Where did it go wrong?
Where did it go wrong?
honestly Crows and Dragons werent great to begin with and then you have full D&D fan fic
started a slow death when Oberyn's head fucking exploded
unironically died with Stannis
they're memory holing him so hard now
Oberyn dying kind of killed it for me, then it was all about Arya in her cult and Cersei being humiliated and whatever. Varys being muted kind of took something out of it.
Season 7 was the biggest drop in quality.
I don't know somewhere in season 3 when I stopped giving a fuck
This was around the time they ran out of book material. Season 1-4 were good. Winds of winter was supposed to be complete by the time they caught up to the books. It has always been GRRM’s fault.
How this nigga couldn't finish one fucking book is beyond me
its not too bad. except for the church subplot arc that shit was terrible
GRRM's problem is he knows the destination but decided to take the long ass route to get there, and he's the one creating the fucking road to the destination.
The night king represents the viewer and he is marching to bran to get the remote control.
>It has always been GRRM’s fault.
“I failed the class because the kid I cheat off of was sick!”
When GRRM's material was all used up and D&D starting making shit up.
I wonder how different it all would have been if GRRM had finished Winds of Winter.
Season 5 obviously
Looking back at season 7, I actually liked it a lot. It was the season with Jaime fighting the dragon.
GoT has always been somewhat consistent even at its worst. Imo the show was worst during the Mereen/Unsullied arcs with Dany in Essos. All that felt like a waste of time.
red wedding
GRRM's problem is that he keeps adding more and more pieces to an already overencumbered board. Just in ADWD and AFFC he introduces characters like Darkstar/Marwyn/the Tattered Prince/Aegon VI/Victarion/Euron/Arianne whose stories are going to have to have a payoff, and that's ontop of all the previous characters. He has so much shit still to do. In a single book, Daenerys has to conquer the Dothraki, return to Mereen, fix it, travel to Pentos, travel to Quarth, travel to Asshai, and then sail to Westeros. There isn't any way in which he can finish in two books, and because he's 70, there's no way he finishes the series UNLESS he manages to release TWOW this year.
he still has book 7 to go after Winds of Winter
GRRM never finished which opened the door for the jews to go wild with their propaganda
this, its pretty damn entertaining
been rewatching, season 4 is better than i remembered, surprised by how much i forgot from it, it's half and half, season 3 was 80% good and 20% bad, but to answer your question season 3 was the beginning of the downfall, season 4 was the last passable season before it went full autism and the bad outweighed the good.
Question for the bookfags, will anyone actually buy his book when (if) he finishes it?
Seems like the series (in book form) has lost all momentum because literally every fan of the books transferred over to the show; and knowing the ending now makes everything in-between redundant now.
S5, arguably S4.
S4 still had some moments that felt like the previous seasons, and S5 had some good Jon/Stannis stuff. I'd say the S5 finale was where it went to irredeemable shit.
It went wrong when GRRM realised he couldn’t bring the story to a satisfying conclusion after book three so started meandering and added more plots and characters to give the illusion that the story was progressing. Now the fat man gets to pass the buck onto D&D whilst he waits to die with the novels unfinished.
good to know. I got back into it watching season 5 and then got to season 6 and was thinking, yeah, I would skip half of this shit... I guess at that point it became trash.
I suspect the route will differ even if the destination is the same. Hell they’ll probably use it as a marketing ploy to shift more books. Pass it off as an alternate ending for showfags.
>knowing the ending now makes everything in-between redundant now
this is a horrible self-defeating line of thinking and i'm glad i don't subscribe to it
>Seems like the series (in book form) has lost all momentum because literally every fan of the books transferred over to the show; and knowing the ending now makes everything in-between redundant now.
Not really. I had been ignoring the show until the last few months when I binge watched it with a newish gf who wanted me to watch the last season with her. The plot and writing got so fucking stupid the second the show left the books behind that I can't consider it anything but bad fanfiction.
I'd love for that fat piece of shit to finish the books so I can see what "really" happens but I accepted years ago that he's going to die before he does. I guess this dumbed down garbage is the only ending we're going to get but if he actually does finish the books, I expect that they'll have very little in common with the show when it comes to plot. Also probably this
This. Everything not based on the books is leftist fan fiction.
Yes, bookfags these days know the show will show the 'ending' but have shifted to 'journey, not the destination' as a mindset. They are more excited about what direction the books go to get to the ending now as lots of characters are on wildly different tracks in the books still.
>euron is about to wreck the reach and probably is some kind of 'failed greenseer'
>stannis is alive and can't burn shireen right now
>bran is a tree
>jaime is dealing with LS
>Barristan is alive
>'Aegon' exists
>Victarion exists
Red wedding.
Retard George kept killing off characters
The main problem with season 7 was how rushed it felt.
6 seasons of people slowly moving around the map and then suddenly people and armies are just teleporting all over the place in order to wrap things up.
The slow pace of this season thus far wouldn't even be out of place in previous seasons, but the fact that there's only 6 episodes makes it feel like they're wasting time.
Episode 3 is gonna be almost nothing but the battle, so that only leaves 3 episodes for everyone to teleport to Kings Landing and wrap up the series.
between s4 and 5 for me. i dont even care anymore and want it to end, its sons of anarchy tier now
When did the high sparrow get murdered? Season 5?
This sounds so fucking bad holy shit
at the end of 6
What went wrong at that point. I feel like I also gave up around there though I can't be sure since I hard stopped watching at least four years ago I think
Imagine being such an incel that you can't even enjoy a fantasy show cos everything reminds you that you can't get laid
Thanks man. Yeah that season is when shit fell apart imo.
imagine being a faggot like this
Pandering to women now. Every grill is the most important character, in romance or paired with a male sidekick. Stannis is dead, Tywin is dead, Robb is dead, Oberyn is dead, Tyrion sucks now. Most of the fans are neet grills currently.
DnD said there were 3 WTF Scenes when they were told the story by grrm.
First one was the HODOR scene, which i find, was a real wtf moment and the best conclussion the tv series got us.
Second one was the burning os shireen, which i found unneccesary and i didnt care for her at all.
The 3rd WTF scene will be in episode 5 or 6.
I am pretty sure it will be a death of the main characters. Maybe euron will kill them all. Or they gonna kill each other.
Thing is, i expected more from grrm. The Hodor reveal was very good imo. But i cant imagine dnd or grrm to suprise us with one more.
It must be unexpected but still make sense. I dont think that something mindblowing will happen. But hope dies last.
That scene where Yara tries to save Theon and then immediately gave up when Ramsey showed up with no armor on was when I realised the show had crashed.
Fucking fan girl kino every time
i agree
quality dropped off after season one
shoulda kept it a miniseries.
there was waaaay too much hype
season 2 was shit, the actors all ended up.overplaying their characters.
like Harry Potter series theres no such thing as a book fag for this series anymore.
>sons of anarchy tier
Perfect comparison. Also feels like Dexter, True Blood, etc. toward the end.
In Season 7, suddenly a bunch of characters are simplified rush from place to place, having a bunch of brief contrived conversations to settle potential issues.
A gritty, realistic series becomes a simplistic good vs evil struggle where the good guys have banded together and are no longer sources of potential internal struggle or betrayal.
The men start contorting into simplistic cucked versions of themselves, and we start getting moral grandstanding scenes, which, even if you agree with the sentiment, are boring and add nothing to the story.
Imagine thinking you'll ever be considered a woman.
The two best actors died in the first season
Talissa. That character was retarded and it went downhill from there
Series 5. It’s the most blatant drop off in quality in almost any TV show. I’m not even a book purist, I have never read any of the books, but clearly losing source material to fall back on has had a serious impact on the quality of the show.
The worst thing about it is that the vast majority of GoT fans lap it up and call you an elitist fag if you criticise any aspect of it, despite it very clearly taking a nosedive in quality. There is just so little consideration for anything anymore, scenes are written to be “so epic and dope!” now, and that’s it.
No show is ever good past season 4 at the absolute latest
He’s just a fat liberal. They’re all lazy, worthless people.
then why was S5 of Breaking Bad the 2nd best after S4 (S2 was shit fuck Skyler)
There’s many series that are available and made by better writers.
Breaking bad sucked from the pilot on, sorry to tell you this user
I will definitely read the book
The fatfuck blew his load midway through the story and can no longer get it up to give the reader a satisfying conclusion.
Such as?
not trying to argue just trying to find a replacement. But please don't say Dune I didn't like it.
not him but last kingdom is much better than game of thrones if you want something medieval. what a difference it makes when stuff actually happens during episodes and not just the last 1-2 of a season.
I didn't know being a pleb on this level was even possible.
how bout books though?
i dont think they expected the show to become so popular. i have met one single person who actually read the books before the show came out. there's still tons of viewers who dont even know the books exist or who the fuck GRRM is
i'm reading through the expanse books atm and enjoying them. last kingdom's books were good too
>actually believing that endings are gonna be the same
You never fucking learn.
for sure but the cracks started to show past season 4
>6 seasons of people slowly moving around the map and then suddenly people and armies are just teleporting all over the place in order to wrap things up.
Friendly reminder that in S01E01, the entire royal household travels from King's Landing to Winterfell in one cut
>actually believing the fat man is going to finish the series
You never fucking learn
Well, Dance with Dragons and Feast for Crows were both shit, so that really didn't help. The show went bad pretty much during the start of S4.
It would still be shit. The books got overcomplicated and nowhere to go.
The second GRRM signed it away to the slavers.
>First one was the HODOR scene, which i find, was a real wtf moment and the best conclussion the tv series got us.
>Second one was the burning os shireen, which i found unneccesary and i didnt care for her at all.
These are retarded as far as WTF moments go. They don't really affect the story, they're there just for a shock value. Actual WTF moments that actually affected the story were Ned's, Robb's and Joff's deaths. They were shocking and set a new motion for the overall story, whereas Hodor was just to make titcows at Burlington scream like hell and Shireen's death was just to undermine what an evil baddie Stannis is. Neither of them affected the story at all.
I expect the third one will be something similiar.
For me this is when the show officially jumped the shark. Everything about the superteams trip beyond the wall and Gendry's speedhack return to fetch eyebrow bitch was just felt idiotic as fuck.
Season 5 of Breaking Bad is so shitty that it almost makes the rest of the series look good.
The strength of the books is how grey everything is. For example even the heroic Jon snow is a schemer, he harbors jealous over his brother because he wants to be Lord of Winterfell. He swaps out gilly's baby with Mance's as a sacrifice because he thinks Melisandra is going to sacrifice it. All of the characters are plotting and scheming, even the "good guys".
Arya is another good example. In the book it about he descent into becoming a psychopathic murderer. But in the show its just a "discovering herself" voyage, the fantasy of every middle class white woman. We don't get a serial killer, we get a "strong womyn".
That was GRRMs entire "thesis" for writing the books. He wanted to subvert the norms of the genre.
On the show every thing is black and white. There's good guys and back guys. The only thing surprising about the "twists" is when they happen. You already know who its going to come from.
The show is very much written in a kind of dialogue with the audience. They see which characters the audience likes, and write in a big "YAAASSSS" moment for them. They write the story exactly as the normie Burlington bar plebs want it to go. And every now and then they throw in something a little spicy just to keep people from getting bored.
After red wedding
>buying books
lol. paper is for faggots. Also John being a Targ sounds like a red herring. Superior theory is that he's Ned's nephew via his Chad brother fucking Ned's oneitis from Starfall. Ned being the beta-faglord he is took Jon out of beta respect for her and to preserve the honour of Starfall, which is why they named their heir after him.
>We don't get a serial killer, we get a "strong womyn".
More like a professional anime assassin. It fucking infuriates me how she found absolute mastery in sneaking, archery, swordsmanship, magical faceswapping and shit by scrubbing the floors for a week and cleaning two corpses. Fucking retarded shit. Her journey seemed absolutely fascinating in the books but she's a fucking terrible character.
Season 1 was basically a medieval role play simulator that appealed to book/history nerds and ancient military enthusiasts
Then after season 1 was out it became the new “it” show and catering to the bow majority female fan base ruined it.
Jamie losing his hand was actually the biggest “wtf” moment in the entire show for me. I did NOT expect that, it was fucking brutal how casual it was, and how something so simple completely changes a person
In one night Gendry ran miles upon miles through the coldest hardest terrain there is then a crow flew thousands and thousands of miles to dragonstone then deanerys flee thousands and thousands of miles on her dragons to arrive just in time when the fighting started.
but at that point, nothing else that mattered happened in the whole westeros... whereas now we have shit happening virtually every day all around the places and time wise it doesn't add up
Correct answer is after Tywin was killed and Hack&Hack decided to shit up everything.
Let's be objective: both the Essos and Wall plotlines, since season 1, have always been the weakest links.
As the show needs to conclude, the importance of those two storylines became more and more ever present to the (pretty high-fantasy) point we are in now.
This but unironically. There's a reason why GoT is the most popular show, even normies were pissed at Dexter's ending. GoT even at its worse is still very good, the show has certainly not "gone to shit", like many actual tv shows have (dexter, house, lost, true detective, etc)
That too. Also Tywin's death, and I reckon there's been plenty more that have actually driven the story forwards but I don't remember them at the top of my head. Hodor's scene is exactly opposite of that and I don't like how they make shocking scenes just for shock's sake but I suppose that's what appeals to normies.
Essos was cool as shit during S1, and the Wall has also been cool as shit at least until the mutiny at Craster's.
When nerds came to power in the society with the IT business boom.