HAHA Gilly is fat

>HAHA Gilly is fat
>HAHA Arya looks like Quasimodo
>HAHA Sansa Bong genetics
"Someone taller"

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Have less sex, slag.

Actually i support manlet hate, they deserve it so that they know their place. Based dany.

What the fuck was with Sansa's weird BDSM outfit?

that show would ascend beyond kino if thay made fun of arya's ugly mug
>you look... nice
guess that will do

>being fat is genetic

lmao look at this fatass

Manlets are practically disabled freaks, it's not nice to make fun of the physically impaired

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Why are there no height markers?

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You can always lose weight but you can never gain height. You'll do well to remember that you little monster

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female sexual liberation

Nobody mentions they BECAME fat, while they mention his height that he can't change.

I've never watched a single GoT episode and I always feel out of the loop on these memes

I kind of wish I had watched from the beginning but its too late now

Shut up ho

>people on Yea Forums make fun of fat ugly characters so its okay for a Tv show to mock short people
How does this even make sense?

>You can always lose weight
Nope, you see that requires willpower

Umm it's called limb lengthening surgery, something these overpaid actors could easily afford

Had a friend who did it. He was bedridden for 6 months with shit sticking out of his Limbs and in rehab for the next few months.
Total height gained: 1 inch.

He also did penis lengthening surgery and gained 1.5 inches, but his dick flopped down when erect because of the ligaments they had to cut.

He killed himself recently.

>tfw tall AND a misogynist

get dabbed on tbhf

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manlets ETERNALLY btfo

Thanks for sharing

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When did they call Gilly fat or the other girls ugly on the show?

Shes a sexual submissive, duh

Liposuction is relatively cheap and safe. Manlets literally have to cripple themselves to gain half an inch in height. See

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Thanks for the short story

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Explain. The show with a literal dwarf in It made fun of short people?

You sun of a gun

Further proof that even God hates manlets

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>GoT tourists

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Lol this

Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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Maybe I will lose weight