Frasier just got BTFO by Vice

Frasier just got BTFO by Vice

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zoomers were a mistake

Vice with that hard hitting journalism they’re known for. This was the article between two top ten lists about eating pussy and pleasing your bull, right?


Frasier is overrated. There I said it!
And I mean it too

Is this a psyop meant to give Yea Forums autists a fucking stroke?
>the 90's were a fraud and so are white people

don't like frasier but their criticism of it seems dumb

>the 90s are a fraud and so are white people
Now I know why old people vote republican. The kids scare them.

What does she mean by accents? Doesn't anything other than ghetto ebonics sound like an "accent" to her?

Kelsey was a fucking stud.

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>the nineties were a fraud and so are white people
Somebody hook the national electricity generating grid up to this gimp's anal rig because his butthurt can electrically power the internet age.

This bitch saying only ugly white dudes can get on TV because I have seen some hermit crab lookin whores on the tv as of late

>Roxane Gay
Stunning and brave

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>High test thinning hair
>Solid frame
>Voice of a golden god
Kelsey got shim wet

>relevant in 2019
no one cares

Truly the face of America.

Day of the rope

A vice article about a quote from a literal who nigger traany about a 90s TV show character. also the show was a hit because it was well written and smarter than the average sitcom. That's a good thing.

vice was killed by its own reputation, because it attracted talentless flies like the author


Give me the redpill on vice.
How did it come up and why is it like how it is


>conventionly hot
So does that mean she thinks shes unconventionly hot?

Trying not to scream howl with laughter at 12:53 am

>BTFO by Vice

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Why would Frasier be your example?

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Why do journalists need everything spoonfed to them? She’s never heard of a Boston brahmin accent?

Finn DeTrolio.. my arch nemesis.

Why is appearance-shaming ok if it’s a white male?

>vice btfo anyone

Nice try Vice

>the 90s were a fraud and so are white people

How do these racist animals get away with this shit?

I'm completely numb to anti-white racism at this point, I can read "white people are a fraud" and not feel anything. Is that good or bad?

Nah, these people and their social circles sincerely believe "fuck wypeepaw" is some controversial, consensus-shattering opinion - even if the only people that even react now are /pol/cels

el atrocidad...

>its literally okay to be openly racist against white people now
tired of the fallacy bullshit about minorities being incapable of racism, that is literally minority privilege it seems, to be openly racist about everyone.

The only solution to be an open white nationalist back and normalize it.

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you mean fund AI to do it for you

Is this like a joke? Fraiser isn't a fucking Hollywood blockbuster it's a sitcom. Supposed to be funny. So you kinda want funny looking people in it. Also americans have regional accents.
That second part is retarded. Does that bitch think all the presidents are hot? Trump, even if you like him, looks fucking dumb. Obama was a big eared nerd, also not white.

this is probably more captain marvel tier bait to attract incels into watching the frasier reboot when it hits. prove my schizophrenia wrong.

that wasn't what they were fighting for. Most vets probably despise the state of the country or are turning in their grave

>that writing
>that punctuation

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they just deny it's happening at all. if you point out the obvious anti-white agenda in media, they'll call you crazy while simultaneously saying how much they hate white people. it's clown world, there are no rules for these people


Dont forget, based Kelsey Grammar is a staunch Republican.

Used to make decent investigative documentaries, not sure why it’s dive bombed to shitting on a 20 year old show starring a guy whose whole family was almost killed.

Reads like they transcribed a 10 year old's thoughts.

>that wasn't what they were fighting for.
indirectly, it was

yeah they were fighting for the creation of the state of israel

bruh this bitches face looks like its rotting off

got to The Atlantic if you want beautifully written trash

reminder that this is the person who calls you an incel and tells you to have sex


It's almost as if wealthy liberal intellectuals are actually full of shit and put on airs because they think they have all the answers to everyone's problems and think they're much smarter than they actually are when in reality they lack common sense

god this low-effort article, at least watch more than 15 minutes of the show before you desperately try to ruin the Frasier reboot

they didn't just give him a show, he was a popular character on Cheers first

xer's right you know

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I don't understand the point of this excerpt. It's so retarded I almost want to go read the article just to see if it ever gets less braindead.

>wrote a memoir titled ‘Hunger’
Clown world

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Thanks user makes me feel better...I may be a loser but I'm in good shape and I don't look like a melting shit candle :)

This reads less like an article, and more like a series of twitter posts strung together.

aka modern journalism

That's what journalism is now

The assumption of the article is that Frasier was popular because he was white. This also assumes then that every other failing show must have been full of minority stars, instead of the reality that plenty of shows had white leads and failed. But it's vice so I can't expect any logical thinking.

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lmao i remember this sound effect

Also he was continuing his character from what was the most popular TV show of the 80s and early 90s...

>High test thinning hair
hairlet cope

Lol this is what happens when you invite anyone into your country for cheap labor. Youve all but lost your country to racist, socialist hare brains.

That's exactly what is being implied lok

She looks like she's hard of hearing. The Irish sunglasses and all.

That's the point of the image, ding-dong.

VICE really isn't a fan of white people huh.

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Not making excuses for Kelsey, but he's got an old school physique. He's got the same kind of body as a male lead in 1940, barrel-chested mother fuckers. Like Kirk Douglas in Spartacus.

>face literally looks like it's unwashed

What kind of disease causes this?

>the 90s were a fraud and so are white people
imagine actually writing this unironically


Making good documentaries was hard and expensive so they hired some activists to write far-left clickbait instead like most other media outlets.

This retards never heard of a transatlantic accent jesus christ

Imagine equating having a girl sit on your face to letting niggers fuck your wife lmao

I mean anti-white racism isn't considered edgy in mainstream society. Also you're probably desensitized from seeing so many examples of it.

This. Hitler, ww2 and the "holocaust" were all a Jewish plot to regain Israel for the Jews.
And it worked to a tee, prove me wrong.

Yeah, there's no way an unattractive woman could be the star of a very successful show in the 90s.

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>written by an Asian woman
I thought they were our friends bros

actually looks fine for a man his age, and an alcoholic at that

white washed chinks are worse than white women lmao

Something tells me the writer is either a feminist female or liberal male who didn't actually grow up watching the show.

To be fair, if I looked like that I'd be bitter as fuck 24/7

Why do people like to baldshame?
It's literally something your body can't control, yet people get angry if you make fun of fat people

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The world is "equal" but ladies still wanna go first. Total BS

Also from Vice

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I can't believe how much the world has changed in the past 10 years. God damn...

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Bc it makes you look like a beta cuck male. Look at Jonny sins. He gets hella pussy but looks like a fucking beta cuck

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she will have a white bf 100%

It's the last bastion of implicit masculinity

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Did whoever wrote this get frozen in 1993 at the age of 9?

>harassed five times on the way to work
is america really that fucked up? is this even america?

Frasier is in third in emmy wins (37) behind SNL (54) and GOT(38). SNL has been on for like 50 years and GOT the biggest production TV show ever...

Thats fucking crazy and shows you how quality that show is. Their accent is waspy and in no way British. Fuck im so triggered.

>don't understand
Vice "journalists" summed up in two words tbqhwyf.

Was this before, or after Vice sliced 10-15% of their workforce?
Did this click bait "journalist" survive the purge?

> a place built by White people
But please, by all means, Wakanda awaits you.

Even a 10 year old isn't that nasty and hate-filled.


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I can’t find this article any where. Please link

Same here, OP's image is photoshopped.

And everyone still eats it up. Really shows you that conservatives are constantly looking to get pissed off

>Lefties hate Frasier

Just like how if Friends were broadcast today, they would be demanding it shut down. There were gay jokes in it constantly.

Learn to google next time

>In April 2018, Gay shared that she had undergone a sleeve gastrectomy in January 2018.
At least she'll stop shoving lard down her gullet to a lesser degree

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>It's real

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Seriously what the fuck is gook bitches' beef with white people? First the NYT chick, and now this.

>clown world
you're literally the one guy on this entire website that uses that fuckin phrase. Stop trying to make it happen - it's not going to happen.

I really miss the old Vice, where they'd go undercover and have interviews with drug lords and kingpins

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>Why do people like to baldshame?
>It's literally something your body can't control,
holy SHIT the irony, I bet you make fun of manlets, q-ball.

you best start believin in clown worlds boyo

yer in one

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It makes them more money to have "journalists" write about which tv shows trigger them and how offended they are than to fund actual journalism.

Conveniently this doesn't count, because rosanne raciss, whypepow bad

>Shelley Long
What a weirdly sexy woman. Gave me multiple unexpected boners while watching Night Shift. Never happened with a non-porno before

Nah, manlets have it rough enough desu.

rent free is real

>Remember that you're fighting for the right to say whatever the fuck you want without punishment regardless of political bias

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>When you're so far up your post modern ass that blatant satire is lost on you
Frasier is a show that makes fun of the stereotypical pompous, ego-driven attitude of socialites.

Damn the new Lord of Decay model looks like THAT?

It's a WAHmen. Her definition of harassment could mean complimented for her looks




I'm okay with this if we kill females on the work place to reach 50% of women and men killed during work.

The >I hate white people
Bit at the end is Photoshopped. Why not post the real thing?

No it isn't

>sleeve gastrectomy
The fuck is wrong with these people that they literally have to have fucking surgery in place of exercising self control

>niggers rape and murder your sister
>niggers are now shit talking Frasier

How is Kelsey Grammer not a White Nationalist?

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speak of the devil and he shall appear


>This is 2019, and viewers – who have become more attuned to how fiction shapes our vision of the world – are casting a more critical eye on the sitcom.

>It seems essential, then, to reckon with some of the show's most questionable aspects – namely, the fact that all six friends seemed to live in a world overwhelmingly populated by straight, white people. A world where being fat or acting gay (whatever that means) doomed you to become the butt of many jokes.

>“It’s fair to say [Friends] was the product of its time, but the problem is that time was far less inclusive, and an era when bigotry, even into the guise of a sitcom, was more acceptable,” says Kelsey Miller, the author of the recently released I’ll Be There for You, an in-depth look into the show’s history.

>To understand why Friends sometimes feels like an older relative with whom you can discuss the weather but not important social issues, look no further than race. As Miller points out, it took the show – a show based in New York City, of all places – nine seasons to have a recurring black character (palaeontologist Charlie Wheeler, played by Aisha Tyler).

>Then comes, of course, the “Fat Monica” problem. Monica Geller’s younger self (played by Courteney Cox in a fat suit) is so removed from her present-day personality that she feels more like a cartoonish alter ego than the teenager who would one day become a competent New York City chef.

>Celeste Yim

>Celeste 수영 Yim is a pretty and gorgeous writer from Canada who is currently pursuing a Master’s of Fine Arts in Screenwriting from NYU Tisch School of the Arts.

>In Spring 2019, Celeste’s play “Not Only Is Everyone As Wonderful” will be produced as part of the National MFA Playwrights Festival at Theater Row in New York City, and it will be published by Samuel French.

>Celeste earned a spot at the 2019 Theater Masters workshop in Aspen, Colorado adjudicated by the playwright Craig Lucas. In 2018, she was awarded "The Staging Survivance Award" at The Hart House Drama Festival adjudicated by the scholar Jill Carter and named one of “30 Candian Women in Comedy To Watch” by Brunch Club. In 2017, she was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Notable Women" by Flare Magazine, a “Bob Curry Fellow” at The Second City Toronto, and "racist to whites" by a Twitter user.

>Celeste has written professionally in San Francisco, California for Instagram and in Toronto, Ontario for VICE and Sunday Night Live. She has also been hired as a juror for The Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival, Head Writer of The Follies, Editor-In-Chief of The Foolscap, and Humour Editor for The Strand.

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>It's ok to talk shit on bald white dudes but not fat ugly niggers.


>This is 2019

>I'm so meek!
>Why won't other people stand up for me!

Looks gr8 for his age tbqh.

Before, and way before.

Imagine getting paid to write like this... what a fucking easy-ass job.




>Celeste 수영 Yim is a pretty and gorgeous writer
Is this seriously legit? Because I write for a living and you write those introductions yourself.

>whatever that means

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>Lefties hate Frasier
Which is odd considering how many gays worked on the show both on camera and as script writers. Or are white gays not exotic enough anymore?