Cobra Kai S2

Fuck GOT and fuck Avengers. THIS is what this board should be hype for.

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Other urls found in this thread: was the real bully

Wait, I thought the guy on the left was dead.
I mean the actor, not the character.

tomorrow night bros
hopefully more sam ass shots


oh yes, i´m hyped. my favourite show of 2018 for sure!

Reminder that kid in the Blue Gi was an athletic freak & could easily mop the floor with everybody.

Is it even any good?

watching all three, hyped.

It's very good.
Campy, but self-aware, so it doesn't overdo it for reddit points.
It's also relatively red-pilled, if that's your thing.

White dude cucks a beaner in S1

>boomer shit nobody remembers
Go away

Nope hes still kickin.

If you watched the first movie the first season was like redemption arc for Johnny Lawrence


It seems to be written by actual fans and not by corporate executives wanting to profit on the nostalgia factor.


Johnny was the fucking hero of that movie. Fuck LaRusso.

Thanks frens, i'll start watching it.

>It's also relatively red-pilled, if that's your thing.

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I watched the first Karate Kid once in my life and never again. After seeing a lot of praise on here for season 1 of Cobra Kai I checked it out.. It's pretty damn good. Goofy and intentionally campy (to sort of match it's old 80's vibe) but with decent characters and plot.

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yeh the show was clearly inspired by the "daniel was the real bully" video on youtube

his food review show is pretty good too

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I went into this thinking "I can't believe they ruined one of my favorite childhood memories doing something stupid like this. I HAVE to see how bad it is".

I came out of it fucking amazed it actually worked, and not only worked, it was entertaining the entire way through.


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This year is actually fucking insane with how much shit is coming out

>End of GoT
>Cobra Kai season 2
>Detective Pikachu

Cobra Kai is definitely the smallest one there but for me it's big, so it just feels like a tidal wave of big awesome shit hitting.


>I went into this thinking "I can't believe they ruined one of my favorite childhood memories doing something stupid like this. I HAVE to see how bad it is".
>I came out of it fucking amazed it actually worked, and not only worked, it was entertaining the entire way through.

Yes. Of course there's some poz and current year shit - but it was pretty well done and entertaining.

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I think it pretty much is.

>hiro secretly tracking stealth advertising while preparing to sue ad agencies for violating the ToS on this board

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I mean...did you have to post that? The mere fact that the image exists shows that your "thought" was wrong to begin with.

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Never doubt the power of modern day CGI

Really not even CGI, just fancy green screen. Also always doubt the budget to waste money on CGI. An impersonator would probably cost pennies and honestly who would even know the difference on an E-lister like him?

Cersei full body nude scene was an admitted body double.

i didnt even know it was coming back so soon. s1 was great.

Are they doing a second season for Wayne

Is Hawk our guy?

I can almost 100% guarantee they'll fuck it up. The trailer hasn't helped my hopes either

Im just hoping for the song.

Im pretty sure its going to play in the last episode of this season in the last fight

What if I'm a zoomer with no nostalgia of Karate Kid, or have never ever seen it in the first place? Will I still like it?

Go watch the trailer for season 1, it was terrible. Have faith, Cobra Kai never dies!


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It won't be bad or anything but you kind of have to understand the dynamic set up in the film. It's about the opposite side of a story so it's more meaningful having seen the tropey 80s played straight version.

You definitely won't get S2 without it. Best option is to watch the karate kid movie. 2 is barely a sequel, 3 is not.

theres flashbacks to the film throughout the season so it wouldn't be hard to figure out whats going on. just watch the movie though

Im hoping Terry Silver and Mike Barnes show up.

Motherfucking THIS

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>It's also relatively red-pilled, if that's your thing.
How? Because at the end of the season Johnny gets pissed and becomes ans edge lord? Obviously the show isn't going to let him stay that way

It passes for red-pilled these days. they arent pushing too much left wing political agenda bullshit. There are little jokes making fun of obama era sjw culture all through the season. It can be watched by the whole family together though.

I'm hoping Hilary Swank shows up for some insane reason. The movie wasn't great but her rack and tummy were the stuff boners are made of.

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I have lost all faith in any series remaining good. It's better to just assume it's going to be shit and either be pleasantly surprised or smugly right.

i did

you didn't need to type "i mean" but you still fucking did it

I didn't give that much of a shit about it and I still loved Cobra Kai. Although while I didn't watch the movies I did at least know the general plot

>He thinks youtube can afford CGI

>reminder that Hawk is so powerful that they had to disqualify him so the two main rivals could stand a chance of winning

No, based Xander Stone is
>childhood is rooting for Robby
>adulthood is rooting for Miguel
>transcendence is realising Xander intentionally lost the match to send a subconscious message of love and peace that will flourish in the final episode like the butterfly effect

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I really hope he comes back in some capacity. Also hope Miguel is focused on more so than the trailer let on

It's fucking awesome.

They were mentioned at that tournament hearing. I'm hype.

Theres a fan theory that Terry Silver is Miguel's dad.
First season says his dad is a "bad man in Ecoudar"

It's really good. Probably the only sequel to a classic that's been done right.

>tfw everything-neutral

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Final episode was a letdown. You know those characters you sympathised with? They are horrible people now. You should hate them. You know those custard l characters you hated? The kid who never went to school, did drugs, and stole stuff? You should like him now. I lost all interest.


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>hopefully more sam ass shots

Or just watch her Youtube channel.

Or don't because her real bf is a chad.

>White dude cucks a beaner in S1
Fuck yeah.

>>End of GoT
>>Cobra Kai season 2
>>Detective Pikachu

None of that shit is good except Cobra Kai

what does red-pilled mean?

End of GoT would be pretty good but i dont believe it.
This cash cow still has too much milk to end.

>what does red-pilled mean?
Telling the truth instead of what jews tell you the truth is.

I am so hyped.

Watching through the old episodes, come up to this little good bit.

Also, very much looking forward to Sammy showing off her but in all those different colourful leggings.

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I love how the first seasons blurred the lines of good and bad with both Johnny and Danny.

But I felt towards the end of the season Danny was starting to be held in a better light than Johnny, and it looks like this new season Johnny is going to be held back as more of an antagonist.

>Sammy showing off her but in all those different colourful leggings.

just watch her youtube channel

>characters that are literally you

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Boring channel. Why you gotta lie?

It had nothing of the sort of interest.

Though you do get to see her take a shower in the hair video and she got some hairy armpits


Robby's mouth mole still annoys me.

>Boring channel. Why you gotta lie?
yeah ok pal

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>Though you do get to see her take a shower in the hair video

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didn't know about this, am excited

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Best girl

Well yeah, one character probably had sex while the rest were disgusting incels in the making


Damn dude, you perfectly summarised how I felt about that season as well.

It's like an anime story 2bh

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Please don't listen to Yea Forums. It sucks.

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Idiots believing truth as a binary choice.

Second season out yet?

Robby's mum would totally do him if she was drunk enough tbqh

Not until the 24th at Midnight.

it's current year good.

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i'd sit in the office and watch those roasties do their yoga 2bh

In all seriousness and despite all the memes, did Johnny actually do ANYTHING wrong in the original movie?

Nice trips, shit post.

Brought drugs to a school dance and was the 80's dick bf cliche.

I don't remember a lot about the 1st movie, but I blame that girl they're both hitting. She pitted them against each other.

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she gets around

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Johnny mistreats women and has no sense of boundaries with them. He actually stole and broke her boombox.

His girlfriend always talked bad about him so you know he was no good.

He was super disrespectful to her at the country club, yet was so nice to the parents and everyone else.

He organised his crew to screw around with Daniel at soccer try-outs and teased him afterwards.

He and his crew ran Daniel off a mountain on his bike. Daniel could have died.

Countless other things too.

Fucken love it

>martial arts film
>forced white faces

no thanks

yum pokie nipple


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She seems obnoxious to be around

He's the true boomer

Robbie is so cute

Everything he does is just an alpha move, man
Chicks dig that shit

>Not posting her hard nips poking through her shirt
I'd love to baste Mary Mouser like a fucking Turkey

This is the most reddit le 80s nostalgia soibait shit. This is not what this board should care about.

Did you not watch the episode of him recounting what really happened user? Why are you spreading fake news.

Man, I just love the aspect of a show set on a movie from 30 years ago with the same actors reprising their roles.

Just so interesting to see where they've come from and gone to.

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I'm saying what happened in the movie, not what was retconned in a spin off series 30 years later

Wtf Stop liking what I don't like.

How did Daniel land such an awesome chill wife.

>He and his crew ran Daniel off a mountain on his bike. Daniel could have died
It was a soft grassy hill.

He was all valley champion twice man.

Cool car, ultimate asian wingman. He got everything.

He's got a shit son tho.

What ever happened to Ali, did she appear in season 1? is she gonna appear in season 2?

shes in colorado

daniel's wife is an actual example of a strong woman

Married some doctor Chad

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Go back to your GoT, Star Wars and MCU threads then

>This is not what this board should care about.
Fuck off, GOT incel.

It's possibly the best show currently produced.
But I really hate it when shows I like are discussed in Yea Forums.

But why?
Yasmine getting a wedgie was pretty hot ngl.

I wish I looked this good in a tight shirt

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I honestly think its crazy that this show was made by Republicans and does well. The guy on the left and Ralph Macchio were on louder with crowder. That's crazy. People like Dean Cain lost their jobs for being associated with the right.

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Bad triumvirate when?

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Why the heck were they even on that show?

Sammy is a fucken whore she should be with miguel

Cobra Kai is basically just a 25 minute ad for Coors.

Why. He hit her.

My arc was similar. But as others have said, the tone, characters, and lore is like the anti-Star Wars of our age.


Hope they have better fight choreography. Although way better than the original, is cringe for anyone with actual fight experience to watch.

>Sammy is a fucken whore she should be with miguel
Fuck off, racemixer

>actual fight experience to watch.
W-where you a navy seal?

No. But I a actual black belt and those kids are awful. Also, if you watched any Asian movie, you know their fights are way better.

>it's a TV show

You have actual autism and the only fight experience you have is getting dunked in the toilet in highschool

With Google money. Are you actually saying they can't train a bunch o teenagers to look better at screen? In the original movies they had a chick Norris disciple and a 5 Dan in shito-Ryu and the fights were terribly paced and fake.

Really dude. Shut up. They can't do a single mawashi Tobi Geri right.

It's a fucking YouTube show and the list of producers reads like a Tel Aviv phone book, but it's a legit 10/10.

>I have a black belt
In what? Most "traditional" striking martial arts are BS.

Karate. Shotokan. Trained capoeira too for some time. Not a fan of grappling.

Bullshit. It is actually the grappling like BJJ that try to invalidate everyone. They won a lot of UFCs but striking is still integral part of MMA.

Cobra Kai is a 10-episode original series from Jon Hurwitz, Josh Heald and Hayden Schlossberg that is available right now on YouTube Red. Have you checked it out yet? What are your thoughts?

I wish Sensei Sam would sit on me

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Karate is a BS kids sport and any Muay Thai fighter would destroy you.
The only striking that is useful in MMA is Muay Thai or a pure Kickboxing background not based in "traditional" striking martial arts. Grappling will always prove superior though.

>a fucking YouTube show
iirc they shopped the show around and no one else wanted it.

>8 million dollar budget feature film vs a TV show streamed on Youtube

Blah blah blah."Muay Thai, BJJ, MMA"... Who cares dude. Suck some fighters cock. Usually people like you shit on everyone but don't have any training at all. I don't train for ego neither want to challenge professionals.

Yeah. Machida It is not a real karateka. Of course not.

>muh cherry pick
Watch Karate Combat. It's the most pathetic display of martial arts. The faggots just want to point fight instead of actually fighting. Karate is BS.

Yeah. Every olimpic competition is like that. No one breaks necks or spines in judo and Greco Roman competition either. It's literally for points. That is the objective. Not even K-1 or UFC do not have score system. What is you point, ultimate warrior?

I thought it was a cliff

And yet you come for a series about karate for shit on it. Next thing you are going to a Kung Fu movies thread say that any pride fighter can kill Jackie Chan. Oh, really? Never would thought that!

Just admit you're wrong bro

Also MacGregor must be a cherry pick for this idiot. Always the same thing. Some guy that never trained one day of his life comes shitting on everyone that is not his preferred men rubbing in each other.

Talk about SJW culture and how it was cancer especially in Hollywood.

How are they going to get Segal now that he's a big A-list star?

>14hrs to go

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Do I need to rewatch Karate Kid before I watch this? It's been like fifteen years.

This guy made anything beyond this?

if you're talking S1, then no, the parts in S1 which talk about the movie are all basically explained

Wrong kiddo

MMA grappling still has rules.
You try grappling in a street fight and you’ll get your head kicked in


A basic understanding is more than enough and there's flashbacks for anything you need to know throughout the episodes.

YOU JUST KNOW she is into butt stuff

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>Sammy is a fucken whore she should be with miguel

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I literally thought life would just happen from watching tv and listening to my parents. I literally thought I would just get a girlfriend without doing anything.

2bh I think she's into pegging

So what's the deal with this show? Daniel-san grows up to be an asshole and Johnny and NoMercy-sensei teach him a lesson?

Daniel grows up to be a car salesman, Johnny grows up to be a miserable failure at life. Johnny then re-opens Cobra Kai because he needs a job and he feels bad for some wimpy hispanic kid. S1 s pretty much just him beating his pupils into men (and women in one case), while Daniel is training a kid himself, that just happens to be Johnny's son. The Cobra Kai sensei only shows up at the end of S1 as a teaser for S2 where he seems to play a larger role

wow Daniel hit the jackpot

Yeah. But in the end of the first season, Johnny realizes he can't teach just like Kreese and expect different results than the asshole he was himself as younger and Larusso that Miyagi taught him to be better and have balance. So he is probably the focus on this season since he is opening a dojo.

Sams mom would too. Probably doesn’t even need a drink.

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>the most powerful kick comes from balancing on one hand

He literally didn't

You mean Sam's mum would do Robby?

Of course she would, she does whatever she pleases.

What did Johnny mean by this?

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Since Daniel cucked Johnny out of Ali he should get him back.

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This show had some really good writing.

>Dear Robby, I know you refuse to answer my calls.
>And I refuse to text or e-mail, so I'm going old school and writing this letter.

Boomers are insufferable

Considering capoeira is based all around these kind of techniques, it is that far fetched.

>pick a vehicle, what about this one?
>A Forrester(clearly an Outback)? Do I look like a Lesbo?

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I enjoyed the series until it became clear the good guy vs the bad guy at the end. looks like s2 continues on that, my hypes are low

Mike Barnes is probably coming back. Maybe as a teaser for next season but I would bet money we see him. Terry Silver as much as I loved him and how he alone made kk3 watchable is just too cartoony of a villian. The jap guy could be neat if set up right. Maybe have him be loaded or yakuza now and move over to the US to exact revenge on Daniel for his loss of honor or some bullshit.

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Problem is the other 2 guys have nothing to do with Johnny, so it's pointless to bring them in.

Same desu. I hope the trailer is just very poorly made and misleading and S2 is actually kino. I remember some user back when the series was still new having the idea that season 2 is going to be about Kreese taking over Cobra Kai, Johnny deciding the teachings of Cobra Kai are flawed and starting his own dojo that promotes a bushido-style honor system along with the strike first strike hard teachings of Cobra Kai and Daniel opening his own dojo that teaches the defensive teachings of Miyagi. It almost 100% won't go in this direction, but the point is that it's still possible the new season might not be shit

Does it take the other Karate Kid movies as canon or just the first one? What I'm really asking is are we going to see barefoot and sweaty Hilary Swank in this at some point.

Does Mr. Miyagi show up?

Johnny isn't going to make another new dojo, especially since the show is called cobra kai. He just gonna fight with Kreese.

it's all canon

Yeah he's already been in a few episodes

Nice, I'm not that interested in seeing the kids all grown up but that little old man is based.

pat's been dead for over a decade user, he's only in flashbacks and a tribute they do to him


user I...

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it can work

Daniel's son is the worst character in the show

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Have fun watching the daughter fight through all the oppression as she becomes the new karate champ in season 2

Who is Pat Morita?

I thought we were talking about Mr Miyagi.

If they are going to have Johny's teach come back, they need to have Daniel'd girlfriend from the first movie back, Elizabeth Shue, especially when she has so much history with both Johny and Daniel

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What do we think of the new girl?

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Dis she age well? Probably no

>It was a soft grassy hill.

That shit can still hurt like a bitch. Also it was at a pretty steep incline, there could have been rocks there, and Daniel's neck could have gotten snapped or could have hit his head on something hard

Karate Kid 1 vs Karate Kid 2 love interest

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We all know her as Emma from the Disney Channel shows

She went away and got /fit/


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They already elaborated on that in season 1.

She went to med school, fell in love with someone there and they married. She became a podiatrist and her husband was a surgeon(I think?).

Other than Johnny and Danny talking fondly about her in the scene, there's literally no reason to bring her into the series given that she's married, Daniel is married, and Johnny fucked a whore and has a son.

What is this anime bullshit?

Asian women win again

yep....its kino

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>there's literally no reason to bring her into the series

There was no reason to bring back Johny's teacher other than nostalgia, and they did that. Why stop the nostalgia train now.


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>middle age white men living in the past and diversity

sums up everything in current movies and tv perfectly

Did you not watch the first season?

Half of it is Johnny trying be a good teacher despite he himself having been taught by the worst teacher, Kreese.

Of course there is reason to bring him in.

Mr. Miyagi is dead too user

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I can't wait for this!

I never cared for Karate Kid growing up and only watched the first 2 episodes because I had nothing better to do and I was really surprised at how good the show was

definitely the best season of a tv series in the last decade. my only complaint was that it was a little rushed in that it only had 10 episodes. it felt like there should have been 2-4 more



She needs to show up to save Daniel. Shit would be kino.

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fucking liar, those faggots are jerking off to the mummy today and had no idea s2 was even going to be released

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Yeah the pacing felt a bit off

It had a nice slower progression earlier on but as it got to the end everything happened so quick

kk3 was hot trash

>stacy and chad hubby show up
>beats the shit out of karate wimps
>stacy gets wet
>start fucking like animals infront of the half dead cucks
this gets me MOIST

Any1 know if they're releasing the whole season again like they did with season 1?

>the next karate kid
>20 year old hillary swank

>Working class guy versus rich man.
>Reversal of their original social roles.
The entire series was worth it just for that shot.

We do not train to be merciful here. Mercy is for the weak. Here, in the streets, in competition: A man confronts you, he is the enemy.

Johnny yelling and shit always made me crack a smile.

Guarantee you didn't watch it, brainlet. Season 1 was unironically the best show of 2018

No. The show explains it very well. He was no worse than Daniel-San..

that quote gives me chills

Why did he go straight for the ass?

That’s what it was supposed to be, but it’s actually the opposite. It’s about not being a pussy when life shits on you. Not sure if the show runners intended that but that’s how it plays out...

this 100%

This. If anything, the original movies were cucked/pozzed and the web series reversed the narrative and shows the virtues of exceptionalism. Also another thing that the series explores is how much Daniel-San actually lives by the Cobra Kai philosophy in his business life without even knowing it.

He's lightskinned, but he's still a dark nigga.

What about ponytail guy?

>muh jewish boogeyman

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he dead, steven segal ate him

nice bait

This show will experience massive rating declines now that the concept is not new and fresh and I say this as a person who marathoned the entire first season in one sitting

not if i keep rewatching it and shilling it on social media


no... delet this...



Delet this!

delet delet delet delet delet delet delet delet

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i watch it at -435.00045x speed

still marathoning episode 1 for the last 2 months

pls delet

delete this post please


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>defending jews
state of you

Nooooo, say it ain's so. I was really hoping this season would be just as good.


see what you've done



you're a 2/10 aren't you. here's some advice, work out and hire some prostitutes just to get comfortable with touching women. best of luck lad.


You don't deserve all these (You)s. Delet!

>Alan Sepinwall
Is this guy legit? Does he have good taste or just being contrarian?

Of course it was going to be shit

Who cares though

I'll still enjoy it

Fuck this guy and fuck you too! Delet!


fr;ry yjod

>off by one x9
autism, many such cases.

how the fuck is this still up?! MODS!!!!!

jannie took a day off

Cuckold Gai


delet this

u guys are worse than GOTfags

dont wanna give them clicks, what it say



i blame da joos

bullshit and spoilers

ur a faggot

They do a recap anyway, you could go in blind

>soapy teen love triangle

I can't wait

faggot detected

Mike was behind the scenes for the promo clips

I didn't watch the movie. The series was very good.

t. Daniel

Not even lying, I watched Cobra Kai and Origins and they were two of my favorite shows last year. Both produced by Youtube. Hopefully they keep pumping this type of stuff out.

When I saw a fat negress in the show I got a little "ehhhh" but she was actually a really solid character.

You're on Yea Forums. Stop talking about role models.

The funny part about you asking this is I truly believe the idea for Cobra Kai came out of that very question.

This video sums it up perfectly.

In the original Karate Kid, Daniel is the really villian/bully. was the real bully

Johnny wasn't perfect, but acting like he was some terrorist level dickhead is pure mental gymnastics.

Also the illegal crane kick has never been addressed by the All Valley Tournament commitee.

tell me, what did he do wrong apart from the radio thing? And even that, she's was being a cunty bitch. And Daniel sucker punched him.
Jonnhy Lawrence was the good guy all along

but Miguel kicked hiss ass?

>the smooth booty quiz
How'd y'all do?