>"So, Jay, what did you think about Marvel's Uncanny X-Force: Dark Angel saga part 3?"
seriously, how long will this videos last until one of them dies of alcoholism problems? Do you think they will make an actual movie some day?
>"So, Jay, what did you think about Marvel's Uncanny X-Force: Dark Angel saga part 3?"
seriously, how long will this videos last until one of them dies of alcoholism problems? Do you think they will make an actual movie some day?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do you think they will make an actual movie some day?
but user
they already did
>"I think it was good jay, that scene with the beast getting fisted reminded me of an old star trek episode"
I know about Space Cop, but it was clearly them being idiots and making something bad just for the fuck of it. I wish they would make something that's at least watchable. Space Cop is just cringe because it tries too hard to be a "so bad it's good"
I autisitically keep watching ST and TNG over and over and over again. I wish mike would make more endless ST stuff
LITERALLY 2 weeks with nothing - no movie reviews, no rereviews, no star trek vids no best of the worst, no plinketto, nothing. yet they hid their patreon numbers. fucking jews
Mike is a jaded husk of humanity that will keep watching crappy blockbusters as a way to pass the time and provide audiovisual stimulation before he dies. Jay needs Mike as a meal ticket.
The truth is they did try. They sunk actual years into spacecop. You probably wheren't here then but there where threads complaining about the lack of content and dip in quality due to space cop. The whole reason plinket reviews stopped for so long was due entirely to space cop. To say it was them fucking around is simply not the case. They knew they could do no better given their resources and so settled.
He should start a series where he just individually reviews Voyager episodes, except instead of jay, it's just Mike and another copy of Mike edited in.
Mike looks younger there
The memory of genuine fondness for the old nerd shit will die before these guys do, hope they make good financial decisions.
Why do they keep going to watch them though?
>it was clearly them being idiots and making something bad just for the fuck of it.
sure it was jay.
>LITERALLY 2 weeks with nothing
It has felt like a long ass time since I've watched one of their videos. Now I know why.
This guy knows whats up
>He should start a series where he just individually reviews Voyager episodes
Voyager is my favorite trek show so I would unironically enjoy this.
Why does this guy talk shit to george lucas about the prequels being badly directed and not his vision of Star Wars when the prequels were everything George pretty much wanted besides the Darth jar jar thing. RLM vision of star wars is ass with practical effects, JJ, stupid magic space story. George told an epic prequel trilogy and in 3 movies showed us the entire galaxy, morality of it, its economy, how the jedi orders work, how the sith survived subtly without wacking it in our face, how even normal citizens dont trust the jedi and so on...George created a living world..and RLM can't even make a shitty movie he has spent his whole life preparing for.
Fucking Christ, why anyone ever gave two half eaten fucks about what they have to say about anything is beyond me.
Jay, beep twice for "you'd recommend it," and once for it "it broke new ground"
The new capeshit video will probably be out next week so expect nothing for this week too
>The new capeshit video will probably be out next week
But their last actual video was some shitty capeshit HITB review.
What is Jay's political affiliation?
Mine too, but /trek/ loses their shit if you’re not sucking DS9 BBC
Rich will go first. The betus.
He's in the "Whoever My Wife Tells Me Vote For" party
Why haven't they stuck up for their friend Max Landis?
ritch evants
>/trek/ loses their shit if you’re not sucking DS9 BBC
That's why I don't visit /trek/ threads as much as I used to back in 2013.
Because RLM is the pinnacle of reddit and geek/nerd "culture".
I don't get it, what's the implication here? What are you saying that hiding their patreon means?
They want more money. By hiding it more people may donate. See also the increase of patreons since they hid the amount.
People only hide their patreon donations numbers for two reasons...
>1.They make an embarrassingly small amount of money
>2.They make a ridiculous amount of money. so much money they don't want fans to say "ill keep my cash it's not like they need more donations."
Based Libertarian
Closet Party
He votes full-ticket Democrat in every election.
Rich is going to die first, he's the oldest and clearly in terrible health. So the death won't be alcohol related, merely obesity related.
Rich seems to be less depressed than Mike though.
Even if he's as happy as can be he's morbidly obese and in terrible shape. Granted the same could be said of Mike though.
What kind of shitpost is this
I think that other filmmakers in their area fucking hate them and they'll never make a good movie because they'd need more people to have a proper crew and nobody wants to work with them.
Mike is very good at being a dick and burning bridges, he even stopped talking to Rich and Jay at one point.
stop watching friend simulator
oh god, I always knew it, but it hurts to finally realize this.
I am so lonely...
the dumb kind that everyone ignores because it's not funny
>morbidly obese
Oh come on, it's not that bad.
>he even stopped talking to Rich and Jay at one point.
What for?
>entire galaxy, morality of it, its economy
Sure the worldbuilding was deeper than OT but you are exaggerating. What did lucas show you about the economy except the blockade?
Well Mike I sure did like it more than Venom 12: Venom Harder
forgot pic
There was the thing where Mike fucked Jay's crush and then fucked off to Arizona abandoning Rich
LOL look it's that video by Shannon Strucci where she posted creepy comments to Yea Forums, Reddit and YouTube herself, screencapped those comments and then used them as "evidence" to "prove" how creepy the RLM fans who aren't her are.
Funny thing is that she's probably RLM's creepiest fan herself. It's widely believed that she was the one posting "Strucci is fat" in every thread as some sort of weird ploy to get people to go look at her YouTube channel without looking like a shill.
You’re fucking delusional if you think someone would need to fake creepy comments about RLM here or on reddit.
>It’s widely believed
This is literally the first time anyone has ever suggested that.
you're fucking with me aren't you
No he's just genuinely autistic enough that he actually believes this
Until the fag dies of aids.
Hope you didn't cut yourself on that edge, bro.
Mike seems legit depressed. How can we help him?
I agree with this. Unironically
The events were chronicled by both Mike and Jay's old forum posts, and the Gilchrist emails
uncanny x-force would unironically be a great movie. its the only decent xmen storyline in the last 15 years
does anyone have them saved or have a link?
I hope forever. They are my best friends XD
I wonder what happened to Jessi
That's the truth sadly. I could see them making a legitimate movie some day but they'd have to take a really long break from Youtube so the production isnt broken up over years.
Try sucking his dick a little, both figuratively and literally?
Is it true that the real reason that PreRec ended was because Jack had started playing multiplayer games with a female fan and when his wife found out she got super pissed and made him shut the whole thing down?
Lol what? I just thought they got fucking lazy.
At best, I’d think these events are greatly exaggerated. Probably made a lot up.
Considering that there is absolutely no proof or even evidence that something like this might have happened and the fact that you just made it up, I’m going to say it’s not true.