This TV documentary is making waves where I live in the NW USA. What does Yea Forums think of it?
This TV documentary is making waves where I live in the NW USA. What does Yea Forums think of it?
I don't need an hour to tell you why Seattle is such a shithole now. Commiefornians moved there and live there now, that's why. Same as Portland.
Literally no major city or area run by Democrats & Liberals has ever done anything but die a miserable, painful death. This isn't news.
back to pol , fuck face.
It's a pretty good Redpill on what happens to an otherwise successful major metropolitan area when you allow crazed millennial commies to run things.
Hopefully it will educate some voting minds in the run-up to this upcoming election.
The unintended consequences of drug decriminalization are that all crimes become deriminalized.
>when you allow crazed millennial commies to run things.
Except it's all actually run by Bezos
Yah but the problem is they kill it then move onto the next state/city. They are a fucking virus
Bezos is actually pulling out of Seattle
Bezos isn't even a resident of Seattle, he lives in Medina, and every single problem the city has can be laid at the feet of its utterly incompetent council and mayor. Amazon brings in huge amounts of taxable revenue with its thousands of employees who work and live in the city, and yeah, in some cases they drive up the price of rent and services because they have more money to throw around than most people. But you know what else drives up rent? NIMBY Seattle residents refusing measures to rezone the city to approve more low-rent housing. Oh they're fine with it in theory, but when planning starts suddenly red flags go up and nobody wants to approve a project in their neighborhood.
Blaming Bezos doesn't even make sense because Amazon is more often than not completely at odds with the morons in city government, who tend to see Amazon either as a cash cow they can squeeze for more money or a convenient scapegoat to blame the city's problems on. Meanwhile anybody with sense can see why Amazon prefers to keep its money for itself and run its own charitable efforts rather than pay more taxes to an incompetent bunch of buffoons who have not managed to successfully budget a single project while they've been in office. Not a single one. Every single project these idiots have tried to fund goes 3x over budget AT LEAST and then still fails.
And people wonder why nobody wants more taxes. The city government has to go.
if only we had more housing these junkies would become productive members of society
There are tons of working class people in Seattle getting gradually priced out of the city, and because of that they're voting these morons into government, because nobody else is trying to address their problem. The baggage that comes with these progressives is their inexcusably lenient attitude toward vagrants and drug addicts and crime, in addition to their general incompetence at managing finances.
You show people the solution to rent hikes and cost of living increase, you show them the progressives aren't doing it and have no plans to do it and would fuck it up royally even if they tried, and they will stop voting for them.
I don't give a fuck about junkies. Tie them to a barge and sink it in the Sound, good riddance.
This looks like Mumbai lmaooo
How are people reacting to it out west? I used to live in Oregon so when I saw this, I was in shock because I never expected real journalism like this to actually rear its head in the current year... Pretty much nailed on the head the feeling you get and the extent of the homeless problem. It simply doesn't exist in places in the east like it does in the west.
>Leftists/Socialists/Communists ruin something
>"T-T-This is Capitalism's fault!"
Every time. Every single fucking time.
This is what people like Beto and AoC want to turn your city into.
Keep that in mind, voters.
There should be a three pronged approach to this issue starting with a complete and total ban on street camping. People on the streets generally fall into 3 categories and have corresponding solutions
1. Rational people who legitimately need financial support to get back on their feet - affordable housing
2. Irrational people who cannot participate in society due to mental health reasons - rebuild mental wards
3. Irrational people who do not want to participate in society - Jail
There just has to be a politician that has the balls to enact this, and the people of the northwest are about to start looking for this person if they haven't already.
There isn’t a single city in America that is run by millennials.
>housing prices and rent is going up because of homeless people
lol what?
i say let em crash
I grew up in Portland and the homeless problem is pretty bad downtown, particularly over the last 10 years. The issue is these idiot police who don't charge for minor crimes/don't seem to care at all. And the city council is all self-serving losers who don't care about the community. Not to mention with the new opioid crisis, half these people are junkies who need real fucking help. But the police just keep putting them back out on the street so they can score/steal shit/pass out and tweak out in public.
Seattle is far worse though...
downtown Seattle basically is seedy-parts-of-NYC unwalkable.
Need to open up asylums again. It was a mistake to close them down in the first place
Apathetic cops is a result of the government/media harassing them for all those years. They back off like the public wants now.
google Ferguson effect.
How can people look at what’s happening in American cities and continue to say that capitalism and democracy are beneficial to society?
janny at 1:15
well, it's a drug problem, and it's a matter of taxation and oppressive monetary policy
Have sex.
>Get cucked by capitalism
>Go cry about the leftists
Every time. Every single fucking time.
I'd take whatever it says with a grain of salt. I'm sure that there's some truth to what is said, but overall it seems very exaggerated and likely focuses on a few small areas of seattle and acts as if the entire city is suffering like this.
Some of the clips they play such as the mentally ill street walkers doing mentally ill street walker shit is not exclusive to seattle, it's something you see in literally every single major city in America.
The trash / homeless problem is also not unique to seattle at all, where I live in New Orleans homeless camps like that are very common, and you see similar mentally deranged people all the time, and new orleans is a much poorer and less well off city than Seattle.
Overall, some pretty serious bias has gone into this, though I no doubt that there are many underlying issues in Seattle and many other US cities that aren't being actively or properly addressed by local gov't.
because white people moved out from the cities to places that are nice and clean
was already discussed on /pol/
>Westcoast cities
>Dirty, crime rampant, streets full of junkies amd third worlder. Not even good suburbs
>Eastcoast cities
>Up to date, cleaner, secure, full of working people. Close to good suburbs and rurals areas.
There's many west coast cities that are nice places to live though, LA, SF and Seattle are not the only west coast cities, it's like judging the entire east coast based on NYC / Boston / Philadelphia.
You will find similar problems in all major US metropolitan areas.
Anyone know why they blur some faces out and leaves others as is?
This is entirely the fault of neoliberalism and capitalism.
Millennials and their cringy progressive politics has NOTHING to do with any of the problems you see in cities like LA and Seattle because none of the elected offices in these local administrations are filled with millennials. Only boomers and gen x sellouts hold political offices in America and they will continue to do so for the next 50 years.
People who keep blaming millennials and ‘ess jay dubyas’ for the problems of today need to be gassed. You are as bad as these boomer capitalists who sold out America just get a slightly fatter wallet.
I wonder how many innocent people are going to die as a result of BLM getting uppity and then getting what they want.
>Liberals fuck things up
>Revise history
Jiggle harder, cuck. The politicians that fuck these things up are as anti-Capitalist as politicians get.
Keep screaming at the air and blaming the boogeyman for your problems.
Don't worry: The Left is trying to ruin East Coast cities now by dumping legal and illegal immigrants there.
PLEASE have sex
Eugene is shit, Tacoma/Olympia is shit, Salem is shit, Redding, is shit...
I hate the homeless, I don't even look at them as people. Honestly, they make me lose my appetite, I wish we could have one winter cold enough to wipe them all out and solve that problem.
There is no difference between capitalism and progressive SJWism.
Capitalism is all about the atomization of society and encouraging nationwide apathy to social ills and deviant behavior.
The more atomized and apathetic populations are more likely to consume and buy at the behest of their corporate overlords.
Millennials and zoomers (like you) are the dumb cunts that run interference for these cunts, because you blame it all on capitalism
>The problem isn't that our city is overrun with strung-out violent homeless junkies, the problem is that in late-capitalist society public spaces are weaponized against the marginalized, and as a function of that homeless..
Quit feeding them and they will go away lmao
Eastcoast cities are hellpits outside of certain parts of NYC
>Capitalism is all about the atomization of society and encouraging nationwide apathy to social ills and deviant behavior.
This. Literally the only difference between your average lolbertarian and your average chapotista leftist is that the latter wants *someone* to pay for him to spend all day high and shoving dildos up his ass
>tfw want to live in a place below the 37th Parallel
>hate humidity
Based gentrification and Section 8 sending the darkies out to suburbistan
Yes I am blaming capitalism because capitalism has literally not lost anything due to SJW politics.
In an SJW run world, capitalists would be a million times richer than they are now. Converting the whole world into an atomized, divided, low-trust society populated with low IQ 56% mutts is the ultimate wet dream of all capitalist fuckers.
Perhaps for national politics. Most municipal politics is dominated by relatively younger people, mainly gen x with some millennials and some boomers.
The fact is most major city politicians are beholden to leftist ideologies and are neolib insofar as they support union thug voting blocs. To try and lay the blame for the problems of cities like Seattle at the feet of anything besides leftist politics is dishonest and you know it faggot.
Boomers of course did sell the country out on the federal level due to mass migration, outsourcing, and debt/interventionism. But you almost certainly support the pozzed leftist multicultural globohomo aspect of that equation don't you. Correct me if I'm wrong.
>they need to be helped!!
No, they need to be euthanized. When will it get through your stupid fucking leftist head that compassion doesn't do anything on a major scale? You need to threaten these idiots with their lives
>Converting the whole world into an atomized, divided, low-trust society populated with low IQ 56% mutts is the ultimate wet dream of all capitalist fuckers.
The American Dream™
>Californians move to Portland because it's cheaper and "quaint"
>The delicate balance between liberal libertarian and conservative libertarian is upset by literal communist limousine liberal voters
>Taxes skyrocket
>Rent skyrockets
>Tons of homeless people
>Add drugs and gentrification
>Northwest turns into a shithole that worships Bernie Sanders even though his voters are what caused the mess
>No end in sight
The worst part is, soon the Californians will move on to fuck up somewhere else
Day of the Wildfires when
Do you think people like Ilhan Omar and Ocasio-Cortez are just as dangerous and powerful as people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer?
>Do you think people like Ilhan Omar and Ocasio-Cortez are just as dangerous and powerful as people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer?
tbf they're even worse, since they support 90% of the policies of the Pelosi/Schumer types and effortlessly vent all frustrations regarding the state of American society into identity politics whining about how "whypeepaw are ruining our country (which was never even that good 2bh)"
>tfw live in Vancouver and we will eventually got o shit
just please don't take my gats
I am a white collar office worker in a major city. There was this stupid annoying bum that would sit on the sidewalk every morning I would pass when I left my office to get a coffee and then come back. He would always say "good morning" and try to act like a friendly down on his luck nice guy, when often times I would see him later in the day in a different part of the city drunk and on drugs hanging out with other disgusting degenerates.
One morning I got the the office really early like 6:30 am and went to get a coffee, he was on the side walk and nobody else was around so when he said good morning I took the top off my scalding hot black coffee and threw it in his face then ran off.
>liberal yuppies doom seattle with their stupid ideas of marxist utopia (but not in their gated neighborhoods thank you very much)
>blows up in their face and they and their golems move to the east side of the state for cheap housing and begin the process anew
east sider, watching it happen as we speak
Texas is already fucked by Californian refugees. In 10 years it'll be a blue state and Repubs will never win an election ever again.
I watched it a few weeks ago. If i lived there i would get an organization together to throw actual shit at public officials homes, which you could look up on public land registry in most counties. Its 100% impossible to get in trouble to shit or rob anywhere in the city. I dont care about jews, but i felt bad at the part where the jewish graves are desecrated nightly.
I would start to have fun with it like set up portable generators on the mayors lawn and fill it with shit or piss, or launch piss jugs from a catapult at his house. Zero percent chance i would be arrested.
how far outside of seattle do i need to go to get that comfy pacnorwest feel?
>Not dirty, no rampant crime, not full of junkies, not the third world
Good job.
Homeless people unironically suck. They spread disease and make society more low-trusting with their existence.
not very far. US cities are shit but suburbs are surprisingly comfy
You want either Arizona or New Mexico but good luck with that hahahaha
>Up to date, cleaner, secure
>Philadelphia and Baltimore
I think Bainbridge Island is nice across the sound...
lots of traffic in the towns surrounding Portland/Seattle though
You're mentioning federal politicians to try and prove your point about municipal politics, when municipal politics was the topic of your strawman tirade in the first place. Best thing for you to do is realize you are incorrect and adapt your worldview and make it better instead of trying to right in this thread.
>no trash
>clean air
>no beggars
>no drifters
>no hippies
>barely any immigrants
Ah, feels good to live in a mid-sized northern european city.
Omar/Cortez basically run the Democratic party atm and are much more militant/hardline. Ironically Pelosi and Schumer are trying to reign in their extremism.
the suburbs around seattle are just as ghetto as the city itself
Just move to the mountains
or go live in the desert and relive the set of Tremors every day
You can’t divorce globohomo progressives from neoliberalism and capitalism. Capitalism is intrinsically left-wing and a socially transgressive force.
I’m a natsoc, btw
t. Soviet LARPer.
The Soviet Union was more right wing than most western countries today.
It's amazing how transparent these faggots are.
When Leftism succeeds it's thanks to Leftism.
When Leftism fails it's because they were sabotaged by "Capitalism".
What happened to the Seattle where everybody watched Frasier and moved there trying to make it some highbrow kind of city?
>komo news
Fake alt-right news
Leftism and capitalism are one and the same, you stupid lolbert.
The market will never correct itself. Get over it and flush Atlas Shrugged down your toilet.
I agree generally speaking, but the post I replied to is talking about municipal politics and claimed the absolute state of Seattle and LA has NOTHING to do with leftist politics. That is just flat out wrong. They know it's wrong, and they are lying.
Broadly speaking the political strategy de jour is to lie about the negative consequences of any given policy or ideology until it becomes so entrenches and irreversible that the only "pragmatic" solution is to accept the negative results and move on. See illegal immigration as an example, people have been clamoring for reform since the 80's and both sides have been stalling and lying about the issue to buy time for tens of millions of disgusting illegal spics to invade the US and make the only politically feasible option keeping them
ironically, when Frasier took place Seattle was an even bigger dump than it is now because Microsoft had just started to become huge
Anyway this is LA
Eat literal shit, Marxist.
Well damn, wasn't expecting this on /k/. I'm In Lake Forest Park (north seattle suburb) and the homeless are creating fucking fallout tent settlements and shit under the underpasses. Pretty much every exit between Seattle and Lynnwood has panhandlers and there's plenty of cheap meth to go around.
Seattle last had a Republican on the council in the 1990s. Its going the way of Detroit.
Hong Kong and Singapore are consistantly rated number 1 and 2 most economicly free, or capitalist and they dont have any poop or major homeless issues. A kid from the U.S. was charged with theft and vandilism in Singapore in the 90s and they caned him. They dont have crime issues.
I live in Phoenix and its much less bad than Seattle. The state of Washington has no income tax so it was popular with high income people, but Leftists have been dominate since the 80s in the city and 90s in the state. The west coast left is much more permissive about drug use and homelessness. More are inclined to think leaving them alone is a kindness. In the video you can see Rhode Island actually rehabs drug addicts and does not have the issue anymore.
South Korea essentially had zero GDP after the Korean War and was devastated, one of the poorest in the world behind the Democratic Republic of the Congo and they had break neck growth in the mid 60s to 1980. Slowed down a bit after that. Its a thing of pride for a people who were enslaved to Japan twice and were a tributary state of China most of the rest of their history.
Where can you even live nowadays? Should I just move to Japan where I can escape all the US' bullshit?
it's the last good country on earth, unfortunately, that won't be for long
>capitalism is a good and working system that benefits everyone!
Don't anyone dare to come back with "bbbut gomunism!""
>unfortunately, that won't be for long
>Liberals turn a successful city into a shithole
I live ten years in Seattle and never went downtown at night until a few years back, instantly learned my lesson and never went back.
Yes because enacting a socialized system would help the bums and junkies rather than give them easier access to their drugs. Brilliant
>Commiefornians moved there and live there now, that's why. Same as Portland.
You are a fag shill that just hits and runs on comments ITT, refusing to reply to posts that BTFO you the fuck out.
You are a fag.
because they are being infected with western propaganda and could go the way of South Korea, which is now a police state run by a feminist cult, they basically have communism, too. Japan also has a ridiculous debt crisis and their central bank is a top 10 stakeholder in 50% of all japanese companies, basically a zombie economy that will crash with the demographic crisis. They can't let in too many immigrants because they have a high IQ language and shaming culture, so who knows... but Japan could survive their demographic change if they had the right policies. That seems like not anything in planning.
Saw this with a friend, we live in that area. She groaned aloud and we were both shaking our heads at his "is it a coincidence they're all women?" remark.
So basically this has a feminist plot twist. We we're not impressed.
And those programs are mostly unregulated and exploited by drug users and welfare queens. People that legit need help are put in the back of the line.
Arizona is showing signs of infection as well
All this stuff happens because of low education, no social system to fall back to, no jobs, no perspective, expensive housing, jobs that pay minimum wage if at all and so on. All caused by everyone's beloved capitalism that simply can't do wrong. Look at that city, it's done.
Countries which installed safety nets for losers are doing ten times better than this, see Norway, Korea and have higher wage and so on and so on.
You're not fooling anybody you leftist faggot. You tried to claim earlier that leftist politics has NOTHING to do with the problems in Seattle/LA.
You likely embrace mass immigration and """multiculturalism""" and want to blame all the associated negative consequences of leftist federal and municipal globohomo policies on capitalism. Capitalism is not without reporach bu you are a wolf in sheeps clothing lying shill and it is very obvious.
State your views on immigration, multiculturalism, and race right now so we can all stop wasting our time after you expose yourself as a faggot lying shill.
Where is safe to live?
Not who you're talking to, but the mass immigration and multiculturalism works for the right too since they also work for the banks and corporations and also more taxpayers has never been a bad thing. Additionally, lack of cohesion makes governance sort of a circus since everyone has a different experience.
I used to be libertarian, then I realized these corporations and dynastic families need to be more distributivistic, and distributism never seemed to me to be too lefty, but even so, the "left" today is basically the banker police state cheerleading squad, they don't know anything.
You are mistaken and projecting. I'm not a fan of mass immigration. People are being used to wage slave and worsen the situation for the low-income sector.
Your average john doe's vote is abused, he doesn't want people to have a terrible life and welcomes them, but doesn't see that the suits above him try to get cheap labour.
But anyway, you are just a little pol-bot who doesn't think for himself and can only rely on his phrases and groupthink.
Europe is so superior compared to the shithole America.
The message was interesting and all that and I enjoyed watching it, but the film making itself was pretty shit and "hacked" together and made it feel more like a propaganda film than a documentary. Even if I agreed with it.
Why does this shit always turn into left v right nonsense? Are you guys incapable of approaching issues at a bipartisan approach?
I agree neolib/necon policy sucks, that's not the question. The question is whether or not you are trying to underhandedly suggest sjw progressive politics is a solution. Are you?
I'm not that guy
All of your answers are gay and evasive, why don't you just come out and state directly that you support leftist progressive politics paradigm?
You know the point i'm driving at, and you know what you're trying to wiggle out of acknowledging. Why not grow a pair and say it?
I go to the University of Washington at Seattle and I fucking hate all the homeless they university just lets crash in the student union building. My girlfriend and I wanted to play the piano the other day, but some stank ass homeless guy was sleeping on the bench and refused to leave. There is crime constantly on campus as well, fuck tons of robbery. They need to take blowtorches and clear out Pioneer Square as well.
>They need to take blowtorches and clear out Pioneer Square as well
That's the problem with you pol-bots. You want a specific answer from your "opponent", or otherwise, you can't proceed with your protocol. I don't support progressives and they aren't the cause for problems anyway, as they have no reach beyond twitter.
It's just your repeated response at this point.
Who and what do you support then if not progressives, if not neolibs, if not neocons, if not capitalists? Surely you aren't afraid to state your views?
Go ahead pussy. I know your desperate writhing and wiggling, because I know the views you're trying to hide. Let's see how you get out of this one.
When you talk to right-wingers you have to remember you deal with people that are mentally ill.
Homeless people deserve no compassion, am I right? It's literally their own fault. If you can't hack it in this society, sorry but you don't deserve life.
I think having homeless live on the streets is unsettling, but it is another level of terror when you discover them in the forested areas inbetween roads and house. There are bums in the goddamn trees.
Most of them are just drug abusers, they already had their chance.
The people who are willing and capable of getting back on their feet normally join a housing or job program. There are PLENTY of resources for homeless people to get work and housing in Seattle, the ones you see on the street are either junkies or crazy.
American government flooding their country with legal and illegal drugs.
Seattle U District here, true story:
On thursday I befriended a qt hobo lady who's honestly probably on that list of 100 worst repeat offenders. Very violent, delusional, inveterate methamphetamine user, but with a heart of gold that shone through.
I let her stay the night and she gave me an iddy biddy shard to sniff while she IV'd and we fucked, it was great. Yes she showered first.
Look boy, it's a waste of time to write you an essay on what I believe or stand for. It won't change your stance, world view or thinking at all, as you already made up your mind and will reply to anything with a snarky comment to trick yourself into thinking that you are the clever one. You are still stuck in this "winning an argument" thought.
I gave you the causes which have an impact on the people and the city and in that case, it doesn't matter what I support or alike. Capitalism and neo-liberalism are going to fuck towns and countries even more than the ones in the webm.
Hey, there's nothing wrong with letting Big Pharma turn the population into drug addicts. We really need those companies to succeed.
in your mothers basement
>homeless problem in seattle
>we clearly need to give cops more power and use medication assisted treatment
how tf does this make sense?
this wont fix the problem only escalate and change the junkies bag.
I'm at UW too and I say when in Rome
Just fucked a homeless lady on meth
buying a half gram from her tomorrow so I can ace my biochem midterm
wish me luck dude
How the fuck would giving police more power not do something? You can literally see a clip of a group of policemen trying to lure a methhead out of a trash can like a fucking child by tempting him with smokes, food etc. If they had more power, they'd shoot the brain dead fucks if they threatened them and tazer the lunatics like him in the garbage can. Authority and force is what solves these issues, not your stupid leftist compassionate thinking
I think I'd prefer them out of sight. Sure beats dodging piss and shit piles while walking around in Seattle.
>Seattle last had a Republican on the council in the 1990s. Its going the way of Detroit.
>Hong Kong and Singapore are consistently rated number 1 and 2 most economically free, or capitalist and they dont have any poop or major homeless issues. A kid from the U.S. was charged with theft and vandalism in Singapore in the 90s and they caned him. They dont have crime issues.
>The state of Washington has no income tax so it was popular with high income people, but Leftists have been dominate since the 80s in the city and 90s in the state. The west coast left is much more permissive about drug use and homelessness. More are inclined to think leaving them alone is a kindness. In the video you can see Rhode Island actually rehabs drug addicts and does not have the issue anymore.
>South Korea essentially had zero GDP after the Korean War and was devastated, one of the poorest in the world behind the Democratic Republic of the Congo and they had break neck growth in the mid 60s to 1980. Slowed down a bit after that. Its a thing of pride for a people who were enslaved to Japan twice and were a tributary state of China most of the rest of their history.
Its really simple Capitalism escalates wealth and draws people to that country. If a country is built up and stops doing it, they slow down. Sweden was super wealthy then built a massive welfare state, caused Swedes to leave and GDP to slow. But they are still pretty economically free in terms of Property rights, Rule of Law, minimal regulated finical sector, Free Trade. They are more restrictive than the U.S. on taxes and Spending, and Labor law, but are even or better than the U.S. on just about everything else.
Venezuela was the most rich in South America and then they ran out of money.
South Korea and Hong Kong we poor shit holes and they are Advanced economies now.
North Korea stopped growing shortly after the a few years after the war.
Please be kind to homeless people. Some of the best gay sex I ever had was with them.
Cuba still in the 1960s.
Japan was Feudal then quickly developed before WW2, then bombed to shit and became the number # world Economy in the 80s anyways.
Yeah, dude, it's the evil conservatives that are the homeless' worst enemies, not the posts below gloating about using them as living fleshlights for another fix
>Don't believe anything on Yea Forums! : )
Yeah I've heard enough anecdotes from edgy Leftists trying to "shock the straights" with tales about fucking homeless people for drugs to know that something's going on
You act like having consentual sex with homeless people is bad. And it's not just any drugs, the only drugs I use are poppers and meth, just because I use them don't mean the homeless men are.
I was homeless before and not a single person that i met that was homeless wasn't an addict.
I'm homeless and the only drug i use is heroin.