/got/ general

They actually cut this edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


azor sneed

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game of onions

Are they going to make it bros?

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Fermented crab.

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*kills the night king*

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i would die to protect that smile.

>the Wildlings are at camp, showering Jon with gifts and the songs of their people
>Jon smiles, enjoying this valuable cultural experience
>a cry is heard in the distance
>suddenly, the camera pans to the thundering stampede of a thousand men on horses
>we see Stannis driving the men to fight by cracking a flaming whip
>in the distance, Wildling women and children are burning, the soundtrack a high screaming wail
>"Yes," cries Davos, "R'hllor hungers!"
>Jon looks on, his face grief-stricken
>"Seven save us," Jon whispers, "he's even making the women and children pay the Iron price!"

they also cut this or butchered it so bad that they shoulda cut it

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Imagine being Gendry in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your 'Sloth from the goonies' looking, static CGI titties having ass. I would totally impregnate you," when all I really wants to do is go back to the forge. Like seriously imagine having to be Gendry and not only have to make out with this inbred looking Britbong as she flaunts her abhorrent figure in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her legs going directly into her back, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she works it. Not only having to tolerate her disgusting face but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's ALL GROWN UP NOW and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS GOT A BOOTY LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to have her disgusting, British dentures rammed down my throat as her sweaty ass mounts me; never before have you seen legs directly connect into someones spine before, no ass, no hips, you didn't even know that existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of sweaty Forge daddies your ENTIRE CAREER. You've never seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's trickling down from her lower back to her knee caps as she shakes her ass to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lie there and revel in her "voluptuous" ass, the ass she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. The ass she constantly causes the entire Social Media landscape to physically heave whenever she "graces us" with one of her disgusting "lewd" pictures. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could forge a sword that would decapitate this whole room, but you lie there and endure, because you're Roberts Bastard. You're not going to lose your right to the throne over this. Just bear it Gendry, just fucking bear it

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Don't worry, your fatty survives.
Probably eats Jon like in Titanic.

I would die to knock those teeth out.


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>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Meera Reid
>"Think I would hide this one out in my swamp?"

Attached: meera.jpg (1397x2100, 521K)

Didn't they say they'd never have Sophie or Maisie do any nudity? But there's Maisie getting her ass and tits out.

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Victarion is just so violent and retarded that he's adorable.

why was he even fused to the tree

don't complain, you saw her butt cheeks

>tfw got an OP dedicated after my shitpost
Thank lads, I feel like this is an achievement.

Also I really wanted the valyrian armor tbqh

they make it
almost nobody else does
jon makes a pact with the night king
same as 1000 years ago
jon kills dany as part of the deal
jon sits on an iron throne of ash and ice
his last words of the show are
>I never knew anything
the audience claps

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What's the Instagram of the former Burlington bar girl with the big titties

Because he could faggot.

>trusting jews
InSaNe iN tHe MeMbRaNe

I really want to see Meera again. The lack of respect she got for the amount she accomplished is pretty sad. She is the last survivor of Bran's D&D party all the way back from season 2. She survived every peril and even lost her brother in the process, and she got Bran to the tree and back without even a thank you. She deserves more.

Changed their mind?

Pretty based

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Why is Kit Harington such a chad?

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*gets surrounded*

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take it to reddit samefagging retard generals aren't allowed on Yea Forums and your show sucks my ass gay ass normie shit

>Winterfell is in shambles
>Wights have come through a passage in the crypts and completely massacred all the women and children and killed all soldiers from behind
>NK got all of his walkers to javelin Dany's dragons, they are now wight dragons
>Jon brings Bran to the weirwood
>Jon is carrying the reforged Ice, which is melting the snow around him due to the searing flames that envelop the sword
>The Night King advances on him, bringing the winter with him
>Bran is warged into the past, desperately trying to stop the children from creating the NK
>Jon, with all of his might, is only able to battle the NK to a stalemate, and is breathing heavily while the NK just smiles
>H-How did you get so good with a sword?
>NK speaks for the first time
>I....... Am not just a King. I was once a Knight, you know.
>he gasps, eyes opened wide
>camera pans down to his chest
>two knives poke through his shirt
>Bran gasps
>i.... don't believe it.... I thought you were a myth.... it's the legend of gin alley!
>Fookin cunts with ice plating, fookin cowards.
>drinking wine from the skull of the NAAAGHT FOOKIN KING

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i thought the dornish were supporting dany. so where the fuck are they?

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coulda Dany'd it

all tv and film is normie shit

Fermented crab.

have sex

make them white walkers

their leadership is captured last I checked


lol that's a good idea actually. if i'm not too lazy i'll do it

brainlet here, what's up with the one they hold on that's a guy fending off a lion with a wolf's head?
what does it mean?

So what's going to happen down in the crypts that nothing can get to and where all the women and children are and none of the fighters? Are the dead Starks coming back to life? The trailers have been focusing an awful lot on the statues.

>He thinks I'm samefagging

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3ER and green folk fed Jojen to Bran. That was that nasty shit they made him eat.
Meera had to watch Bran eat her brother, so he could get magic creepy powers.

you know people bitch about JK Rowling saying "stretches their legs" when a character is walking, but no one ever brings up how many times GRRM uses the phrase "wash it down with " he uses whenever they talk about eating and drinking

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I don't know what that means

Nothing to see here goy, just move along

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>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass knife through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was a fookin legend
>"I'm a fookin legend"

Attached: fookin.jpg (1200x651, 417K)

What did she mean by this?

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DD said it was up to her what they'd show and what you saw is what she did.

name three times gurrrm uses that phrase

>mongoloid face
>eyes are shitcolor
Truly powerful, norfern beauty.

were you guys shocked when you found out she was 16?

so whats the pact

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If they feature anything short of her being fucking disemboweled the moment she jumps into combat, the show is irredeemable

What’s the deal with this little bitch?

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18? Wow!

Mongoloids tend to have incredibly high unwarranted self-esteem.

I must say, looking pretty good for a 21 year old

Big dick

You would know.

here's a visual imagine she stands up and says something really cocky and arrogant to everyone, and they decide they aren't gonna let a little girl disrespect them like that anymore. so they put her on her knees and make her service every man in the room... it starts off tame with just a blowbang, but by the end she's got cocks pounding her every hole, a never-ending supply of men lined up, eager for their turn with her tiny, warm body. her mouth is filled to the brim with their semen, more than she can handle, but they make her swallow it all. her tight cunt filled with the loads of countless men, no doubt she'll bear a child - if she's even bled yet. after the night is over, she can't help but masturbate to the memories of being forcefully taken by all those strong, handsome men she previously talked down to. she knows it's wrong, but she feels a burning desire give up her title so she can take up work in the town brothel and feel that ecstasy again...

yeah but they wrote a scene requiring at least some nudity

>imagine looking like her at 26
Holy shit, how does she do that?

Not him. But do you remember when Varys offered Ned warm honey'd milk on a hot king's landing summer's day and it almost made ned gag because of how sweet and warm it was?
I legit can't drink flavored milk because of that. It sounded so disgusting that it ruined my tastebuds.

This guy was unironically the greatest character on he show. He is what Euron tries and fails to be.

they don't notice because they're so overcome by the imagery of grease dripping down the chin, which iirc tended to precede the washing-down

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>acts like a total thot irl
>total prude who doesnt go full frontal on the show

Fucking typical

GOT costume design has become embarrassing

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I'm sorry but confusing other people with yourself is a sign of severe mental illness, my dear freund.

The Dornish got nae naed by Euron.

example one

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>haha gilly is fat
>holy fucking WALL dany women age like milk
>haha lyanna is a mongoloid
>show makes manlet joke
What did you mean by this

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>they make it
>daenerys will be kill by jon

Example 2

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>implying anyone actually gave a shit about the manlet """"""""""""""joke""""""""""""""
It would've been funny if there was a punchline.

>Stannis never asked for the crown, but it has fallen to him nonetheless. He has no choice but to assume his duty, stake his claim, and protect his subjects from the terrors of the cold and dark. Will you stand by his side as he embraces his destiny?
I kind of want to buy this new expansion for the card game

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Hes had that young Willam Defoe/Christopher Walken energy.

What a fucking waste of talent for such little screen time.

Literal heightcels. The funniest part was how light-hearted the joke was, she literally fucks the guy she was making the joke about, she obviously doesn't care that much about height.

example 3

and these are all from ASOS

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>it really happened

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Do people even still watch this show? Shit sucks ass.

oh yeah she's currently watchiing her own daughter rot

Not a bad comparison. Reminds me of both Renly and Thoros. You could just sit there and watch them monologue and it'd be a good show.

I guess their entire army got sunk

>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Salladhor Saan!
>"Yo ho ho, wait till the boys hear about this one"

Attached: salladhor-saan-d.jpg (480x480, 37K)

do it m8

Hey guys, DABID here. So a little confession we actually haven't finished the season yet. We're filming and editing it as we go along. Any recommendations on what we should do? For 3 we're planning on just having the armies stare at each other for around the first 15-20 minutes followed by Arya and Brienne tag teaming the Night King in a call back to their training sesh in the last season. The current plan is Jon and Dany get married and rule but Dany brings Daario to KL to be her bull. Suggestions we’re currently entertaining are Cersei killing the Night king by him cutting his dick on a dragonglass shard hidden in her ass, a dance off, a T-Rex vs Dragon fight in the finale, Theon as Azor Ahai (whatever that is), and Dany doing an old man blacked scene with Salador San at some point. Thoughts?

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/got/ has been here for years newfag

so will ice zombie king raise the crypt and Stannish and Ramses?

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What was the significance of this line symbolically? Why has Alt Shift X never given a breakdown of this scene?

Can someone post the webm of the bar people reacting to robert baratheon undead blowing up winterfell?

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>I kind of want to buy this new expansion for the card game
Do you have the base game?

also shit like seven-and-thirty instead of thirty seven

I just finished ep 2. What the fuck was that garbage? They have 6 episodes to end the series and LITERALLY nothing of importance happened except for
>Tormund and co get back to winterfell
>Jamie and Theon showed up and its cool if they fight with the Starks
>Jon tells Danny about his parents and then they dont even discuss it

You could literally cut out EVERY other scene and just skip to episode 3. So much of the writing in this is just cringey as fuck, like Arya throwing the spear heads talking to Gendry, and Tormund making his ebin jokes. This show was on a down trend but this season so far is awful. Im fucking mad bros

oh my lord three times in a book with 400,000 words
that settles it, grrm is a hack

why are they wasting time with dragon glasss. They need to just build fires and shit

i thought this garbage show ended year ago

Better than expected

I suggest dramatic eerie electronica to drag out the tension like a 10 week dbz battle
Also each time a character is killed, the others have to stare widemouthed in shocked for at least a minute each.
That will fill up those episodes good, wont hurt the budget either

>almost a man grown
>food is described to be "swimming in butter"
>boiled leather
>nipples on a breastplate
Gurm is a fucking hack

episode 6
>all seems lost, everyone is tired, many characters are dead
>NK is slowly walking through Winterfell to find Jon and Bran
>corners them in the Godswood
>readies his spear, about to finish the job and end all mankind
>suddenly, a rushing noise, like a tap turned on
>what the fuck
>the noise gets louder and louder, until it's almost deafening
>slowly rising through that noise, you can just faintly hear The Beach Boys 1962 hit "Surfin' Safari"
>out of nowhere a giant fucking wave comes crashing down into the Godswood
>Wipes out half the Army of the Dead
>It's fucking Radmure Tully surfing in on a board the length of a tree
>swoops in on his massive surfboard, turns directly to the camera and hits us with a shaka brah
>challenges the NK to a surfing competition
>easily wins, credits roll

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Gather the entire cast, along with everyone else responsible for the show (along with Gurm), and LARP the Sept of Baelor scene, only this time plant live dynamite under your feet.
The gib fireworks would be remember by everyone as the best ending to any show ever.

do not bully lyanna!

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it costs less to make dragonglass props than it does to set countless actors on fire

This shit is so fucking retarded. That would be SUCH a bad ending


You're not wrong, but you asked for three examples and got three examples.

>why are characters finishing their relationship arcs with other characters?
>why cant we just have big ebin battles every episode?

HBO got bought-out awhile back and has new leadership. The guy that was responsible for The Sopranos and basically started the "prestige tv" trend is gone.

The new guy wants to beat Netflix and while Game of Thrones was largely grandfathered in with the old way of doing things, certain of the "new rules" surely have been slipping in. A lot of the writing and characters are simply due to low effort/skill of course but a lot of it is intentional and this quirky, black comedy cliche is probably one of them. It's also why I expect most of the yassy female characters to survive. They want the More Female Heroes audience and dont want to turn them off right when the show is ending and they need them buying subs for Wasteworld and the GoT spinoffs. HBO is in trouble after GoT is done.

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I gave up last season, so I'm not surprised. I'm still interested to see how they fuck up the ending.

Hey DABID, can I have your idea crayons once you are done?

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It was real right?

It was CG. I can’t believe faggots can’t even tell the difference anymore

Why don't they just invent guns


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Will we ever get closure on what happened to Varys' dick?

Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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I hate the battle episodes actually. I like dialogue if it actually develops the characters/story in any meaningful way. This was bad jokes and fan service for 45 minutes

Reminder that the scars on Arya's body don't match up because it's the Waif wearing Arya's face.

Kelly will get killed. Jon Snow will marry Sansa and Varys will say to Peter Dinlage this truly was a song of ice and fire

i ate it for me supper

If the leader dies, the whole region dissapears

I'm still fucking seething hard because they fucking annihilated the good premise right after the end of S1.
I've never seen anything become so bad, so quickly.

British genes


God must've given her those tits to make up for the face he gave her


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CG how so?

Only good posts itt


>Man of Shad

>that's a man, baby

Definitely. They don't do doubles.

I have the old one I got like four years ago, it appears it’s not longer compatible though. Guess I will have to get an new core set.

>Tfw the reason Tyrion betrays everyone is because Elmo convinced him to get along with Cersei


No, I need them for my next series about the WWII allied special forces unit consisting solely of disabled, black, non-binary, children with downs syndrome.

is this a leak?

I watched half of season 2 and couldn't bear it
Season 1 wasn't all rainbows but it had a nice gist to it, season 2 is just cheap plot armor everywhere and a story that makes no sense

>You will never personally execute Shadman

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>last ten minutes of Episode 6
>almost everyone is dead
>Dany and her dragons have fallen
>Jon is barely holding his own against NK
>eventually succumbs to his wounds, but not before wheeling Bran into the crypts
>NK blasts through the crypts doors, sees all the women and children
>starts butchering everyone in his quest to find Bran
>knows that everyone here is defenseless so he takes his time
>finally, it is just a few dozen people and Bran
>he's so close to his goal
>suddenly, Varys pops up from behind an outpost
>pulls out his sack of balls
>chucks it like a bean bag at NK
>hits NK in the face, he disintegrates
>Varys opens up his purse of testies, pulls out crushed dragonglass powder that he coated his severed balls in
>camera pans to Varys staring at Tyrion
>"How's that for no balls?"
>credits roll


Sounds like baseless speculation

what are those scars, anyways?

We are blessed

there's only 300,000 words in ASOS

nah there were plenty of interactions and resolutions that are meaningful before killing them off, it needed to be done. The quips were dumb but the concept of this episode was sound, the first episode is what fell flat and where they should have covered more ground between the characters rather than retarded dragon riding.

patrician conclusion


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possibly, her actress was seen filming for S8

>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>it was Ed Sheeran
>”and who are you...”

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>mfw the show has them served crusty bread and salt with absolutely no washing down occurring until possibly much later
wtf I love D&D now

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Okay, but how about for an actual likely one
>Winterfell has fallen
>NK approaches Bran in the godswood
>Is about to touch him
>Bran smiles
>You're not on my list...... but you'll have to do until I get my hands on Cersei
>Night King nani's
>arya pulls face off
>stab Night with the valyrian steel dagger

Did Gilly contact the spirit of Brandon the Builder while at Godswood?

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were we supposed to know what caused them?
were we supposed to say it is/isn't arya because of them?
idk I haven't followed the series much, I'm just here for the final ride

don't forget her cunt becoming The World

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Go back to season 1 and tell everyone Arya will get her ass cheeks out later on

>Winterfell is lost
>Only Jon and Bran left
>Jon and Bran are flying away
>NK right behind them gaining on the undead dragon
>Dragonglass arrow through the eye he shatters
>1 in a million shot on a moving target
>It was Ghost

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Stannis. Stannis! STANNIS!

the latter


It's symbolic that it's winter idiot, hence the sun is not as bright. Get smurt

Just watch the scene. It’s so obvious even you desperate virgins should be able to tell the fucking difference between real and fake tits

offscreen due to budget constraints of course

that has to be the absolute worst line in the series other than muh fat pink mast

So yeah baseless speculation

Put in an ice box for theon to get a transplant

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Doesn't excuse the murals looking like dogshit compared to the old ones. And you can depict it as looking darker without the entire lighting composition going to shit. I disagree with this notion anyway since it's no darker, just uglier. The last frame makes the astrolabe look just as bright, it just lacks what made the original look aesthetically pleasing. Animation-wise it's also just a big step down. It looks like I'm watching a shit fan-recreation of the opening rather than the official one.

You seem behind, you don't need to watch it, there was confirmation earlier today that it's all Dany'd, phony. The frenzy yesterday over it looks silly now

>Her skin was pale as milkglass, alive with light.

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no, it's Maisie, it's obvious from the body

New opening looks like this: youtube.com/watch?v=qMp1VwopgWk

how come there's no shot where she's actually shown naked?
It's her from the back (probably a double) and this

since we got an Arya x Gendry sex scene where the FUCK is our Bran x Meera sex scene

"Just make it black lol"

It's her from behind, you can see her face clearly.. Her boob is clearly visible on high res pics too, it's nudity

Wouldn't be a bad ending, if the cringeworthy dialogue could be avoided

>yfw Arya is the one to kill the ice dragon
I know it's going to happen and I know I'm going to lose my fucking mind when it does

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Looks like they just got hand me downs from capeshit movies

Get your eyes checked

>NK comes to Kings Landing
>Kills a bunch of people
>Jaime stops Cersei from igniting wildfire caches by killing her
>His golden fist catches on fire
>Walks up to NK
>Shoves his flaming golden fist wrist deep into the NK's sphincter
>Stares at a terrified Euron Greyjoy as NK slowly writhes in agony
>"How's that for a finger in the bum?"
>Credits roll

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Dummy, you can see her face throughout and it's obviously her body


CGI fucktard

Obviously Arya is pregnant and Gendry will take the Stark name. They will be Lord and Lady of Winterfell now.

Sansa is all messed up from Ramsey BDSM Dungeon.

now THIS is kinography

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You know I've seen a fapfic about Arya failing to assassinated Walder Frey and forced to be his sex slave

Not sure where it is now

Attached: Lord_Walder_Frey.png (300x239, 87K)

>don't even have the money to CGI in a fucking dog
>they will waste the money on a nude scene that was optional for the actress


Which parts? Is it known?

Bodado child....

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Wasteworld was never supposed to be a full series. It was originally going to be a mini-series and they were pretty far along before they were told to expand it. It could have worked as an anthology series, but they probably wanted multi-season arcs and characters to meme and I imagine after seeing True Detective they didn't want to risk a show with uneven quality, so ironically ended up with a show that will most likely be consistently low after a promising start.

body double

It's the Red Wedding.

proof? you can see her face

you can very easily not show nudity in a sex scene have you never seen a movie before?

That's a 10 plus cgi in UK

Why not? It’s not the first set of tits they decided to use CGI for.

I cant stop jerking off to her

They did the same thing with Cersei when she did the walk of shame. It was her face edited into someone else's body

Finally caught up
#gotislife #got #jonsnow

It would be actually

There's shit thats wrong in this already though

That was cos she was pregnant and actually couldn't do the scene, a once-off

>This shit is so fucking retarded. That would be SUCH a bad ending
Bad ending are actually good.

She is a soapbox for Dabid and Dan's feminists garbage

In real life she'd only rely on advisers and have a guardian till she came into power, if she led herself, she'd be killed or overthrown in months

Nope they used CGI for Danny’s last tit scene too.

She said it's her in the interviews

Only based post here.


She'll stab a distracted man in the back, then stand on him while triumphant music plays and an upward angle films her being a giant badass just like every woman watching the show.


Season 2 could have been watchable if they didnt spend 90% of it with the asian porn.
Seriously which Yea Forums asian fetishist had this brilliant idea????

bullshit, how do you know? she's been nude all the time for years

Guys I think maybe I am the reason why TWOW isn't released yet. I finished reading AFFC years ago but I've been sitting on ADWD for a long time and haven't finished it.
I think when I finish it, Gurm will release the new one. I'm sorry for the holdup bros, I will get to reading it now

She's a strong wumyn though...

Reminds me of Cersei's retarded out fit as well. I half expected Sansa to pull out a red curved light saber and start battling Tyrion.

name them

Wrong, it's real.

just admit they had too much time on their hands and ended-up needlessly fucking with something that was beloved and a highly regarded symbol of the show. It absolutely looks like they knew they were going to do something different with the fly-thru bits since they would be limited to 2-3 locations per episode and had to fill time, but they got over-zealous and started changing shit that didn't need to be changed and ended-up with a title sequence that is inconsistent with the rest of the show and looks like a half-implemented remastered edition.

>y- y- you just hate it because it's different
>contrarian incel, have sex
No, I hate it because it subverts the very thing the title sequence / show opener is supposed to do and I resent the fact that it will likely be the only thing they actually subvert for the entire season.

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why is there still a stag?

She stopped being okay with it and they used a body double when she burned the dosh khaleen temple down

Arya got a stag put in her by Gendry

The direwolves are not CGI with the exception of fight scenes. They're real trained wolves.

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same in Season 3

>"h-how did you get so good with a sword?"

that makes sense
thanks user

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For when a dying Jon on the battlefield makes Gendry into Gendry Baratheon first of his name

Stop posting this faggotry over and over you attention seeking retard

The girl has no name.

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I'd have sex with her then regret it

She lied.
CGI is crazy

That was still her in season three, I would know those tits anywhere

>she's been nude all the time for years
Yes and anyone not watching some shitty low quality stream could clearly tell the difference.


Get your bets in.

Oh fuck it's "grandma" from House of the Devil

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yikes. at least he didn't put a maggot hole in her belly

>dude you can see her face
Motherfucker I can put your face on some bitch in a porn

keep believing that if it makes your boner hard
just saying, if they wanted to hide the fact that's not her body whithout wasting too much money on CGI, those are the perfect shots to choose.

It's actually better to be honest. I feel like if the mural was the same you'd still complaim


Ramsi dogs! Ramsi dogs!

Cersei and Sansa's outfits are similiar to reflect their similar developments. Sansa's arc ends with diverging from Cercei by refusing to pursue the Iron Throne in spite of her own ambition and popular Northern demand.

There's nothing wrong with this

I like it better in every way. I think you're just a little bitch.

>It's actually better to be honest
No it isn't. Not only are the changes bad in concept, but they're bad in execution too.
>I feel like if the mural was the same you'd still complaim
No I wouldn't. One of the main problems is the inconsistency this makes with the rest of the series for seemingly no reason. If they'd added the dragon's birth to the mural immediately after the season 1 finale, I'd be fine with it, but there is no reason why 6 seasons on the astrolabe suddenly changes for the first time.


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Victarion is simply too manly and bad ass to fit into the pussified girl power version of Game of Thrones that D&D wanted to write.

>wear full plate at sea, don't give a fuck about drowning because what is dead may never die and only rises harder and stronger
>kill sissy 7-worshippers and send the survivors to the drowned god
>take their women as your salt wives
>get saved from gangrene by a priest of r'hllor
>now have a bad ass volcano hand
>decide you need to honor the red god too
>now you set boats on fire before you drown the people on them

Attached: Victarion.jpg (1000x1055, 189K)

I will riot if Arya isn't killed by the faceless men for leaving.

Do you bitch and moan about minor characters changing actors too?

Those are usually changes made for a reason, and for the better. This is not.

Victorion is the fucking best
He's strangely adorable as a result of his brainletism. I hope Dany treats him well

Sweet dads are here?

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Who would win in a fight between Barristan and Jamie, with both being at their prime?
GRRM describes both of them as some of the best fighters that have ever lived, but he never goes into more detail.

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Jaime will regret knighting her when he found out she murdered Azor Ahai and doomed the planet

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If D&D were writing, Jaime.

No way that is going to happen. They clearly showed that she repayed the debt

hold on, this what their dicks taste like?


Why only dick? Its their all tastes

Wouldn’t mind being in a sweet davos mormont sandwich if I’m being quite honest with you all here tonight

Dude them showing the wall fall in the intro was kino and it is the last season so to change the intro is actually clever if they don't mess with the music

I'd love to see the show you'd make, probably would be used for the prisoners in Guantanamo

Looks like that deformed orc general from Return of the King, the one with the gimpy arm.

>but there is no reason why 6 seasons on the astrolabe suddenly changes for the first time.
I have one reason: they reached post-production and realized something was very wrong with the ending. They fucked up massively, like Sand Sneks but worse because it's the finale, so in a fit of desperation told whoever to remake the intro in a futile attempt to differentiate S8 and thus possibly lessen the emotional impact of their failure on the audience and also provide a shallow distraction from the actual show.

>Night King ransacks Winterfell, kills the majority of the main characters
>only Drogon is left alive, Viserion and Rhaegal both killed
>Dany is dead, Jon grievously injured
>Sansa, Bran and Theon die together
>Tyrion and Arya leading the remnants out of Winterfell and fleeing south with Bran in tow
>Thousands die on the trek, barely a few hundred left by the time they reach the Trident
>Make camp close to the Crossroads, barely any food to go around
>A masked and cloaked figure emerges from the mists
>He doesn't speak, simply walks through the refugee camp and hands out bread and soup
>The amount of food he's pulling out of his cloak seems to be limitless
>Disappears by the end of the night
>Nobody is sure what or who he is
>Suddenly, the Army of the Dead catch up to them
>Tyrion and the few soldiers left all die fighting White Walkers
>Only Arya is left guarding Bran
>NK corners her, intent on finishing off his last obstacle to reaching Bran
>All seems lost
>The mysterious hooded figure arises from the mists once more
>Lunges at NK, holding him off somehow while Arya runs away to save Bran
>The stranger pushes the NK back to a standstill in single combat
>Everyone is mystified
>The hooded stranger pulls off his cloak, brandishing a flaming loaf of bread shaped like a direwolf
>Beats back the NK with the baguette Lightbringer
>Dawn approaches once more, ending the Long Winter
>Hot Pie leads the survivors to King's Landing, installs himself as King of the Realm
>Melts down the Iron Throne in his ovens
>His sigil is two loaves of bread crossed on a field of butter yellow
>Long Live King Hot Pie, Blessed be his Name

>the state of these threads at this hour

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>we could have had dire wolves but instead we get a shitty new intro

He’s great but he got his ass kicked in by Stannis at sea, let’s not get ahead of ourselves

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because Gendry become's king

Based “imagine she stands up and says something really cocky and arrogant to everyone, and they decide they aren't gonna let a little girl disrespect them like that anymore. so they put her on her knees and make her service every man in the room... it starts off tame with just a blowbang, but by the end she's got cocks pounding her every hole, a never-ending supply of men lined up, eager for their turn with her tiny, warm body. her mouth is filled to the brim with their semen, more than she can handle, but they make her swallow it all. her tight cunt filled with the loads of countless men, no doubt she'll bear a child - if she's even bled yet. after the night is over, she can't help but masturbate to the memories of being forcefully taken by all those strong, handsome men she previously talked down to. she knows it's wrong, but she feels a burning desire give up her title so she can take up work in the town brothel and feel that ecstasy again...” poster

You just have shit taste

I really don’t get people who think this is funny at all

He's living proof you don't need to make characters witty like Tyrion or noble like Ned to make readers like them. He's a simple minded brute who is really religious. That's pretty much all there is to him. It's almost refreshing to get somebody so straight forward and willing to do shit after reading so many careful schemers. Victarion Greyjoy's idea of a plan is deciding in what order he kills, steals, and rapes.

The wall falling is not what I take issue with. Same with the switching tiles. They're additions to the intro, and they fit with the initial intro's premise. I'm mixed on the interior flythroughs, but I at least can understand that they did this because they needed to fill time with how they've crammed everyone into either Winterfell or King's Landing. The visual style changes are what I take issue with. They took no effort to remain consistent with the visual style of the past seasons and made a bunch of superfluous changes that make the whole thing feel non-flush with the rest of the show for no good reason, like the astrolabe and the shitty attempt at replacing the murals, the much poorer lighting and removal of the simulated camera effects, or small things like the Kingsroad now being depicted with gold circles instead of a line, the raised wooden plinth that King's Landing and Winterfell now sit on, or the sigils on the logo no longer having lit eyes. It just screams lazy oversights to me, and they could've easily had the intro reflect the state of the wall and the coming winter without doing something that is guaranteed to stick out like a sore thumb when people view the series in retrospect.

Jaime is a god but he never got to reach his prime swordsmanship due to his cockiness. He only really starts training hard after he gets his hand cut off
Jaime has more natural talent but he never fulfilled his full potential.

I just saw Jaimie lose his hand wtf haha.
why did they play punk rock music after with the end credits though? Very out of place for what they normally do

Typical Jaime supporter

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It's a cover of the Bear and the Maiden Fair. I agree that it's out of place though. Honestly, I think having Florence and the Machine sing Jenny's song in the latest episode was really out of place too.

Reminder she wanted the big hound cock at first, but at the end she only got the tiny Gendry prick.

do you think she ever read it?

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Wearing someone’s face doesn’t give you the memories. Arya wouldn’t tell the waif all her history.


Jaime talks about Barristan Selmy in reverent tones in the books, and this is a guy who is not modest about his own skills. It might be a bit of hero worship, since Selmy is the last of the Kingsguard that Jaime served with as a youth and that he looked up to and idolized. According to Jaime, Barristan Selmy and Arthur Dayne were on a whole other level. Dayne in particular he talked about as if he were a demigod.

Typical Yohn Royce supporter

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the starks in the crypts will come back to life and defend winterfell

screencap this post

Wow I never realised but Arnold was hitting the fucking juice. You can practically see the steroids flowing through those veins

remember when ser barristan died lol


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It was a body double just like Cersei you dumb cunts.


would basically cement GOT as a shitty imitation of lord of the rings, lol.


Sandsnakes got killed off so that means at least 10000 fighters disappeared.

Can you seriously not fucking spell the word Sir properly?

The fakeout deaths are worse. Off the top of my head, here are all the characters he tricks you into thinking they're permanently dead, but who eventually come back:
>Davos (twice)
>Brienne, Podrik, Hyle Hunt
And in TWOW we can add:

That's how they spell it in the show you fucking retard.

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that's one comfy Kit

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>q-quentyns not dead
its because of frothing retards like preston that GRRM strove to make plotlines more and more turgid and now the whole series is constipated

Isn't Calorieesi supposed to have a child very soon according to the spoilers?

>the state of these threads at this hour

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So what role does Melissandre have to play, or is she another victim of the SS abandoned plotlines? There's no way they foreshadowed her "dying in this strange land, like you" from last season without having her play an important role.

I'm guessing she won't show up until episode 4 at the earliest, possibly later in episode 5 at the very least. It's obvious the story will shift from Winterfell to the south / king's landing after whatever goes down at Winterfell, so it makes sense thematically if they lose at Winterfell that Melissandre will play an important part in stoping the night king, she is another representation of fire (and has a fire burning inside her), heavy foreshadowing about the role she will play if they choose to go with the lightbringer storyarc with jon, and she already has an established relationship with Jon so it only makes sense that she is his Nisa-nisa, NOT dany. Also, it makes sense for her to be his sacrifice, she is willing to die for the lord of light and will feel complete if she sacrifices herself to bring his will to the realm.

I honestly see no other alternative. D&D aren't exactly subtle with their foreshadowing and it's all set up for Mellisandre and the prince that was promised plot to go through her. It's also much better than some stupid sacrifice thing with Dany, though I really hope that Dany dies before the series ends, and it not be a part of the azor ahai shit.

are there more spoilers from the guy who leaked episode 1? or just unconfirmed stuff

She can't have children, Khal Drogo destroyed her beefpussy

I dunno if I agree, almost all of those are scenes where you'd be skeptical reading it anyway because the characters only see their alleged corpses, hear about their deaths, or they go missing and are assumed dead. Death reports are also not the only case where the narrators prove unreliable. Arya's is the only one that I think was actually bad, because that was really just done for a cheap shock. It's also really not fair to list Catelyn, since saying she's "alive" is really overstating things. Also characters being resurrected shouldn't count in the first place, because they DO die, and Beric established the existence of resurrections well in advance.

her, ghost, edmure, or anyone from the vale will only show up to be killed off from now on honestly

New Thread:

Edmure, ghost I agree, but it's clear that melissandre has a very big role to play late into this season.

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>Arya wouldn’t tell the waif all her history.
Unless I'm mistaken, wasn't there a scene in season 6 where she literally recapped her whole life story to Jaqen?

Nobody cares.

New Thread:

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