>tfw too much of a brainlet to understand Tarkovsky
Please explain his style to me
Tfw too much of a brainlet to understand Tarkovsky
Life... Uhh.... Uhhh.... Finds a way.
you dont understand Tarkovsky,
you feel Tarkovsky
Shit sandwich
His visuals are great but he's hit or miss. I fucking love Stalker but fell asleep during Solaris.
what's to understand? It's literally all emotion. All plot shit is explained in dialog. Maybe read the subtitles again.
Have sex
>You don't feel Tarkovsky, Tarkovsky feels you
with me
>needing subtitles
hit or miss
i guess you always missed, da?
you fired rerberg
i bet larisa doesn't kiss ya
you gon find another horse
and she won't miss ya
you gon carry a candle like at the end of nostalghia
What's up with all the horses in Andrei rublev?
if the ice zombie ain't like fire. Then why don't they make a fire moat around winterfell. I thought Sansa was supposed,to be smart. She should have had this idea
Wrong thread, doofus.
drawn out boring scenes meant to make you "feel"
it can't be boring if you're feeling
user that was awful
heh, I remember that
It's "muh movies have no meaning, they are about EMOSHUNS" hippie shit.
hit or bloo-bloo
eye gesh dey nebur bloob, HAH?!