Just got back from an early screening of Endgame

Just got back from an early screening of Endgame.
Ask me anything.

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where was the screening? LA premiere?

Post HDCAM you nigger. Also show yourself searing Jon favreau's jewfro

Did you remember to floss?

Nope. Got an early screening tonight at a place I work

If i took a picture I would of been fired. I was sitting with my work mates and managers. They would of saw me taking pictures

cool, who dies and how? can you explain the whole timeline thing?

I left half way through. Boring movie.

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tell me about homeless thor with korg and miek.

Tell me the entire movie, until I fall asleep.

Does Carol flirt with Valkyrie or with Black Widow? I've heard both

What were the post credit scenes, if any?

How does boomer Thor make his way to the present timeline?

Who dies at the end?
What's the post-credits scene?

Does the Maw return?

[Spoiler] Black Widow perma dies by killing her self to retrieve the soul stone on Vormir. Hawkeye want to sacrifice himself but she jumps instead. [/spoiler]

[Spoiler] Tony Stark perma dies after snapping Thanos and his army to ashes [/spoiler]

For the time travel Tony creates a bigger quantum realm machine, they use pim particles to shrink small when their in there to travel through time or something, but they only have enough to go back and forward once. They split into three teams. Cap Tony Hulk and Ant Man all go back to the attack on new york to get the space stone, time stone and mind stone, Rocket and Thor go to Thor 2 Asgard to get the reality stone, and Nebular, War Machine, Hawkeye and Black widow go back to Guradians of the Galaxy 1 to get the soul stone and power stone

Are there any post credits scene?

Isn't Black Widow getting a solo movie?
or was that a meme


So Thanos dies by Tony's snap? What is the dialogue like in this scene?

widow? surprising. what about cap?

could easily be a prequel. i wouldn't mind seeing her mission to budapest.

So what happens with Captain America?

>Shouldn't the time stone be in Kamar Taj during the battle of NY?

Prequel dumbass

I heard that Carol flirts with Valkyrie and then they try out their powerful Kree and Asgardian Strap-ons on Wanda, Hope, Nebula, and Maria. This is how Carol becomes leader of the Avengers; the other females are so mind-broken they don't oppose her.

There is a portal in all 3 sanctums that lead directly to the time stone at the center retard

Im not using spoiler text anymore. Im on my phone and its too much effort.
Thor is depressed after Thanos destroys the stones, he kills him and becomes a hermit in New Asgard with Meek and Corg

Nope, shes only in the film at the start and the end. She doesnt say much. Most of her lines are in the trailer.

No end credits

Thanos from Guardians of the Galaxy 1 travels to the future because he finds out the Avengers are collecting all the stones. Once they get them all Thanos and all of his allies travel to the future.

What happens to Thor?

How do the snapped come back?

Cap survives?
Post-Credit scenes?
Does Thor call Rocket rabbit again?
How do they get the Time Stone?
What do they do with the stones after Thanos' defeat?
What happens with Captain Marvel? She's not helping any of them apparently.

What happens with Cap America?
Does Gamora, Loki or Vision comeback?

Captain America goes back in time and doesnt come back. He lives his life with Peggy Carter. As soon as he goes back he returns not through a portal but meets the avengers as an old man

>Thanos from Guardians of the Galaxy 1 travels to the future because he finds out the Avengers are collecting all the stones.

He literally has the gauntlet in the trailer.

New york sanctum leads to here fool

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Holy shit that's so bad.

Can you confirm or deny Thanos dying 3 times in the film?

Hulk scenes? Does he have a satisfying fight scene? Thanks made light work of him in infinity war.

Thanos says something like "who do you think you are" and Tony says "Im Iron Man" then snaps his fingers. Using the gauntlet kills tony

It's not true.

hey kid, I know it's your first day on Yea Forums but you don't have to throw insult randomly at people

Yea its just a trailer you retard

so how does thanos go back in time

>Thanos says something like "who do you think you are" and Tony says "Im Iron Man"

And you were doing so well...

Got this from leddit

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Stop posting moron

What about the leaked footage, where he also has it?

OP speaking.
His present version has a gauntlet. But he gets killed by Thor

Guardian 1 Thanos has a gauntlet but no stones. Once he finds out the avengers has all the stones he travel through the future. He does this because he captures present day Nebula and uses her time travel machine

Was it in Imax? If so, did you enjoy the five minute trailer for Godzilla: King of the Monsters, which, I might add, is only 39 days away

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wtf is that?

He gets his head chopped off by Thor and gets snapped by Tony. But as we know, snapping doesnt mean they're completely dead

Oh man, Thanos turning to dust as a result of this will be some sweet justice

You don't just build an infinity gauntlet..

They have literally 10+ years they can fill with backstory. For a character like Natasha it totally works, and if anything the BW solo might add to Endgame by fleshing out her arc.

why are you so upset? don't have any friends to play fortnite?

He doesnt have a single fight. You only see his past version fighting in the battle of new york. He uses the gauntlet to snap everyone back but hes injured after that

but doesn't he have a gauntlet during the final battle in the leaked footage?

Stark holding the gauntlet, likely looking at Thanos before using it on him like some of the text leaks have implied

What even is this blurry pixelated shit you fucking nignogwhosthereRUNNINNIGGERTARGEROHBOYILLTAKE50030533040million!!!??

Upload HDcam rip, and post pharah's custard mouthed tongue.

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Honest to god that happens.

Look, this is Iron Man snapping Thanos. His last words before snapping him is "Im Iron Man" trust me haha

Alright NOW we're talking

Why are you gay?

wow it's fucking nothing


>Nope, shes only in the film at the start and the end. She doesnt say much. Most of her lines are in the trailer.

Now I want to see it


Is the leak of Strange having a big scene with a cgi character true? A new character or something?

Does Clint fuck Widow?

He takes Tony's gauntlet and tries using it, but as he snaps nothing happens. He looks to the back of the gauntlet and the stones are gone. Tony has them in his armour and uses them to snap Thanos and his army


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This movie sounds stupid. Should I bother watching Endgame honestly? Infinity War was a good end to the saga imo. I hate hollywood endings.

Boomer trash yet again

wild, so does Tony die immediately after snapping or does he have some words after that?

/ourgirl/ Captain Marvel Brie Larson does the finishing blow right?

She pretty much unscratch

They don't even fight.

No. He comes back at the end with everyone else during the end battle

Well that sounds lame. Thank you though.

Where is this new Asgard?

Post the entire movie already.

Clint plays American Football with IG and passes it to Black Panther then Spidey. Quill meets past Gamora and gets hit in the balls, not believing he is the one she loves lol. Scarlet Witch overpowers Thanos but Thanos orders missiles to hit everyone including his forces. Captain Marvel shows up to destroy Thanos' flagship and gets the IG and dashes towards the goal. There is a bit where Hope and Scott goes to the van with the Quantum teleporter in the middle of battlefield. Was lost in the moment so forgot why they doing that, sorry.

All female Marvel characters fight Thanos. Spidey's armoured suit goes autokill mode with the extra arms.

Thanos tries to take the gauntlet off Marvel by headbutting her but didn't phase her.

Thanos retrieves the gauntlet away from Stark and he snaps his fingers. Nothing happened. The stones went to Stark and before he snaps his fingers, he says 'I'm Iron Man'.

White flash of light.

All of Thanos' forces turn to dust including Thanos himself.

Tony dies from using the gauntlet. Everyone mourns.

The battle is won but at a cost.

Did it really have to be 3 hours long?

No. Tony snap them to dust. Read the thread man

how do you rate the movie

wasn't there a leak of thanos holding her by her neck?

based retard

It doesnt say. It looks like a coastal town in Scotland or something

whats this the third Thanos kill? Who kills the second one?

They fight for a second at the end. Thanos beat but her but does a Superman and doesnt flinch an inch. Then he grabs her by the leg and throws her away

Reading is for incels

You believed that? Incels really are that gullible

>would of
you don't deserve to have a job in the first place, let alone one that shows you an early screening of the (arguably) biggest movie of the year

how early was it? 5 pm?

Thanos doesnt die three times. He dies once and then gets snapped to dust at the end

Thanos did literally not a single thing wrong.

It being past Thanos kind of diminishes the emotional weight.

I'm in the UK. The screening started at 12 and ended at 3

so the movie is worse than infinity war

It's the same guy they killed, dude.

Agreed. And Time Travel ruins the immersion

Yeah for real. I wish it was a Thanos that knows what he did to the Avengers in Infinity War

OP here. I didnt write this, but everything in this is true

The movie is worse than the shit I just took

odeon shef?

I'm a little underwhelmed.

>He dies once and then gets snapped to dust at the end
>first thanos die by Thor
>second one travels in time after learning the Avengers are getting the Stones
>third one is the first one after making everyone come back to life

He dies 3 times

how does cap get mjolnir? why does he fight past cap?

I-It couldn't be that bad, right? OP is just fucking with us, right, Marvelbros?

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In my screening, My mangers skipped the ads. I didnt get to see the trailer. I saw the opening of the trailer. Saying that all these new monster that "they dont have names for" are destroying the world or something

Now it's a Thanos who had every chance to win but didn't. Swings and roundabouts.

Needed more Carol.

Is it really like the last one was any better? Normies will still lap it up.

Hahaha. Close

Is there Lady Death?

Who wants to see that dude it's a lizard lmao dumb frog poster

No post credit scene? Maybe they are saving for the midnight opening

NO. Thanos from Infinity War gets killed.
Past Thanos comes to the future then gets snapped.

Why does it sound like they backtracked on everything that made Thanos interesting in Infinity War and made him another generic badguy #100199298?

the last one was really good. But I knew it would be hard to top it

This is a fanfic thread, my good user.

let's go.
hey how did tony get back to earth/who save him from the ship in the trailer?

Thor goes back to Asgard in the time travel sequence. Before he leaves he calls out for Mjolnir and it comes to him, so he go back to the future with it.
SO, when PAST Thanos comes to the future, Thor welds both hammers but drops Mjolnir. Its on the ground and Cap just picks it up. Thor then says "I knew it".

It really wasn't. The movie's pacing is just all over the place.

Give it up folks, einstein over here has something to say. What's that buddy? Wha- A grammatical error?!? WHAT?!? B... Bu... That can't be possible! Surely not! A GRAMMAR MISTAKE? IN MY SIGHT?!? What a great, absolute miracle that you and your 257 IQ Brain was here to correct it! Thank you! Have my grattitude, Actually, What's your cashapp? I'd like to give you 20$... Know what? While we're at it have the keys to my car. Actually, no, scratch that. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up and fuck my wife. Also, my Paypal username and password is: Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Go have fun. Thank you for your work.

Nope. People on her said they bring up Hela, but they dont

How the hell do they make sense of the time travel?

Fucking Captain America says "Avengers Assemble" when everyone gets snapped back. I wouldn't doubt those are Tony's last words. It's almost expected for everyone to have some shitty quipped catch phrase.

If there was one negative for Infinity War the pacing was probably it.

thanks m8


what? M8...the pacing of Infinity War is what MAKES it for me. The fact that three storylines were able to end up weaving together is great storytelling. It's especially great near the end when you're going from the battle of Wakanda and Thor forging the hammer and seeing the two events build up together.

Listening to the director/writer commentary for Infinity War gave me a bunch of more appreciation for it

damnnn guess we all had the same idea. just got back from ours. can confirm everything OP says

also Sam Wilson is Captain America now because Rogers went back in time and married Peggy and grew up to be old man Steve

>hey we made thor a godly presence finally AND a fan favorite finally
> let's make him a loser again

Fuck the russos and fiege

So is RDJ done as iron man? Was this his last movie or is his still under contract to show up in other marvel flicks?

They do. They just make him the big bad guy in this film. He had no personality. In result of the Avengers snapping everyone back he decides hes going to wipe everyone out and create a new universe. So, basically they just make him a complete monster

Are you a spic?

This doesn't make sense to me. Did he just sit back and let Hydra take over SHIELD, knowing full well what happens?

copy paste that shit

Well obviously. Handing like 30 main characters in one movie must be hell for the editors in charge.

Captain Marvel finds the ship floating in space and brings it back to earth

Iron Man, Thor and Captain America are all done
Unless they make a new contract I doubt we will see them again

I can't believe the guy who wiped out half the universe because he believed it was corrupted and needed cleansing would want to do that but more when he loses.

Was it any good? It sounds like a mess

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They might not do one for Endgame, being as its the end of an era, they might want to break tradition and not have a post-credit.

OP here. That wasnt me who wrote that. Was probably the same guy who wrote the other post to bait me haha.
You tricky devil

He merely called you an idiot. He isnt wrong. I'm sure you're used to it, get over it

How prominent is Howard the Duck?

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pym particles and quantum realm, ain't gotta explain shit

Some real uncanny valley cgi in this scene.

What is the opening scene?

It's all to do with the quantum realm and pim particals. So basically. Ant Man can help anyone time travel whenever he wants.

Youll see Thor moron. What you doubt is irrelevant

So... What was the point of the "We only win in one timeline?" Bit in Infinity War now? At any point why couldn't Strange say "Lets go back in time and kill Thanos as a baby?"

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Isn't it caused by Thanos using the time stone to restore the mind stone?

I mean, that would be a logical way to have the time vortex exist but not have Ants be able to use it whenever, as that becomes a huge plothole for future movies.

Does Thanos say the N-word?

Can you confirm apart from the vids that you really saw the movie? It's just that.. i already saw the first clip online and the second one looks like from another movie. Also if they didn't let you have a pic, how come you have those vids? I work at a theater too.

>Rogers went back in time and married Peggy and grew up to be old man Steve
his body heals 4 times faster than a normal human. why would he be an old man?

Cap and Iron Man are done, but Thor goes off with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Looks like hes going to be in Guardians 3

Its Galactus insulting the human race as he looks at a toy Earth. Its ripped straight from mua

does hitler come back when the snap is undone? what about mussolini

Sure but why aren't there any time paradoxes whatsoever?


The banter is going to be off the fucking scale.

Does Cosmo make an appearance?
Any Mephisto?
How about Living Tribunal?
Adam Warlock?

It's okay. It has its moments. They dropped the ball with Thanos though. Hes not half the character he is in Infinity War


And the plot will probably be about resurrecting Gamora as usual.

Yeah, he looks at Rhodey, T'challa, and Sam, and says "Three n*****s in one place...that's three too many...and deep down, you know it, Cap."

(Cap has a moment of doubt...and curisouly its after that he is able to raise Mjolnir).

how is there even a Guardians if they take the Power Stone before Starlord can get it?

Opening scene is from the trailer. Hawkeye is training his daughter how to shoot, his family is in the background, but then they all turn to dust.

>Cap has a moment of doubt...and curisouly its after that he is able to raise Mjolnir
jesus christ raimi

Yeah ill believe it all once I see photos or videos not you-baits

Battle of New York. Hulk meets the Ancient One at Dr Stranger's future home. Ancient One refuses to give the Time Stone to Bruce but relents when Bruce tells her that Dr Strange will give the stone to Thanos.

Cap, Iron Man and Scott tries to retrieve the Tessaract after Loki surrenders. SHIELD/Hydra agents Crossbones and that bald guy with glasses in Winter Soldier retrieve the brief case containing the Tessaract. Past Hulk funnily has to walk down lots of flights of stairs as he can't go on lift due to maximum capacity. Cap meets with Crossbones with the briefcase in elevator along with other Hydra agents. He convinces them to give him the briefcase containing the staff when he utters two words: Hail Hydra. Cap gets the briefcase. Tony in disguise as a SWAT soldier tells Scott to disable his past self's chest reactor to give him a minor seizure while his past self meets up with Alexander Pierce who demands the Mind Stone and Loki. Present Tony retrieves the briefcase but past Hulk accidentally knocks out Tony and Loki uses the confusion to teleport out with the Tessaract. Present Cap accidentally meets with his 2012 self, and 2012 self thinks he's Loki in disguise. They fought and 2012 has present self in chokehold when he tells his past self that Bucky is alive. He then taps his past self with staff to knock him out.

In Asgard, fat Thor and Rocket plans to retrieve the Aether out of Jane Foster's body. Thor's mother meets his 'son' and know he's from the future. Rocket retrieves the aether out of Jane by prodding her off screen and gets chased by guards. Before Thor leaves, he retrieves Mjolnir!

On Morag, War Machine and Nebula stays on Morag while Clint and Nat goes to Voromir via a ship that Rocket miniatures for Clint. Unknown to Nebula, her past self's nervous system and databanks are connected to each other and Thanos finds out where the stones are and how he meets his fate.

It sounds like they had no idea how to use him after they made him more than just a generic bad guy.

So Captain Marvel got an intro of Stan Lee... and Endgame gets THAT intro...

Howard the Duck?

Cap and Tony transport back to 1970 at the SHIELD training site seen in Winter Soldier and goes underground to retrieve that era's Tessaract. Tony retrieves the Tesseract while meeting his dad. He calls himself Howard Potts. Cap makes a prank call to young Hank Pym and sneaks into his office to steal 4 vials of Pym Particles. (Forgot to mention that the 3 teams has enough Pym particles to make one trip there and back). Cap also sees Margaret Carter. Cap and Tony teleport back to present.
WM and Nebula knocks out Quill during his dance in intro of GOTG. They got the stone and WM and Nebula was meant to teleport together but WM only succeeded. Present Nebula and past Nebula meets and fights and past Nebula takes her place to go back to present.

On Voromir, Clint and May meets the Red Skull as seen in Infinity War and is told how to retrieve the stone. Clint and Nat fought each other. Clint jumped off cliff but Nat catches him and held on by grappling rope. She falls off and dies like Gamora. Clint now has the Stone.

All members went back to present and everyone is devastated by Nat's death. Tony and Bruce constructs the Infinity Gauntlet and Thor wants to wield it but Hulk goes instead as he's the strongest one and the stones emit gamma radiation according to him. He wields it and snaps his fingers restoring all life lost. Clint's wife calls him on mobile. Hulk suffers extreme pain in his right arm due to IG. Past Nebula activates the Quantum teleporter and summons Thanos' warship and blasts the Avengers HQ to ruins with missiles.

Hulk lifting up rubble similar to Secret Wars cover where he lifts up a whole mountain except this is less in film lol.

Clint finds the gauntlet and is being chased by Outriders creatures in last film. He kills them and is met by past Nebula. Gamora and present Nebula meets up and Nebula kills her past self.

They say the timelines create new realities. But then they contradict themselve.
Basically, at captain america goes back in time again to give back each timeline their infinity stones, but he doesnt return though the time machine. Then you see him sitting on a bench across the way as an old man. It's confusing

Cap, Tony and Thor teams up against Thanos. Thor is losing against Thanos even though he has Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. Thanos is about to kill Thor with SB when:Cap lifts up Mjolnir and beats Thanos with hammer and shield.

Thanos uses his double blade weapon to break Cap's shield in half.

Thanos summons his whole army including the Black Order and some new creatures. Cap is all by himself against a whole army.

He hears Sam's voice and he turns around and see EVERYONE who has vanished PLUS huge armies of Wakandans, sorcerers and Asgardians (no signs of Warrior Three). Wong, Valkyrie, Wasp and Pepper Potts as Rescue turns up as well. Ant Man becomes Giant Man.

None of them show up sorry

Literally a whole series of that What If? show could be about the ramifications of this.

Lol did they actually bring back Portman?

Oh shit. This is 100% what they're going to do

If they go back and steal the timestone, the universe is doomed as there is nothing to stop Dormmamu

Do they just not give a shit about destroying the timeline?

In the film, its explained that going back in time is like going to a different reality. It's not their past. Its a split in time

>going back in time to get stones

The stones surpass that shit. There's no such thing as multiples ones aint there

OP here. This is all correct

this a copy pasta, I forgot that is my first time here on Yea Forums which has bunch of boomer. easy (you).

>Movie begins with Hawkeye’s family getting dusted.
>Captain Marvel rescues Tony and Nebula.
>They go after Thanos, but he has already destroyed the Infinity Stones so no one can undo his victory.
>Thor chops his head off, Captain Marvel leaves.
>Five years later.
>Tony and Pepper have a kid.
>Banner became Smart Hulk.
>Ant-Man gets out of the Quantum Realm and says they can time-travel to stop Thanos.
>Black Widow gets Hawkeye in Japan.
>Rocket gets Thor in Norway, where he's a fat bum who spends his days playing Fortnite with Valkyrie, Korg and Miek.
>They build a Quantum Gate, but only have enough Quantum juice for a trip there and back each.
>Cap, Stark, Hulk and Ant-Man go to the Battle of New York to get the Mind Stone, Space Stone and Time Stone.
>The Ancient One gives Hulk the Time Stone and Stark and Lang retrieve the Mind Stone.
>Cap loses the Space Stone, which is taken by Alexander Pierce and Crossbones.
>Cap ends up fighting his past self which he believes is an illusion from Loki.
>Thor and Rocket go to Asgard pre-Dark Elf invasion to get the Reality Stone.
>Thor has a heart-to-heart with his mom and picks up past Mjolnir.
>Nebula and War Machine go to Morag to pick up the Power Stone, knocking out past Star-Lord to do it.
>Hawkeye and Black Widow go to Vormir to pick up the Soul Stone. Find out it requires sacrifice. Hawkeye tries to do it, but Widow stops him and sacrifices herself to give him the Soul Stone.
>Cap and Stark go further back to the 1970’s to pick up the Tesseract and steal some Quantum juice from young Hank Pym to make it back.
>Stark runs into his father, Cap runs into Peggy Carter. She tells him she’s always waiting.

holographic Tony gives a message to everyone present including his daughter.

A wreath with Tony's chest reactor is laid to rest at the lake near Tony's hut.

Everyone is present including GOTG, Peter, Maria, Ross, Nick and Hank and Janet.

Thor, still fat designates Valkyrie as Queen of New Asgard in Tonnsberg. Thor is now travelling with GOTG to find Gamora and maybe more Asgardians. Quill and Thor are about to fight for leadership lol.

Scott, Cassie and Hope are together again. Wakanda is back with his King.

Cap goes on a mission to put back the stones and Mjolnir to their proper places. Hulk says to Sam and Buck that he should be back in 5 secs. He didn't. Sam sees a old man at a bench and it's Old Man Steve (who looks like Clint Eastwood now but less wrinkles and bit younger than he is lol). Steve has wedding ring and passes his shield to Sam. Sam is honoured.

Ending shows young Cap dancing with Peggy at their house. That's it.

Credits music is set to 1930s music then shows all cast members. The main cast is shown with their signatures on it.

There is NO post credit scenes which is a first for a MCU. NOTHING, NADA!

Stan Lee cameo is set in 1970s where he is shown in his 70s younger self driving a car with a woman, driving past a army base where Cap and Tony retrieves the Tesseract there.

>Present Nebula gets replaced by Past Nebula during the mission.
>Avengers make it back and build their own Infinity Gauntlet.
>Hulk uses it and snaps the dusted back to life.
>Past Nebula opens up the Quantum Gate, allowing Past Thanos and his army to attack the Avengers HQ.
>Massive battle ensues as Thanos attempts to steal the Stark gauntlet.
>Thanos rekts everyone, Cap is the last man standing.
>Cap wields Mjolnir and is ready to die fighting when the unsnapped heroes arrive en masse.
>Big battle. Nebula escapes and kills her past self.
>Past Gamora ditches the fight after meeting Star-Lord, who claims they’ll fall in love in the future.
>Thanos orders a mass bombing, but Captain Marvel returns and destroys his flagship.
>Stark gets the Stark gauntlet and sacrifices himself to dust Thanos and his entire army.
>A funeral is held at his lakeside house with everyone attending.
>Thor appoints Valkyrie queen of New Asgard and leaves with the Guardians of the Galaxy to search for Past Gamora and the surviving Asgardians.
>Cap gives Falcon the shield and leaves to return the Infinity Stones to their rightful places in history and preserve the timeline.
>Moments after he leaves, Old Man Cap appears and reveals that he chose to stay in the past with Peggy after returning the stones.
>Cap married Peggy in the past and they had a whole family together.
>Movie ends with Cap and Peggy slow-dancing in the past.
>No post-credits scenes, instead a montage of all actors who appeared in the MCU thus far.

Red Skull?

He said off screen.

At the end Captain America goes back and time to give back each timeline their stones.

Thats how Captain America stays in the past.

So does James D'Arcy actually show up as non-AI Jarvis?

wow reading all this and i actually feel underwhelmed. the time travel shenanigans doesnt make sense esp cap going back in time. i mean wouldnt that break everything that was built. and thor grabbing his old hammer from his old movie would make old(movie) Thor weaker and be defeated by the dark elves or was this after he defeated malekith?

She is actually in the film. She has no lines. She wakes up from bed but then Rocket comes behind her and extracts the reality stone from her body.

He said that the aether is taken off screen.

I want to see her dead

Reading things out of context (even if this is true) is not the same thing as actually watching a movie or tv show. People said the same thing about Infinity War and look how that turned out.

I can get behind that

Did you cry when cgi spider twink died and RDJ had to pretend he still gave a shit?

Will you fuck off

what? Did you not say he goes back to 2012 NY battle? How the fuck is he an old man lmao its been like 7 years only... Also isnt peggy gonna die in like 3 years from that point. He went and spent an extra 3 years next to some old bish with dementia?? God that is bad

Banner establishes early on that changing the past does not change the future (in this movie's rules)

like I'm glad to see how they fix everything but yeah, as an overall plot it's underwhelming

Can anyone confirm these?

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i came

He goes back to 2012 to get the stone, then goes back to the 70's and then back to the present. Once the battle is done he goes back in time to return all the stones, but stays with peggy in the past.

>blu-ray rip of a movie that isn't on theaters yet
yes, that's legit, user. download it and enjoy

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He goes back to the 70's and marries her in secret. Her kids seen in Civil War are actually Cap's.

sounds like she's offscreen

Did I have an actual human emotion? Sure. Didn't cry, but I knew the spoilers beforehand so I knew what was coming.

So thor is nerfed again wonderful

I already have 60 gigs of dolphin porn faggot. I don't need more.

Its real moron. Get a grip

How tge fuck is the asgardian army back?

Get glasses, moron.

Shouldn't Peggy Carter be like 50 years old in the 70s?

It's all so tiresome.

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nah the time travel is an epic way for them to revisit the MCU's most beloved films: Avengers 1, GotG, and Thor: the dark world

He's wrong, they meet in the 70's but in the end Cap goes back to the 1940's right after the war.

when were you when robert dies?

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when paul ring

'robert is kill'


>Thor chops his head off, Captain Marvel leaves
Wait, that's it? What a fucking bitch.

>This rampant amount of absolute timeline fuckery

Flash would be proud.

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Yea Forumss version of Endgame sounds better than the actual one


But if you think about it this is kind of genius. Not only does it work in the context of the story but if you want to hop off the MCU train this is the perfect place.

The Holohoax is the key to understanding the fall of the West


>People said the same thing about Infinity War and look how that turned out.
It's about the execution in the end.

>time travel nonsense confirmed

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Why the fuck do they keep making Thor run away from the damn throne?

They really decided to shit on all Thor's development so far for laughs?

He's severely weakened from using the gauntlet. He can barely fight and they just gang up on him, chop his arm off then the head.

I was talking about Brie Larson.


does ant-man daughter cassie lang become stature

It sounds like it's gonna teeter on the edge of foolishness but the Russo's know how to make a movie. If all of the other ones they've done for the MCU so far haven't proven that I don't know what will.

he's a white dude. asgard has to be led by a woman. it's their turn

how many new characters are in the movie

FYI all these "spoilers" and pasted directly from the marvelspoilers subreddit. No one here saw shit

>Movie ends with Cap and Peggy slow-dancing in the past.
So we almost got it right like two years ago

if information is true who cares where it comes from


So it's confirming the spoilers from before. Sounds awful lol

Most of the spoilers OP posted were before Reddit's ones.

As long as the subhuman fags form those lesser shitholes don't migrate here as well. Oh wait.



You can think that buddy. Multiple different people have confirmed each others claims several times.

No post-credit? So Fantastic Four ending was fake? :(

So I guess this remains the superior time travel superhero movie.

Attached: Days of Future Past.jpg (555x679, 80K)

will one of you fags post the link to the full movie already

Drink bleach and then never post again.


>Fantastic Four ending
I read one that teased Wolverine. So yeah, probably it's all crap

Yep. No hints towards any Fox properties like X-Men or Fantastic 4

What happened with hulk after his arm was fucked up?
Black Widow actually dies forever? What about Vision?

so this is a 3 hour movie, are there any parts I could take a nap? I fell asleep during ultron

Does loki alive or is he still dead by The end of the film?

We do not want these subhuman reddit faggots here

Cap goes back in time to close the loop and put every stone back along with the hammer.

Explain to me 2 things in detail faggots if you actually saw it.

1. How is prof Hulk explained?

2. What was Stan Lee's cameo in detail.

You will get no answer here because reddit has no answer

But, user you don't seem to understand, we are already at reddit.

Very cool

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For some reason Hulks are stays scared instead of instantly healing, like it would in the comics.

Black Widow actually dies forever. Vision stays dead. Dont know how their making a Vision/Scarlet Witch tv show

Prof hulk appeared after seeing the dusted heroes, banner forced him out but cant force him in now.

Stan lee's cameo was detailed above

Dead, same as Gamora and Vision.

He's still dead

>Black Widow actually dies forever. Vision stays dead.
Besides this and Stark what are other dies forever situations?

The only time fucking I see happening is Loki escaping the Avengers which would change alot. And Tony killing a past Thanos which means Infinity War doesn't happen and thus Endgame doesn't happen.

Honestly amazed they got that Deadpool thing in it but then again Ryan Reynolds was probably prepared for that shit. Shame about no Xmen though

>Nebula kills past self
so she basically erased herself?

>1. How is prof Hulk explained?
Hulk comes out right after Thor kills Thanos. Banner and him basically decide to stop "fighting for the wheel" and instead share it, becoming one.

>2. What was Stan Lee's cameo in detail.
A guy at a 1970's car show where Cap and Tony meet Peggy and Howard.

Thanos says, "No man may kill Thanos!"

Then Tony says, " I am no MAN. I am a MAN-lette!"

>Thor appoints Valkyrie queen of New Asgard

This completely butchers his ragnarok/ IW arc. Fuck the throne I want to go play with my new Guardians friends? Horrible

Wait a min, how do the GOTG even become a team if the stone is stolen?

So the forever dead list is this
>Black Widow
Missing anyone?

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>Yea Forums is too much of a brainlet to understand that travelling in the past constitutes travelling to another reality that has another set of stones
>Not simply lol kill baby thanos xdd
It's like earth-616 and earth-9999999

>A guy at a 1970's car show where Cap and Tony meet Peggy and Howard.
>in detail.

OP here. That's not true

After they kill present day Thanos 5 years pass. During that 5 years Banner says he stopped seeing Hulk as a illness and decides to merg the two together.

Stan Lee's cameo takes place when Iron Man and Cap go to 1970. He's driving past in a ford with two girls next to him in the car. Can't remeber what he says.

post the whole movie you fucking nigger, I like reporting people.

damn im shocked there will be no post credit scenes

I will break every bone in your sad body, sir.

He gets revenge and decals thanos. Spends 5 years mourning. THEN goes back in time to see his mother and becomes worthy again. Thus realizes he can do better for the world not as King.

At the end caps goes back in time to retrieve all the stones to they respective time. That's when he decides to stay in the past.

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>cntrl + f "Adam Warlock"
>phrase not found

Fuck this retarded movie

Wanda & Heimdall


Anyone who died before the snap stays dead. However, past Gamora comes to the present with Thanos and stays in the present. So Gamora who got thrown off the cliff is still dead, but past Gamora is alive in the present timeline

>damn im shocked there will be no post credit scenes
Its because Spiderman is officially the last movie and will have the post credit scene to set shit up you retard. Paul Feige literally admitting yesterday Spiderman far from home was officially the last movie.


found a link to the full movie


Wanda and vision get killed? What about the TV series?

Plebs not understanding a closed loop. The stones were ALWAYS stolen and Cap ALWAYS returned the stones

As another user said, it's a good jumping off point.
I don't give two fucks about the fucking D team that's apparently going to replace the OG cast and wouldn't be surprised if that is reflected on the business side going forward
Capeshit fatigue might finally set in at long last.



>At the end caps goes back in time to retrieve all the stones to they respective time.
Ah, now i get it. But what i don't understand is how Steve managed to go to Xandar.

So it seems this leak from last year was 90% right and the stuff it got wrong is probably stuff that got changed during production.

>Iron Man decides to build his own Infinity Gauntlet to undo everything that Thanos did. They recruit Ant-Man to help them travel through time and space using the Quantum Real to retrieve the Infinity Stones from different time periods. Thanos finds out about their plans and becomes hellbent on stopping them, so it's up to Thor to assemble an army to distract him long enough for the team to pull off their plan.

>The movie revolves around the relationship between Captain America and Iron Man.

>At one point, Captain America and Thor fight Thanos. Timeline alterations have restored Mjolnir, and Cap wields it against Thanos to allow the others to escape, and is killed holding Thanos off.

>At one point, Hawkeye must protect the unfinished Stark Gauntlet from Thanos' minions. He plays an "instrumental" role in Thanos' defeat.

>Rocket is part of Thor's army, and they are later joined by Captain Marvel.

>Hulk's subplot centers on Banner and Hulk finally merging to become Professor Hulk. He is the one that ultimately wields the Stark Gauntlet against Thanos, losing his arm in the process.

>Nebula's subplot centers on her efforts to redeem herself. At one point, she fights her murderous past self.

>Several MCU movies are revisited and retconned (probably not permanently), such as the Avengers retrieving the Power Stone creating a timeline where the Guardians of the Galaxy never came together.

>There's a pivotal scene between Doctor Strange and a fully CGI character being shot on a secret location, with a skeleton crew, and which takes up a sizeable portion of the budget.

>Only two of the original Avengers (Cap, Stark, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow) meant to survive the movie. Cap dies.

This is real, Gwyneth mentioned the lake scene

Yeah I'm not really understanding the concerns, it's basic stuff. Just because time travel is used poorly in other media doesn't mean it's automatically a bad method of handling a story.


Dead but he runs away with the teseract in the past sequence, so I guess Loki tv series might tie him going to the future to replace his future self
Vision is also dead despite BP's sister supposedly separating his mind from the stone, that went knowhere, hope this is a set up to bring back ultron.
Nat is dead, guess BW movie is going to be a prequel or maybe Cap sending her back to the present in his place as he never returns, he still had fuel for a trip home which he doesnt use.
Past Gamora seems to be the plot device for the next GoTG now with Thor on the team

>Bucky is his best friend
>been in multiple do or die situations
>3 major movie appearances, 1 dedicated to him
>more than proven that he could continue being capt
>"i'll give the shield to the black guy that flies around and barely has screen time"

>Thanos hits mainstream
>he is without his only friend/rival to banter with
Monkey paw.

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He's lying. Wanda is still alive

He has the stones lol. Mainly the space stone.He didnt need to go Xandar the power stone needed to go back to Morag!

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For the sake of diversity.

Comic books were a mistake.

MCU is going full sjw

>Vibranium left arm
>Vibranium shield in right arm
A perfect combo

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according to an user on other thread, the movie teases the big reveal of who purchased the Stark Tower but it was moved as a post credit scene. It might get turned into the Baxter Building. DESU a film with Spidey and the F4 would be a great crossover movie, I hope they finally give peyton reed the chance to make his F4 movie

Stark tower has construction on it during the spidey trailer so its possible!

That was too cute and wholesome for curren...

Of fucking course.

suck my dick i will slap the shit outta u bitch

>no X-men/Fantastic Four post credit set up

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So Captain Marvel doesn't do anything important at all? This movie could be good

disney shits trying to shill with nothing ((((((leaks))))))

I'm hype now

Battle of New York. Hulk meets the Ancient One at Dr Stranger's future home. Ancient One refuses to give the Time Stone to Bruce but relents when Bruce tells her that Dr Strange will give the stone to Thanos.

Cap, Iron Man and Scott tries to retrieve the Tessaract after Loki surrenders. SHIELD/Hydra agents Crossbones and that bald guy with glasses in Winter Soldier retrieve the brief case containing the Tessaract. Past Hulk funnily has to walk down lots of flights of stairs as he can't go on lift due to maximum capacity. Cap meets with Crossbones with the briefcase in elevator along with other Hydra agents. He convinces them to give him the briefcase containing the staff when he utters two words: Hail Hydra. Cap gets the briefcase. Tony in disguise as a SWAT soldier tells Scott to disable his past self's chest reactor to give him a minor seizure while his past self meets up with Alexander Pierce who demands the Mind Stone and Loki. Present Tony retrieves the briefcase but past Hulk accidentally knocks out Tony and Loki uses the confusion to teleport out with the Tessaract. Present Cap accidentally meets with his 2012 self, and 2012 self thinks he's Loki in disguise. They fought and 2012 has present self in chokehold when he tells his past self that Bucky is alive. He then taps his past self with staff to knock him out.

In Asgard, fat Thor and Rocket plans to retrieve the Aether out of Jane Foster's body. Thor's mother meets his 'son' and know he's from the future. Rocket retrieves the aether out of Jane by prodding her off screen and gets chased by guards. Before Thor leaves, he retrieves Mjolnir!

On Morag, War Machine and Nebula stays on Morag while Clint and Nat goes to Voromir via a ship that Rocket miniatures for Clint. Unknown to Nebula, her past self's nervous system and databanks are connected to each other and Thanos finds out where the stones are and how he meets his fate.

She was always just going to be dumb muscle. Carol is not a complex character who saves the day.

Have sex.

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Cap and Tony transport back to 1970 at the SHIELD training site seen in Winter Soldier and goes underground to retrieve that era's Tessaract. Tony retrieves the Tesseract while meeting his dad. He calls himself Howard Potts. Cap makes a prank call to young Hank Pym and sneaks into his office to steal 4 vials of Pym Particles. (Forgot to mention that the 3 teams has enough Pym particles to make one trip there and back). Cap also sees Margaret Carter. Cap and Tony teleport back to present.

WM and Nebula knocks out Quill during his dance in intro of GOTG. They got the stone and WM and Nebula was meant to teleport together but WM only succeeded. Present Nebula and past Nebula meets and fights and past Nebula takes her place to go back to present.

On Voromir, Clint and May meets the Red Skull as seen in Infinity War and is told how to retrieve the stone. Clint and Nat fought each other. Clint jumped off cliff but Nat catches him and held on by grappling rope. She falls off and dies like Gamora. Clint now has the Stone.

All members went back to present and everyone is devastated by Nat's death. Tony and Bruce constructs the Infinity Gauntlet and Thor wants to wield it but Hulk goes instead as he's the strongest one and the stones emit gamma radiation according to him. He wields it and snaps his fingers restoring all life lost. Clint's wife calls him on mobile. Hulk suffers extreme pain in his right arm due to IG. Past Nebula activates the Quantum teleporter and summons Thanos' warship and blasts the Avengers HQ to ruins with missiles.

Wanda and vision die??? Didn't they get a tv show announced?

Fuck off 3DPD waste of oxygen.

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>Captain Marvel finds the ship floating in space and brings it back to earth

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Hulk lifting up rubble similar to Secret Wars cover where he lifts up a whole mountain except this is less in film lol.

Clint finds the gauntlet and is being chased by Outriders creatures in last film. He kills them and is met by past Nebula. Gamora and present Nebula meets up and Nebula kills her past self.

Cap, Tony and Thor teams up against Thanos. Thor is losing against Thanos even though he has Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. Thanos is about to kill Thor with SB when:

Cap lifts up Mjolnir and beats Thanos with hammer and shield.

Thanos uses his double blade weapon to break Cap's shield in half.

Thanos summons his whole army including the Black Order and some new creatures. Cap is all by himself against a whole army.

He hears Sam's voice and he turns around and see EVERYONE who has vanished PLUS huge armies of Wakandans, sorcerers and Asgardians (no signs of Warrior Three). Wong, Valkyrie, Wasp and Pepper Potts as Rescue turns up as well. Ant Man becomes Giant Man.

Clint plays American Football with IG and passes it to Black Panther then Spidey. Quill meets past Gamora and gets hit in the balls, not believing he is the one she loves lol. Scarlet Witch overpowers Thanos but Thanos orders missiles to hit everyone including his forces. Captain Marvel shows up to destroy Thanos' flagship and gets the IG and dashes towards the goal. There is a bit where Hope and Scott goes to the van with the Quantum teleporter in the middle of battlefield. Was lost in the moment so forgot why they doing that, sorry.

All female Marvel characters fight Thanos. Spidey's armoured suit goes autokill mode with the extra arms.

Thanos tries to take the gauntlet off Marvel by headbutting her but didn't phase her.

Did these retards forget how the soul stone works?

Wouldn't killing past Nebula and past Thanos make a paradox? That would mean Infinity War never happens

>Thanos tries to take the gauntlet off Marvel by headbutting her but didn't phase her.

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Turn your brain off incel

The way the explain it. When they go back in time, their timeline splits. So basically they enter an alternative universe. But they contradict that by having Cap show up as a old guy in the main timeline.
With the rules they set up, Cap should of stayed missing, instead of showing back up as an old guy in the main timeline

>past gamora stays in the present
Shouldn't this fuck up the timeline?

Have sex.

>avengers theme blairs

Thanos retrieves the gauntlet away from Stark and he snaps his fingers. Nothing happened. The stones went to Stark and before he snaps his fingers, he says 'I'm Iron Man'.

White flash of light.

All of Thanos' forces turn to dust including Thanos himself.

Tony dies from using the gauntlet. Everyone mourns.

The battle is won but at a cost.

holographic Tony gives a message to everyone present including his daughter.

A wreath with Tony's chest reactor is laid to rest at the lake near Tony's hut.

Everyone is present including GOTG, Peter, Maria, Ross, Nick and Hank and Janet.

Thor, still fat designates Valkyrie as Queen of New Asgard in Tonnsberg. Thor is now travelling with GOTG to find Gamora and maybe more Asgardians. Quill and Thor are about to fight for leadership lol.

Scott, Cassie and Hope are together again. Wakanda is back with his King.

Cap goes on a mission to put back the stones and Mjolnir to their proper places. Hulk says to Sam and Buck that he should be back in 5 secs. He didn't. Sam sees a old man at a bench and it's Old Man Steve (who looks like Clint Eastwood now but less wrinkles and bit younger than he is lol). Steve has wedding ring and passes his shield to Sam. Sam is honoured.

Ending shows young Cap dancing with Peggy at their house. That's it.

Credits music is set to 1930s music then shows all cast members. The main cast is shown with their signatures on it.

There is NO post credit scenes which is a first for a MCU.

Stan Lee cameo is set in 1970s where he is shown in his 70s younger self driving a car with a woman, driving past a army base where Cap and Tony retrieves the Tesseract there.

Yes. The rules they set up make no sense. They contradict their own rules several times

But Cap kissed his niece??????wtf

>Thus realizes he can do better for the world not as King.

Lol retard, pls explain how running of on wacky hijinks in space is doing better for the world? Not to mention he already had this " epiphany" in thor 2. And realized being king was his responsibility in thor 3

>Daredevil died for this

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>Thanos splits Caps shield in half
>Cap give his shield to Sam

A link this early holy shit user thank you, shame the quality isn't super good but it will do

>All female Marvel characters fight Thanos.


>went to the past
>gets his first shield again
>become an old man
>give it back to Sam

Normies like you are going to have a hard time with this movie

>movie ends with two heterosexual people dancing

Attached: Trigglypuff-classic.gif (300x384, 1.17M)

Might as well prepare yourself for the weeks of shitposting and "bad writing" threads that'll come from this.

is it true katherine langford is tony stark daughter

Peggy Carter had a different husband. If she now marries Cap instead, that fucks that guy over. Timeline not maintained.

I wonder if Cap told Peggy that he banged her niece

B-but Infinity War was the worst movie of all time, tied with Captain Marvel.

>getting upset about Captain Falcon

That's literally what happens in the comics. Cry more and have sex

Do you think Cap was one of those creepy uncles?

>cap went back to the past
Shouldn't there be 2 caps then??

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Just turn your brain off bro lol just lol

Thanos also tries to impress and fuck death by killing everyone in the comic you retard. Did that happen?

But no one liked Falcon as Captain America, that's why Steve became cap again


Have sex incel
We sjw marvel now

ay yoo where the hell was kate bishop at

Have sex

>movie ends with two white cisgender neurotypical heterosexual people dancing

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Don't ever call me an incel again, wh*toid

No, because one of them is aging and the other one is frozen solid until some time around 2009 or something.

Yes but Old Man Cap means we can have that glorious crossover with Deadpool, Logan and old Cap.

You just said there's 2

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The one on ice always ends up going through the time loop.

Wait, so Cap knows the other Cap is frozen and never tells anyone?

He knowingly lets Hydra stay in control of SHIELD, despite being entirely able to stop it?

He doesn't stop 9/11?

Captain America confirmed for bastard

I wish this was real

>Captain Marvel is a mcguffin
Glad I don't buy movies anymore

Well all of that shit worked out okay in the end, right?

>does any of that.
>shits on the timeline.

Timeline is fucked anyway, he's not supposed to be there. Everything he does messes stuff up.