Reactions are out for endgame
Reactions are out for endgame
Other urls found in this thread:
3 billion
>fake reactions
Yeah that brutal rape scene with Black Widow and the Hulk was a tad too extreme
>A grown "man" wrote this
OMG I literally can't even right now I can barely open my s oy meal rations I'm shaking so much the blue Man with the shiny glove hurt my cape friends
It's a fucking capeshit movie, it's not Schindler's List.
Why so dramatic
What did you expect?
Schindlers list was a comedy though
Imagine telling anyone, let alone hundreds of people, that you cried like a faggot during a movie made for 12 year old boys with ADHD
That doesn't look like a party
holy cringe
>Present Nebula gets replaced by Past Nebula during the mission.
>Avengers make it back and build their own Infinity Gauntlet.
>Hulk uses it and snaps the dusted back to life.
>Past Nebula opens up the Quantum Gate, allowing Past Thanos and his army to attack the Avengers HQ.
>Massive battle ensues as Thanos attempts to steal the Stark gauntlet.
>Thanos rekts everyone, Cap is the last man standing.
>Cap wields Mjolnir and is ready to die fighting when the unsnapped heroes arrive en masse.
>Big battle. Nebula escapes and kills her past self.
>Past Gamora ditches the fight after meeting Star-Lord, who claims they’ll fall in love in the future.
>Thanos orders a mass bombing, but Captain Marvel returns and destroys his flagship.
>Stark gets the Stark gauntlet and sacrifices himself to dust Thanos and his entire army.
>A funeral is held at his lakeside house with everyone attending.
>Thor appoints Valkyrie queen of New Asgard and leaves with the Guardians of the Galaxy to search for Past Gamora and the surviving Asgardians.
>Cap gives Falcon the shield and leaves to return the Infinity Stones to their rightful places in history and preserve the timeline.
>Moments after he leaves, Old Man Cap appears and reveals that he chose to stay in the past with Peggy after returning the stones.
>Movie ends with Cap and Peggy slow-dancing in the past.
>No post-credits scenes, instead a montage of all actors who appeared in the MCU thus far.
Can't someone just enjoy a movie. I admire his brave enthusiasm
>If even one of these is unironic
it's much more serious than Schindler's List. hitler killed a lot of people, but thanos wiped out half of all life.
#my #reaction #to #mouse #movie
are there people who have actually seen all 22 movies? lmao wtf
>If Infinity War is the brawn, Endgame is the brains
in capeshit terms, it means it's a bore
Just have to laugh at this, it's so fucking bad. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read in my life, like a spastic on cocaine wrote it in an afternoon (probably not too far off the mark) and because our society is so absolutely devoid of meaning and value a bunch of deluded soulless faggots and women are going to give these people billions of dollars and I'm going to have to hear about it for the next month or so until they all forget about it and move on the next garbage Disney faggot movie
interesting bio
God dammit not again. These movies are literally NEVER funny
I'm not big into Superhero movies but I gave Infinity Wars a try. Can someone explain to me why when Thanos' army comes to earth, instead of fighting them with tanks, F-22s etc, the best army we can muster is Wakandans with Spear blasters? We're the wiped out before in the other movies or something? Seems like you could literally won the whole battle with a B-52 and cluster bombs.
So a bunch of fanboy geeks love it?
How did Thanos even know where they were?
Robert Downey Jr is finally gone
Maybe the movies will be less liked now? Who the fuck goes to these movies to see Don Cheadle or the name of the bird guy
We need a third world war.
I can practically smell the onions seeping out of the screen.
Don't the stones call to each other or some shit? Apart from Soul obviously.
>>Moments after he leaves, Old Man Cap appears and reveals that he chose to stay in the past with Peggy after returning the stones.
>>Movie ends with Cap and Peggy slow-dancing in the past.
Sharon got cucked by her aunt?
>Perfectly balanced. As all things should be
is there any reaction from non-mcu fanboys?
So what do you look forward to these movies for? For the fucking CGI fights only? What are you 14?
Last one was mediocre at best. That "epic" final fight was fucking pathetic
What is she plotting? New album?
Damn I want to watch the other spoilers, these sound lame as fuck
Every single one of them is utterly patheic
There's enough substance in the Russo movies that they don't need to insert unfunny shit. The rest of the MCU movies are trash though
I also hate they're going the CGI alien fight again. It was too much in IW, it's too much here
fuck off
Awesome, can't wait to hear all the quips!
Was scared that for a film with such gravity for the series the writers would have to forgo one liners.
God she’s ugly, both in looks and in personality.
man, i was worried this wasn’t going to be good, but seeing all of these raving reviews from people with blue check marks just convinced me it’s just GOTTA be good! definitely gonna make some posts on twitter and reddit after i go see it with my black wife and her three kids from her previous marriage.
>Hitler killed a lot of people
Oh please, you and I both know Mousefags are going to invade this board for the next two months at least.
I'M SO FUCKING HYPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear I see someone say this every time a new capeshit or nuWars film comes out, haven't they realized by now that they all rely on the same formulaic quips?
Shazam: 90% and 88%
Captain Marvel: 78% and 56%
Looks like Mickey ran out of shill bucks this round.
>its about family
Genocidal maniac proceeds to wipe out half of all beings, capeshit fans at their finest
I don’t look forward to them
so you're telling me the most popular franchise of "movies" ever is also the greatest achievement in "cinema" ever? WOWWWWEEEEEE
wow I'm surprised that guy gave it a positive review
You can't trust these retarded soys.
>Genocidal maniac proceeds to wipe out half of all beings
That was Infinity War sweetie, not Endgame.
The death scenes thing was kind of expected.
2 billion
Screencap this
I remember when the first avengers movie came out LITERALLY ALL of the press for it was good. Like NOT A SINGLE bad review. So me and the girlfriend decided we'd see it in the theater.
It was one of those moments in your life where you finally realize something fundamental about how it all works that you've been missing, that seems obvious in hindsight.
That movie was without a doubt one of the worst stories I have ever seen produced by Hollywood. Without a doubt. I was stunned by how awful it was.
I can't and never will understand how not a single person left in Hollywood has the integrity to call these movies out for what they are. It's unbelievable. And what's worse, what really tears at my soul, is that people actually watch this shit and enjoy it. How? How the fuck can you sit there and enjoy this? I mean sure I get it if you're a 75IQ nigger or a woman. But ostensibly intelligent young men sit down and watch these and think "oh wow this was awesome!"
I'm jaded and I'm not even 30 yet senpai.
when is she going to have beautiful white children?
that's an incredibly average prediction
have sex
I want to burry my face in those legs
We get it, you liked Vice
Gimme your vagina then
Here’s a based review
Avengers Endgame: A mediocre first 2 hours that's equal parts cool moments and problematic moments that ends with a final hour that's an absolute magnificent geek wet dream. Need to see it again (tomorrow) to solidify my thoughts.
They. are. all. Jews
Every one. Wtf
>uses the term problematic
This is as close to a bad review as you're going to see. S oy boy faggots fear the mouse there isn't anyone left in Hollywood who will stand up to this shit and call it what it is, utter garbage
Looks like the wall fell on her.
Chris Evans is a fucking idiot.
Twitter is useless unless you're following actual real life events. I have a handle to follow entertainment and I can't ever last one minute with all the faggotry.
When she finds me
Cynicism and trolling and basedboy man-baby bullshit aside, I'm happy to be able to take a moment and appreciate what we're witnessing here. It's likely we'll never see a movie event like this again. This is a cinematic equivalent to the release of the last Harry Potter book. Stories, regardless of the medium, just don't simultaneously achieve this kind of massive economic and cultural impact on a regular basis.
It's also worth noting that at the exact same time, the biggest TV series of the era is drawing to a close.
Yeah, they're just corporate products and yeah they're just stories derived from tales and stuff intended for kids. But fuck it. We'll remember this for the rest of our lives.
obsessed incel
>Looks like the wall fell on her.
you're just a woman hating faggot
>My throat hurts
Fucking americans and their idea of screaming and cheering out loud on a fuckin screen still amazes me.
He might also sucked some dick there too.
I'm surprised anyone actually dies other than Captain America
>22 films
How the fuck aren't capeshiters tired of this already?
>those replies
Jesus people need grow up.
how's dubu so cute whilst having no eyelashes
Until we get Infinity War the Game Never Ends Part Two when the new era of Marvel characters fail
Faggot. GOT is a truly awful show and won't be remembered 2 years from now.
It won't be like this. No one was expecting the Marvel series to achieve this level of success. Whatever comes after this will be tainted by expectation.
They didn't all come out at the same time.
Pack it up. Movie is shit
So, Avengers Endgame hits the required beats, with plenty of fan service (most of it earned) and plenty of wit. It doesn't make a ton of sense (and the action is a comedown) but it's unquestionably fun.
Why the fuck do i keep seeing destiny everywhere these days
>cries when a woman is insulted
It's funny how you get standards when you can get laid whenever you want.
Where did it all go so wrong?
No dude. You're not going to remember this in 5 years unless specifically reminded. Someone will mention something about avengers and you'll be like "oh yeah haha I remember that" but you'll never watch it again and never even think about it again really because a part of you understands that they weren't good movies, they don't convey any deeper meaning, and their value as cultural icons goes only as far as their ability to put the not so disposable income of mouth breathers into Disney's deep pockets
not a good sign when a review starts like this
Because people love posting is meth-jaw ass on this board
It's not even real people dude wake up
>We'll remember this for the rest of our lives.
that won't be the case unless your life is truly that boring you will remember the saturday night tv special as something worthwhile
anyway this is a bait anyway and I took it
Damn. Shazam is already about to be beaten by Captain Marvel. Embarrasing.
Sure, just like we all remember Lost
I don't know, man. I think I'll remember this the same way I remember seeing the oliphaunt charge in ROTK and reading the last Harry Potter book in a hammock in the break area of my summer job during college. Like I said, you have to step out of the "this is kid shit and onions boys and Disney shills and blah blah blah" but there's still something there if nothing else because of how many people are experiencing it together.
I'm going in without half the boring MCU movies. I did watch Cpt. Marvel and IW. Will I be missing anything?
Cringe. Imagine coming to a capshit thread and typing this
Oh look more DC cope
I never read Harry Potter and won't be "experiencing" this knuckle dragging Jew cash grab movie with anybody, I'm not going to watch this. Not even pirate it. It's faggot shit.
So who all dies?
suit yourself, killer.
Cap, Tony, Widow
I can't wait for this shit to finally be over with and then we could move on to some comfy Dune threads
That's right pal I'm giving ya the business
So riddle me this - if Captain America stays in the past with Peggy, he allows her to form SHIELD in order to preserve the timeline, KNOWING that Hydra will eventually take over and will spend the intervening decades murdering innocent people and manipulating the public.
Why is he allowed to do this? This seems objectively evil.
Thanks! Yeah, that makes sense.
user is right. Taylor is looking old but I'd still fuck her for 24 hours straight and burry my face in that pussy only to wake up and go to town for another 24 hours and repeat the process, living off her pussy juices and drain the bitch dry.
stark, widow, cap
No Hydra, no Wanda etc.
Just turn your brain off dude lol like just don't think about it too much
>post under real name
>affiliate your workplace with your postings
>"lol but don't associate anything i say with my work k?"
has this ever worked, have these people in practice distanced their work from their twitter/ social media accounts?
Do they ever explain why Red Skull was guarding the soul stone?
Why would he mess with the timeline?
It's a legal thing, so the company can't be sued if he posts some wrongthink
It's something legal tells them to write, for liability purposes in the event that they say something that can get them jewed
Let's use something better, like Rafales and MiGs.
So he sits there for decades and lets his beloved Peggy create SHIELD, knowing the whole time that Hydra is involved and undermining her efforts to make the world better?
That seems needlessly cruel.
Yes, in Infinity War. He got zappo'd by the space stone to Vormir and then shit happened and boom he's a ghost.
So it has tons of fan service, quips, and giant CGI battles. Cool.
why eben waid, kuhar wali jajajaja
Hey for all it's flaws I actually remember that way more fondly than GOT or Marvelshit. Speculating with friends and strangers online, reacting and making original content here. It reached higher notes than all this mediocre pop culture shit celebrated now.
I wish for an asteroid to wipe the earth clean. It’s that, or a Brave New World future.
It's weird. Everyone I know just talks about this or Game of Thrones all the time. I mean, I feel like an outsider everywhere I go but I really feel like an outsider this week. But I would rather be an outsider than give a fuck about those two garbage franchises
I'm more excited for Deadwood next month. Can't fucking wait.
>I'm more excited for Deadwood next month. Can't fucking wait.
Ok granddad, settle down
Uhh dude you're not turning your brain off what are you some kind of intellectual? Chill out Einstein turn that big noggin off for a second and just enjoy the movie. Just sink into that comfy chair, get you a hand full of crunchy buttery popcorn, and stop thinking about continuity or plot, or trying to reconcile the obvious shortcomings of the story. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy it I'm warning you faggot go post how much you liked it on Twitter or else motherfucker
Yeah like asshole doctor and mysterious island guy. And my favorite, middle eastern asshole guy. I do remember the korean woman very fondly though
Smacks of sincerity. This post is dripping with sincerity. Millennia. 1000 years. People will remember this movie for 1000 years and if you don't like it you're not having enough sex you fag
Ah so he lets his friend bucky continue to suffer torture and murder innocence so wanda can get her powers? Got it retard
>Captain America lets 9/11 happen
>Captain America lets Chernobyl happen
>Captain America lets the Catholic Church abuse millions of kids
>Captain America doesn't prevent the AIDS crisis
>Captain America lets the Rwandan Genocide happen
>Captain America doesn't stop England from winning the World Cup
This ending completely assassinates his character. It's unreal. By choosing to stay and suck on Peggy's giant titties he becomes the biggest bastard in the history of bastards.
Sounds like a shill.
>WATCH ALL MARVEL MOVIES. Buy them on Bluray and 4K then throw those away and buy them digitally from Disney because the cloud is the future! Praise marvel!
Concern trolling works better when the person you're replying to actually has some investment in the argument.
We need a good old fashioned Crisis.
stupid roastie
This isnt an argument. Again cap doing nothing about hydra and bucky while he has knowledge of it is a massive problem. Whether you swallow it or not
100% sure he has been writing this in his head for three weeks
a dumb furry arab did
shut up fag, cap is based. make sure you watch endgame opening week.
yeah, now we're going too far. he's going to look back on this tweet in like a month and think, "I sound like an ass, but at least I got paid."
>Captain America lets Chernobyl happen
Why would he help a bunch of commies?
It's not real.
I thought I told you to turn your mother fucking brain off don't make me call legal and get Iger involved, what you're saying here is really out of line THIS MOVIE IS ONE OF THE GREATEST FILMS OF ALL TIME you don't like it because you're a VIRGIN INCEL and you should have SEX
Now sit the FUCK back, take a big ole swing of that corn syrup dopamine juice, and shut the FUCK up you loser
Nebula warps past Thanos thereo
By which I mean this leak is faggy and fake.
I'll remember Baneposting not this shit.
>0.25 Disney Dollars have been deposited into your account
GOT this season is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Campea has always been the biggest contrarian.
This desu you people need to turn your brains off and watch how is that hard to understand?
it's two episodes in
2 episodes of 6. So far we have seen reunions and talking.
Its fucking garbage. Last season was too.
this will make less money than IW
>22 films
so will they reboot the franchise next year?
Big guy.
I won’t watch this film beyond clips on Yea Forums. I was... 11, 12? when deathly hallows came out. I barely remember that, and I had read every single book multiple times in anticipation. There was one chapter I read like ten times on repeat, can’t even remember what it was.
In short, you’re insane if you think anyone is going to have anything other than faint memories even ten years from now, and you’re insane if you think anyone gives a shit compared to the peak of pottermania. It’ll make a shitton of money, but it will have no lasting impact. Everyone already knows; only the stupidest (as in, below the people that compare Voldemort to politics level IQ), will care.
Cap takes the Infinity Stones and Mjolnir to the past and hands them to Hitler, then looks into the camera and whispers "Suckers…". Credits roll.
It comes out in Australia tomorrow morning. Me and 4 others booked tickets last week and one of them just booked a ticket Sunday. Still heaps of seats available.
>Captain America makes out with his niece
I'm in Australia to and me mum got us 6 tickets for my birthday party last Thursday
Of course Kevin Smith is sucking up. He cant tell his elbow from his arse.
He gets to watch her grow up as "Uncle Steve" now, knowing what her ass will one day look like
Funny how we get to see it before the Burgers.
Why are you faggots so bitter about absolutely everything?
wear are the torrents
>Captain America lets the Catholic Church abuse millions of kids
Subtle shill but big fail, JIDF.
Apathy and snark is cool and easy.
kino desu
which one is Kevin Smith
>Hail Hydra, who was, is, and always will be right. God bless the fatherland
> Directed by the Russos
> Produced by Sam Raimi
>entire film industry flooded with cape trash and soi wars for almost a decade now
>why mad?
In GotG we were told that to wield an infinity stone you needed to be more than human to survive
How the fuck can Iron Man use them?
>Kevin Smith somehow isn't crying
holy shit it must be terrible
Easy, he doesn't survive.
Iron Man is more then human, he's iron man
I wish capeshit was real now
So cap let JFK get assassinated?
>confirmed that Cap was just pretending he couldn't lift it
Jesus Christ these people...
Nah THAT Cap still wasn't worthy.
Better question. How the fuck can Clint Barton hold the soul stone in his hand. He's just a human with a bow and arrow, not a fucking eternal.
He moved the hammer.
Don't tell old man cap is stan lee cgi
A smidge, a twitch. Not enough to wield it.
His wife said she could feel the difference between his skin and the new skin the chinese doctor created to heal him in Avengers 2.
He is not just human anymore.
It's a binary choice, either you're worthy or you're not
>the mcu is Harry Potter tier
finally somebody said it
>go to Chinese doctor for skin graft
>they just use some plastic they scraped off the floor
Hree hreee hreee dum witu piggu
No lies detected. The characters were always the draw.
>Cynicism and trolling and basedboy man-baby bullshit aside, I'm happy to be able to take a moment and appreciate what we're witnessing here. It's likely we'll never see a movie event like this again. This is a cinematic equivalent to the release of the last Harry Potter book. Stories, regardless of the medium, just don't simultaneously achieve this kind of massive economic and cultural impact on a regular basis.
>It's also worth noting that at the exact same time, the biggest TV series of the era is drawing to a close.
>Yeah, they're just corporate products and yeah they're just stories derived from tales and stuff intended for kids. But fuck it. We'll remember this for the rest of our lives.
I have a mental discorder that gives me massive ocd and anger over everything.
the characters are about as puddle deep as Harry Potter though
well we all seen how that Harry Potter series turned out, pffft what a goof.
>By choosing to stay and suck on Peggy's giant titties he becomes the biggest bastard in the history of bastards.
I would’ve done the same shit as him
I haven't watched capeshit in years. Is Hydra Jewish? All I remember in Winter Soldier is globohomo shit. I thought they were supposed to be Nazis?
user, look around. Since when did any of us need to be deep people to have friends or be likable.
I mean we all would. but still
>The characters were always the draw.
And they gave to the franchise to Brie Larson.
So fucking lame.
Dont lie user, you are going to watch it.
Hydra is like the nazis behind the nazis. Their science division or something? Occult? I don't know, it's been a while since I watched First Avenger.
Post moar faggot
I think this scne is going to make Civil War romance subplot worse than it alredy is .
What does capeshit milk taste like?
made for roasties betabois
falcon becomes the new captain America
Valkyrie becomes the new Queen of Asgard
Holy shit why did they make this retarded shit, like why.
Also related
Zendaya’s MJ is THE MJ
These people have to be shills right?
How can any grown person act like this over a movie?
How the fuck is this shit real. People are praising the latest capeshit as if it's a fucking world-changing event. And other people are actually taking them seriously. Imagine if a Transformers movie got this kind of treatment. Jesus fucking Christ
>hurr durr they bring everyone back to life and the avengers make tanos suck his bemis for what he did
Sharon grows up with "Uncle Steve" in her life, then chooses to make out with his younger self when she joins the CIA.
Sharon has issues.
>asshurt DC fan
It kinda makes sense though. He’s witnessing the end of a large part of his career and one of his favorite roles. (He has admitted on a lot of occasions that he thinks he’s only done shit work so it makes sense that he is sad to see his most successful character go.) along with that this is the end of a big working partnership for him. I doubt he’s saying the movie made him cry, probably more the realization hit that this is it for him.
They're not shills. At least, not paid ones. But if you give the movie less than an 11/10 review, Disney will blacklist you and you'll never get advanced screenings in future, meaning your career is over.
literally shaking at the negativity of this thread, i didn't know I could get PTSD from Yea Forums but oh my God was I wrong
Lmao if he had to specify a comparison as good, it cant be so
So are present Loki, Vision, Heimdall and Gamora all dead?
What about Black Widow after the sacrifice. Does she come back at all?
Same thing is going on in gaming. You get invited, as long as you grovel and praise.
lmao we fucking won bros
Yea Forums's reactions are in
same desu
jesus those legs
pure perfection
he can already wield it. he's missing pixie dust
>1/2 of the universe gets dusted and they make the movie directly afterward
Years from now, people will ask what movies from the series they should watch, and people will tell them to skip this one and just end with Infinity War.
Like how people are told to skip Phantom Menace
They could redeem themselves by turning CM into a villain, who then gets rekt by Rogue.
She better hurry up. Ovaries start drying up at 30
yeah but iron man dies or something
>10 min standing ovation hooting and hollering
> 22 films
In retrospect, might have only watched 10 of those all the way through. Maybe less.
A lot of download, FF to the action sceens, then on to the storage drive.
We really, really need to reopen the mental asylums.
I haven't even seen any of the Snyderverse movies you faggot. And almost everything I hear about them is negative. You can't make this reaction seem normal by accusing people of being DCfags
>a millennia
y'all niggas don't deserve latin if you don't treat it with RESPECT
Chris is just a soiboi deep down
>deep down
He has never made any attempt to hide it. Go rewatch his Fantastic 4 movies
I haven't seen anything since Ultron and I think I skipped Thor 2
Reminder that pic related was how these faggots reacted to the spoilers
Never. Democrat white women don't breed.
salty milk, i think theres a video online somewhere that proves this
>tfw Ill never be this obsessed with capeshit to the point of having a mental breakdown
Feels weird to be an outsider while all this shit is going on, I cant bring myself to liking any of it no matter how much I try.
I can bring myself to like the ant man movies because Evangeline Lilly is literally perfect
Based João
Is there a confirmed plot summary yet? I don't want to actually watch this movie.
>I already save the video
>oy vey the goyim know
>good guys beat bad guy and save the day
just watching this to see scarjo's fat jewish booty
Who ausfag and NEETing and seeing it tomorrow morning?
Mendelson is the biggest Disney shill on the internet, you dumb fucking tourist.
Marvel Spoilers sub reddit.
Crazy to think the mods there are more laxed then mods on Yea Forums.
I’m proud that none of my friends are talking about this or planning on seeing it. I’ve picked the right people.
uh, black panther? this man is racist.
Me and 4 others.
Theatre isint even sold out.
I want to know what happens to the guardians, as GOTG is the only part of the MCU that I still care about.
You realize they're probably going without you, right.
Based literary user
You sound like a prick desu
>doesn't prevent the AIDS crisis
>>lets the Rwandan Genocide happen
Isn't that more of a Wakanda thing.
Nobody is going to be watching these movies 3 years from now.
Is he with a fucking Tranny?
>tfw my gf loves capeshit
The Ghost Rider movies are nice capeflicks but everything else is forgettable
This is one of the reasons I still come here. I didn’t know Barry was back and I had totally forgotten about the Deadwood movie until you reminded me. Thirteen years, holy shit
GR is in the marvel-verse
this is my theatre so far (8am), gonna book my ticket soon I guess, using mum's telstra rewards thing to get the ticket for $12.50 because they are trying to jew with $17.50 tickets, normally I get tickets for under $10
Wow not even 1/2 full. Not sure how full mine is because my friend booked our tickets last week.
He said the first screening starts at 8 or 8:30 and it was nearly full, so he booked the 9:30 session and it had heaps of empty seats still.
Just glad its not school holidays and kids wont be everywhere.
dubs confirm you should take a camera to share the love with your international brothers
What theatre is this? Was thinking it'd be rather nice to watch AE with someone besides myself. Maybe we can go get a bite before, my treat.
If this isn't sarcastic they're going to give this the academy award for best picture. Like ROTK for LOTR but LOTR actually deserved it.
>I'm more excited for Deadwood next month. Can't fucking wait.
A man of culture.
Iv been thinking about it.
The entire plot of the movie is on Reddit.
[Spoiler]Black Widow dies accidentally the same way Gamora did, that's the way they obtain the stone. Nebula kills her past-self. Iron Man dies after undoing the snap for using the gauntlet. Captain America goes back to the past and stays with Peggy.[/Spoiler]
>harry potter is based and marvel is shit
You are a megacuck user. I am about the same age as you but because I had already learned to read, i was unaffected by potter disease and could see it for the tripe it was. Now you have finally grown up enough to identify media meant for children, well done.
How do you manage to get shit wrong AND fuck up the spoilers?
RotK is capeshit in disguise
zat how many jews died in the holohoax?
>wearing that button promoting yourself
LOTR was garbage. At no point was I worried for any of the good guys, and the bad guys were just cannon fodder for the elf dude with the bow an arrow 360 no scopping everyone from 10 miles away.
Pure garbage, worse then capeshit.
I have a Nikon camera if you needed to borrow one.
unequivocally based
Il film it on my flip phone.
I’m honest, and I’m not on any happy pills.
These are all the same reactions that TFA got.
Oh ok, I'll bring the Nikon as a backup. Just found the same exact theatre, I'll see you soon.
>and could see it for the tripe it was
could you try any harder?
>worse then capeshit.
you went from edgelord to complete retard real fast
So Captain America dies then
Or maybe they just like it you pathetic piece of shit
Imagine being this faggy. Must be hellish.
He goes back in time to put all the stones back in their correct place then decides to stay in the 40s and marry Peggy.
He shows up as an old man in the present and makes Falcon the new Captain America.
The guy who Peggy married the first time presumably dies alone and unloved after Cap swooped in and stole her from him.
Ok babe. Don't forget the lube
>Implying it wasn't him in the first place.
You have to admit all the overly emotional scenes are faggy as hell.
Also where is the threat in Sauron and the Orcs. The elf dude can take a whole army on himself.
I saw those 3 movies when they first came out, and I just thought they were shit.
I just want to get this bit out of the way, in no way is my being there a sexual offer whatsoever. My nan will be there for fuck's sake.
I meant for me and your nan.
cringe but checkpilled
If you come near her I'll knife you
You got a loicence for that?
Imagine these people having to watch a real movie
Il call the Enrichment brigade
the second weekend drop for this shit will be over 70%, normies will be upset and or confused by all the time travel mumbo jumbo and the pikachu movie will kick it from the top spot.
just watch.
so we shouldn’t tell them to fuck off every time?
you have no dedication.
It's going to have no legs at all.
>admire his brave enthusiasm
Funny way to spell Autism.
imagine caring about what women think about literally anything
WEW lad
all the white “”””people”””” thank god
If the stuff posted there is correct, this movie is gonna be such a clusterfuck.
Also, I hate the fact that they dragged GOTG so deeply into into this story. I wish it stayed a standalone thing, and now GOTG3 will have to be a direct sequel to this movie.
it will maybe make a little more than captain marvel. but thats it.
im talking bvs levels of flop.
Even if it flops financially, the mainstream media would never call it a flop, simply because it's one of the biggest Marvel movies, and everyone has to say only positive things about Marvel movies.
Fuck no.
wow got the ticket for $8 with no booking fee
Idk where in Aus you are mate but if you have a Readings cinema nearby, the prices are the best I've seen in Australia
Great cinemas too
Birch Carroll & Coyle in Queensland + Telstra rewards