or the nuspeak term and you've chosen to again make an ad homimeme.

You're a Disney shill prove me wrong.

You a pajeet? What language do you speak lol?

Post a timestamped pic of your troll farm right now or you're confirmed for shill.

>from what?
Exactly, from what? She makes NO bad decisions in those movies, because she's a mary sue. She always wins and everything is given to her. Keep going retard.

Attached: IgJ2izG.png (445x264, 140K)

>When you have no argument, call somebody a Disney shill or a pajeet.
Every fucking time, I think you got btfo in nearly every thread you were involved in.

>said the person that literally cannot define it without looking it up
Why won’t you look it up yourself, you goddamn ape?

you can smell the onions.

Attached: b.png (191x261, 113K)


>Exactly, from what?
I think TLJ was shit. I'm only really a fan of TFA. It's production porn and it's still a good movie on it's own, even if TLJ is shit. I'm asking you what the plot is in TLJ since you're talking about consequences. They don't have the hero in either of these movies save the day in the third act. She doesn't get rekt like Luke did, and Anakin did (because Luke did), because muh subversion. That shit doesn't make her "more Mary Sue" than than the others. They just pussed out on chopping her fucking arm off.

Like this is why the Mary Sue meme is such fucking autism. It's literally newspeak and messaging control. It's LITERALLY subversive political messaging strategy. For a kid's movie. That was used to train and radicalize gamergate bros against girls for the big meanie girl election.

Like it's polcel autism that doesn't care about movies at all. It's just politics for babbies

>She always wins
She survives twice. She never wins. Both movies end with them reeling and retreating with their lives.
>nd everything is given to her.
Literally Anakin. He doesn't accept any call to action. He never has ANY agency. He's just a space jesus baby and then an edgy fucking retard adult.
>Keep going retard.
idk I think I may get weird into a game of ck2 for the rest of the day. Was doing a game as Sicily but I got too into reconquering Spain too quickly and my army just got ruined and there's like 20,000 goddamn muslims on my capital.

>LITERALLY can't demonstrate that they know what they're talking about
posted live from Disney World Studios Orldando Florida bing bang bong
nice trip faggot nobody cares

Wow, so hard.
>A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character. Often, this character is recognized as an author insert or wish fulfillment.[1] They can usually perform better at tasks than should be possible given the amount of training or experience, and usually are able through some means to upstage the main protagonist of an established fictional setting, such as by saving the hero.

I think this sums it up.

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>I'm only really a fan of TFA
>muh pol

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