you literally cannot name a season of any television show that is better than season 2 of Fargo.
You literally cannot name a season of any television show that is better than season 2 of Fargo
Season 3 of Fargo
season 1 of true detective
The aliens fucking ruined it.
Season 2 of Big Bang Theory
Season 5 of Breaking Bad
Season 6 of the Sopranos you fucking nignogwhosthereKKKmembersahshitbetterrunoutthewindowforgotmyunderwearcusimaRUNNINNIGGERTARGETONSALENOW!!!
Nah, season 3 was shit
It is honestly fucking perfect.
i love the characters but the last episode was a big disappointment. the green ear bullshit and the fact that Pizza made the killer into a final boss ultimate redneck actually brings the whole season down for me.
escape at dannemora with Paul Dano
True Detective season 1
Simpsons season 4
Sopranos season 3
Twin Peaks season 1
If you're gonna pick a Sopranos season at least pick 2, 3 had Jackie Jr and Jamal Ginsberg the hasidic homeboy drag the season down
The Young Pope.
>Jackie Jr
What's your beef with Jackie "My Fadda" Jr?
he has some of the most boring scenes of the show and his plotline is almost exactly the same as cheesefuck and his homo friend from season 2. honestly every Meadow romance scene was pretty lacklustre, and i'm not even mad about the lack of action, they're just not as interesting as some other things that could have filled time in the show
Season 1 of Fargo for a start, pleb.
I was memed into watching that crap by my cousin, it was a drudge and terrible tv show. Even Del Toro's acting was sub par for once.
season one of Trudy Teckteff
t. never watched season 2 because it's different from 1
Haven't you? So what? lel
Season 1 of Game of Thrones