Is it kino?

Is it kino?

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Of course

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crazy jane is the most fucking annoying character ever and the actress does not help.

the lady instead of getting huge is just an useless pile of blob.

every character must face their innes demons to dominate their powers fully - but theyre there for decades and still dont know how.

and the big mystery of the season isnt solved at the finale - wich was a shit show with nigger trannies fighting a goverment agency that deal with "freaks".

i read the comics from grant morrison and i barely remember but im sure this is like the comics being eaten and shit by an affirmative action team of writers.

a fucking straight white man would have the decency of knowing how to do a season finale. at least that.

Alan Grant dislikes anything that gets made into movies and TV shows of his and rightly so.

Nope. Had a VERY promising start though. But its quickly devolved into absolutely nothing.

Mr. Nobody and Niles are the most interesting characters but are hardly used. Mr. Nobody in fact only ever appears for 3 episodes.

Also Cyborg's character is out of order. They basically made him pouting bitch.

Brendan is great but not enough to distract from Jane and Trainor. Hes also severely under-utilised.

don't we have like five episodes to go until the finale

muh daddy fucked me

>Alan Grant

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>and the big mystery of the season isnt solved at the finale - wich was a shit show with nigger trannies fighting a goverment agency that deal with "freaks".
It's so fucking obvious you don't actually watch the show

>the big mystery of the season isnt solved at the finale -
But the season isn't over yet.

I haven’t seen it, I figure it’s likely shit, but Brendan Fraiser is the fucking man and he’s the only reason I’m remotely tempted to watch.

Is this a fusion of Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. Alan Moore has never written Doom Patrol and Morrison doesn't really have a negative opinion on adaptations.

Its 5.20am, I had to force myself to stop watching.
I like it.


>Doom Patrol thread
It's just going to be filled with posters complaining about stuff that was already in the comics. Like fighting Nazis and Danny the Street.

The next season will only be good if we get to see more of Mr. Nobody. Im not watching otherwise.

There are 5 more episodes.

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Not really. The main complaints I can gather are:
>Not enough screen time for Mr. Nobody
>Jane is just a very unlikable character
>Mr. Negative isnt much more than his homosexuality apparently
>Stupid plot or character study episodes rather than chasing after Mr. Nobody

It started off so exciting and is now progressively getting more boring after each episode.

Is he wearing a Dead Kennedys shirt?

Enjoying it more than Titans personally.

hes always wearing punk shit

When will Robotman get blacked?

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It's cringy trash.
Cyborg is retarded. The gay dude is ridiculous. The waifus are ugly.

the more important question is when he'll get spider'd

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that cg is so bad

As a fan of the comics I really couldn't ask for a better show. The fact that they actually did a beard hunter episode makes it an automatic 10/10 in my book. As other anons have stated, the biggest problem with the show is Jane, and how much you'll enjoy it depends on your tolerance for her bitchiness. That said, after the events of the underground episode I'm hoping she'll lighten up a little.
It's a streaming only show on a service that probably won't be around next year, they did as good a job as they could.

Flex soon lads

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look at this colossal faggot

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>lets make capeshit, except kids can't watch
What is the point?

not all capeshit is for kids user