Why are all these historical epics (Lawrence of Arabia, Ben Hur, Fall of the Roman Empire, etc.) all so very, uh, "gay"?

Why are all these historical epics (Lawrence of Arabia, Ben Hur, Fall of the Roman Empire, etc.) all so very, uh, "gay"?
I don't mean flamboyant gay like what you get nowadays in progressive television, I mean like real gay like the men have these lingering gazes with each other.
There's one scene I remember in Lawrence where I think Sherif Ali literally scans the body of Lawrence and then stops at his fucking crotch. I only see these usually in Rom Coms.

Attached: Lawrence of Arabia.jpg (1197x630, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Your roast flaps are showing.

I had the same experience. Everyone raved about LoA so I watched it and then soon discovered I was watching a very subtle homo-centric film. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just didn't realize it was so obvious given the era in which it was made

I have a theory:
Male intimacy became demonised as unmanly at the same time as women became players in the public world.
Together with the pace of urban life, all forms of socialisation become the prelude to sex. Friendships thus cease to exist, and any contact with men beyond the mundane is seen to be gay/unmanly.

There was a time when women were not integral to non romantic movies. All the important roles were played by men, as in history. Go to war with your brothers and you will love them more than any woman.

T. E. Lawrence was gay. He liked to take it up the ass.

>no Master and Commander

I think the modern focus on sexuality and labeling (e.g. bringing homosexuality to the front of the public consciousness) also fucked this up too.

Good post.

This. There’s nothing wrong with two close male friends exploring each other’s bodies and celebrating each other’s strength.

>Master and Commander
I actually haven't seen that one. Is it any good if I like the old epics?
I know that, but the trope exists in other historical epics as well even when the characters weren't homosexuals.
>sexuality labelling
Yes. In fact our understanding of "sexuality" as a defining character trait (instead of simply a thing you do) is a very modern idea.


While orifice is the best at taking in and absorbing your best friend's vitality?

op bumping

Why would a straight women notice homosexual male glances dumbass

>he doesn't know what love is
>thinks its gay to love a man none sexually

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Anything macho is gay by default.

The modern focus on sexuality and it's labeling? If you suck a dick you suck a dick. Stop running from it. It's what you are.

>>thinks its gay to love a man none sexually

Kids literally came up with a way to find it vaguely non gay by saying "no homo"

>this means gay
You are a fucking faggot.

It’s actually a subtle form of aggression linked to healthy levels of testosterone, something that this generation won’t be able to comprehend.

TE Lawrence was well known to be a closeted homosexual. His portrayal by Peter O'Toole was historically accurate.

Historically men could never connect with women emotionally because women are of lower intellect and physical prowess.
Men connect with women only physically for sex, breeding and the common goal of raising children.
Friendship between men, male bonding and camaraderie is the purest thing.
Feminism and women suffrage took it away from us.

>Male nudity = gay
>Male friendship = gay
>Ancient art = gay
>Intellectual activities = gay
>Team sports = gay
>Fighting = gay
>Artistic activities = gay
Get that once for all in your thick mutt skull.

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Or since gayness started getting pushed so hard any sort of intimate moment with a dude automatically raises the question of "is this a gay thing"

Love does enter through the nose.

Gay is appropriation of a positive term meaning happiness by faggots and degenerates.

Proper term is shitpushers, faggots, degenerates, buttblasters, etc.

Homosexual is a wrong term too because it equates it with heterosexual. Heterosexuality is normal while shitpushing faggotry is degeneracy.

That's one happen when you have only one word for love and you grow up in a formerly puritan culture that teaches you everything is sexual.

because they wouldn't hypothetically understand friendship.

just goes to show you what gays are capable of when they don't give in to sodomy.
they're not meant to be encouraged.

>don't give in to sodomy.

>"In horror of such sordid commerce [diseased female prostitutes] our youths began indifferently to slake one another’s few needs in their own clean bodies–a cold convenience that, by comparison, seemed sexless and even pure. Later, some began to justify this sterile process, and swore that friends quivering together in the yielding sand with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace, found there hidden in the darkness a sensual co-efficient of the mental passion which was welding our souls and spirits in one flaming effort [to secure Arab independence]. Several, thirsting to punish appetites they could not wholly prevent, took a savage pride in degrading the body, and offered themselves fiercely in any habit which promised physical pain or filth.[152]"

This whole thread is fucking gay.

Also, watch the documentary on the making of this movie. Its actually interesting as fuck

Gays can be bros as long as they contain their faggotry.
Good warriors, artists, philosophers, scientists.
They can even find a woman to procreate with.
But normalisation of homosexuality turned them into degenerates.
And we all know which people changed the definition of homosexuality from a mental illness to a preference...

There's a great documentary about this
Deeply closeted homosexual Norm Macdonald recommended it on his podcast.

" The Celuloid Closet"

It features interviews with the filmmakers of both Lawrence of Arabia & Ben Hur speaking about the gay stuff they put in.
Also just generally a really interesting film.

Attached: celluloidclosetlowres.jpg (468x309, 35K)

So, Ian Mckellen isn't a bro? He's a 'degenerate'? He sucks in LOTR? LOTR sucks?
It doesn't fucking matter dude.

no you're right devoting your life to pushing the orgasm button over and over again until you wither away in your computer chair is definitely the way to go.
how was it that gays in the past knew this so much more clearly than today?
fucking and dying of aids and suicide, in masses - ah that early 20th century gay renaissance! such dignity they once knew! all dedicated to FUCKING!
kek indeed my friend
kek indeed

sounds like you're extremely sexually repressed and frustrated friend
i hope things can change for you one day

Women are keenly aware of sexuality expressing itself among humans.

>Feminism and women suffrage took it away from us.
Only Anglo countries know this problem because of their protestant roots. In Catholic countries feminist ideas exist, but they don't affect us the way they do in yours because there's no puritan culture to back them up (except now your new purity is progress instead of virtue).

SEETHING gay person
no, of course ian mckellen isn't a bro. hollywood actors aren't "bros" they're mentally ill and often pedophilic.
how frivolous can you be?
WHO on Yea Forums thinks gay and liberal means "bro"???

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They've got you by the balls dude.

Unmanly or manliness needing to dictate male behavior is a concept which is actually challenged by modern feminism.
The idea that men don't necessarily have to be a certain way at all to be 'real men' is what an academic definition of toxic masculinity is.

So if you want to be released from the shackles of social pressure to behave a certain way to be a 'real man', you have a lot of ideas in common with actual feminists.

What you're saying doesn't really bother me user, you're clearly fighting a losing battle for your ideas and the vast consensus of society disagrees with you. I don't really have a problem with fringe nutcases. But i do think the vitriolic and bitter nature of your ideas comes from your own unhappiness, and so i genuinely hope that can change for you, because I know that being unhappy and lonely is hard.

if norm is a closeted homo then skinheads are closeted jews. only norm never committed violent or hateful acts. he just called you guys out.
gays are such catty liars and bullies.
imagine being so in love with cock that someone (99% of the male world) being straight and talking about it sounds like a coverup to you.

>The vast consensus of media.
ftfy most of mankind is conservative.

I haven't watched Lawrence of Arabia, is it worth watching.

it's one of his jokes user...

he did recommend the celuloid closet though

Lawrence of Arabia is mega giga Kino
The photography, directing and story is Epic
Peter O Toole has a "messiahnic" beauty, it's almost unreal.
Fun Fact : During the Acaba charge filming, he and Omar Sharif were soooo drunk that they kept falling from their camel, almost killing O'Toole.

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Brother you're coping hardcore. Everyone who disagrees with you is depressed? What bearing does that have on anything?
What does IAN MKKELLAN have to do with anything?
What, if a fucking actor is liked then gay sex is a good thing? You're acting mental, bro.

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social 'conservatism' is relative to liberal progress
there's just like a 20 year lag

A conservative at the time of the suffrage movement would be against it, now, the vast majority of conservatives support it. Because they 'conserve' how society is not how it was. So they reject progress and then eventually they accept it.

Both of these

Before being gay was normalized it was more common for men to cling to each other in a platonic way. Skinship and all that. But then people started getting scared of being called a fag so now male interaction is basically the same as two strangers on a bus stop.

It's pretty damn great, but you have to be in the right mood for it. It's not exactly the kind of movie you put on during a Friday evening just so you can have an excuse to wolf down a bag of chips.

do you really not think Ian Mckellen seems like a nice guy?
Say you met him in an elevator, you wouldn't compliment him on LOTR?

And; are you content and happy?

my bad

>the vast majority of conservatives support it
People are waking up to the fact that women suffrage was a mistake.
Nice "end of history" and "right side of history" delusion you got there.

In the Celuloid Closet the filmmakers of Lawrence of Arabia discuss how they intended to portray Lawrence as gay to the extent that they could get away with, and that they believed the real man to be gay.

T E Lawrence wrote about being gay.

this thread is straight people going like niggers;
>we waz british explorerz an sheet

I'll have a look tonight, I've seen some screen grabs on here from time to time, the cinematography is kino.

>People are waking up to the fact that women suffrage was a mistake.

What % of people in the west do you reckon think women should not be able to vote lol

it absolutely is

it's a fucking romp, just seems deep compared to today's """romps""".
think pre-90's indiana jones. there's nothing challenging to it, just really sincere filmmaking.
i mean, if sincerity is challenging to you then, you know.

"Conservative" is a word from Progressive ideology. The right-wing (supposing it's a matter of left/right) rather call themselves "traditional" or something along these lines.

Now let's say "progress" exists. Progression means heading towards one direction.

Where are we supposed to go? What's the end goal of life?

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It's not a complex movie, but it is a movie that require your full attention to properly appreciate it I think. I.E, not something you should half-watch while loudly crunching on some snacks barely able to keep your eyes open after a week of hard work. It's more of a Saturday or Sunday movie if you get me.

It's not just women that shouldn't vote.
Liberal democracy was a mistake.
Only men of racial and national purity that serve in army and have families and children should gain the voting privilege.
That's right, voting and citizenship isn't s birth right, it's a privilege you have to earn and you can lose by doing stupid shit.
Liberal democracies are going to shit fast so prepare to kill yourself because your values are going to be abolished soon faggot.

>ftfy most of mankind is conservative.
>People are waking up to the fact that women suffrage was a mistake.
>Only men of racial and national purity that serve in army and have families and children should gain the voting privilege.

Do you actually think that your ideas are widely held? Again, what you're saying doesn't bother me, it is so abstract and crazy that it's not threatening to social order or modern politics, and I know that you only hold these edgy views because of your personal unhappiness and unfurfilment. I don't say that out of spite either, I genuinely empathise with people who feel so badly left behind by society that they hold such crazy views.
If I'm wrong, are you a model for what you're preaching, do you serve in the army? Do you have a family and children? Are you 'racially pure?

>Giving a fuck about voting
Typical protestant cuck.
You don't need laws to lead a decent life, that's what traditions are for.

If new rights bother you so much you can simply ignore them.

Once again, what is progress? What are we heading towards?

ian mckellen being a nice guy does not mean he's a bro, especially if you're talking about a Yea Forums-style "bro".
i definitely would not compliment him on lotr because i don't want to get in a conversation with someone with that much star power.

i am not content and happy - i'm being BAMBOOZLED BY LIBERALS AND GAYS WHO CAN'T TALK IN A STRAIGHT LINE because theirs SO MUCH ON THE LINE for them.
YOU'RE bothered - is that because you're UNCOMFORTABLE with being GAY? does that mean you're STRAIGHT?
NO, obviously not. But straight people don't have to make these convoluted ad hominem attacks. They use facts like T.E. Lawrence or whatever the fuck was gay and successful, despite living in repressed times, and gays in general were better off publicly before they started fucking and dying in MASSES in the PUBLIC EYE.

because mindless self indulgence leads to movies like Lawrence of Arabia going down the fucking tubes, and people start believing any shiny pretty actor guy must be a fucking god because he was in a nice flick.
it leads to frivolity
it leads to superficiality
of course, i do suffer from great mal-contentedness, at the widespread stupidity controlling this society and the REPRESSION of this opinion to quiet anonymous spaces


>rather call themselves "traditional" or something along these lines.
Ok, sure, but my point still stands. Your traditions are still at one point shaped and brought about by social progress.

>Now let's say "progress" exists
What a crazy thing to suggest that progress might possibly not exist. That makes zero sense.

>Progression means heading towards one direction.
no it doesn't

>Where are we supposed to go? What's the end goal of life?
what an abstract question. I guess finding some personal happiness with the ones you love, in simple pleasures, and passing on a better world to your children, reducing conflict and bettering the stake for all men.


compare the 20 year lag of conservatism with the absolute runaway trainwreck of progressivism, where the ONLY binding value is being a faithless devotee to whatever passing trend is taking over.
imagine thinking about shit before adopting it.

good god, imagine saying "no"

What is a better world for you?

>Britcuck damage control
Lmao he was a fucking faggot and he's one of your "heroes".
Your country is a joke.

When you're not making movies about a homo "war hero", you're making movies about running away like little coward faggots in WW2.

Absolute state!

LoA is overrated.

literally nobody has denied gay people being gay in this thread
the one common thing being asserted is that gays should not be indulged.

the cream rises to the top.

I'm not attacking you user. I sincerely am both not threatened by your beliefs, and genuinely sympathetic to your unhappiness.

Society can be a crushing weight, with many injustices and flawed virtues, I agree with that much. But it is never so bad that you cannot triumph over it on a personal level. And ideologies should not be borne of hatred and discontent, but optimism and dreams.
I hope you can find your racially pure wife and have cute children and maybe your ideas will remain then but then and only then will you know they are the truth, rather than some byproduct of misanthropy


How the fuck do you know that T E Lawrence wasn't 'indulged'?
Because it wasn't shown in the film? It would have literally been illegal to do so. T E Lawrence himself writes about having a male lover and writes about the purity of;
>" friends quivering together in the yielding sand with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace"

Is this your first day on the internet? Go take a look at tumblr. Women love that shit. Men can't shake hands without being shipped together.

>i believe a thing
>i don't
this is a fallacious attack. it's also a coping mechanism.

>It would have literally been illegal to do so.
this is how i know he wasn't indulged.
he was mistaken about the purity of it.

Lawrence of Arabia was actually gay, so there's that. Every adult male in ancient Rome was also gay, so there's also that.

>i am not content and happy
>of course, i do suffer from great mal-contentedness

>[I am] genuinely sympathetic to your unhappiness.

>this is a fallacious attack.

um... what?

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are you talking about the character in the film, or the man himself? Because even with the character in the film, the intention of the filmmakers was to imply he did commit homosexual acts and was in love with daud.

there's "purity" in a heroin overdose just the same. pure devotion to something carnal.
when you're denied a fat fucking greasy hamburger, i'm sure the purity of the experience of getting your desperate hands on one then running away to a dark room where nobody can see you enjoying it feels very very pure.

>i believe a thing
>i don't
you're being an insincere fuck.

I'm not saying that he's necessarily right, but simply that you cannot hold him up as some bastion of restraint and decency.

I once heard a professor, Arab or Egyptian, complaining that the western idea of gay ruined everything. He said before it was ok for two men to hold hands on street. But now it is seen as a gay expression.

The same thing probably happens everywhere.

the fallacy is ad hominem.
the moral correctness of faggotry does not rely on my happiness.
i could be unhappy about an unlimited amount of things.
i could be unhappy about being gay and hiding it.
that has no bearing on the moral truth of it.

if you want to debate the purpose and nature of morality itself go to fucking Yea Forums because i can't stay here all night convincing you that lying is wrong.

I'm actually just trying to be nice.
I don't think that we can get very far just having an argument about our ideas. There's no point of common ground and I doubt either of us would be willing to make any concessions.
But that doesn't mean I hate you as a person or anything, I don't see why our ideas have to be all that matter. I'm sure we could get along in person.

Women can't comprehend male solidarity. They will think it's gayness because solidarity doesn't exist within women. They're in a constant competition and never hesitate to crush the weaker when they have the opportunity.

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>moral truth

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You realize you also have an ideology. The idea that the World is evolving towards betterment, that the goal of life is to be happy is an ideology in itself. A world-view amongts others.
Tolerance, universality pacifism are values of Chirstian origin that most of World simply doesn't share.

You think conflict can be reduced (perhaps even abolished) when conflict is inherent to Human nature. Conflict is what makes life itself move. No wonders there's so many serial killers, school shootings, crimes when society desesperately tries to deny conflict instead of accepting it and canalizing it.
For example: Dueling has been made illegal in most Western countries for no reason at all. Now courts are crolling under petty trials (like that American lady who sued Mcdonald for coffee beign hot) instead of simply fighting for their honor under official supervision.

-he was already dead when the film was made, he wasn't indulged
-laws supposedly preventing the film did not stop the filmmakers from indulging gayness
-yet still no gay sex on screen apart from suggested rape
-society at large still did not accept gay sex as being a good thing
-insofar as the movie portrayed a gay man, the movie portrayed a CHASTE gay man

this whole chain of argument rests on the chastity of gays being central to their success. that was the original and ONLY argument i've made.

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The intention of the filmmakers was to portray a gay man in a homosexual relationship who has gay sex in the desert.
It would have literally been illegal to actually show that, but they implied it.

The actual person it was based on, wrote about having gay sex, and about his gay lover.

The sole argument you can make now for your case, is that artists authorial intent or opinions about their own work is irrelevant compared to an audiences interpretation of the work. Also known as the 'headcanon' argument.

Scenes women will never understand

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I do not expect a utopia. I am not delusional.

Now this idea of bringing dueling back is an interesting one. Are we talking pistols or sabres?

>the vast consensus of society
a vocal minority on Twitter doesn't equal everybody, user.

>Ben Hur

there's the clip of the writer of Ben Hur talking about making them gay

>school shootings
I wouldn't use something that's exclusive to a single country's culture as an argument for inherent human nature.

This. My male friends in high school and I often touched each other's thighs and crotch for fun. We turned out just fine.

Watch the 4k version, it's kino

My favourite scene in Lawrence of Arabia is when Lawrence prances and gambles around on top of a train in silky clothes in front of thousands of men in dresses who are waving a rainbow of pastel coloured fabrics at him. Makes me feel super hetero.


this is gay and are these posts

Lawrence wrote about having gay sex???


The idea of progress IS an utopia. A secularized ideal of Christian origin, more precisely Protestant. It used to be called "predestination".

Once again WHAT society should move towards.

Find it on any torrent site mate
it's a rare link I think, remember seeing a Yea Forums post of it ages ago and I looked it up but couldn't find it then. I saw the screencaps though it was fucking legit, so detailed

>>"In horror of such sordid commerce [diseased female prostitutes] our youths began indifferently to slake one another’s few needs in their own clean bodies–a cold convenience that, by comparison, seemed sexless and even pure. Later, some began to justify this sterile process, and swore that friends quivering together in the yielding sand with intimate hot limbs in supreme embrace, found there hidden in the darkness a sensual co-efficient of the mental passion which was welding our souls and spirits in one flaming effort [to secure Arab independence]. Several, thirsting to punish appetites they could not wholly prevent, took a savage pride in degrading the body, and offered themselves fiercely in any habit which promised physical pain or filth.[152]"

the last bit refers to his masochism which was also his thing.

cool thanks.

>society is so twisted people confuse admiration, friendship, rivalry, compassion, kindness as sodomy

Truly we have fallen too far

I suggest you stop watching porn

>Once again WHAT society should move towards.
Now? Reducing inequality, corporate exploitation, corruption. Reducing the harm we do to our environment. Reducing the loneliness and alienation which a digital world has brought on so many people and fostering positive human relationships in society. Working to produce greater art. Reducing global conflict, but not reducing conflict to simple morality tales as we too often have.

You sound lonely.

acting at the time was less subtle and more theatrical. it's the same reason you see actors over-exaggerate hand motions and shout their lines at times.


>I mean like real gay like the men have these lingering gazes with each other.
>Not having lingering gazes with your friends
Are u gay or something?

You are only seeing what you want to see, batty boy.

>Gazes of admiration or respect, or at worst, of platonic interest are gay
Women are stupid whores, and should be raped on spot.

read the thread
the filmmakers have said they intended to show him as gay
and that the man himself, was gay

What you say make me think you've never experienced true friendship, and that you're overly cautious of contact with other men because you're afraid it can be seen as gay. Probably stems from your father issues.

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Agree with all these things (if by "inequality" you mean economical). And you realize all these choices are a matter of comfort. Not some "sense of History" shit.

>And you realize all these choices are a matter of comfort. Not some "sense of History" shit.
I'm not sure what you mean.

Pretty fucking sure "toxic masculinity" stopped being a real thing in the 80s when we had a bunch of dudes dressed up as prostitutes complete with high heels and everything and still getting laid left and right. This dumb idea of "hurr all men act like cavemen and watch sports and drink beer" is an archaic relic from the era when jocks vs nerds was still a thing. It's only perpetuated nowadays by soi twink betas and lesbians who have never gone outside their little sheltered bubble hugbox

My point still stands.

Western men are feminized in a literal sense, their emotional life is exclusively connected with women and they are taught to have contempt for friendship with men

The reason, alongside disease, sterility and effeminacy, that traditional social norms the world over are necessarily and correctly opposed to open homosexuality: the more homosexuals there are in a society, and the more open they are about their homosexuality, the less warm male heterosexuals can be towards each other, and the weaker the social bonds between male heterosexuals will be, and the weaker the social fabric of the society itself will be, as society is necessarily founded upon the Mannerbund between a society’s male heterosexuals who honor, uphold and propagate the society’s values.

Open homosexuals represent a signalling hazard for male heterosexuals. A male heterosexual who needs to signal appreciation, affection or love of a male heterosexual friend also needs to be sure that his signal will not be interpreted as a sexual advance—either by the intended recipient of the signal or by others. Homosexuals may be interested in signalling homosexuality, but male heterosexuals certainly are not.

The more open homosexuals there are in a society, the less certain a male heterosexual can be that a gesture of masculine camaraderie won’t be interpreted as a sexual advance.

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Consider the far higher numbers of young men who commit suicide
I think a contributing factor is that it is seen as 'unmanly' for men to be seen as weak or ask for help.
So it is still a relevant concept.

But you're right that mostly it is not.


as a general and irrelevant one lol, maybe it could

this is a nonsense and not real issue lol

Do you want to get raped, or not?

T.E Lawrence has a lot of legends and misteries attached to him, for example :
His homosexuality (never really comfirmed)
His true motives for the Arabian world
Was it for himself ? Or did he do it for the British gvt.
He was also, allegedly, an admirator of Adolf Hitler. He was about to go in Germany, to meet the dictator about peace in Europe, when he had that motorcycling accident (another mistery).

Attached: 200px-Te_lawrence.jpg (199x250, 15K)

My uncle is a fag and he's the classiest and most cultured person I know, He never went around flaunting his gayness, he just lived at home with his partner but otherwise remained a normal man who appreciated culture and did a shitload of important restoration work on classic art pieces. I have another friend who's also a fag and he's the same: a literate who you can have a million conversations with and not once he'll have to bring up his sexuality.

And then there's the zoomer super gay twink faggots who act like sluts do in nightclubs. I attribute the difference between gay men and twink faggots to the fact that the latter grow up surrounded by retarded thots and no sense of themselves, while normal gay dudes grow up having normal relationships with mostly men and don't base anything concerning their identity on the fact that they like to take it up the ass

>some people are cool
>some people suck


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my theory is what they call toxic masculinity is just a thing because of how corrupted society has become. its an adaption of doctrine to fit the new rules.

>Only men of racial and national purity that serve in army
You fucking lost me at all this. Oh boy I sure would love only being able to vote once some rich fuck decides they want me to go suffer in some hellhole and return home crippled or with PTSD because they had a lust for power and wanted to steal something from another country. You ameritards can all go fuck yourselves, you're no better than mentally ill trannies

>Women can't understand the concept of love
>Women think love is only reserved for men and women only
>Women think you need to have sex to love someone

State of vagina creatures

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>Tolerance, universality pacifism are values of Chirstian origin
The same Christianity that ate itself for hundreds of years? The same christianity that was used as a front for all kinds of backstabbing and scheming? The same christianity that is not a real religion because it is a historical fact that it was born out of a crossbreed of pagan religions from across the world?
This entire notion of "religion of peace" only came about in the 2010s as a counter to the destructive nature of judaism and islam. In actual practice it is no different than other magical fairy worshipping cults. You don't have to be a retarded fag who attends cult meetings every week just to be a good person. The mere fact that people believe that you need to adhere to a certain way of thinking just to not commit attrocities towards other human beings outs them out as horrible people themselves. People are good by nature by virtue of having other people be kind to them and wanting to protect things around them both in their own benefit and the benefit of those who they care for. There's no such stupid fucking concept as "hurr durr muh good christian values".

You're right that conflict is inherent to human nature. Fromm talks about this and it's the reason why utopias are retarded. We can only ever minimize conflict but never merely extinguish it, for the rise of conflicting ideas is what sparks the light of progress and creativity.

>not a real religion

it's possible. I do see men walking around with their arms around each other's shoulders, or even holding hands; when I travel to countries where women don't have equal status, and gays stay in the closet.

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If you were Larry of Arabia, you'd be gay too.

yo im interested in the rest of the list

Watch The Celluloid Closet
it details hollywoods long history with subtle gay stuff

what about historical epics

It's pretty bizarre how good women are at spotting gays though.

whats your angle user
are you actually interested
is the idea of watching a good documentary to get your answer so unappealing?

Theatre actors

yeh im interested in historical memeys

>The idea that men don't necessarily have to be a certain way at all to be 'real men' is what an academic definition of toxic masculinity is.

The problem with redefining masculinity is that women are, and will continue to be, attracted to ‘real men’. Until that changes (which is never), concepts like “toxic masculinity” remain an acid test for men, created by women. If you fall into the trap you’re not going to be the subject of any female attention.

You forget the SJW loonies are direct descendants of radical puritanic religious sects. They are essentially the same, the only difference being SJWs don't believe in a personal God.

They’re Anglo films, they’re full of repressed homosexuals.

sure, they value boldness and strength

but if you're suicidal and still project that image to the detriment of your own mental health and won't ask for help because you're a man and then you kill yourself, being attractive is hardly a good consolation prize.

I prefer the one where he was about to meet with Mosley to plan a coup.

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Are gays just straight men who only want to shake hands but got tied up into the anal sex package?

That's a lot of purple prose to say there was a lot of experimentation in the military. A woman is only a hole, but the guy who keeps you alive is the guy you fall in love with.

Why are Brits homos?


You don't get it. that's precisely all the irony. You think you're above "magical fairy worshipping cults" when most of your values, people being good or bad-natured, the existence of progress, not commiting "atrocities" as a good thing, universalism come from Christianity and are shared only by a minority of humans.

women can hold hands together and kiss each other and nobody will call them gay
men do it....you'll be labeled as a faggot forever. it's a double standard but we live in a society.

So Omar is the top, and Peter is in a hajib as the bottom?

daily reminder: because of that british fag jihadists started to rule arabia and arabs keep exploding around you.

That has happened in other countries as well, and sometimes with knives if guns are rarer. It happens more in the US because weapons are more common, but it did not happen at all in the US previously, why?

ITT. Sexless incels seething that gay guys can have sex with cute twinks even if they're hairy and fat, all without date money while they have to wallow as virgins
>muh society and successes
Sorry sweetie, being a NEET incel doesn't make you Isaac Newton

I thought you were serious for a split second until I actually opened the clip, you fucking faggot. I've never actually seen the movie before but I kinda want to. I heard it's pretty long.

The Hitler meeting plan was true tho.

Not sure what you mean buddy

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I watched it in the kinoplex with 70mm projector and I fell asleep after the intermission.

Attached: Bio Rex 1. helmikuuta 2013 20.jpg (1600x1066, 205K)

This is why everything must go down in flames

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bitches took our kinos.

>Together with the pace of urban life, all forms of socialisation become the prelude to sex. Friendships thus cease to exist, and any contact with men beyond the mundane is seen to be gay/unmanly.
Thus the birth of the iPhone zombie

Read Weininger's Sex and Character but don't take it too literally.

It's the best biopic film we've got, but it's an acquired taste for the length and subject. If you don't instantly love it, you will appreciate it much more on second and third viewings years apart.

I'm pretty aware of the history of the region and who T. E. Lawrence was, I just haven't watched the movie, I'd probably just watch it for the cinematography. Zulu is another one I haven't watched, but looks great too, maybe it's just the type of film they used back in the day and the wide shots, aesthetic as fuck.

>I actually haven't seen that one. Is it any good if I like the old epics?
Not only follow the genre, but actually improves it.

Such a perfect movie...

>people believe that you need to adhere to a certain way of thinking just to not commit attrocities towards other human beings
You have to adhere to a set of principles to not commit atrocities, based on the values of your society. Now by adhering to this set you are commiting atrocities in other ideologies, based on the values of their societies - Islam being the poster boy of this. Tribalism is what helped our ancestors for hundreds of thousands of years and so it is only to be expected to be alienated once you don't adhere to something that is a core structure of somebody else's persona, i. e. theism.

projecting faggot and or roastie detected

In Australia there is much of this hands-on camaraderie in male groups but it mostly feels fake and excessive, only done because it isn't welcome or will be misconstrued to be something gay -- and that is funny. I see a similar thing with phony public aggression when groups meet up in public.

Every man's actions seem only to be trying to cover the fact they live their life in TOTAL service to attracting and entertaining women. They act aloof but still can't afford to let any chance to express authority slip. As if they really only want people around who can't see through their contradictions -- how feminine.

But bitches are doing it because they want to destroy the concept manhood. Never fall for their lies.


Based and redpilled.

Growing up I used to be into Brazilian jiu jitsu. I think being physically active and comfortable around guys completely skewed my perspective compared to other people today, especially Americans.

Everything is sexual now. You can't wrestle without it being gay. I mean this completely seriously - guys should be able to hang out with each other alone, exercise with each other, sleep in the same room without the immediate assumption being they're secretly part of some latex underground furry inflation BDSM puppy play homosexual club.

I want to kill the enablers of this. No wonder homosexuality has been oppressed in various distinct civilizations throughout most of human history.

Have sex with women


Lawrence was a homosexual u retard.

Cant speak for the others but director David Lean of Lawrence of Arabia was bisexual and most likely a closeted homo

Sickness is catching. Oh, were favor so, yours would I catch, fair user, ere I go.

I know I'm not the first one to inform you that you're closeted gay. You should listen to us and be honest with yourself. You'll end up much happier in life.


BASED gay men who are functioning absolutely fine and absolutely no problem.

Flaming faggot stereotypes who demand the world caters to their faggotry need to go into the oven.

Absolutely required viewing

Pretty sure the real life Lawrence got raped by some arabs and no one knows if was fruity or not

This is true. I realized it when in campus for a engineering school that was 95% male or so. After a month we were hugging each other but in three years there I only knew about two fags that were fags from day one.

Where can I watch/download a 4k version of Lawrence of Arabia?

Lawrence fantasized about getting buttfucked by a turk, nigga was gay from the very start

On public trackers. If you can't find it you don't deserve it.

I found it.

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