What did she do to deserve the amount of hate she gets?
What did she do to deserve the amount of hate she gets?
She's hot whore sexy
She has no boobs
Look it up it goes chop chop
Wood berry
Bitter women are jealous of her
sexually frustrated men are mad they cant fuck her
so thats basically it. its basically what happens to all wildly successful, famous, beautiful women.
She was hated long before she cut her boobs off desu
How about breaking a healthy marriage? Pitt and Aniston were married and then this slut comes around and spreads her legs. Really fucked up Aniston and she never recovered.
roasties only hate her because she homewrecked jen and brad, and roasties have always related to jen so they took it personally
she's a retard with trophy children from africa that pretends to hate her daddy to hide the fact that she only has a career because of him.
choose the superior version
she was before she busted her fucking face
If a younger, sexier woman stole your dad and your parents divorced I'm sure you'd see it in a different light
homewreckers should be stoned
There are thousands of women in Hollywood that are homewreckers. Aniston herself is a homewrecker. Why only focus on Jolie?
>t. roastie
>It's not the husband's fault at all for stepping out on the wife
Weak men shouldn't be looked up to. You stupid faggots. Brad homewrecked himself.
>a healthy marriage
>between celebrities
No such thing.
She ruined based Brad
this if offtopic
OP asked why Jolie gets hate and I answered that particular question
Does she get hate?? From who?
>So, you won't have sex with me because of minor plastic surgery I did? user, I...
Adopted a pack of niggers and turned her real kid into a mentally defective tranny out of spite.
seriously bros what the fuck happened to tits or gtfo
She cucked /ourgirl/
Collect niglets like pokemon.
Brad wanted kids. Jen didn't. Brad moved on. Brad fucked Angie. Jen got sad. Jen changed her mind about kids. Angie chopped her tits off. Brad moved on. Jen took him back. All is well
She's fucking crazy and took away based Brad. She's like the living-breathing form of all the stupid shit that Hollywood celebs do to appear different and unique, except this crazy-ass bitch actually believes it and isn't doing it for attention.
>can have any woman in the world
>settle for a 60 yo Aniston who's barely still able to conceive
what the FUCK
>having minor plastic surgery that isn't fixing your horrid thumbs
No one wants to fuck her now. She got cancer and cut her tits off
She was the coolest robot until Alita came along.
Wait did Jen seriously take back Brad?
a thousand 20yo roasties cant make up 1 honest loving woman
imagine jen taking him back after Jolie destroyed their marriage and now that it didnt work out he just comes crawling back to her
She cucked a gigabrad
>brad come change the nigger babies diapers
She also admits she loves her nigger kids more than her biological one.
Phony ice queen like Brie Larson.
Weird physical defects like Brie too.
Jolie has Skeletor hands.
Larson has witch feet and fungus toes.
I feel bad for that poor kid, Jolie fucked her over so bad.
>ITT we discuss why we wont fuck these women we used to want to fuck that we never had a chance of fucking in the first place while simultaneously continuing to ignore the fact that there are literally hundreds of thousands of women we COULD fuck but they don't fit the brainwashing metrics the patriarchy has told us we should desire
Billy Bob Thorton's dick must be so happy. Got that pussy in its prime.
Who you quoting fat faggot
>What did she do
Adopting virtue-signal babies from Africa when there are plenty of needy babies right here in the United States.
Also, the try-hard leg.
>the try-hard leg
the whole thread you stupid fuck
Sorry she is an over dodger.
Who do you think Brad enjoyed fucking more? Jennifer Aniston or this thing?
he's such a boss. took prime jolie and is the only one to ever pull off full retard
Im a patriarch.
Dudes listen to what i tell them for good reason.
You think old childless cougars are going to tell them anything worthy about female beauty??
I just don't like any of her movies. That's kinda of it. She's a fine actress but her movies suck. Brad actually produces and stars in pretty decent flicks.
I still can't believe that old hillbilly got her when she looked her best. I always wondered if she was genuinely attracted to him or if she just hooked up with him to spite her father.
Wow what a loser. Mommy tucking you in bed again tonight? Don't forget to brush your teeth first!
Who do you think?
I think he had access to top notch drugs which skanks like her love. And fucked like a hell beast.
She's a turbo cunt
Imagine getting fucked by this man. I'd feel so proud to always be reminded I was fucked like a woman by his huge veiny cock and no matter what happens this will always be the case.
Protip: If you see a girl on a dating site/app with a profile pic like this, run away. All girls who do the toothless smile are psychos.
>What did she do to deserve the amount of hate she gets?
Yes, Overrated psycho bitch!!!FACT!!!