ITT: White people kino

ITT: White people kino.

Gimme that movie equivalent of plain oatmeal.

Pic (kinda) related, since a movie version is on the way.

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That’s not Legally Blonde

Why is this not The Greatest Showman?


all the films of Wes Anderson

Straight White Men, starring Arnie Hammer

Literally white people crack.

Shown at thousands of places across the US daily, each showing completely sold out. The whites all clap and slober over the actors like dogs begging for a treat. It's a true spectacle.

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Everything by PTA too. Not all white people dig it, but only white people dig it.

Even Isle Of Dogs?

Especially Isle of Dogs
What an overrated piece of shit

>Literally white people crack.
So’s DEH
>Shown at thousands of places across the US daily, each showing completely sold out.
>The whites all clap and slober over the actors like dogs begging for a treat. It's a true spectacle.
Also DEH, but imagine the whites all clapping and slobbering over the musical because THEY FOUND IT RELATABLE.

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Hey I know the lead actor's boyfriend


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That's popular with a lot people of any race

Literally any musical movie produced - I can't imagine any other type of person watching Mame or Gypsy

That nigga Evan was a psycho. How could anyone relate to or find him sympathetic?

Lots of characters in art works are psychos

What is this? Songs came on in a musicals playlist and werent too bad
Isn't it just some wasp gay dude in modern times: the musical?

Anxiety riddled incel unintentionally takes his part of a high school tragedy a little too far.

What the fuck
All of the musical numbers titles made it seem like basic bitch white boy stuff like spring awakening

Long version
>Evan Hansen goes through therapy by writing letters to himself
>another teen named Connor, a total prick, takes evan’s therapy assignment
>everyone finds out Connor killed himself and think Evan was Connor’s only friend due to said assignment
And it all goes downhill from there, both in a good way and a bad way.

seems like a weak premise they way it's described, desu
I'll just listen to Hamilton again

>(((Levi Ross)))
Oy vey!