So do we like Brie now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

no one does

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Yea Forums has always loved brianne

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Should have named this thread virgin general.

literally zero muscle, zero definition
watch gilf porn, and every old bitch (+60years old) has an ass like that

ffs brie


>liking anything associated with Marble.

Wrong site my boy.

Shes not even 30 look at those hands. hands never lie dis bitch is 40

>cites Antonioni as an inspiration
>has actual knowledge on kino outside of meme directors like spielberg
>can sing and play guitar
>likes talking heads
>listens to Emperor and Burzum
>has never dated a black guy (yes, the AMA was just her being nice)
>plays Katamari
>plays Mario/Zelda etc
>wants to see/act in Samus film
>doesn't come from wealth
>is an introvert
>doesn't refuse nude scenes
>doesn't shun fans (yes, even white men)
>historically loyal to her significant others and hasn't cheated
>dates only regular looking guys
>likes sailor moon & pokemon
>likes OG star wars
>can act well when given material
>acknowledges DC
>cites wonder woman as an inspiration
>social anxiety causes her to say dumb shit sometimes
>has to push a liberal agenda because the mouse
>has to act reserved and calculated because mouse

Attached: brie best.jpg (548x768, 101K)


those who do only pretend

RIP Stan what a legend

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What a tool. Lol

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Whys her head so fucking big

i agree. back when I was a sex addict I fucked mostly milfs/gilfs and they had an ass exactly like bries ass in that thong. the ass is not firm and it's really loose. feels almost like a water balloon if that makes sense.

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only when she has these legs

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looking like your basic insta thot now

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As a woman rich as she has such a body?

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Post the one with her reeeeing over the TSA guy

>same old reposted crap

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Super fake

>implying I ever fell for the propaganda
Brie is the best thing to happen to the industry user. Give it time, they'll know.

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a redditor and an iphone poster, kys fag

>24 years old here

Attached: kong.gif (500x208, 1.89M)

She looks like the middle aged woman who asked for my manager earlier today.

Hatred of her unites all races and creeds, it's literally only shills pretending.

Attached: granny.jpg (802x1132, 128K)

what did she mean by this?

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Reads Ayn Rand too.
Undeniably based.

Attached: Brie-Larson-Causes-Twitter-To-Go-Crazy-As-She-Appears-On-The-One-Show-With-Her-Boobs-Out-At-7PM.jpg (634x613, 56K)

what did she mean by this?

Attached: raped brie.png (603x572, 78K)

>Normies turn on Brie for being a frosty antisocial bitch so now Yea Forums likes her

you can just tell how self-absorbed she is by this photo. it's mirrored, meaning it looks better to her than it does to her audience, meaning she cares more about how she looks to herself than how she looks to everyone else. If you've ever wondered why people look weird when they post selfies or why your face looks weird when it isn't a selfie, its basically because no one's face is 100% symmetrical so when mirrored, the asymmetries are exaggerated. it's why every teen girl's selfies are mirrored, because that is how they are used to seeing themselves. some scientists even argue that you wouldnt be able to recognize a 1:1 clone of yourself at first glance because of this effect

Repeat after me: I am committed to the social, political, and economic liberation of black people.

contrarians gonna contrarian

Attached: gettyimages-1138774973-2048x2048.jpg (1365x2048, 1.26M)

It'll come back around, user. Give it a few weeks.
Thanos was right about balance.

Attached: Physical-Preps-Secrets-and-Thanos-Everything-That-Happened-at-the-Captain-Marvel-Press-Con-01-Brie-L (668x450, 534K)

>her hands
>her feet
is she some sort of necromancer?

Remember when she was a failed pop idol?

I hope you kill yourself

>>Normies turn on Brie
they did?


not going to lie, i lost my shit when i read this. well played user.

On my phone that thumbnail looks like a turkey with a real long neck

what you smoking?

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me on the bottom

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I enjoyed Captain Marvel, she's still a complete tosser though.

>t. armchair psychologist

>i am a powerful strong woman
you're an actress

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no. normalfags aren't following the fucking wrestlemania polcel drama about random promotional interviews for kid's movies.

Attached: brie larson huzuh.jpg (264x360, 20K)

When are we gonna see her asshole like J law?

>you can just tell how self-absorbed she is by this photo

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Footchads have taught me that the most beautiful women don't have awful feet.

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>5769 me gusta

Attached: and thats a good thing goyim.jpg (907x920, 104K)

>ywn discuss Taking Back Sunday's new album with '09 Brie over a glass of grape juice
Why even live desu.

Attached: 888126_brie_larsont-gthumb-gwdata1200-ghdata1200-gfitdatamax (1).jpg (1200x803, 201K)

Yes, we're just pretending not to. It's a fun game :-)

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This is literally the only picture I have ever seen of her that makes me want to fuck her. She just got lucky with the tan and the angle.


When they release the entirety of the leaks.
I know some basement dweller has them. Lucky son of a vagina

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>le squats give you a good ass

I'm sick of this fit meme. Show me a before and after of a woman that squats

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good i think i still use irc and ftp to get my news

So she's a soiboy?

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Lurk moar zoomer.

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I don't think that's her.

>STACKS of records by her bed
what a music slut

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>not wanting to fuck her right after she was cast and posted this picture

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Attached: negro disgust.webm (720x300, 388K)

Think again nancy boy.

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She's been looking hot recently, so I certainly like her. The shitty personality only makes it better and I'm currently building a folder of her material to eventually masturbate to. Thanks for the nice addition, OP.

She is so fucking generic. Nothing about her stands out.

Where is the mentally I’ll brie defender who admitted to having schizophrenia and only coming here to “debate” with others?

oof I would marry her and breed lots of children with her and turn her into a house wife...

>Where is the mentally I’ll brie defender who admitted to having schizophrenia and only coming here to “debate” with others?

Attached: discord tranny.jpg (900x1200, 279K)

You just know half of those are for show.
She has no shame whatsoever.

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Waste of dubs

More like captain no ass.

i'd date her

Shoo dirty phoneposter, away with your autocorrected "ill".

Lol who the fuck has sex like that

Attached: brie larson wtf.jpg (2000x2532, 958K)

>who admitted to having schizophrenia
t schizophrenic

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have sex

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My 55 year old mother looks younger than her. No you cant see her.

Certainly not you, but only because you have NO sex. haha!

Yea Forums gave me a hate boner for Brie Larson
She is now my best hate faps

Samus kino when

Attached: 51ddSAr.png (1315x1510, 1.37M)

would cum on her back desu

Technically her ass in this pic could look just like it does in the pic posted by the user that you're criticizing. We can't tell. I bet it doesn't, though. She's been dieting and exercising for Marvel bux.

Found you.

This slag was homeschooled which explains why she's an autistic bitch. She's NEVER faced adversity, been challenged and had everything handed to her. So she expects everyone to kiss her ass and when they don't she turns into a cuntish brat. Her parents also divorced when she was young which explains why she's a "feminist" (all of whom hate Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!") and fucks niggers.

Furthermore, Hollywood (((executives))) have been fucking this skank since she was a child which is why they've been relentlessly shilling her. They tried to make her a TV star, then a popstar, now they gave her an Oscar and a billion dollar grossing movie as the new lead of the biggest film franchise in history, all unearned.

Seriously, she must have MAJOR dirt on some powerful people because she's a complete and utter zero charisma non-entity!!!FACT!!!

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She's my new waifu.

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>can act well when given material

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>imagine being this much of a loser

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t. hasn't seen Room

Is there really some weirdo here that feels the need to defend an actress that doesn't even know he exists and spams every thread vaguely rekated to her with the same images of her? Why yes, yes there is.

Camembert is better

I hope you somehow get to date her and all you can taste is what Jamal, Tashande, DeMarcus, LeShawn, and Tyrone left behind.

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Ass like a 10 year old boy

700,000 Americans every year are bankrupted by the health insurance industry. Good for Ruffio. Right side of herstory.

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>>imagine being this much of a loser

Imagine shilling a kike cum dumpster because Daddy didn't love you, faggot!!!FACT!!!

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>tfw even the ass dont even

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What's this about?

Don't bully CreepyThinMan. He's wrong but he's a good sport. mental issues
The real loser hasn't found his way to the thread yet. You'll know when he tells you to dilate.

I'm in love with Brie Larson now, gents. Ever since I saw Captain Marvel (two days ago) I cant stop thinking about her. I have a big stupid crush.

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You don't like her because of Jews and Black people. I wonder what your family would think if you told them that

god this board is hilarious

>Have sex with me right now

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go to bed, grandpa rabbi

Fuuuuck. Wow.

Her powers are growing.

ugly thot

>Don't bully CreepyThinMan. He's wrong but he's a good sport. mental issues

People who slobber over Cheese NoAss and her fuck awful movie are self loathing closet faggot numale cucks who hate their fathers who regard their sons as losers!!!FACT!!!

Same thing happened to me. Saw the Wired interview and was all but repulsed by Brie who reminded me of a strict teacher I had in HS.
Then the incels here really started shitting up the board so I did my research and it turns out she's pretty nice. Even saw Captain Marvel when I was originally going to skip it.
I still think she has some form of lite autism but it makes her even better.

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>pancake tits
did she remove her implants?

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So how does one direct this scene?

Why would anyone like her?

make me

Well, I gotta a bad feeling about this
I gotta a bad feeling a out this.

Has anyone else not stopped laughing since they started watching that premiere stream jesus christ

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>You don't like her because of Jews and Black people. I wonder what your family would think if you told them that

I don't like her because a corporation made a shitty movie filled with political propaganda and hired an ugly world class fucking bitch who fucks Jews for money and niggers because she hates her Daddy!!!FACT!!!

nice thighs

She's drop dead gorgeous here.

She has the hands of a 40 year old.

Literal faggots

>the incel cant recognize a padded ass
look at every other picture or the fucking gif

briefags are getting desperate smgh

why the spray tan?

don't care what you faggots say ill berry my dick in her


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>Brie is the best waifu you could find
Your eyes are shit LMAO

She is pretty cute

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>powerful strong
>using two adjectives that are synonymous
This is what stupid people do when they're trying to sound intelligent.


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I like the way her shit do

I would eat her shit

nice stones

She just wants the D really bad. Whenever women act like cunts, it's because they want men to fuck them.

She’s pretty. I would choke her during sex:

I like Brie.
It's especially good on a cracker.

Not him, but she really is. The more you analyze her the more you come to that conclusion.
Yea Forums literally baited me into liking someone I would otherwise hold a grudge against.

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I mean I'd still hit it if i had the chance.

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We do just not with white women who are trash!!!FACT!!!

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That hand is actually turning me off even more...

Get rid of Amy and I'll agree.

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So what exactly do you like about her she has an average face, a flabby average ass, small tits, she's rude, she's a coalburner, she hates white men, she has disgusting fungus addled uncle fester feet, based on her interviews she likely has some form of autism, she has a victim complex and thinks anyone who smiles at her wants to rape her.

Which part of that is your favorite?

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some based boy former marine smoked some hippie bitch right in the dome during the battle for Berkley some years back and captain america was all like i hope i can fight that dude

I'd do it if it weren't for the fungus, but that's an absolute deal breaker. I can forget about her disgusting body and her even more disgusting personality long enough for a fuck, but I'd likely walk away with a fungal infection on my dick and who knows what the fuck else

>intersectional feminism

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Heh, nothing personal kid.

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y-you t-too

>she hates white men
Wrong. I know this is the main reason people hate her but it's not true. I'm a conservative myself so I wouldn't be saying it if I knew it wasn't true. The issue is that you have to really peek deeper into her thought process to get a better understanding.
These are just some basic sources that will redpill you on Larsonism.

Attached: wi-how-to-give-a-cat-a-pill-how-to-41648809.png (500x436, 80K)

Brie will be my waifu if I get digits.

This, but unironically.

she hates white men

Attached: big feminist movie.jpg (815x829, 95K)

You want me to watch 1.5 hours of Brie Larson videos to better understand her?

Are you smoking heaps of crack, i wouldn't watch an hour and a half of Brie Larson in a drug fueled lesbian orgy with all three Emmas.

Attached: first female.jpg (600x484, 62K)

>wrinkly forehead
>already balding

low tier genes

Forgot one.

>So what exactly do you like about her

(((Hollywood))) throws some skank to the dogs every few years and there's a smalls group of rabid losers who worship any slut that the (((media))) puts out there. Emma Watson>Salena Gomez>Arianna Grande>Daisy Ridley etc...

You could take any chick from any mall in the world, put her on every magazine cover and there would be an army of incel virgin wankers who would come running to defend her like the thirsty mongrels they are.


Attached: captain tranny.jpg (582x357, 53K)

You aren't ready to be redpilled then, but there's more than meets the eye with this one.
If she was a raging feminist SJW you'd at least think she wouldn't be quoting Ayn Rand books.

Attached: Dh37njGXkAADTV0.jpg (1200x974, 133K)

Still doesn't mean she hates white men.
99% of Hollywood are libs anyway. She just made the mistake of being more vocal about it than most.

thats good for me

reminder that fat people aren't white

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>Wrong. I know this is the main reason people hate her but it's not true.

Her parents divorced white is why she hates white men aka The Patriarchy aka Daddy and fucks niggers. She's a textbook "feminist" with all the usual emotional baggage!!!

Everything she, women like her and their white guilt numale closet faggot cuckold lapdogs do is because they hate their Fathers!!!FACT!!!

still sucks for you :/

Attached: race partners.jpg (611x759, 100K)

is she the new ornella? GIVE US MORE TIME BRIE

nbdy rd ur mems

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i just want everyone to know that shes my gf wheeeee

Attached: based.png (565x547, 58K)

would worship Tbh

>nbdy rd ur mems

No argument, not surprised. Pathetic!!!FACT!!!

yan: “Russia is trying to turn Ukraine against itself.”

Rodgers: “Yes. And that’’s sophisticated and it’s, uh...”

Ryan: “Maniacal.”

Rodgers: “Yes.”

Ryan: “And guess, guess who’s the only one taking a strong stand up against it? We are.”

Rodgers: “We’re not…we’re not…but, we’re not.”

McCarthy [referring to DNC hacking]:“I’ll guarantee you that’s what it is...The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp [opposition] research that they had on Trump.”

Ryan: “The Russians hacked the DNC...

McHenry: “ get oppo...”

Ryan: “On Trump and like delivered it who?”

McCarthy: “There’s... there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump...[laughter]...Swear to God.”

Ryan: “This is an off the record...[laughter]...No leaks...[laughter]...alright?!. This is how we know we’re a real family here.”

Scalise: “That’s how you know that we’re tight.”


Ryan: “What’s said in the family stays in the family.”

Attached: fuck men.jpg (798x958, 157K)

You do know that redpill doesn't mean "absurd ramblings of some random dude who has a boner for Brie Larson" right?

no wonder discord trannies hate trump and love capn fungus

brie is not cute

>female friendship is better than love

damn they are truly blind, who in the hell believes that?

haha gamerbros for life

>brie is not cute

You're crazy. Brie is sexy af.

Attached: wenn_captainmarvel_brielarson_1800x1200_030519-1800x1200 (1).jpg (1800x1200, 212K)

Attached: capt. marvel butt.png (392x106, 15K)

>stereotypical screeching sjw harpie.
>no evidence she hates white men.

What exactly are you trying to prove here?

Ultraliberal female college students read Ayn Rand purely because she's a notable female writer, I'm sure Brie Larson is no different.

Attached: pooed.jpg (1280x720, 344K)

Dumb cunts like Ayn Rand for some goddamn reason.

I wish marvel wasn't so bitch made and just went full lesbian for this. Its not like it would be too ahead of its time.

Liberal magic negro complex.

Yes. She is now my waifu. I like how weird and odd she is

Females fucking hate each other. Black females and white females basically act like the other one doesn't exist.

I don't like her personally but I love how triggered lowlife wh*te men gets when she BTFOs them so I support her

imagine the stank of their room

did she fix her gnarly feet?

Aw, she supports you too Latravius.

Damn. She must never train at the gym at all or has really shit genetics

Like even gym thots train their glutes to get better ass shot pics, and she’s a straight up celebrity with a high income and access to more resources/help than perhaps most people that have ever existed

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I like how this self proclaim feminist is posing specifically to make her ass look slightly bigger than normal.
Really showing us how empowered you are as a female, eh Brie? Lol

She is not special
You are not special

Goddamn i hate Brie Larson.

Attached: AmySchumer.jpg (1845x482, 137K)

Attached: support smollett.jpg (578x289, 48K)

i've seen enough, disgusting

>they couldn't even be bothered to wash the tires

Check her toes



9/10 would impregnate desu

Only faggets would turn this down.

I don't know how you can't at least find her cute.

Attached: brie larson.jpg (1000x1334, 219K)

i think you mean "like water in a grocery bag"

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the feet don't lie

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What a depressing ass.

>in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting
Wouldn't that be Leslie Jones?

Not even her co-stars like her

lol Brie thinks black people can't afford movie tickets

Larson reads Rand because she extolls that greed and selfishness are virtues which is why sociopaths, Wall Street bankers and Libertarians worship her!!!FACT!!!

I've always liked her because of Room and Short Term 12

Why everyone in Endgame promo interviews act like the hate her guts?

>Why everyone in Endgame promo interviews act like the hate her guts?

Because they do!!!FACT!!!

Friendly reminder:
The only reason the other MCU stars treat Brie so badly on set and on the junket scene is because they KNOW they've been replaced by her. They're old news and she's the new hotness.


god, yes.

what AMA?

With filters like that she could cure Flint



Attached: hjghjfghjfghj.jpg (816x1200, 153K)

You're not wrong. Similar to why there are so many satanists in entertainment.

>you ready to fuck my brains out in this alley

Attached: D40QLnuUUAAqkAC.jpg (883x1103, 161K)

If you watch how she worked out she literally only did shit to both impress other people and to impress herself. They were feel good yaas slay queen exercises like pushing a car. Pushing a car isn’t hard but it boosts confidence and looks hard. It’s not. She should drop the meme workouts and pick up a bar.

Smell fungus

That ass is tired of her shit also.

Footfags have a completely retarded fetish, of which the best can be said about it is at least it’s not something humiliating like scat.
That said, these pictures are making me into an anti-footfag; I now always check to make sure that people’s feet aren’t absolutely disgusting.

I bet if you bent her over and fucked her ass, you would see her tail stump.

>Q: What do Brie Larson's head, Brie Larson's butt, and the numbers 4, 9, and 16 all have in common?
>A: they are all square

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>even the insectoids and hues point out her gleuteus minimus


How much does the Mouse pays you? I’d love to shitpost and earn dollars too

I like how modern holywood ladies are now unfuckable shitcunts.

no, she keeps giving everyone ringworm

What's the deal with Brie and Tessa Thompson?

I'd rather avoid the rape allegations.


Are agents and PR people really shilling here now? This is pathetic

She has good milkers

Why does she have a Dumbledore hand?

I'll fucking murder that sheboon just on principle, maybe she should stop playing blackwashed characters if she's tired of whitey, go act in a nigger movie. Fuck.

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>gym thots train their glutes
They don't. Gym thots don't train in an efficient way. They have their ass and body purely as a result of luck and not being affected by their poor diet (yet).

I wish Ellen had the plane engine from Donnie Darko as another guest on the same show, wouldn't have to be a huge segment either it could just drop in

I was under the impression that she was Jewish, I googled it and found out she was French Canadian. Why the fuck is she so mentally ill then?

i find her warm and funny. i like her infantile attitude, it's cute. granted most of this is based on her pre-marvel interviews and such. she's admittedly a bit cunty/sjw-ish lately but caring so much about a woman's politics is dumb nerd shit imo. don't be a total fag or unironic nazi sperglord and they'll slide heavily towards your politics within a few months

>love Trump's hate

fake tits?

Disregard my posts i suck cocks

does she have the
>oof, right in the infinity stones
line? if so, I'm a fan.

>not even 30 yet
>has the physique of a 45 year old woman
I don't think Brie will live to the age of 50


Please come back Roon Roon, those were happier days.

I would unironically eat her ass.

Don't fight me

>that faux jewelry

This was actually a decent movie

french canadians are notoriously awful human beings

I think you meant to say that it feels like bags of sand

cute little nipples

Best looking woman who ever lived, and the nicest too.

Look into her eyes, Yea Forums.
Tell us what you see.

>taking back Sunday

Those guys are still around?


I want to believe


wtf i hate talking heads and katamari now

But is she creep?
Is she weirdo?
What the hell she's doing here?
She don't belong here

Impossible. Literally everybody hates black women, especially black women



I mean, I'd fuck her if that's what you're asking.

she seems cool with sam. but then again sam seems like he could get along with anyone

it's symbolic for her feet.

She means that riding in an Audi is like having sex.

Rand thought selfisness was a virtue. She and Hayek were both huge hypocrites on the issue of welfare.

kek no

she said a bad thing about white man so I hate her forever. ree fungus feet bitch

>listens to Emperor and Burzum
>cites Antonioni as an inspiration

LA must do something to young girls. I have an ex that was born and raised and went to some rich people’s private school there and she had that same kind of aggressive insecurity. It’s always so eerie hearing the stupid shit Brie says in interview because I could close my eyes and be totally convinced it was my ex talking. I wonder if they went to the same school actually.