>character dislikes/opposes homosexuality
>is later revealed to be a closet homosexual
Why does Hollywood push this myth so hard?
>character dislikes/opposes homosexuality
>is later revealed to be a closet homosexual
Why does Hollywood push this myth so hard?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder if I'm actually a giant spider
To silence those who would oppose their (((agenda))).
because it stands to reason if your so unnaturally freakishly hardcore against something, that you're probably burying some deep seated truths about yourself that you don't want to explore or even think about.
struck a nerve did it?
i can confirm you are
t. jake g
Arachnophobic, huh?
This is why a lot of liberal men who harp on about respecting women are the biggest sleaze bag pervs
sick reference bro
I never understand the closeted meme.
>I'm racist towards minorities
>I secretly like them
What logic is this?
its supposed to be a twist with artful irony, but hollywood being the hacks they are, don't realize it overstayed its welcome
What did that ending even mean?
I'm against the unlawful seizure of property by authority.
unironically get STUCKMANNIZED
homos always fantasize about straight guys
There are plenty of guys like this. Hollywood loves the trope and blows it up to drive a narrative but it's not a fucking myth, that's retarded. Of course there are self hating homos that project homophobia, if the very idea of that kind of character makes you uncomfortable that's suspicious.
Because it's a trope that has some truth in it. Looks at all the closet gay republicans and right wingers like Sam Hyde.
It means you're secretly black
To get the OP audience
that's just classical faggotry, ie. you can be a fag but have some kids so you're not a total disappointment to your family, also don't recruit, despite gay marriage it's still what a lot of fags do
holy hell, this user just made me realize: i’m secretly both a jew and a sneedposter at the same time. crazy
Because don't ask questions, goyim.
It's called reaction formation
According to your logic, rabid anti-racists are secretly racists. Suddenly, that makes no sense, right?
>struck a nerve did it?
Obviously op struck a nerve in you for you to project this fucking hard.
>because it stands to reason if your so unnaturally freakishly hardcore against something, that you're probably burying some deep seated truths about yourself that you don't want to explore or even think about
This is absolutely true. Women who rage about being raped secretly enjoyed it. FACT.
Some of them are, for sure, and it makes a lot of sense. It's not one or the other you reactionary chud
Makes sense to me. Rabid anti-racists hate whites and if they are white they hate whites and themselves.
Based website, thank you
It's not a myth.
It’s sort of true. I’m not the biggest fan of the gays, but to focus so much thought and emotion to hating it...is a little gay.
this movie is so fucking stupid, reminder that it was written by gay guy
if you're offended by the prospect of such a phenomenon even existing you're probably it and hollywood is trolling you
lolin' at the amount of replies
Because it was an angle pushed by the debunked Jewish "psychologist" Sigmund Freud through his new age religion for atheists. People still believe much of his work though it was supposition and more like weakly argued philosophy. Then again you don't need the strongest logical basis for your philosophy if you are starting a religion.
I have become Death.
He was afraid of commitment?
>someone says stupid shit
>gets blasted by several replies
Yeah that is hilarious LMAO
even weirder is straight guys always talking about raping lesbians, i fucking hate lesbians just don't get the rape part at all
No I think it does make sense; it’s a form of compensation.
Some of the most ostensibly anti-racist left wing people I know are deeply racist
the newfaggots calling everyone trannies are either into tranny porn or secretly attracted to the idea of being a gril. 100% .
Closeted homophobes exist, and they're pathetic and hilarious. To be clear, most homophobes just hate fags, but the fact that you need all that shit to explain away self hating fags is quite something
Actually it makes a lot of sense, why else would you be rabid about it? An actual person who isn't racist doesn't make it a point to seem like they aren't racist at all times.
So does it logiCarly follow that those that vehemently hate women as people want to be them as people?
Ok tranny, calm it down let’s not get carried away
I must be a nigger
Well it is OP...
>struck a nerve did it?
>reddit spacing
Shit guess I was the nigger all along
There is precedent.
It’s faggot cope. They don’t get some people just find effeminate men and gay displays of affection disgusting so they come up with some bullshit psych 101 crap like this chode
>if your only claim to strength is being better than a thing then you probably aren't better than that thing
fukken saved
Because it happens time and time again
I think this is true in some cases. Not all, but some. In general I think conservatives are either self loathing or sociopaths.
The claim to strength is building modern civilizations and enslaving all other races for years until we decided to stop stomping on your nonwhite necks out of our own liberal minded magnanimity
You're the faggot cope. Of course we know plain old vanilla homophobes who are 100% hetero exist. Most of them, in fact. There are also deeply closeted faggots who make a point of being as homophobic as possible. It's not a myth, retard. Why does that scare you?
>deep seated
Epic, based and redpilled
It doesn’t scare me you dumb fag it just makes me laugh at the utter arrogance of homos to think no one could possibly find their lifestyle and demeanor abhorrent, as if nothing they do is wrong or disgusting
Ever notice how it's always the aut right who talks about BLACKED porn and how much they hate it. Kind of like that awkward kid from back in the day who'd start talking about how much they hated Sesame Street or Barney even though nobody asked.
> Most of them, in fact.
Severe doubt. Most people in general are not 100% hetero.
That's not what I meant, hate fags all you want, I just think it's funny that you think the existence of self hating fags who project heavy homophobia is such a thorn in your side that you have to call it a myth and hide it away just because hollywood exploits it
Homosexuality doesn't exist so there is nothing to fear. Some people just hate being manipulated and their society ruined for the sake of degenerates who have nothing better to do than live perpetually in an adolescent contrarianism.
if you think being manipulated into being a fag is even a question then you're fucking exhibit A for this shit
I'll take "things user only says online when his identity isn't attached to them" for 500 Alex.
they worry about corruption of youth so are very concerned with public advocacy but not so much what you're actually doing in private which you may think is hypocritical, like all alt-right leaders are gay but still seethe about gay agenda
The "corruption of the youth" has always been cover for hypocrites, and always will be. Anyone who lived through the Satanic Panic years knows that. Generation after generation as cried on about how the youth are corrupt, degenerate, and self destructive. Every time. It's just a way to hide yourself behind altruism.
It is a myth. I'm 100% positive these self hating homos amongst antigays is less than 5% of the antigay community. Most antigays just find fags disgusting. But keep spreading your lies. When the civil war comes and the day of the rope arrives homo degenerates like you I'm sure you screaming about repressed homosexuality will save you from getting your faces bashed in with a rock. Faggot.
The fact that OP has made this thread more than once really does make him seem hilariously insecure though
Holy shit is this bait youre literally proving your point
Yep, I'm thinking this is cringe.
Yet here we are with the normalization of trans kids and pedophilia. Seems like they might have been correct.
Yes I did literally prove my own point. faggot. You on the other hand haven't proven shit just espoused faggot propaganda about how no one actually despises faggots and it's all self hate.
>It is a myth. I'm 100% positive these self hating homos amongst antigays is less than 5% of the antigay community.
so it's not a myth and pretty much what i said to begin with, great
>Most antigays just find fags disgusting.
yes, i already had this disclaimer so you don't get confused by my point, guess it didn't work
>antigay community
I too saw that blackpilled video
>don't like me? you must secretly want me
faggots are mentally ill
how do you know if youre gay
Or the world will go on just as it always have. The apocalypse never arrives, and all the Chicken Littles die of old age, the same way they have for thousands and thousands of years. It's funny how vain each generation is. There's always so many of them praying that they are the last. God forbid the move on.
This. It's about the extremes. Thinking buttsex is gross is one thing. Constantly bringing up how much you hate queers and "joking" about how "you better not be one of those queers" is what's on the stand here.
So liberals actually love trump? Sweet
They way you spread these lies you try to depict all antigays as in the closet, when it literally is a myth. Less than 5% (probably less than 1% desu) may as well be a myth because it's so insignificant to the antigay movement. And again, spewing it wont save you when good Christian men rise up and hunt you sick fucks down
If it ain't broke don't fix it. I have an entire cache of thread formulas guaranteed to yield (you)'s.
Look at all those replies from closeted gayboys.
Im not even that guy. And in movies sure.
But closet fags are real and projection is real. I dont think you're a faggot but i do tjink you're a massive autist i mean literally look at how you post.
the gay lifestyle is inherently disappointing and it should be an absolute last resort and not encouraged, not that i want them discriminated against, it's a shitty life circumstance and i think most gays would change it if they could
Every anti-Timothee posters on Yea Forums proves this.
Can you explain how you proved it? He said that some antigay people are secretly insecure gays in the closet and all you've done is have a meltdown and say that's not possible.
>>The apocalypse never arrives
as usual you misrepresent the argument, no one said the apocalypse would happen, but they are saying it is bad for society and creates bigger problems. Instead of listening to the warning you mock them and make light of the very destructive behavior you are championing.
When we kill you and have you strung up for being a faggot, I hope you start bitching that the lynch mob is just closeted. I hope I'm there to see it . I bet it wont save you. Fag. Burn in hell.
this guy is fucking weird, why would he try to have sex with the man you think you saw your son blow?
well there is some truth behind it but they push it as if you slightly against it then you must be a raging homo in the closet. i hate muslims doesnt mean im reading the quaran in my burka behind close doors
t. nigger
They are real and they are probably less than 1% of antigays so stop telling fags to spread that propaganda as if itll shield them from hatred and fists. Fag lover.
They absolutely do because he approaches politics like a liberal i.e. fuck conventions, fuck the rules, I will do what I think is right and fuck you if you dont like it.
So in that respect, yes. But what they dont like is his racism, though this probably means he has a huge Latina fetish.
Yes they enjoy hating on something or someone tangible. It's much harder to hate something like the very capitalistic system they exist and benefit from.
Almost as if movies focus on interesting things and don't exist to provide a 100% accurate view of reality.
they just want to suck some maggot-infested rotting dicks
Keep spreading your propaganda as if itll protect you from our hatred and retribution. The day is coming faggot
isnt that a ftm tranny? so technically thats straight. albeit a lil fucking nasty
>as usual
As usual for who? I don't know you. "Bad for society" is largely unfounded, and bigger problems is a vague statement. I mock them because they say things like gays create larger problems. Like that means anything.
what other films portray this hypocrisy? american beauty suggests that the lives we live are social impositions and that we are imprisoned by cultural expectations. ricky's father was in the military most of his life and so was obviously indoctrinated by the military industrial complex to believe that anything deviating from traditional western values was evil and therefore hated himself. the movie isn't trying to push some agenda onto you, it's telling you that you only hate yourself because society told you to do so.
>I hope you start bitching that the lynch mob is just closete
Okay. It will be true, you know? Lynchers are the absolute gayest.
not the point i was trying to get at just pointing out how nasty that mother fucker is
>And they'll know we are Christians by our love
>he approaches politics like a liberal i.e. fuck conventions, fuck the rules, I will do what I think is right and fuck you if you dont like it
Are you fucking simple or something? This is the opposite of libs. Libs are addicted to appealing to "the center" and capitulate to republicans 9 times out of 10.Even when Obummer had his supermajority they did jack shit and passed a shitty gimped health care bill co-written by the fucking heritage foundation. Can you build me a machine to send me into the reality where libs are how you describe? I'd prefer to live in it.
Is that why a new politician who these totally straight people vote in turns out to be in the closet every other week?
Can I get a time table for when you and the gamers are going to rise up and kill everyone who points out reality online? I've been hearing this shit for decades and it's never panned out.
All the rumors about Sam fugging trannies/having a huge anal fetich/getting handjobs from dudes pretty much indicate the guy is in the closet and in massive denial.
Watch out guys, this guy's got edge parenthesis.
>> I mock them because they say things like gays create larger problems. Like that means anything.
I already showed you how faggotry has eroded the fabric of the society we live in by normalizing otherwise destructive behavior. Your decision to ignore the outcome doesnt make you enlightened just ignorant and selfish.
It also says fags burn in hell
It happens all the time. Especially if you're a conservative politician.
oh sammy no
Those rules only apply to Jews. Try learning the religion you attempt to LARP as.
lol, you lost fag, the culture war over homosexuality is over
that's why all you fags switched to hating trannies
you're falling back
Reminder that if you think something like homosexual "recruitment" is even a question then you're projecting repressed gay feelings onto the general population.
You haven't shown shit. Saying "trannies = pedos" and backing it up with literally nothing doesn't prove shit about muh gays destroying society.
That happens once a blue moon . It's probably less than 1% of antigay politicians. Again, proving MY point, not yours faggot. And nice try trying to lump WN with gamer incels when homos are only gay because they were too incel to fuck women and they always are gamers because they are mentally ill, depressed and trying to escape their lives.
I guarantee I've had more pussy than you. So really that makes me a lot straighter than you.
I mean you can deny it and say youre not. But being a virgin is basically the same as being a fag. So i guess you really are a faggot. Im sure your father is proud
Jews are a blessed people and have a convenant with god. How about YOU learn about the religion you try to mock
>Libs are addicted to appealing to "the center"
Conservatives, by definition, appeal to the center. They're CONSERVATIVE for fuck's sake and it can be taken literally. Some honestly pine for the return of the 1950s.
Conservatives, by definition, do not like change.
Liberals, by definition, are progressives who embrace change and embrace revolution.
All of the things liberals fight for are things that the older conservative generation are afraid of. There is nothing "center" about trans rights, for example.
So you're absolutely mistaken.
Just makes you a degenerate diseased aids ridden scum. I've had long term stable relationships because my life isn't a mess like your average libcuck homoloving degenerate
Why is this homophobic alt-right thread still up? Mods?
>can't defend your stupid argument
>just keep calling people gay
>Conservatives, by definition, appeal to the center.
American conservatives keep going more and more to the right as time goes by.
can't be closeted if you're not gay, and a lot of men who have sex with men don't identify as gay
>>You haven't shown shit.
I shouldn't have to. If you were honest with yourself you wouldnt ignore the very things that are going on around you. The normalization is happening and we are already further down the slippery slope, your kind calls a fallacy, than we have been in a long time. It wouldnt be this way if faggot pride wasnt normalized. Now we have parents feeding their children synthetic hormones and puberty blockers because it is fashionable. Keep being retarded.
Ah so they waited for their pure aryan waifu. Based
Give me an estimate of how many antigay politicians you think there are and we'll see what percentage of them turn out to fuck boys. Also good luck getting the WN revolution going when 30% of whites don't pass the one drop rule and you apparently won't embrace gamers or incels. I'm sure that'll get off the ground, Mr. Totally Heterosexual.
>no u
Wow what a theologian. Christians aren't beholden to any of the shit in Leviticus.
>every other week
Aww, look at the libshit making things up. How adorable.
Conservatives don't appeal to the center. They appeal to an ever dwindling generation pining for the way things used to be.
They are afraid of change, so they don't keep up with the times and become increasingly extreme by nature of the center moving away from them.
based CNN viewer
Ask an alt rightie for facts and stats and all they have is feelings. Many such cases. Sad!
Like those people who say "If you make fun of someone/something, you're just jealous, lonely, poopoo, etc
I got a better idea, I call you a fggot and we both wait for the day of the rope. You keep thinking itll never come, and I'll keep knowing it will. In that time I sincerely hope that you learn how to abandon your sinful ways or at least learn how to larp as a straight man, for your own safety pal
that's hyperbole, the point is it's obviously not a myth.
Isn't the average age of Fox News viewers like 70 years old? I rest my point.
not an argument
Can you even count to 70, CNN viewers have double digit IQ so I doubt it.
So you're out of arguments, then? Great, see you on rope day.
The ultimate plan of the left is to annihilate whites. This kind of propaganda is just another piece of the puzzle. Push down white birthrates, destroy white masculinity, prop up homosexuality and race mixing. It's all so tiresome
Can I get a source on any of this?
it makes sense people would think that if you obsess over shitting on it instead of just dismissing it and moving on
Ya look up the UNs replacement migration plan and the kalergi plan
>If you make fun of someone/something, you're just jealous, lonely, poopoo, etc
This only makes sense when shitskins make fun of white men.
self hating faggot homophobes aren't a myth. that doesn't mean all homophobes are like that. it's just a funny, pathetic subset. just because hollywood exploits it doesn't mean it's not real. why does this give you an autism attack?
I accept your apology.
Rabid anti-racists tend to be actually racist in the fact they see themselves as saviors of the race they're "defending" because they see that race as below them and in need of their help. This is all subconscious of course. True race neutralists are okay with being called their race's equivalent of nigger, but are also okay with saying it to others themselves. A truly non-racist world would allow white men to call their black friends their niggas, and their black friends to call them their honkey-ass crackas. We had almost achieved this in the 90s/early 00s
>struck a nerve did it?
>cant read what was written
cool thanks for confirming you're retarded
>it's obviously not a myth.
Then you would just state the facts instead of relying on hyperbole, bitch. The self-hating closet fag is extremely rare. The rest of the people who hate queers are perfectly healthy heterosexuals. But you won't admit this instead focusing on the ultra rare right-wing closet case.
If this was a common occurrence them you would be posting stats in stead of just repeating yourselves. None of you idiots have even posted a single example. That is how fucking rare it is.
Now you shits are doing searches for examples LMAO
>you're arachnophobic?
>you must secretly want to fuck spiders haha
Only right wing cuckolds give a dusty fuck about white birthrates.
It all makes sense. People who hate pedophiles are actually pedophiles themselves. Thank you for clearing that up.
You didn't present a counterargument. So you must have agreed with what I said. I accept your apology.
they actually say that too
i mean if someone was OBSESSED with hating spiders that might raise some weird flags
Because fags espouse that propaganda as if it's all antigays and they do it as an arrogant haughty way to reject all hatred levied at them. Im simply laying out the truth, that we aren't closeted, we just hate you, and spewing your propaganda wont change anyone's opinion of you and it wont protect you. Also it's not homophobia, a phobia is an irrational fear, this is a rational hatred and conscious objection of faggotry
>>you must have agreed with what I said
only a moron would think that, you're not a moron are you?
Pretty funny that people who claim to love white culture act appalled at a concept popularized by fucking Shakespeare.
Only left wing cuckolds who love race mixing and homosexuality dont give a fuck about white racial purity and the preservation of white societies
It's the Jews, user.
niggers have the highest rate of homosex and aids tho
Literally only white supremacists care about white racial purity and the preservation of white societies. That's basically the definition of them.
I’m a fag nigger tranny woman chink boomer kike mudslime chad roastie
Pretty funny that leftists who are sheltered and provided for by white countries also hate white countries, white culture and want to see it destroyed. How will you weak limp wristed faggots ever get your Starbucks and apple products lmao!
That's why every hardcore christian anti-gay agenda republican politician gets caught with 500 pictures of naked little boys or tries to fuck a guy in an airport bathroom stall.
>white supremacists
You say that like it's a bad thing.
i know the vast majority of homophobes are just garden variety bigots. we've been through this. i just like grabbing that thorn in your side and watching you thrash impotently
just goes to show how gross niggers are
And white supremacists are the ones who aren't cucks because we will defend our race, culture, heritage, homelands and children. Meanwhile leftists want to bend over backwards for black dick.
This literally only happens in the USA, because your country is a shithole
In a world where every identity accusation on Yea Forums is true.
>I already showed you how faggotry has eroded the fabric of the society we live in by normalizing otherwise destructive behavior
No you haven't. You only have logical fallacies and rhetoric. I won't even say "I wonder why that is." I know why. You have nothing but fear, and fear is irrational.
As long as your aware that your propaganda wont save you on the day of the rope.
This isn't something Hollyood pushes that much. Maybe....You're Gay.
you won't do anything you limpdick sack of shit, there's nothing left for your ilk but to seethe at the TV box and shoot up
Because its true. To be disgusted by their open degeneracy is normal, to channel raging hatred towards faggots with every fibre of your being is peculiar.
Keep thinking that. Remember to do what all good little leftists do and dont buy guns :)
Yea Forums really is the easiest board to bait
You do know there's a difference between LITERAL fear and an obsessive disdain, right?
-Phobe doesn't literally always mean fear, it just means repulsed by, unless you think hydrophobic oil is literally afraid of water
OP confirmed for fag
>>No you haven't
I gave 2 examples, if you are incapable of seeing the negative impact of those you are the one who is fearful. You fear the truth of your own actions and seek to berate and delegitimize those who point it out. All you faggots ever do is cry about how horrible not being accepted is and force people to accept your horrible life choices as normal when they are as far from normal as possible. Keep putting your head in the sand.
Cringe. Back to /r/The_Donald, faggot.
t. discord tranny
@sex have
>I gave 2 examples
Link them.
>You fear the truth of your own actions
A nonstatement in broken English. I'm straight and married.
>reactionary chud
Why are you chapotards even here?
which is the before picture?
left or right?
Can't we all come to a mutual understanding? The Gays are gross and obnoxious, but that doesn't mean that we have to destroy their lives. Can't we all just leave each other alone and live in peace?
you are reddit
Man, I literally had nothing against faggots until 2 things happened
1) I saw the screencaps here and their forums on TOR and they are absolutely disgusting
2) they came to my school to have a speech on how children should have gender transition etc.
How can you not be afraid if they are literally in your schools praying after your kids? I saw a post here from an user in Norway who posted his son crying in kindergarten because the fags teachers forced him to dress as a princess.
Take in mind that I am from a leftwing family, always was left wing my whole life until a few years ago.
You must understand that the reason people hate fags is because they are worried about their offspring. If our society was less tolerant of faggotry no one would be a "raging homophobe" because there would be no need to.
Also I'm not american so keep your bullshit about drumpfs and obongos and answer this: if someone wanted to harm your family, would you hate him?
ayo, hol up
where da white wimmins at?
>>A nonstatement in broken English. I'm straight and married.
The statement makes sense if you're not a brainlet. Also I have doubts about the straight thing but it doesn't matter as you are still trying to normalize faggots and their behavior, which in turn is normalizing the trans movement and pedophilia. The more you act ignorant the more ignorant you become. As I said, keep putting your head in the sand.
Keep telling yourself that. Which country are you from?
>if someone wanted to harm your family, would you hate him?
Yes, but not the whole demographic. Anyone can find a demographic with some bad apples. Plenty of gays are trying to shake the T off of LGBT as well.
i have a shitty SKS but the fact you think it even matters in your little faggot rambo fantasy is pathetic. what the fuck are you gonna do, really? you think you're an omar mateen or whatever? there's nowhere for your rage to go. you'll just keep seething at the TV box
>Mutual understanding
>Gays are gross and obnoxious
Well that's the problem. Your offer's fine, it's appreciated, but if we let this shit about them being gross and obnoxious "harmlessly exist" in the background, it leads to problems down the line.
dilate often
>Can't link what these great examples are.
>Talks about brainlets.
Why is the right so stupid bros?
I guess you cant read because the two examples are reiterated in the post again. Brainlet confirmed.
>inb4 pedopriests
Yeah and strangely they're all fags. Also no one likes priests here, we have tons of insults for them
They only demography they are part of is the subset of people with symptoms of various unrelated mental illnesses.
3% of the population at best, 40% of the sexual abuses on minors
Your examples have no evidence and you're a faggot. Why is the right so bad at this?
What problems?
Why are Yea Forums homos the easiest posters to trigger?
because it's true no one likes fags but the ones who are extremely vocal about it are all gay
>>you're a faggot
jees and here I thought the left was supposed to be tolerant, just a bunch of hypocrites and liars
The problem is intolerance can't be tolerated or humored. When you treat it with kid gloves, we get a dumb asshole like Trump elected when he spouts rhetoric that appeals to smoothbrains.
It's not a myth.
>I lose please stop fucking me up so bad
Okay little buddy. I'll spare you just this once.
Why do non-white races care about their own race far more than white people do?
Why do they get to be ethnonationalists while we don't?
>we are not going to tolerate your intolerance
>why are we able to be intolerant of your tolerance levels?
>u-uh have sex incel racist
Oh, I see. I misread your original post and thought you meant that letting gay people "exist harmlessly" would cause problems. Much more serious. Anyway, I disagree. People are entitled to their opinions about people.
Actually the evidence used today came decades later
who are you quoting? you clearly are a brainlet incapable of reading
Arachnophiliacs pls go
i like calling you a faggot because it shorts out your neat little categories and signifiers of whatever caricature you think you're supposed to be arguing with. just like that
Word salad nonsense.
I see. Well it's okay to disagree about that, and I respect your opinion.
>I really lose and I'm a huge faggot!
Whoa buddy, try to have some dignity. I don't want you to kill yourself for losing an online argument or anything.
>propaganda exploiting something means it's a myth
>They say that if you're afraid of homosexuals, it means that deep down inside you're actually a homosexual yourself. That worries me because I'm afraid of dogs.
Not him, but you are underage
"Black" identity was formed through collective trauma by uprooting various ethnicities and bringing them to a foreign country by force where they eventually had to discover themselves anew. Be thankful European Americans generally didn't have that experience.
look at all these triggered leftists fags fucking LMAO, sorry if you cant handle the truth
cant believe i had to scroll through 500 newfags before this post.
>40% of the sexual abuses on minors
Two of those are me buddy.
>"Black" identity was formed through collective trauma by uprooting various ethnicities and bringing them to a foreign country by force where they eventually had to discover themselves anew
So what?
Slavery actually improved their lives, they lived much better than they would have in africa and got to eat more.
Why do other races get to be ethnic nationalists but we don't?
You know this very fucking point is why so many people are turning towards white nationalism.
You people are hypocrites.
Don’t bother, it’s utter hypocrisy yet the left refuses to acknowledge it. what you’re seeing is years of antiwhite propaganda and brainwashing at work.
Because all movies are just fetishes and homos have a fetish of being raped by a daddy figure and people who hate faggots make them think about their disappointed father/uncle/gym teacher that they want to fuck them.
Slaves in North America were better off than slaves in those in the Caribbean and most of South America (as well as many parts of Africa). That's true. The point still stands though that the black identity in the US was not one formed voluntarily or imported from abroad like that of European immigrants. Whereas the generalized identity "black" was borne of traumatic loss of old Identity and culture, the "white" identity (still very variable) was borne of the need to describe generally the melange of European peoples who settled in the US and to various degrees assimilated.
Stop this meme
>The point still stands though that the black identity in the US was not one formed voluntarily
Especially when they had no written language or the ability to count above 3
>white culture
This is a meme term. Culture of European Americans isn't that monolithic.
it's not a meme
it's reality
There was definitely written language and the concept of large numbers in at least some of the West African kingdoms and chiefdoms that slaves were bought from
>everything I dont like is a meme
It's kinda funny how nobody talks about how 100,000,000 mexicans have come into our country in 60 years and have almost completely drained the social welfare system to the point that there will be no social security in 15 years. The same system that white blood, sweat and tears has been paying into for going on 90 years. But yes, anti-white is a myth.
>100,000,000 mexicans have come into our country in 60 years
Source? How many of them have gone back? IIRC quite a few don't stay here.
Based and redpilled post. We were so close.
Is it not?
Just like real life!
>it stands to reason
>dislike something
>means you secretly like it
Not even hegel could come up with this amount of dialectics.
Not him but it doesn't matter if they stay here or not, we have to shelter them and deport them if they get caught, that costs lots of money as well as fraudulent asylum claims that end up wasting millions of tax dollars, if they arent caught they dont pay any taxes and can still get put on welfare programs and send all that $ back across the border without paying taxes on any of it.
are you a faggot?
What's it like not having an authentic or original thought in you head? You're a molded manufactured nothing.
Because it's true. Theres a reason this board is obsessed with trannies and traps.
It's Hispanics in general and there were a few (unironically white) of them 60 years ago but that's the approximate number. Le boiling frog and all.
Being afraid of an animal that can kill you is different from being obsessively angry about 2 adults having consensual sex. But you already know that gay boy
Much like how hard Hollywood virtue signals yet is a cesspool of abuse, drugs, failed relationships, Scientology, the list goes on.
>Source? How many of them have gone back?
The US was 90% white in 1900, it is now 56% and there are around 100,000,000 mexicans here that weren't here before.
Why is Yea Forums obsessed with gays, trannies and cuckolding? It's like endless conservative projection about their degenerate sexuality
>faggots cant aggressively kill you when they get triggered
should probably think before you type famalam
>socialists are faggots
>homos are evil
Where is the surprise twist?
Probably shouldn't have established a country over the top of Mexico if you didnt want that lel
Nixon shouldn't have opened the borders when he sold the country to jews and went to war for oil
You lost this culture war, support for gay marriage is like 80% of some shit lol. Just focus on muslims or something
Middle Eastern, african, and mexicans aren't white, it's 56%.
Most SJWs are insanely racist, yes.
Nah, it's 56%.
>support for gay marriage is like 80%
Where, San Francisco?
Gay marriage is an oxymoron.
>uhhh no faggot we're totally going to RISE UP and kill you all any day now
>washes oxy down with pabst
There is no such thing as the “alt-right”
Why do so many closeted fags turn into poltards? They have to be raised in completely broken homes that teach them to hate themselves. Must be terrible. Also explains why they obsess about California so much, theyre jealous of the fags that can be themselves and dont live in a community that makes them hide it. Just love yourselves you Trump loving tranny fuckers! Its ok!
>>support for gay marriage is like 80% of some shit lol
because the media glamorized faggots, turn the lights on and let normalfags see how disgusting faggots are and that support will dry up quickly, why do you think the left is openly calling for censorship of the intolerance?
its a trope that works so why not?
Yes there is, they're right here in the bottom right. Look at all of them!
Yea Forums is pozzed as hell.
source for this horseshit?
This is normal.
There's a story of a guy who works at a place where they send child fuckers and a majority of them were jews.
>gay homophobe "myth": a cope
>writing frothing at the mouth diatribes about gays on a himalayan basket weaving forum virtually 24/7: not a cope
makes total sense right
Why are fags so prevalent to HIV?
>Vanguard America
Look it up.
This includes male prostitutes.
This reminds of back in middle school where I didn't like some girl for whatever reason and the teacher caught me bullying her and told the entire class I was only doing it because I liked her. I didn't and tried to deny it but to no avail. It still haunts me to this day
why do all the pictures of guys in MAGA hats and pepe/kek merch have such weak facial features generally? mind boggling stuff
You've never hear of "pozzed" before?
>I’ve presented on “cultural HIV” at the Out in Front Conference at Vanderbilt University, a few scene conferences, a few guest lectures, and a health forum in Michigan in front of a hundred medical practitioners. I call it cultural HIV because, while medicine has decreased the death rate dramatically of HIV, the other more sociological factors have only expanded.
Faggots think getting IDS is a badge of honor and should be celebrated
It's just the 50 year old bell and weinberg study, you can dismiss it altogether.
>Faggots think getting IDS is a badge of honor and should be celebrated
Not really
only a repressed faggot would think being indoctrinated into being a faggot is a thing unless those feelings are already there in some capacity
that's an article from The Media which people like you have rightly identified as stupid clickbait chasers so im not sure what your point is. like look at the pictures of the chubby and skinnyfat khaki homos at that charlottesville rally lol
Talk about cherry picking...
Uh huh.
>They explored the emerging trend of gay men who eschew condoms and the development of a barebacking subculture. They also noted through their qualitative research that some barebackers were in search of HIV.
because you did love her
This is rare and pretty much universally seen as disgusting.
You get you're entire consciousness from tv. sad.
Sure it is just like how 100,000,000 mexicans draining the social programs of the US isn't happening, right?
you closeted retards literally boo anytime a woman is on screen
Stop posting this damn thread every single day
Because it tends to be true. You only need to look at how many times conservative politicians or religious figures get caught with all this stuff. Or closer to this board, you really have to wonder about /pol/'s strange obsession with black penises
let's see a homophobic presidential candidate get anywhere
oh wait they barely entertain that shit anymore because the game is up
The majority of them are working. IIRC the biggest recipients of handouts are old people.
>straigh man wants to fuck 17 year old
>portray as evil
>Gay guy fucks 17 year old
>romance movie of the decade
>20% of faggots actively seeking out AIDS
>26% didn't care
>15% didn't know if they were positive or not
Yeah sounds pretty rare
no just ugly ones, but since your a faggot all women look ugly to you so I can see how you would make that mistake
>how many times conservative politicians or religious figures get caught with all this stuff.
How many times?
>Or closer to this board, you really have to wonder about /pol/'s strange obsession with black penises
That's not /pol/ posting that shit. It's faggot lefties like you.
That's legal in Italy.
Name one in the last 5 years that wasn't a jew
because they cant tell the truth about it without the media going into 24/7 slander mode, you must be monumentally stupid
>women are icky
yeah you're pretty deep in the closet
>secretly a nigger and a jew
Das rite nigga! How did you know?
40% of all mexicans on some sort of welfare, it's probably more now but the government doesn't like to publish this stuff anymore.
>41.6 percent of the African American population and 36. 4 percent of the Hispanic population participated in at least one government assistance program in a given month. [Source: United States Census Bureau]
>Of TANF recipients in 2016, 27.9 percent of were white, 19.1 percent were African American 36.9 percent were Hispanic. [Source: Department of Health and Human Services]
Not surprising, considering that a lot of them work in difficult jobs for low wages that resident Americans won't accept.
cool now that your fantasies are out of the way you can see that I said ugly women are gross, not all women.
Go look up what a "Useful Idiot" is. I think you'll be surprised to find a photo of yourself.
Dennis Hastert
>>Americans won't accept.
that's not true employers can just get away with paying low as shit wages they couldnt pay to US workers
the media will do that with anyone they want anyway, it's just a meme position politically at this point, you can't magically turn it back, trump waved the fag flag, game over.
>We know you more than you know you
>all these (You)s
well done, lad. have another one
>>the media will do that with anyone they want anyway
oh so you agree the media will lie and slander to promote their own agenda? maybe if they told the truth things would be different and the destructive nature of faggots would be exposed. If that happened the illusion that gays are glamorous would break and it would be back to the closet with all you flamers.
I mean it should be common sense that anybody who chooses to fuck asses exclusively (they place that you shit from) is probably a freak.
self hatred isn't a myth dipshit
What does this even mean?
That jews do it on purpose to discredit white conservatives?
Or they are at average more likely to be gay?
You would think, but when the media tells people they are evil for having those common sense reactions and anyone who speaks out is deplatformed and possibly jailed, people will accept things that are detrimental to themselves just so they dont have to be singled out.
>Or they are at average more likely to be gay?
This. Jews are some of the most degenerate scum out there. They represent a disproportionate amount of child molesters and sex offenders.
Jews tend to have more mental problems on average, due to a combination of stress since birth and inbreeding. They are like smart ultramerimutts
Why does /pol/ jerk off to traps?
fuck the media, the point is even the "alt right" can't operate on a platform of homophobia, it's over. if people were just waiting to be homophobic again then so called glamorous portrayals would only have the opposite effect anyway. it's not a serious political position anymore.
You mean why does /lgbt/ spam boards with gay shit and cry when it gets removed?
>just let me remove the key part of your argument so I win
no faggot the media is a major player in the gay acceptance, if they were telling the truth instead of trying to paint homos as some sort of sacred cow things would be much different
>disliking gays is political
It's natural. Where's that study that shows that straight people have the same reaction to gays kissing as they do when looking at maggots
i mean political in the context of someone running on that platform and actually turning things back, that game is over. and people trust the media way less than they hate fags, they just stopped caring. it's a meme position. right celebrities are faggots now. the toothpaste is out of the tube. focus on muzzies or something.
>turning things back
Do you even politics bro? We're all on a fast track to hell and the only thing they ever do is throw more coal in the boiler.
>right celebrities are faggots now
??? How much koolaid have you drank, be honest.
>I'm right because I want to be not because I am
typical home logic
>he replied
struck a nerve, did it?
careful user they might recruit you
you realise not every reply is out of anger right? unless every reply you make is you being upset?
Rabid anti racists are unironically racists. Whens the last time you ever heard a rabid anti racist use the term "white male" without a vitriolic hatred.
So that's why blacks and internet feminists hate white men so much! Thank you user!