who is the best Riverdale character and why is it Cheryl?
Who is the best Riverdale character and why is it Cheryl?
>why is it Cheryl?
Because she does the most panty content.
I like that she got BLACKED
What the fuck is this show about
Honestly, nobody fucking knows. Every week the writers pick some random shit out of hat and try to make an episode out of it. Its the definition of so bad its good
It's about Archie who takes his shirt off every episode, his Mexican girlfriend who is rich, her friend who is blonde and her boyfriend that runs a gang and solves mysteries
I find her very attractive. Look forward to more pictures.
Who else is excited to watch Lili Reinhart (Betty) star in a stripper movie this fall?
patrician taste user
>tfw you will never have a loving wife and daughter to come home to
>don’t watch Riverdale
>last night had a dream that the Riverdale girls were driving me around and treating me like a little brother
It hurt to wake up
>archie but with actual drama
what the fuck were they thinking?
Dark drama
Since they're both girls, the other got bleached, too.
Wow I stopped watching too early. When does this happen?
Its a mashup of two clips. He actually is smashing the ice to rescue her from being trapped underneath.
Dang guess I'll skip out then. Thanks user.
cool edit user
Much as I hate to admit it I actually did watch the entirety of seasons 1 & 2.Cheryl tries to commit suicide and falls through a frozen lake.Archie punches and breaks the ice as Cheryl is being carries away by the stream.user edited it to make it look like Archie is punching Cheryl .
This show is objectively really shit. Idk why i keep watching it
you know why
Imagine how many orgasms they could give each other.
>hottest characters on the show are gay for each other
>anywhere near hottest
That succubus gaze
Do is this show just the western equivalence of yuru yuri where it teases lesbians for its entire appeal but nothing ever actually happens?
so when are they gonna admit that Veronica is bisexual?
>not the hottest
my man, you gay or something?
cheryl > betty > ronnie > polly > chocolate
No, there has been straight up lesbian bondage sex scenes in the show
Evelyn is the cutest girl, which is low key why Betty doesn’t like her.
>low key
Please kill yourself. Don't even think about it, just do it.
Hey leave him alone, asshole
I didn’t know that a phrase that’s been around for 200 years was a zoomer thing. Do you get your zoomer knowledge through experience?
Post more Cheryl you fucks. Reds = Best.
She used to be the best character but they dropped everything interesting about her half way through S2 and now she's just scenefiller in filler episodes: the series.
Remember S1 when they heavily implied she was in love with her twin and crushing on Archie for that reason? S1 was so good compared to what came after
Bettyposter is going to have a fucking aneurysm
The pilot promised me harem kino and they've still refused to deliver. I honestly thought the cabin episode was going to go full orgy but they're too afraid to be even remotely subversive.
More than one actually
Based and redheadpilled
What's your poison user? Retarded cat burgler makeout or sticky maple with poorly thought out racial undertones?
I'd eat a mile of her shit just to see where it came from
They write these scenes knowing full well what they're doing. It's provocative, and it's deliberately provocative. Where do I write to in order to complain and/or thank them?
Imagine the smell
I can save you the trouble, it probably came from her asshole.
Archie, no!
Yea thanks mate. I was saying I wanted to see her asshole
Archie SMASH
See this show posted here often...
Is this show unironically any good, or is it just Yea Forums wank material?
Perhaps eating literal shit isn't the way to impress her. Have you tried working out or getting a cool tattoo? I expect that would actually be more effective and easier than eating what would actually be quite a considerably large amount of shit.
First season is pretty good in a sort of off-brand twin peaks crossed with Gossip Girl kind of way. Everything past that is just fapkino with excellent lighting.
wank material
It is pretty funny how they've got an on sight "we need a sexy shot for this episode" actress and she's cool with that.
I've never seen Twin Peaks crossed with Gossip Girl
Doesn't seem worth my time. Hate getting blue-balled by PG-13 lewdness
Damn right in the feels.
Imagine being this autsistic. Just imagine it....
I'm just saying. Don't you think it would be a comically large amount of shit? Why would it all be lined up for a mile like breadcrumbs anyway? I don't think you've thought this through. Maybe try asking if she's a model. That's a good line because it says "you're pretty" without coming out and saying it because that seems like you're trying it on.
why did they make her a lesbian
the fuck was the point of that? can't have two bisexual women in a relationship? all that does is limit her character and retcon her wanting to fuck jason and archie in s1.
Every single piece of media I've seen related to this show was of some slut doing slutty things, and I'm okay with that
are there cute girls and lewd scenes? is it comfy?
if yes to at least one I'lll watch it
What even is Archie's character arc? He's a sweet kid that has to choose between music and football except he's also a trainee mobster that gets molested by his teacher except he's also an up and coming boxer with his own gym that he uses to rehabilitate young offenders when he's not in a motor cycle gang or in a prison fight club is a forest ranger. Also he's being hunted by a DnD cult that also sells drugs? What the fuck is going on? At least Pyro Betty and TS Jughead have consistent stories, Archie is all over the place.
S1 is comfy, all three have cute girls
Because its the trendy thing to do now. And since all the other guy characters are paired with one who is she gonna date? Fangs?
I've been writing to the CW about why they should make a season where Archie has to juggle dating three girls at once but they've stopped replying. I think maybe the diagrams where a step to far.
That's not FP.
i was gonna say nobody and instead they could give her something of substance to do, but then i remembered this is a CW show
>FP jones! as i live and breathe!
Man, I'm amazed they didn't edit that line out, all things considered.
I actually hate how nigger-ass dancing has infiltrated the zeitgeist.
Absolutely Cheryl.
>best arc
>deepest character
>mad sexy
to me it seems clear that they wanted something more out of archie than just the cookie cutter protagonist he was in the first season. this gave us punished archie. archie in s1 was probably the worst character on the show because he was generic and boring, punished archie is the best character now because he's volatile and insane.
his arc isn't completely inconsistent - this half of the season, his character has all been about attempting to reacquire that season 1 triviality of life that he once had, all while trying to be a "guardian" of sorts for his loved ones. it just so happens that more shit keeps getting thrown at him.
though to tell you the truth, i miss first cour s2 archie, when he was at his most punished. i'm willing to trade a less coherent arc for a more entertaining character.
>/rdg/ has been completely dead for the past 3 episodes, no one even bothering to make a thread just in case
>riverdale thread randomly made on a monday night
anyway for any of you that are still watching, are you invested in all in what's happening? because I've gotten to the point where even if I put the episode on my brain just refuses to retain any of it
I agree. Chad ISIS was too brilliant to ever top though. Can you imagine if the response to the Zodiac had been a bunch of high schoolers going Magic Mike? Absolutely inspired.
I think it was Kubrick that said it's better to be interesting than real so by that logic Archie's S2 arc was perfect.
i just wanna see how they gonna handle Luke Perry's death on the show. Will they recast him or just write him out?
i keep meaning to watch but i've been really busy and have missed them the last few weeks. i want to be invested but i just haven't had the time.
it turns out i missed less episodes than i thought i did (last episode i saw was the one before the musical, haven't seen any from there on), so i'll try to catch up before this weeks episode. i'll definitely make a thread if no one else does.
Honestly it's all so fucking inane. The cult is dull, the Serpents are dull, the boxing is dull, Veronica's family drama and bar is dull. Also Hal is Hannibal Lecter now, which is weird.
I wish they'd go smaller scale again and focus on a single murder or something similar. I'd even accept a teenage pregnancy arc if it got us out of this DnD cult shit.
also i'm sure the inconsistent scheduling is not helping keep riverdale threads alive
this weeks episode is apparently the last one he filmed so I guess we'll find out soon
They'll have to write him out, right? No way they'd recast, that'd be in impossibly bad taste
>not using the superior /colonised/
>mfw they do a horrible livia soprano-tier CGI to write a brief and shitty ending for him next season
hahaha! what a story ricardo!
Nearly as many as imaging it would give me.
This. You've really got to push those boundaries if we're going to get to blacking up being an acceptable kink within my lifetime.
my biggest complaint with the show right now is the tonal inconsistency between the stakes of the stories of the characters. archie has been through hell and back just trying to survive, meanwhile the show almost as much time on cheryl and toni's stupid girl "gang" relationship drama. hate that.
Jesus Christ that ridiculous girl gang.
it's all escalated too fast
I love her so
she's the only actually hot one and that's mainly just because of the red hair
veronica and betty have such fucking mediocre looking actresses playing them
betty is sexy though
The show is completely trash.The acting of most of the characters in passable at best.The dialogue is cringey as fuck for the most part .After season 1 the story arcs have utterly shit and it's pretty obvious at this point that they're making it up as they go along.
There are occasional flashes of good writing/storytelling in some of the episodes where they experiment with interesting ides/themes.They did high school musical themed episode in one of the season 2 episodes which was pretty neat and launches a potentially interesting story.Sadly they wrapped it up within 3 episodes.The over the top dialogue can be amusing once in a while.The only other selling point is that it's grade A wank material .
Kek.I sure would love to take a look at those diagrams user.
>blonde and her boyfriend
Is that the guy who fucks Barbara Palvin IRL?
>a teenage pregnancy arc
but there is a teenage pregnancy arc
so they turned a comfy Yea Forums into Twin Peaks/Mean Girls/Gossip Girl?
It's a highschool anime mixed with Twin Peaks. There's some SJW on sprinkled on the show, BUT you know it's just so they can put all the fanservice without actual SJWs noticing how explotative it is.
>they're still making claims its like twin peaks
Cant tell if dishonest hype or dumbness.
>White girl has more ass than the hispanic girl and black girl combined
this is one sexy redhead
The Hispanic girl is absolutely underwhelming. Fridge-like almost. Cannot gain even an ounce of weight.
Women have no shame? Why film this shit?
Imagine the braps
And Archie is just as naked or even more naked than Cherly
Exactly, it's built on fanservice
they want attention you stupid incel shit
>Women have no shame?
Why should someone that has a great body feel shame you fat faggot?
I gotta go to work but please post more sexy Cheryl. I wanna a load of pics/webms when I get back.
>archie comics but they fuck
Who thought this was a good idea
>sexy teens fucking and murder misteries
Yeah... what were they thinking?
these bros
>fan service for men
>fan service for girls
>fan service for fags
This is how you do diversity lads.
Post more Cheryl!
Give me some good episodes to find good material.
me in the back left
Okay, faggot
Mary Jane Watson
I still don't get the G&G shit thats compelling people to kill other people lol
>horrible livia soprano-tier CGI
That was done in 2001. 12 year olds have access to more advanced CGI techniques and rendering than Chase did, and when people know what they're doing you have DeepFake
They escalated the plots way to fast to chase cheap ways of upping the stakes so it's become ridiculous with nowhere to go. All they could really do is a season reset where they bring all the plots back to Earth and go small scale again.
>mixed grip with 20 lbs bar
Really? Because she don't want to get "big forearms"? Why do PT's humor the ignorance of their customers?
aren't these girls supposed to be like 16 years old?
giv betty gf
I thought this was pseudo 1950s. I've never watched it, I just thought it was because most other shit in these webms give off that vibe
I miss ms grundy lads.
based giv poster!
How does it feel Lili will never know your existence fren?
terrible! I hate it!
Such a shame they didn't use the red Circle more. Archie running a militia of just football players would have been great.
What, 16 year old girls can't have libidos?
well, they never had any with ME!
god, could you imagine if she had a dick? she'd be perfect.
She's the hottest IRL, Cheryl is hottest on the show.
She should play Peggy in a Married with Children reboot
She does have one friend. Red pubes and all
how big do i have to imagine it being?
>betty not showing any panty
she did there is one scene
you just know
he lies, he's part of the riverdale cast/crew. probably has a drawer full for stolen panties from all the girls.
i just want a 4k video of betty pusy
go on...
I remember watching Archie's Weird Mysteries as a kid. I did not know this show was based on the same comic...
dlete you are post
Fucking redheads man.
we have to go bettier
I agree. It's just fucking vulgar at this point, like baboons presenting themselves. Dancing was supposed to tease sex, not just outright be
>hey this is what it looks like when I'm fucking, isn't that what you want to see?
Niggers ruined dance, because they have no sense of subtlety.
The show just moves too fast plot wise. The first season was good because you could point to a single plot thread that was really the main focus, Jason Blossom getting shot and solving that mystery.
Season 2 kind of tried that with the Black Hood but got sort of sidetracked with a bunch of shit.
Season 3 is just totally off the rails and all over the place.
this pleases my thigh and pantyhose fetish
>me by the curtains
why do you guys watch this trash
waifu bait.
her breasts are pulling her shirt off over her head
god i wish that were me
Time is utterly meaningless in Riverdale. Remember that Cheryl is the same age as the gang but her twin brother is the same age as Betty's older sister. It's all made up and nothing matters.
Me in the bacl
Me in your bacl
In my defence I typed that with my non-dominant hand
Yes, I'm aware that your post was typed by the hand of a submissive.
No it's because I was wanking fucking lmao
Were you wanking to the feeling of a penis entering your anus or the sight of a penis entering your wife?
I'm not interested in erping with, maybe you should fuck off and die instead.
Why is this shot like a Lanksy production?
Hot tier: Cheryl
Not tier: Betty
No. PM me, we're cybering.
isnt this a show for 12 year old girls?
I said no. The is cyber harassment, If you @ me again I'm telling moot and calling the internet police
OK sorry but one more thing, will you be my girlfriend?
This is her boyfriend. Stop replying, virgin.
Will you ask your girlfriend if she'll be my girlfriend instead?
god i have only gotten five mins in and is unbearable, will it get more enjoyable?
i feel you user
i do
She says not unless you paypal her $5,000
first episode of season 1?
the first handful of episodes in the first season are genuinely awful. there is one episode where there is a noticeable jump in quality, i think it’s episode 4 or 5, maybe 6.
how has no one posted this yet
OK I'll do it but you have to be completely out of the picture. If that is acceptable please post her PayPal info.
I'll also need a finders fee of $40 and a burrito though
Can I send $47.50 and you buy the burrito yourself?
Because she is a redhead, pale and her hair is almost long enough for her to wipe her ass with it.
>she is purposely showing off her tits
>cameraman specifically centers on them and zooms in
>she knows and smiles
this is how it's supposed to be
As long as it's long enough for me to wipe my ass with it.
jesus christ
I'll talk to my lawyers
ah cheers, might actually watch it
OK and while you're talking to them please ask if they'll be my girlfriend.
The cute one just slammed a file down on a desk and asked what kind of god damn stunt I was pulling and then went to go shout at someone called Louis. I think that's a no.
>Technically you're the same species as her
No that's good. I'm Louis.
Don't get how a school openly accepts students who are in gangs in their school lol.
If it's a public school they have to
The Principal is in a cult, who is he to talk?
Doesnt that break school guidelines? Went to private school and you'd get kick out for that.
is there more?
Not to sound like a faggot but I love you lads
I love you too fren
imagine how cole sprouse feels coming home from a hard day's work to that. then remembering that his twin brother got barbara palvin
>giving a hoot about the basic blonde when the redhead and mexican are 10x hotter
>ywn have a thicc latina sitting on your face while the redhead's fat ass bounces on your dick
for high school girls
and thats how I plan to fuck them
talk about Riverdale and BAM I wont be an incel anymore
The fact they killed of Midge was when I went off.