"fuck tradition"

>"fuck tradition"

ok, (((HBO)))

Attached: tormund.jpg (450x253, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>wildling character has no interest in traditional societal norms

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>"We said "fuck tradition" and broke all the rules....then we found out why there were rules."
>t.professional wrestling

TV, film, dead.

Of all transgressions committed in the latest episode, Brienne's knighting scene is one of the least egregious.

>a fucking wildling
>not completely against the norms and customs of the south
Why even complain about a show you don't even pay attention to?


>An outsider comes into their world and talks shit about their traditions
Just like the real world nice.

and people say got isn't realistic

This. Tormund comes from a place where women warriors are normal. Karsi was the leader of her clan. He's not a feminist, he genuinely sees people on their own merit because that is the culture he is familiar with

Yeah I don't get the seethinh over that line either. Tormund is the single character that makes the most sense to say something like that. It was completely in character.


Yeah fuck tradition. Women should just control everything now.

>brienne of tarth the baddest most dykiest bitch in all of tamriel
>turns into a doe eyed friendzoned fag for Pretty Boy #203

Youre on the anime board as well based one

Except in primative societies, women aren't fierce warriors or leaders. They're knights. Tormund would not be a feminist. He would be tradpilled

knighting brienne was like the only good thing about the episode fuck off

Have sex

Absolutely based.

He from the norf north also this statemate is meaningless as a progressive comment on our world because female knights are numerous going back to the medieval times.

It's just pandering to the female audience, you know like look at us we care about your strife but they don't, they just want your eyes on the screen show they can shill you shit to buy.

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The hero this board needs.

You're not worthy of Norf memes, you sound like a faggot.

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The World is ending and you think society should stay still?
Systems die when that happens.

kek, /pol/ BTFO

1. All of Yea Forums is manga and/or anime.
2. Yea Forums is way better than this board.
3. Can't get much more "Aryan" than Tormund.

>Onions ginger beard
>Supports woman but only because he wants to fuck her
>gets cucked anyway

He is a nu-male.

Fuck off racist. I can't wait until we bash the fuck out of you alt-right Russian bots.

>Of all transgressions committed in the latest episode, Brienne's knighting scene is one of the least egregious.
It was slow, intentional preachy, and irrelevant. It showed the characters as most intent not on dealing with the coming threat but presenting a show of politically correct morality.

This whole episode is preparing for an encounter with a potential threat to humanity and this is what they are thinking about.

>giants bane
>suckled at his giantfus breasts for 3 months because she thought he was a bby when he was 10
>drinks milk in the show
Based and booby pilled
The line was pure cringe and obviously some sjw self insert
It also had to be about muh stronk brianne of tart breaking gender norms
Fock off

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There's nothing wrong with strong female characters you toxic moron.

I watched the episode with my daughter and her eyes were beaming during that scene. It actually gave me hope for her future.

Brienne earned her place as a Knight, fuck off you sad fool.

i feel bad for your daughter having a father like you

do Westerosis really clap at the end of a knighting?

Fuck you. I'm a strong feminist and I don't give a shit if you make fun of me for that. My daughter will never grow up in a world controlled by fascists like you.

Imagine being the 16 year old working at McDonald's thinking he's being funny.


Imagine being this easily offended by TV.

She'll be my cock sleeve.

I'm still waiting for Tormund's execution for slaughtering everyone in Olly's village.

got em

haha, sure appreaciate these characters and their lighthearted jokes every 2 minutes to mask the low effort storytelling hhahaha

The only reason women are being pushed into "men's roles" is so they have fewer children, and to push men into transgenderism in order to get a job.

Hence why there's such a powerful propaganda reaction to the thought of women being "stay at home moms".

The symbolism in this show related to males being castrated, and that being an ok thing, and women being great (so that only way a man can be great is to be a woman) is obvious.

This has effects. Kids take note. This modifies societies. You're an effect, not a thinker.

Varys, Greyworm, Theon... it really could be subliminal tranny propaganda, bahaha the CIA has done it again

>Fuck you. I'm a strong feminist and I don't give a shit if you make fun of me for that. My daughter will never grow up in a world controlled by fascists like you
Your daughter is not going to have any children. That's all they care about.

>Varys, Greyworm, Theon... it really could be subliminal tranny propaganda, bahaha the CIA has done it again
It's everyone who is helping create what they think is a new world order: where the population drops dramatically. Why? Because AI.

>barbarian wild man thinks tradition is bullshit

>eunuchs never existed in history
get a load of this retard

>get a load of this retard
The point isn't that they have a eunuch. The point is that they are glorifying it.

And of course there's everything else they are presenting that is emasculating men.

Yes. Eunuchs have existed in history. At one point the Chinese empire made it mandatory for one to be a Eunuch to be part of government. Weird that with effective quotas for women combined with the "I'm really a woman" out, the same thing is happening in the west.

>presented as a ok thing
Did we see the same show? Varys and Theon are extremely bitter/traumatized about being eunuchs, and grey worm is a brainwashed freak whose entire 'romance' was crowbared in to deal with backlash.

Did wildlings have any traditions?



They present grey worm as arguably the manliest character, and his romance makes light of his condition.


lol, this is possible, too... I don't take the story for anything profound or whatever, it's just a vehicle for propaganda.

He likes Yea Forums so there's actually a good chance he's a liberal.

everyone is just so riled about the genuinely rampant feminism that they're hypersensitive now.

Absolutely fucking based

this was basically a bottle episode for feels

who else watched Varys, Theon and Greyworm and thought "I want to be just like those guys, they all seem to love their lives so much"? I know I did

>It's literally just some people spending what may be their last night alive together, and doing shit to make eachother feel good before death takes them.

Frick off dumb nigger

Wildlings had traditions of their own though. He should have said, "Fuck your traditions," not fuck all tradition.

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t. kike "dilation" kikelstien

>who else watched Varys, Theon and Greyworm and thought "I want to be just like those guys, they all seem to love their lives so much"? I know I did
That was the intent. And it's more powerful in children. Creating a love story for a Eunuch? That totally flowed naturally, didn't it?


Have you ever had a head injury that you didn't see a doctor about?

>Frick off dumb nigger
Yes, spending their last night together with one of the half dozen awkward, contrived, and utterly uninteresting feminist moments.

If they could have done it in a more natural way, fine. But you know, from all the different crappy, forced scenes, that they were just cramming it in.

It's a good metaphor for what's going on in the West desu.

>Have you ever had a head injury that you didn't see a doctor about?
In a society that is pushing hard the idea that children should lose their testicles, you should pay attention to the messages powerful people send in the media they control.

Why do traditions exist?

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How in the heck is it a "feminist" moment? Brienne has more than earned her spot at the big boys table, She's been kicking ass since she showed up. I would agree with you if it was someone like Sansa being knighted for no real reason. All this scene was there for was to convey that Jaime sees Brienne as his equal now, someone worthy of fighting beside.

Unironically based, sorry I skipped most of your dialogue

>eyes were beaming
jesus, what a soikuck. bet you were watching that scene with your mouth agape.


have sex


vargfags btfod by a cartoon

/pol/ was a fucking mistake

Ladies and gentlemen..... we got em

>How in the heck is it a "feminist" moment? Brienne has more than earned her spot at the big boys table, She's been kicking ass since she showed up. I would agree with you if it was someone like Sansa being knighted for no real reason. All this scene was there for was to convey that Jaime sees Brienne as his equal now, someone worthy of fighting beside.
Because it seems robotic at that point. Maybe if they didn't have all those other robotic feminist scenes. With all of those, this scene is just another bland scene that could have been replaced with something actually interesting.

How many awesome ideas did they trash to force this crap in there?

Cringe and bluepilled.

people do what worked before
that doesn't mean it's always the best way of doing things though, often it's actually a bad way of doing things

>implying nomadic people, even "wild", have no tradition at all
How do you expected them to stay together for so long you retard? Through carefully drafted written laws, maybe contracts?

Alright, what awesome ideas would you like to see? More quips between Varys and Tyrion? I'm genuinely curious here, because to me the gang sitting by the fire was the better part of the episode, if anything they could have cut AryaxGendry, now that shit was pointless

Took this long for someone to finally stop sucking this trannie's axe wound. Fucking pathetic.

I agree. feminism has ruined this show but that scene was not an example of it. brienne has earned her spot.

>Alright, what awesome ideas would you like to see? More quips between Varys and Tyrion? I'm genuinely curious here, because to me the gang sitting by the fire was the better part of the episode, if anything they could have cut AryaxGendry, now that shit was pointless
I just think that they would have had some other funny stories and interactions that were cut for this, because this is not particularly entertaining, it's maybe technically deserved, but not entertaining. And you know they were constrained to include this.

It think sex scenes are more interesting than feminist empowerment. I think it would have been better if the entire episode had just been a massive Arya Gendry porn scene.

>I agree. feminism has ruined this show but that scene was not an example of it. brienne has earned her spot.
But would you agree that when you see that already five times in the episode, it's getting old? Fine that scene by itself, ok. That scene after already doing it multiple times, it's boring.

I agree that feminism has co-opted got but I really think brienne's knighting was well-earned. you have plenty of other reasons to complain user, that wasnt it

>i want sex and 'splosions not this fucking character development
unironically kill yourself, or at the very least go to another board

>This whole episode is preparing for an encounter with a potential threat to humanity and this is what they are thinking about.
Actually a pretty good allegory of the West right now desu

>But would you agree that when you see that already five times in the episode
Yes I would. the show has been cucked for a while now. theyre really ramping it up now though

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>I watched the episode with my daughter and her eyes were beaming during that scene. It actually gave me hope for her future.

Your daughter has no future. She'll be a whore in a Chinese gulag because people like you run the West.

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>falling for b8

> Arya's sex scene was a literal virgin girl dominating Bobby B's sexually experienced bastard

>Not feminist empowerment somehow

Nigger what kind of shit are you smoking, we're done here.

>Brienne earned her place as a Knight
Women can't be knights because plot armor and feminist magic only exists for main characters.

>unironically kill yourself, or at the very least go to another board
Characters in GOT are not being "developed". They are constrained to feminist ideals/constructions. That scene is boring given all the other crap. Say the same thing over and over and it gets boring.


Made me laugh

I would just like to point out that three out of the five women got their asses handed to them (two of them being dead). Not that you're wrong that Dany and the girlsquad were dumb

>giants bane
>suckled at his giantfus breasts for 3 months because she thought he was a bby when he was 10
>drinks milk in the show
Based and booby pilled
The line was pure cringe and obviously some sjw self insert
It also had to be about muh stronk brianne of tart breaking gender norms
Fock off

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>Nigger what kind of shit are you smoking, we're done here.
Not incest and not involving a Eunuch. It's the most wholesome thing in the entire episode.

Tormund started it and everybody thought it was cute so they joined in

This. My 6-year old daughter literally broke into tears, then firmly stood up, flexed her biceps and vowed she will become a knight and impeach drumpf one day.




i would suckle on those stronk brianne of tarts if you catch my drift

Yep. Only balances the plethora of main characters who say fuck progressivism and fuck feminism.
Mad incels should just have sex instead.

and what the fuck has traditionalism done for you?


Based boobs bane of tart

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Based. /pol/cel literwlly SEETHING



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kill all first posters

The way dabid nutt did it was so on the nose though it was cringe

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>this kills the /pol/luter

>awesome ideas

The scene was fine. Felt a bit forced but you can see why Jaime might have wanted to use what little power he has to boost morale like that.

But they do care about tradition, as long as it's their own.

Depending on the definition feminism can just be about merit as well, i.e. women and men are equal and deserve to be treated and rewarded as such.

He sucked a giants teet

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>and then everyone clapped

He is by all definitions CN (chaotic-neutral).
Fuck rules, laws and shit.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

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that's what most feminists believe, /pol/fags just love to strawman the most exaggerated tumblr faggot imaginable though

No he is chaotic good. (with feminism as "good"). He started out chaotic neutral. Now he's a device to introduce moral fagging.

I need an edit of Robin Arryn sucking on Tormund's titty. Free meme idea

White, and I can't stress this enough, Power!

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incredibly based

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>ok, (((HBO)))
You didn't even read A Feast for Crows didn't you faggot


absolutely SEETHING

>didn't even, didn't you
clearly you don't read as well.


This guy is all fat and gross by the has perfectly shaped pouty lips, fine curly hair, what seems to be a subtle butt-chin and a strong hooded brow. Get him calorie counting pronto and he'll be a fine piece of man-meat.

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THe fucking tv show and the books always have been about "fuck tradition" but only now you fucking retards realized it lol


Based af

Successive itrations of habits and selected character across time

Put me in the screencap

>be tormund
>be a wildling
>was raised in a brutal and uncivillized enviroment
>doesn't know shit about westerosi traditions
>says "fuck tradition" because he doesn'tfully understand the meaning of knighthood or how it works.

>inb4 go back to /pol/
Fuck off .

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Sorry I don't sound like a retarded northerner.
>oh aye that fuckin ginger nob shat on tradition, i luv me my tradition

ya seethe

Pretty mediocre bait, sure shows the state of this board that you got so many replies.

name one (1) good reason that females shouldn't be knights

Cucked beyond belief

You should all be ashamed for replying to this obvious bait

worst thread on Yea Forums this year

/pol/ mark jabronis can't handle the banter

They aren't robots. They are humans with human emotions. They didn't want to be "dealing with the coming threat". They wanted to stay inside and enjoy the company of their friends one last time before the end.

Also I wouldn't say knighting Brienne is preachy. She is the perfect embodiment of what being a knight means. She absolutely deserved to be knighted and the only reason it didnt happen sooner is because the topic wasn't actually brought up properly before.

I feel bad that you don't have any friends user.

>t. cuck

The reason changes depending on the country and universe.
If we are talking about Got then:
>Knighthood is a rank and honor given to warriors who perform exemplary service for a lord or the realm in the Seven Kingdoms. Its members are known as knights and use the title "Ser", though this may be superseded by other titles such as "lord", "prince" or "king".

Knighthood in Got was clrearly inspired by knighthood IRL, prior to it being an honarary title it was a a "nickname" given to any faggot who could own a horse and ride it, with the crusades it all changed and it became an honorary title given by the church/monarch.
And ofc, it was given to men, unless you were a sneacky tranny.
>inb4 this is a fantasy world
The same gender rules seem to apply on Got universe as well.

That's classical feminism which was alright, when people say it nowadays they are referring to the current feminism known as "Third Wave" or "College Campus" who are indeed lunatics.

>Knighthood is a rank and honor given to warriors who perform exemplary service for a lord or the realm in the Seven Kingdoms
You didn't really give me a good reason there. You just said that it's tradition that it's given to men, which is the very thing I'm questioning.

There is no coming back from this polfags.

watching them kvetch ITT is hilarious

>You didn't really give me a good reason there.
Tradition itself is the reason.
> You just said that it's tradition that it's given to men, which is the very thing I'm questioning.
And i said why it was only given to men you brainlet, it's inspired in the real life practice of knighthood wich was a male dominated (99.99%) tradition, it's not a thing you just give to women, you don't see that on a medieval society a society inspired by one, do you?
But exeptions might happen, in this case D&D decided to make Brienne one.

>i said why it was only given to men you brainlet
no you didn't, you just said that it wasn't given to men, that's not a reason. It's okay to admit you were wrong you know

And Tormund has a habit if ignoring those too, so Tormund saying Fuck tradition makes sense

>no you didn't, you just said that it wasn't given to men, that's not a reason.
>you just said that it wasn't given to men, that's not a reason.
>you just said that it wasn't given to men
>you just said

Either you are not reading or you are a tranny, but I am going to quote what i said:
>".. it's inspired in the real life practice of knighthood wich was a male dominated (99.99%) tradition, it's not a thing you just give to women, you don't see that on a medieval society a society inspired by one, do you?"

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>no you didn't, you just said that it wasn't given to men
>to men


>it's not a thing you just give to women
but why not? This is the question that I asked, you imbecile. You aren't answering it by saying "because it isn't"

>woman becoming a sir
>Jon under Dany, Sansa leading winterfell, Jorah under a little girl, Jamie fighting under brienne, Theon under Yara
>men are easily manipulated
>brienne arya both super fighters
>male heroes are all either cripples eunuchs or bastards, female heroes are all kings
I’ll be rooting for the white walkers next episode. Hope the night king just chad spears all the women and rips lyanna in half personally

Give me 1 good reason Brienne shouldn't be a knight when she can easily 1vs1 most Westerosi knights

Hard Mode: no whining about her genitals

If Tormund survives till the end, he should put his wildling life behind him and shave his beard.

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you know it's a good post when people are unironically seething at you..

You realize that he is just a soap box for their feminist shit right?

If you can’t see that it is subversive I feel sorry for you, it’s like you’re deaf or blind, you have a mental condition

I used to hate got generals but now I'm glad that it keeps all those subhuman city living lefties that crawl out from Reddit and Yea Forums with each season in one containment thread.

You are ironically raising your daughter to be rebellious towards you and her future husband (if you don’t first fuck her up irrevocably). Women were designed by God to be obedient, not warriors or leaders. Women have weak bodies, are impulsive and weak willed. These are facts, love them or perish



>but why not?
Do you have brain damage?
It's not a part of the tradition, why?
Women aren't considered warriors in the westerosi world.Why?
You might argue about the biological aspect, but the most correct answer would be the fact that the ASOIAF/ GOT world is inspired by the medieval world (3rd time i say this) and is so is the westerosi culture, hence the patriarcal nature of the society and the warrior culture based on the male warrior.
If you say why again, I suggest you visit a dorctor or do a flip on a nearby bridge.

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>Fuck tradition.
When the entire concept was for Brienne to join the long tradition of knighthood. When it was done through like 3 lines of speech.
I doubt she can straddle to anywhere and get knight-privileges.

Part of making subversion work is gaslighting anyone that notices.


sounds like you want women to be submissive anime waifus because you can't handle someone that will talk back. Glad you're an incel

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As the other guy said you argument is just appeal to tradition, doesn't answer anything and clearly it's stupid when it gates women like Brienne from knighthood

>why do I have to punch myself in the face, sir?
>because I said so
>but why?
>that's just the way it has to be
>for any reason though, or is it just arbitrary?
>we all have to punch ourselves in the face, it's just tradition
You haven't answered the question because you can't think of a compelling reason why women shouldn't be knighted, it's plain to see

>Theon are extremely bitter/traumatized about being eunuchs
Theon in the show is traumatized by the torture, not that he is an eunuch. There was actually scene when he was kicked in the crotch area and he smirked and kicked the other guy and beat him the hell up because of it, heavily implying that having no balls is actually beneficial.
As far as I know, he makes light of his condition and certainly hasn't expressed once that he cares that his balls being cut off.
>grey worm
Oh, you mean the greatest warrior in Dany's army, as well as not feeling any pain, looking like a female physically wise, but still evidently strong? That guy?

>wh-what about my daughter's husband?!
I don't know, dude, you wanna take her virginity too to make sure she's a satisfying fuck?

>As far as I know, he makes light of his condition and certainly hasn't expressed once that he cares that his balls being cut off
except for when he had the guy who cut them off shipped over in a box and killed

It’s just a fact that women are naturally submissive, if you don’t know this you are a retard

Women make horrible decisions and are weak mentally and physically. Either you are a woman or a faggot. Either way shut up and people will think you are more intelligent.

Why is it so important to be knighted in the first place? Does three clinks on her shoulder and some words make her more honorable? A better fighter? Morally virtuous?
Why must the tradition of knighthood be in focus, when she - for feminism should've abolished the whole idea of joining a men's club.

Grey Worm is an autistic war machine raised from a kid to be a tool. Even then he was clearly unconfortable when he first lay with Missandei

Varys was castrated very young and clearly you're going to be more affected by castration if it happens after puberty.

Theon was visibly uncfortable when Yara was lezzing out with whores on that ship, while he could only sit and watch. To claim he wasn't traumatized by his dick being cut off is just you forcefully trying to insert your autistic /pol/ agenda about how GoT is the masterplan of the jews for white genocide

>that projection
just because you’re a queer doesn’t mean I am. Get gassed. If you are the dad of that post you probably are a fag

So i get it, you think i am in favor of the tradition.
You could have begun your "arguments" by calling me /pol/tard and incel, it would make things easier eventough it am not either or claim to support the tradition, the simple fact I justified why the act was strange and wrong made you assume that.
And your analogy is retarded.
>You haven't answered the question because you can't think of a compelling reason why women shouldn't be knighted
If knighthood was a think these days then it should be given to citezens who prove themselfs worthy, regardless of gender.

I'm sorry you don't get laid user. Maybe one day you'll stop browsing /r9k/, develop a charking personality and get some

Is the show pozzed? It seems pozzed and only reddit tourists like it.

Why do you watch tv shows if creative types are always left wingers?

create your own books, music and tv series you lazy conservative cunts

If knighthood is so irrelevant then why all the autismo about Brienne?

Not how it works

>i want my daughter to obey her husband!!!!
Imagine being a sick fuck.

You’re hopeless.

>distancing yourself from your own argument while still trying to claim victory
what happened here?

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>fuck my daughter's family
>what do I care if she gets divorced and becomes a single mother

it's a mix of pozzed and some chivalry... but there are lots of powerful eunuchs and the women are strong, they even have a war meeting with all women and they comment how brave that is or whatever... I mean, that doesn't happen ever, so it's basically pozzed fantasy. It has its moments, I don't regret watching it, I just hope all the retards die.

If your only chance to get laid is dealing only with women that ate submissive anime waifus consider converting to Islam

As far as I remember, Varys personally said in season 1 or something that he did not know what happened to the guy that cut his balls.
>Grey Worm
That doesn't discount his skillset as a warrior, the fact that he is honorable, brave, blah blah, blah. Evidently, being an eunuch has given him nothing but benefits.
>Even then he was clearly unconfortable when he first lay with Missandei
So what? Was Missandei uncomfortable that the guy she wants to sleep with has no dick? That's the more important question here.
>Varys was castrated very young and clearly you're going to be more affected by castration if it happens after puberty.
Doesn't discount the point that Varys has no visible problem that he is an eunuch.
>Theon was visibly uncfortable when Yara was lezzing out with whores on that ship
I think it was more down to the fact that Yara was making fun of what he went through. Theon was a permamently petrified puppy after escaping Ramsey, looking like he was about to break down at any second. You put too much emphasis on this one scene that isn't different than any other.
>To claim he wasn't traumatized by his dick being cut off
I mean, dick cutting was part of the torture, so yes - he was traumatized. The point is he easily came to terms with it and in fact used to his "advantage".

>ugh duhh i don't agree wit u so its rertard and stúpid
>doesn't answer anything
It does answer, because inlike you faggots I took the place where the story is told into consideration and the tradition there present wich explain why it's unlickely for a women to be knighted in the Got universe.
But both of you ignore what i say, probably because you can't even reason and simply jump to the conclusion that i am in favor of the restriction ways of the tradition.

I don't care if she "obeys" her husband because I don't expect her to behave like my former waifu, you white pervert.

>imagine being this retarded
Your posts read like some sort of skit. Only it’s not funny and just really sad. You raise kids for yourself to fulfill your own desires and not for them. You’ll ruin the poor girls life. Sad that she is raised by such an idiot

Thread has been brigaded by leftypol and discord trannies.


Have sex, seriously.

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Imagine wanting to fuck your daughter so bad you're willing to groom her for her future husband's delight lmao.

back when the show was good and basically a copy of the books. That doesn't really count.

Because your argument for tradition is literally just "it's tradition!!", which is stupid because not all traditions are worth keeping around.

Still waiting for a good reason why Brienne can't be a knight

>being such a degenerate that sex is the only thing you value
women who don’t act like women are not attractive, women are naturally submissive and made by God to take orders from men and to please men. These are facts.

>ate submissive
can you un-stroke your brain before replying pls?

>distancing yourself from your own argument while still trying to claim victory
So did you.
What i said in was my interpretation of post, I mean what else can you conclude?

I'm butting in because your partner is too lazy to give you an answer even a child would know.
Titles, privileges and such aren't something you just collect like steam achievements, especially in troubled times. The title of knighthood implies that you are serving your liege at any given time, forever and ever (there is no convenient way to go back). Now, a big surprise, a woman in a medieval society has some other duties only she can handle. Guess which? Because of that, it is a taboo for any successful society to let their women fight - if they are fighting, they are not giving birth. So the other societies, with normal women, will in time outnumber and subjugate the society of friendship and equality. Because giving birth is fucking important. It's a unique thing and the only guarantee of our existence.
A woman "knight" can't fulfill her duties, because she not only needs to give birth (which fucks up your body a lot), but she also need to take care of her child until he's about 6. So why give a title to someone who can't possibly live up to its burden? It's cruel and sadistic.

>projecting this hard
Kill yourself freak. I hope you die ASAP, and I am not even saying this to troll. Your poor daughter is raised by a fucking faggot. May God help her and send you to hell.

I'd tell you to have sex, but I don't think you're getting any anytime soon

Why do lefties accept the precautionary principle when it comes to untested new technologies like GMO foods, but not when it comes to modifying centuries old, time-tested traditions?

>Because your argument for tradition is literally just "it's tradition!!", which is stupid because not all traditions are worth keeping around.
>which is stupid because not all traditions are worth keeping around.
I didn't claim that this one was worth keeping arround or not, (you) faggots miss the point and are derrailing the argument, the point was that the act of knighting brienne was strange when you take in consideration the tradition and act of knighthood. I am in no way speaking my opinion on the subject, just saying the fact that westerosi traditions slander such act.
>Still waiting for a good reason why Brienne can't be a knight
In my opinion she should, but if you want accruacy (clearly you don't) then again, I gave you one.

Don't fuck your daughter, user.

thanks for proving my point. quit thinking about sex so much, it’s not healthy for you. You don’t listen to good advice though, so you won’t listen to me. You don’t even believe women are naturally submissive, what color is the sky in your world?

>Still waiting for a good reason why Brienne can't be a knight
Failed at her job protecting the Stark children, killed Stannis because "muh Renly", tried to take Arya away forcefully even when she was told not to and initiated a duel with the Hound because of it. Caused a lot of bloodshed on the way to the Stark children, did absolutely nothing while she was held captive by Loke or whatever his name was (Jaime was the one who sacrificed himself and saved Brienne many times). Had no honor in supporting Renly's shit claim to the throne over that of his brother

Oh yes, she is portrayed as a Mary Sue in the show and all of these actions are portrayed by the two jewish show runners as decent and brave and justifiable, but are they really in reality? No, they are not.

Finally someone with a functioning brain. That makes sense, but I wouldn't say it was cruel and sadistic. I'd also argue that it's possible to be a knight and have children, just not ideal. But yeah women were pretty much alliance currency back then and having them do other things is inconvenient for their lord.

>Because of that, it is a taboo for any successful society to let their women fight
This isn't even close to being true. All that effort wasted on half-truths and meme factoids. Yikes.

>I'm butting in because your partner is too lazy to give you an answer even a child would know.

Sure thing buddy, have fun with them, i wish you good fortune in the wars to come.

300% based. Include me in the screencap.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

>have fun with them
With children? Well, if you say so...

fuck off tranny. Ofcourse you have a pic from ffxiv the game that has 90% of tranny players.