Before I begin: I will not reveal my sources or identity. The information that I'm about to share would cost people their jobs if they were found out. Despite that risk, I have information on the remaining episodes of HBO's Game of Thrones and have decided to share it for the greatest reason of all: the lulz.

Episode 3:
> Grey Worm, Gendry, Jorah, Beric, Podrick, Varys, Theon, and Jaime die.
>Gendry is going to be stabbed by a weight, and will chase Arya through Winterfell.
>Jorah will die defending the crypts after a short conversation with Lyanna Mormont.
>Jaime is going to be one of the final deaths, while protecting Jon, and Jon will have to re-kill him.
>Tyrion is going to see Jon re-kill Jaime from a distance, but will not see Jaime being turned, and only see Jon kill his brother, planting the seeds of Tyrion’s doubt in Jon.
>A turned Hodor will lead a group of wights into the godswood after Bran, where Theon and his ironborn will die trying to hold them off.
>Before they can reach Bran, Bran will warg into zombie-Hodor and destroy the remaining wights.
>The final shot in Ep 3 is going to be the Nights King (who is absent from the battle of Winterfell) flying towards King’s Landing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You had me until Jaime dying. He appears at least in 4 episodes so unless Ayra steals his face he lives until episode 4.

what would compel a person to make such a post
i know the show is a pile of shit, but come on man

I’m back from beyond the wall. Here we go folks, the aftermath of the Battle of Winterfell.

Episode 4:
>Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Arya, and the Hound travel to Kings Landing.
>At Kings Landing the Night King raises his arms and reanimates the bodies of all the soldiers who died in the Battle of the Blackwater. We see them climbing from the harbor and into the streets of Kings Landing.
>Along the way Jon and Dany will have an argument, splitting their party in two. Tyrion goes with Dany while Rhaegal, the Hound, and Arya stay with Jon.
>The Hound asks Arya how she expects to break into the Red Keep, she hides her face before revealing Jaime’s.
>Dany and Tyrion beat the others to Kings Landing, only to find it overrun by millions of wights that have been turned by the Nights King after the reanimated navies kill the local peasants and convert them to wights.
>Cersei and her court take refuge in the Red Keep, safe from the wights but effectively trapped. The Golden Company take to the streets to battle the wights.

Here we go folks, things are getting heated now. Time for the big one.

Episode 5:
>Dany, Tyrion and the Golden company face the wights. Jon, Arya, and the Hound arrive during the confusion, and Jon takes to the sky to survey the damage.
>Arya and the Hound will infiltrate the Red Keep by letting themselves be captured by the outer guards, while Arya wears Jaime’s face. They are taken before Cersei, and the Hound holds off Robert Strong (GET HYPE) while Arya reveals her true face and kills Cersei.
>The Hound is killed in the duel with his former brother, but distracts Robert Strong long enough for Arya to kill him from behind.
>Tyrion will devise a plan to save the city by blowing up the rest of the Wildfyre hidden beneath it in the catacombs, but when he does it kills not only wights but most of the human survivors and members of the Golden Company as well.
>Jon, Dany, and the Nights King are having a threeway dogfight on dragons above the city when the explosion happens.
>Dany’s main target is Jon, not the Night King. Her last quote is “You stole my birthright. You stole my dragon. But you will not steal this victory.” Jon, seeing no other option, kills Dany, causing Longclaw to become Lightbringer and revealing Jon as Azor Ahai.
>Jon then kills the Nights King and the remaining wights die with him.

Hold your breath boys, we made it. The final episode.

Episode 6:
>Davos and a contingent of soldiers from Winterfell arrive in Kings Landing and meet with Jon as the final survivor and the only remaining claimant to the Iron Throne. Davos and Jon walk through the streets, observing the wounded and dead.
>Tyrion faces trial for high treason for betraying Jon and destroying the city, and he will be sentenced to death. While Jon doesn’t agree with his sentence, he does his duty and executes Tyrion himself. Before his execution, Tyrion and Jon speak and Tyrion tells Jon to never forget who he is, despite his newfound heritage.
>Arya discovers she is pregnant from her encounter with Gendry.
>Sansa is named Warden of the North.
>Samwell becomes Jon’s Grand Maester.
>The final shot of the show is an older Jon stepping onto a balcony above Kings Landing, and noticing a flower blooming in a planter beside him.

That’s all she wrote. Thanks for tuning in.

>Jon kills Dany

Try again, bro.

>Rhaegal lol
>5.1 Arya is going to waer 6.5 Jamie's face.

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Blackwater wights are a good call but there’s no room in the budget for dragons and two big battles

This is actually retarded enough to be true.

>Jon kills Dany

Lmao yeah because HBO wants to be on the receiving end of that hate. Fuck off bro.

No one is buying this bullshit buddy, go peddle this autistic shit elsewhere. You're not original, you're not creative, and no one cares about the fanfic you wasted hours writing.

Actually wouldn't mind this, we get our mad queen and Azor ahai


Jaime won't die that early, and he certainly won't die before Brienne.

I'm buying.
All in all, this might even be better then what Dungeons & Dragons has in store for us.

That’s nice, now go back to your special class buddy

seems real to me, but dunno

denaerys sounds off

>Dany bails on the battle at Winterfell to go to King's Landing instead
>the Night King is also on his way there
>Dany gets the throne but she has nobody and the city is destroyed.

Night King and Cersei will die in the next couple episodes. Final showdown will be Dany

>Bran not mentioned
>Brienne not mentioned
>Sunspear not mentioned
>Edd not mentioned
>The Reach not mentioned
>Yara not mentioned
>Bronn not mentioned
>Tormund not mentioned
>Fate of dragons not mentioned
>Euron not mentioned
>Dany betraying Jon for literally not reason whatsoever.
Absolutely fucking shit tier. There is no way they cop out this hard.

Fuck it, I bought in.

fake and gay. you should have added something about the night king and his dragon battling drogon and rhaegal if you wanted to be believable

Yeah it’s almost like condensing hour long episodes of television into six or seven main points means things get left out.

Will the annoying child-lord die?

Let’s just say Lyanna meets her namesake... uncomfortably.

Already pretty disillusioned with this shit, but if Jon is AA I'll actively wipe it's very existence from my memory.

Check post , where the night king and his dragon literally battle Drogon and Rhaegal.

Jesus, what’s your reading level?

Bought it up until Jaime’s death, D&D isn’t that creative

Actually sounds kino

If this is legit I would be happy.

>Tyrion is going to see Jon re-kill Jaime from a distance, but will not see Jaime being turned, and only see Jon kill his brother, planting the seeds of Tyrion’s doubt in Jon.
The white walkers poof into ice dust when they die so this would make no sense. Surely Tyrion would see his brother's body disappear into thin air and realize he became a walker.

Please be true

Delete this now. I am a lawyer representing HBO, and you are in violation of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). We are currently tracking your IP address, once you are located your contract with HBO and its affiliates will be terminated for sharing confidential information. If you do not remove this posting immediately we will be forced to press charges.

The ones who turn into dust are the White Walker not the Wights

>Gendry is going to be stabbed by a weight

You guys should’ve had a better spread for the crew, sorry not sorry.

Your shitty fan-fic forgot to even mention melissandre you retard.

Almost as unbelievable as the Waif changing into Jaqen back in season 5, including height and weight changes. They’d definitely never do that again

did you get this info from script synopses or watching the eps or what

Beric is already dead, faggotron.

are you retarded

stop shamelessly baiting for (You)s by pretending to be retarded

slag level 10000

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i am as hard as valyrian steel

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Wights don't turn to dust when stabbed with dragon glass or Valyrian steel? i thought that was the whole point of mining the dragon glass making so many weapons with it. seems like a waste since there's at most maybe 50 white walkers (the male babies that were given by Craster).

that floor looks disgusting and unclean

Whats she doing anyway?

She went to Essos for undisclosed reasons last season, she is going to return to be the Nissa-Nissa to Jon. She will sacrifice herself, which will wrap up her character arc nicely.

I hope we get to learn just what the fuck she went to Essos to do though, it's clear she sees things, maybe even the future so she has some idea about what is going to happen and when to return to Westeros to fulfill her destiny. She clearly already knows that she is going to die and her purpose is to die in Westeros.

Mel returns and confirms Jon as AA, but honestly she doesn’t play a major role beyond that. Jon allows her to start a congregation for the Lord of Light after the Battle of Kings Landing but she doesn’t have a ton of impact on the plot.

Just stop, this is getting really pathetic now m8.

Let’s just say that I see the forest through the trees and leave it at that. Like I said, people’s families depend on HBO not knowing where I got this info.

But for real would it have been that hard to get enough donuts for everyone? Fucking Bradley ate half of them on his first visit to craft services.

>Dany going evil and being killed

Will never happen. The sjw would crucify D&D.

What’d you expect, some kind of LOTR Gandalf at Helm’s Deep moment where she charges in with a legion of red priests? Be glad she got a mention at all.

>Jon kills Dany
If fucking only.

Dany isn’t evil, just driven mad by literally having her throne and purpose stolen by someone she thought she was superior to. Her death is really well done, I don’t think the sjw crew is going to have much to complain about other than her not taking the throne. They did their best to stil make her relatable.


I'm really close to buying this
Any other small interesting details you left out in your main explanation?

>a white male killing off "yaaas queen"

im drowning in thinkpieces

The Arya/Gendry angle makes the most sense since it is a common movie trope.

>end of world imminent
>always show at least one couple fucking
>end of world bitches out and only kills the dude that got laid
>roastie finds out she is pregnant and names the kid after the father to honor his memory and how he sacrificed himself

I believe it.

I don’t want to say too much and take the fun out of what’s left. But I will reveal that Hot Pie survives, I know that that’s the real question on everyone’s mind. It’s heartbreaking when Arya tells him what happened to Gendry.

>it's like death, being forgotten

Did you forget?
the north remembers

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This is obvious bait, Stannis the Mannis is going to come back and fuck Jon’s shit up at Winterfell.

HAVe sex retard

Man, I would if I could but this whole paralysis thing is hell on the dick.

The only thing that kinda pisses me off is jaime dying,for the rest of the characters idgaf

Jaime does, but he acts as Jon’s kingsguard in the end and fulfills his oath. While I’m pissed at him being gone so soon, it ultimately is a good way to end his arc. Without him, Jon would have died. Jaime sacrifices himself for the good of the Seven Kingdoms, he dies to protect the young prince that he wasn’t there to protect at the Tower of Joy.

They've confirmed there are two battles this season.

I hope the spoilers are real. Dany would make a 10/10 villain twist and while Jon taking the throne would be kind of predictable, I do like the imagery of winter being over at the end.


I can confirm this.
Some things original poster missed.

Brienne becomes captain of the kingsguard.
Sansa marries Robin Arryn.

I mean ill be happy if this is how it ends because fuck Shitneris, useless whiny power tripping bitch. Poor Jamie didnt get his after war redemption arc, but all Lanisters should burn so im kinda ok with that.
Will see in a week if shit you say is true, untill then ill hope it is.

dead next episode for sure bud

Shhh we can’t spoil too much.

hes like 5'11 everyone just seems tall next to Jon

>>The Hound is killed in the duel with his former brother, but distracts Robert Strong long enough for Arya to kill him from behind.
the future IS female

So Sansa marries a weak retard. How fitting

If it makes you feel better, Arya’s child is a boy named Robert.

>The final shot in Ep 3 is going to be the Nights King (who is absent from the battle of Winterfell) flying towards King’s Landing.

based. I was hoping they'd just walk past winterfell and siege kings landing, then take the fight to the north. I'm somewhat satisfied if this is true.

Lines up with previous vague leak. Well done. No need to watch this bullshit though, but thanks for sharing ahead of time. Turn off the electric jew you fat, lazy cocksuckers.

The Mountains Win Again
>stolen blues funk riff

You dont say what happens to Bran and why the Nights King wanted/touched him

that would make 0 sense though. They spent last episode saying Bran was the NK's target. Why would he fly off toward Kings Landing? It holds zero value to the NK.

Dany betraying Jon makes sense, his claim is better, the north likes him better, and the savior against the dragon zombie is good for the southern realms. The problem is nothing really backs his claim unless Howland Reed walks in with some crazy shit or they do a burn test

this is actually not a bad way for the show to end but there's no way dany turns heel

His goal is to kill everyone. There’s an army in KL. And a dead army as well

Dany has been heel since the beginning? She has killed innocents and we even have her tell Sam she murdered his family.

Some of you autists dont remember things from 2 weeks ago. Jesus

epic fanfiction didn't come tho

This leave zero suspence for the Jaime Cersei face off cause the whole time you're just thinking I already know this is Arya. It would obviously work better as a twist.

It makes sense if Bran lied.

Not one of the Starks dying? This sounds stupid enough to be true considering the Stark boner this show has.

>The Hound asks Arya how she expects to break into the Red Keep, she hides her face before revealing Jaime’s

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no she hasn't? there's no way they turn her into a mad queen character when the entire fanbase is YAS QUEEN SLAYing over everything she does.

But what was Jon's tax policy?

makes more sense if the NK secretly had the hots for Cersei and wanted to make ice babies with her.

When was the last time this shitshow had suspense? Its just women yelling now

This is stupid, so probably true.

Anyway, what I liked about the 2nd ep is the exchange Jon had with Dany Sue about him being Aegon, namely her reaction to it and the fact she put so much emphasis on the throne succession. If the show was any smart they'd pursue this and it has the potential to be very interesting, but I'm not getting me hopes up.
I liked the fireplace scene too, with all the different characters of different backgrounds spending some chillax time together, shame it wasn't explored more.
Rest of the episode, especially GendryxAryan fucky fucky, was meh at best.

Only the north worships the old gods. Why should the old gods help everyone equally?

Bran picked a precise situation to spread the news to Jon. If the effect led to him being king, he's practicing blatant favoritism for his family.

Have you watched this show? Shes literally taking armies, killing innocents against her, burning people alive with dragons. Dont confuse two episodes this season of 66 of them with her being an evil bitch.

You autists dont remember shit except to bitch about girls and black people being in media

The suspense doesn’t come from the Jaime/Cersei faceoff, it’s from the hope that Arya and the Hound aren’t discovered before they can enact their plan.

Bran is the Night King’s Target, but the Night’s King knows that his own dragon is vulnerable to fire. He goes to King’s Landing because it’s a target that’s doesnt have the potential to harm him that Winterfell does, but does possess a huge potential for new recruits.

The Night’s King wants Bran because he holds the memory of the Seven Kingdoms, but then Night’s King trusts his army.

Time for this Raven to roost. I’ll see you lads on the morrow.

theres no snow in kL tho

Even if this is a huge LARP I would not be surprised to see the show play out in exactly this way, it has the D&D tard handwriting all over it

it's honestly far better than what I would expect from D&D at this point

it makes perfect sense since the north is armed to the tits with dragon stone and valarian steel, and Kings landing isn't even expecting an attack, not for a while, and that's plenty of soldiers for his army

I actually agree.

>literally a clean sweep happy ending

this would be the worst.

I wouldn't be surprised if they kill the NK next episode and Cerci is the big bad villian

>Have you watched this show? Shes literally taking armies, killing innocents against her, burning people alive with dragons. Dont confuse two episodes this season of 66 of them with her being an evil bitch.
>You autists dont remember shit except to bitch about girls and black people being in media
She didn't do anything unjust really.

I mean you can say the same thing about literally any other location in the show. Besides, he'd have to blow past several locations that aren't expecting an attack just to hit up King's Landing. It makes no sense whatsoever.

>The Mountain dies again undefeated
>Winter comes to King's Landing
>Mad Queen
To many promises kept.

Oh but it does make sense if it was all planned by Bran.

so after all that shit talking Mounatin That Eats did about fantasy tropes, the series ends with a big bad guy who was evil for the sake of being evil defeated, and the just king taking up the throne? what an absolute fat hack fraud cunt.

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Martin, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Song of Ice and Fire had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Martin can say that Jon Snow became king and reigned for a half hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Martin doesn’t ask the question: What was Jon Snow’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these Children of the Forest? By the end of the war, Night King is gone but all of the Children of the Forest aren’t gone – they’re in the North. Did Jon Snow pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby children of the forest, in their little children of the forest cradles?

Put me in the screencap if this somehow ends up true.
Also put me in the screencap if these "spoilers" get BTFO out next episode by having the Night King not be seen riding to KLs and half the deaths at the Battle at Winterfell just being outright wrong.

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>killing innocents is fine

The ending is said to be bittersweet, but everyone dying from no food would be fucking barren as and depressing as hell. Maybe if everyone survives by Jon making the crown go into super debt to ship food from Essos to survive winter, but who knows
>tax policy intensifies

I don't remember the innocents.

the ending of got was never going to be satisfying, all I'm interested in is seeing how different the book ending will be, assuming i'm still alive in 20 years

Berserk will end before he starts writing the last book from his fat man coffin.

u really think that fat man GRRM will be alive in 20 years?

You forgot to say that it ends with "and who... are you"

>the ending is bitterswwet
>by that I mean that some chacters heroically sacrifed themselves to kill the Big Bad Dark Lord
>I hate common fanatsy tropes btw
bravo Martin, truly the modern Tolkien

This must be fake shit.
Frikidoctor confirmed Jaime is seen in 4 episodes and him dying in 3 is impossible since the guy has been right about spoilers for years and is even getting sued by HBO for leaking such consistent content way ahead of schedule.
We know, anyone with half a brain should remember that Mel said she'd die in Westeros.

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do you think maybe he's been waiting for the TV show to end before releasing his books, or has he just given up.

>jaime is seen in 4 episodes
>leak literally says arya takes his face
r u stupid

How would you have done it?
Like seriously, how would end the show to not be like Tolkein/Lotr

>all I'm interested in is seeing how different the book ending will be
user, I...

How fucking boring.

Do you believe everything you see on the internet? Be honest, how many spoilers did you believe before these

>Dany betraying Jon makes sense, his claim is better, the north likes him better, and the savior against the dragon zombie is good for the southern realms. The problem is nothing really backs his claim unless Howland Reed walks in with some crazy shit or they do a burn test

Nah the problem is that Jon doesn't want to be King and is more than willing let Dany rule and has been telling anyone who will listen for the last 3 episodes.

Jon and Dany have been fucking for the last 2 months. They clearly are in love, she doesn't think he's after her throne. Jon didn't steal her dragon, Dany gave it to him.

He's been living the life of a fat man with lots of money that gets easily distracted. Keep in mind it would take him YEARS in between books ever before the show was greenlit.


>planting the seeds of Tyrion’s doubt in Jon.

This is absolutely retarded and I don't think even D&D are stupid enought to think that works.

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It fits with him always being thrust into power against his will though.

If you try to cuck yourself hard enough, you win!

Bittersweet ending to this mess of an epic:
The dead can't be beaten, entire Westeros becomes icy wasteland full of wights. Survivors flee to Essos and part of a truce requires them to send their firstborn to become ice guys. Balance of ice and fire restored.

I am not the one who spend years raving about fantasy tropes just to end my magnum opus in the most cliched way possible. but sure, I'll give it my best try
>Night King is not the bad guy, he just tries to survive/actually tries to save humanity in some weird way
>there is no king at the end, Varys introduces a Republic as a new system
>Jon was actually dead from the momment he died, that we saw now was just some demon made by Mellisandre, Red God is the real villain
>shit ends with a new peace between Men and Children of the Forest

Do you have a real argument/answer to the question or will you stick to the strawman, please stick to the strawman, it only paints you as more braindead.

Would you call George Washington a cuck?

'it was all a dream' tier level of shit subversion

D&D are fucking hacks so it could go anyway, I used to get excited for this show, now I just don't care, I just want to see where they go with it.

Ye hes å jew too

post-credits shot of fake Aegon showing up in Westeros and starting a rebellion

You should really read the books or atleast read up what you're talking about because the Long Night from 8000 years ago saw the narrow sea freeze and the eight walks and weights crosses it to get to Essos.

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>Cleganebowl ruined by yaaas queen
This part is probably true unfortunately

Why this is fake.

> Grey Worm, Gendry, Jorah, Beric, Podrick, Varys, Theon, and Jaime die.
1 or more of these characters have been spotted filming scenes from later episodes.
>Cersei and her court take refuge in the Red Keep, safe from the wights but effectively trapped. The Golden Company take to the streets to battle the wights.
How does the Red Keep stay safe from a million fucking zombies and a NK on a dragon?
>Dany’s main target is Jon, not the Night King. Her last quote is “You stole my birthright. You stole my dragon. But you will not steal this victory.” Jon, seeing no other option, kills Dany, causing Longclaw to become Lightbringer and revealing Jon as Azor Ahai.
The show has barely brought up Lightbringer or Azor Ahai. Dany gave Jon one of her dragons, is in love with him, trusts him, and knows he is more than willing to let her rule over him.

Awful. I'd greatly prefer a cliched ending over garbage like that.

I wrote it in two minutes just to show that there is a way not to end it in the most idiotically cliched way possible. belive me, if I was paid millions for it, had years of time to think and millions of fans counting on a satisfying ending, I'd give it more thought.

"Mummers Dragon" isn't happening fagot because he's a red herring in the books

Shit must be pretty dire if they let Hordor lead people

>littlefinger still dead
lmao, he didnt really die, pleb.

Because the keep has a drawbridge etc it's built to withstand sieges

He didn't become a King.

But in any case, Jon's behavior rarely ends up working out that way.

>Because the keep has a drawbridge etc it's built to withstand sieges

No keep is stopping a siege of a million unkillable solders and a dragon.

>Children of the Forest
all dead numnuts
>Jon was actually dead from the momment he died
>that we saw now was just some demon made by Mellisandre
Literally a LOST teir ending
>Red God is the real villain
could be good, but late to expand upon and make satisfing

>Varys sits around for 4 seasons doing nothing and then dies to a snow zombie

It's so awful that it must be true

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Only White Walkers "lead" wights, just like the wight Giants don't lead white humans or the wight polar bears, all wights are subservient to White Walkers

Honestly these are the most believable spoilers i've seen.

>It fits with him always being thrust into power against his will though.

It would be out of character for him to try to take power away from Dany and it would be out of character for Dany to go mad and try to kill him.

She literally said last episode that she loved and trusted him.

Wouldnt be terribly surprised, the whole wildfyre under Kings Landing has been the nuclear football building up for seasons

OP is baiting an entire thread to spurn theory and ending discussion.
Nothing new here, this happens in many popular series but none to this extent.
That's clear just by the amount of different spoilers weved recived during our 2 year long wait for this season.

>no explanation of what the night king is or his motives

They should have killed a lot of characters off in Season 7, but instead it was a gooberfest

Now either they kill a bunch of characters off that didn't have a satisfactory arch (varus was by far one of the best characters), or we have an uber gay happy ending with almost no one dying.

literally "lol u thought wrong!" ending

CoTF are dead also. Akso GRRM said himself that the night king is basically natural disaster tier and has no motivations while being an allegory for manmade climate change. Also in the books Vary's is backing a king he wants very blatantly. Everything u said about jon/melly is just dumb for so many levels I can't begin.

You would've been better off saying Euron showed up in his valarian armor riding some cthulu-esque sea serpent that shits out tongueless priests as it slithers towards the night king and his army before Euron's one eye starts glowing and he lunges into the sky stabbing the night king, absorbing his offbrand three eyed raven power that also sends bran into a coma. Followed by a quip which references his "Perhaps we can fly. All of us." quote from the book.

Then fade to black, and after credits we get a scene with a deranged never before seen patchface in another universe mumbling stories about the timeline of GoT we just saw.

>saving you by killing you
>becoming a mindless resurrected zombie is salvation as opposed to (supposedly) becoming a resurrected "red god demon" that is fully conscious and aware
>republic under Varys of all people
>peace between men and children "we created the night king out of spite but we cool now" of the forest
Come the fuck on, mate.

that's actually not bad

they have 4 episodes to set that up, and she already looked pretty flustered after he told her about himself so i dont think its far fetched at all

Pretty believable spoilers lads, he might be full of shit but these look like the real thing

Why even keep the NIght King character at all, he's 100% oc donut steel for the show

Others (white walkers) are neither good boys or bad. Varys is a hard monarchist in the books, and supporting a usurper from a Targaryen branch family, but I can see some kind of democratic institution being set up in the end by Tyrion based on his experiences in the free cities

>they have 4 episodes to set that up, and she already looked pretty flustered after he told her about himself so i dont think its far fetched at all

She was just told the thing she was working for her entire life might have been a lie. Jon was ready to punch Sam in the face when he learned the truth then spent a day moping. It's only reasonable for her to be flustered.

>on battle day Fatleesis dragons eat 6 gorillion tons of valryian steel and shart tiny shreds all over the white walkers from the sky
>Jamie Lannister shags Brienne of Tarth but his golden hand gets stuck in her butt and she dies. Bran rolls in laughing, admits he had known this would happen the whole time but didn't tell him. Now they are even.
>Cleganebowl happens, special referee Arya Stark. The mountain is beating the shit out of the hound and slams him against the heart tree. The Hound then wins after a beehive accidentally falls on the mountains head and turns out he had been allergic this whole time.
>Cersei killed by Tyrion who crawls inside her cunt and rapes himself out of her
>Samwell Tarly ends up on the throne but chokes on a lard sandwich on the first day of his reign
>During his funeral his face falls off and it turns out it was actually Littlefinger in a fat suit the whole time.

>During his funeral his face falls off and it turns out it was actually Littlefinger in a fat suit the whole time.

ok this got me

>Ever ending
top kek

Boy do I have news for you.
Murata recently said in an interview the final battle is very soon

literally been 8 years since the last book, 8 years of banging black fangirls at conventions and eating the best food from around the world

dude basically turned into robert

he's some cunt, blue balling his entire fanbase.


give your endings now you fagots, all those criticisms and you can't even give your own endings

Attached: these_retards.gif (359x202, 3.03M)

>spoilers get more and more abundant and hard to stop
>start shooting extra scenes and destroying papers that contain dialogue so no one on set spoils by accident
>surprised when the budget is now not enough to keep us with previous years quality
>surprised when they have to resort to one liners so the actor can remember them

It’s you and the shitskin spoilers fault that this show has gone to shite

>It’s you and the shitskin spoilers fault that this show has gone to shite
Or its GRRM's laziness and Dumb and Dumber's retarded writing.

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agreed, pirates always win afterall

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Don't make me hit you with a food analogy, boy.

posted this year

Are you trained in gorilla warfare as well?

Why would they care about spoilers tho?

Okay but how many T&A are in these final episodes? This is important.

>this is fake because x
>that makes no sense because it takes x into account

>somehow people spoiling the show causes the show to decline in quality
what the fuck shit logic is this?

Ive seen ep3, the spoiler is correct

Prove that you acutually are an HBO lawyer and give us info on what really happened to dem keeeez.

How did you see it?

First the dead, then Cersei.

This, exactly. Looking at the plot and his arc he has do die now. Of course, he will go while doing some heroic meme shit (saving Brienne or Tyrion I guess).

the only important question is did you see the Night King specifically and outright riding to King's Landing?
That's the most impotant part about episode 3 leaks.

Night King is actually Michael Jackson who got bleached and went from moonwalker to white walker

He flew.

That sounds so retarded that it might actually be true.

>white male killing yaasqween
>le badass tomboy lesbian assassin getting pregnant by a white male thus dooming her to the worst fate possible for a strong independent waman
The seething and queefing will be absolutely off the charts if this ends up being true lmao.

Considering the writing so far this season, this actually seems pretty believable.

Remember people thought the ice dragon burning down the wall was fucking retarded, and yet it happened.

Very disappointing. Means it's likely true.

This isn't how NDAs work, dummy.

>"Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

Jamie not being the one to strangle the shit out of Cersei
Dumb and dumber can't help dropping the ball, can they?

What about the dragons?


Guess we'll see next week

>no Azor Jaime
clearly fake

outed yourself
the show does not referred to him as Robert Strong. Cersei outright calls him Cleagane

>The Golden Company
they get wiped out in ep 3

>Gendry is going to be stabbed by a weight, and will chase Arya through Winterfell.

this is false. in the trailer it's the night king who chases arya. it was confirmed by analyzing a single shot in the trailer

If these leaks are true, it will be like the dragon scene when they cgi'd Jon out of that I guess


>Tyrion is going to see Jon re-kill Jaime from a distance, but will not see Jaime being turned, and only see Jon kill his brother, planting the seeds of Tyrion’s doubt in Jon
no way thats real cmon

Think about last season.

Nice fanfic but not true

ice ice baby

D&D are fucking hacks, and it was apparent after season 4, It's probably true, I mean do you think they have the talent to pull off what JRR either couldn't or wouldn't?

having Jon win the game of thrones sounds so predictable and boring.

That is just something retarded redditors came up with so that they don't have to admit their hero is a lazy fat faggot who hasn't given a shit about the series for a decade.

Jon and Arya, in the end, don't fuck

friends sister got it from her coworker. it was phone recorded while playing on tv and has dutch subtitles. you do see NK flying to KL

It's not unreasonable for her to get flustered, but given her track record as an impulsive vindictive moron who only cares about people calling her queen, it's pretty likely she won't just move on

better Berserk than ASOIAF

>OP didn't deliver, what a fat fucking faggot.

>all these story arcs leading up to just getting killed by zombies in a big battle.
Feels like a cheap copout for a series that is so focused on dialogue and characters


Can't even spell wight correctly, and yet we're supposed to believe you

>Dany’s main target is Jon, not the Night King. Her last quote is “You stole my birthright. You stole my dragon. But you will not steal this victory.” Jon, seeing no other option, kills Dany, causing Longclaw to become Lightbringer and revealing Jon as Azor Ahai.
that would be so great lmao

only a couple things are a bit unbelievable about these spoilers, jon turning into azor ahai with absolutely no setting up, nobody fucking knows who that is and aside from that one stannis scene i dont remember when it was even talked about in the show
and the second is NK flying to kings landing when they clearly set him up as wanting to kill the cripple kid, but that might have been intentional misdirection
overall pretty believable but im not 100% convinced

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>niggit king fucks off to kings landing with the dragon to make more zombies

Did dabid and his crayons forget about the ballistas?

If Jaime is turned into a night, how does Arya steal his face? Won't he look all fucked up?

>for a series that is so focused on dialogue and characters

we're not living in 2014 anymore, user.

Fuck you nigga, they don't gotta explain shit. She's a strong modern female.

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How did NK know about Kings Landing?

it's so fucking stupid. yeah I believe it.

One punch man ending ... nooooo

>A turned Hodor

Attached: Stopped_reading_there.png (1153x823, 127K)

Same way he knew how to get himself a dragon

god please be all true

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I actually believe. It is just retarded enough to be true.


What about Bronn?

sauce me pls

It really is retarded, Arya the killer is so fucking overused, after the Freys died she should have been killed off.

>What about Bronn?

oh, shit, op completely forgot to make something up for him. confirmed fake shit.

this whole thing is BS. Spoilers are out. Frikileaks said that Dany, all Starks, Gendry (appointed the Lord of Dragonstone), brienne, Davos, Grey Worm, Sam survive. Jon and Dany get Disney happy ending, have a daughter. dragons die. Arya kills Cersei in the ruins of KL. she most likely uses LF's face cause Aidan Gillen is returning for that episode. Tyrion is executed for treason.

You know it's entirely possible for multiple people to be wrong.

>Tyrion is executed for treason.
what fucking treason though

Did he though? He spoiled ep 1 and said Tyrion on trial had been filmed but then HBO shut his ass and he said he wouldn't post spoilers but would make lengthy videos after the fact or something

>Don't even have the balls to kill off fucking Grey Worm
What a huge disappointment.

we find out Bronn and Delorus Ed are brothers

This is literally more absurd than Stannis riding in and making everyone pay the iron price

>Tyrion is executed for treason.
that's literally the most retarded thing I've ever read.

Not him but here

>. “Knowing that is going to be a lasting flavor in someone’s mouth of what Daenerys is ...." And with that she trailed off, unable to say anything more.
Its probably real

I think the moment in season 7 where Tyrion was spying on Jon and Dany banging was supposed to be more ominous than it came across. The writers and director just fucked it up and we all interpreted it as him being concerned for Dany or something.

Against the average height of the new kingdom

Any new lore on The Others/Night King or is that all covered now in the show?

>Tyrion is executed for treason.
I kind of buy this, if you read the books its ambuigous if the mad king slept with Joanna. The timelines workout to where it would have to be the twins, Cersei and Jaime ([ty]tywin, tyrion but jaime?). Also theres a passage for Targs and insanity "the gods flip a coin" when theyre born. This would explain Cersei as mad, and Jaime not. Plus the targs is the family with incest in its history. It would be very fitting for Tywins favorite son not be his, but the dwarf Tyrion dying to ensure the house's survival. Forums_claims_to_be_an/

>Reddit calls user’s leak fake over a year ago.
>it’s true. All of it.

Who are the kneelers now?

It also adds much more depth and tragic to Tywin's character as a whole.

theres also numerous quotes i can bring up from the book, but a woman specifically tells Jaime he is not Tywins son. DnD are hacks, shouldve done more of jaime in the riverlands

you fucking retards
here i am
ON Yea Forums
it's not weight
it's not dwight
it's not waitht

>>Dany’s main target is Jon, not the Night King. Her last quote is “You stole my birthright. You stole my dragon. But you will not steal this victory.” Jon, seeing no other option, kills Dany, causing Longclaw to become Lightbringer and revealing Jon as Azor Ahai.
that would be kino
BUT ALL OF THIS IS FAKE BECAUSE LEAKS ARE ON REDDIT FIRST. r/Freefolk get leaks first and 99% legit.

>just noticed he actually spelled it as "weight"
how fucking illiterate do you have to be lmao

On a more serious note tho, obvious spelling mistakes are the very first psychological sign of someone lying in the post they're typing, especially if it's a repeating word (like "today I had had sex") which basically means that there's no way he's not making up at least half of what he's typing, as his consciousness is tasked with the creation of the fake story, leaving minimal resources for grammar verification.

How do I know that? 15+ years of daily posting on different forums, and daily means at least 5 hours for the day, plus Yea Forums since 2007.

>this is actually not a bad way for the show to end

Yes it is, contrived reddit appealing bullshit with no imagination at all. Blonde bitch has always been a bitch. Brother and Drago turned her into a sadistic bitch to anyone who crosses her.
Freedom to her means you must submit to her, do you even watch this shit?

Considering how they settled Littlefinger, yeah, it's plausible.

>DnD are hacks
pretty much the one thing everyone can agree on

I believe it

This leak is very oriented to this board - we want Dany to be the tweest villian, hell that would be somewhat redeemable for the show. But knowing the twin hackarinos, they'll fuck this up somehow. But I'd like this to happen (Dany twist)

dumb and dumber have been turning dany ebil little by little so I believe this version tbf

I want Arya to win the Game of Bums

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>not everyone matters
Kinda like real life

get laid lol


>kills Dany, causing Longclaw to become Lightbringer and revealing Jon as Azor Ahai.
I don't think the show even mentioned Azor ahai you fucking idiot

Melisandre talking about it since season 2 faggot

Are you thinking of a different series?

Goodness that is quite something now isn't it

Some of us are too busy having sex with our girlfriends you know? Calm down.

>>The final shot in Ep 3 is going to be the Nights King (who is absent from the battle of Winterfell) flying towards King’s Landing.

pal, we know it's bullshit. we also know doesn't die in this ep, because the actor was caught with another outfit.

>Sansa is named Warden of the North.

So 2 eps of the north wanting independence and you think we'll believe they'll be content with an empty title?

>has been telling anyone who will listen for the last 3 episodes.

He'll be the unwilling King, just as he was for the North. That's the point of Sam telling she burned the Tarlys, so Jon sees she is unfit to rule.

It's super obvious after watching e2 that Tyrion is dying. He foreshadowed when he said that he wouldn't be hand of the queen before this is over, and he mentions treason.

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Sounds dumb enough to be true

>The final shot of the show is an older Jon stepping onto a balcony above Kings Landing, and noticing a flower blooming in a planter beside him

While I kind of like this idea as a final shot, it's bullshit and proves your whole headcanon as lies and deceit. The concept of sporadic winters and summers was confirmed to be magical in origin and directly linked to the WW by GRRM. If Jon kills the NK, it should technically turn to summer instantly, not after he's already been king for a good few years.

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>appointed the Lord of Dragonstone
They forgot Storm's End exists?

violating an NDA is not a crime bruh

GRRM can suck on a nut this isn't his ship now lol

Imagine having to cope this hard and pretend this fanfiction is canon because you're an illiterate fuck that can't even make it through the first book.

>Azor Ahai
guys this hasnt even been talked about in the show, no one knows the prophecy or that azor has to kill his love for the sword lmao, nice fanfic though

Seething bookfag lmao

no mention of our lad Euron or Theons sister, confirmed fake

These leaks are bullshit. You're just some fat pscyhopath who has nothing to live for except the attention you get here.