What the FUCK did they do to her?

I can't be the only one who's noticed how horrific she's been looking in this season. I know actresses age but fuck this makeup job makes her look uncanny as shit

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ya think Sophie is into Asian guys? I can be her qt oppa bf

bongs get their faces smushed in as they age until they end up with these giant mongoloid faces

Teenage actors age and look different when they're adults. Whoa.

Still hot af

I know that for a double-triple fact. All those cunny-whores who love bobbie miller from stranger things are gonna be salivating over her old pictures forever

deplorable taste, or very bad eyes

they had to make her uglier so trannies and goblins could project themselves onto her.

Cokebloat and bong genes. Not a good mix.

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>shes starting to look like ned

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>He thinks he's attractive enough to be picky.

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>shark jaw
>degenerate (lesbian)
>proud look
no thanks

You wouldn't say that to me in real life faggot

she's not supposed to look pretty and innocent anymore you dumb faggot

On the other hand, she's supposed to be 16, not 40.

If she's on-screen then she has to be a sex object. them's the rules
I'd cut my dick off before being forced to have sex with such a creature (english woman)

Shes ‘intelligent’ now and not a dopey young rapehole. Shes essentially a new, simpler, boring character.

Representative of the season so far.

The pic on the right is how ALL women wear makeup nowadays.
They buy gallons of it and put it on after watching youtube/instagram tutorials.

what's up with this "sansa is smart" meme anyway? what halfway intelligent thing has she done thus far?

Don't you remember her pivotal advice before the battle at Winterfell?
Ok what do you think we should do?

Fucking incel underestimating a powerful woman like that

So much this.
Since season 1 Sansa has been nothing but a massive moron who got everyone around her killed.
Absolutely everything good that happened was somebody else's work, like poisoning Joffrey and getting her out of King's Landing.

The actress got married, so naturally she let herself go as all women do.

>Slag genes
What did you expect?

Cocaine is a hell of a drug. I bet her arteries are like an expensive steak by now

Between the ages of 14 to 18, their british genes start kicking in and its all downhill from there on...

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What the fuck are you talking about lel? Have you actually seen a woman in the past 10 years?

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Wow I had no idea people aged over a 10 year period.

Sansa was hot in the first episode. I busted a nut i tell you

Oi you got a loicince for that opinion mate?

>ameritards are so homogenized they can't even appreciate a defined european visage

colonials please

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Every european country considers British women as hideous goblins.
This is a fact

Any woman's face can be salvagable with a good enough hairdo

Instead they have given Maisie's and Arya disgusting hairstyles where it is simply pulled back straight like that, revealing their 3/10 faves faces in their full hideousness.

Bran's face is unsalvagable in all cases however

How old is she? I thought women first hit the wall at 25, but she looks old as shit now

thisbrits are the uggos of europe. this is common knowledge in all of europe

t. european

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It's just that if you have a strong bone structure of an adult as a child, as all good looking (=adult) child actresses have, when you become an adult you're just gonna have too strong of a bone structure.

The show runners are fucking idiots, Arya and Bran could pass as actual human beings with a decent haircut i.e. one that hides part of their faces.

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she's just not attractive at all. never really was. not for a tv personality anyway.

it's the authentic look of the stronk wamen .