DUDE, minorities save the day

A great original piece of cinema. Thanks Netflix, here's your 13.99

Attached: blacksummer.jpg (1300x650, 120K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


Attached: 346.png (926x768, 436K)

The show was so fucking bad I don’t even want it to be discussed. let it go away.

>pol boogeyman hurr

Lol imagine having this pathetic of a life.

The show was great.

Dude just let minorities have this.

They face oppression every day like not being attractive or getting shot when they rob stores or only getting a scholarship offer to a couple universities for mediocre performance... but what's worst... sometimes people say the N word on the internet...

I couldn't imagine living such an oppressed life. Can you?


Are you talking about government housing for minorities?

Yes, the negro does in face live rent free BUT it should be noted that the tax payer still has to subsidize this.

Reminder wypipo benefit from affirmative action

>accept the subversion or i will complain back at you.
Fucking idiot

Remember, it's justice when we cry for less whites in media.

It's whining when you get about our crying.

hahahaha holy shit

I never understand this image, aren't you lefties the ones that demand to be more sensitive towards certain groups?

Attached: 1552104384691.jpg (1776x1850, 294K)

Jewish people may be pale but they aren't white.

Jewish/Whites whats the difference?

>its whining when you get about our crying
do wut?

stay mad obsessed cucks
Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them. These are guys that are jealous, cause they don't carry, they don't possess, BBC. They don't possess that GOD GENE that's involved in these black men out here.

Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for KEK-HOLDS. While your girlfriends ask for KEK-HOLDS and WISH that they could get FUCKED by these African warriors with these huge BBCs that could pipe them down to the point where they could FEEL each and every last spectacle of their pussies getting VIBRATED and THRUSTED until the orgasm just SPEWS out. Keep saying NIGGER, keep saying BLACK.

Come on you KEK-HOLDS! You love it! You love this shit! I’ll be that monkey. I’ll be that monkey. Yup, with a BBC. Enjoy it. Have your woman take this dick. She’s imagining a HUGE Black Cock. Why do you think your bitches get huge dildos!?

You guys don’t possess the BBC gene. That’s why you’re upset. No BBC equals anger. You’re upset, you’re mad at these African Cocks. These Rhino Dicks. That’s why you guys like saying nigger so much. I get it.

Delight, simply delight

About equal to Blacks/Apes

mutts are insanse

Nice pasta incel. Go back to r/chappo

Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 496K)

You mean actual minorities instead of "people who feel like minorities when the playing field is levelled"?

t. tranny minority netflix shill

We have to take care of the gays, they're a very sensitive group of people.

Attached: 1547525166373.jpg (854x864, 429K)

>knowing subreddits names
you HAVE to go back

>no idea whats r/chappo
>google gave me this
Its like the meme's are coming to life

Attached: Chapo_Trap_House,_Live_(cropped).jpg (1427x790, 1.06M)

>being so ignorant he doesn't know his surroundings

Attached: 1535173850014.jpg (560x426, 64K)

>Produced by The Asylum

Attached: 1535921866603.gif (320x240, 2.64M)

>caring about reddit at all

Attached: 1521252819179.png (500x322, 42K)

Degenerate commie fatasses need to be shot

Hey Kait#0283, you weren't supposed to post this one yet, we're still editing the final version.
Check the chat hon.

>A TV show with a black guy in it is a conspiracy theory against you
this is what he meant by "obsessed" and easily triggered

>authoritative sources
These people are cultists right out 1984.
Absolutely crazy.

Jews are actually hurt by affirmative action and discriminated against by colleges because they do too well.


Asians have the same thing happen

Dont even know what that show is im talking in general


Attached: gay nazis3.jpg (411x555, 40K)

The black guy is a criminal larping as a soldier, sure there's that out of place saving scene in the first episode but even that wasn't so bad and other than that its fine.
t.far rightwinger

I don't know if you're a /pol/ sperg or a shitposter but Black Summer was alright.
>paying for Netflix
that's your fault, not mine for being such a good goy that you pay to be brainwashed and that's sub human levels of retarded.

People like you should be shot.

Attached: 1515728263697.jpg (900x900, 186K)

>playing field is levelled
Oh so you're saying you want to abolish affirmative action and welfare?

>Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards black guys cause their dicks are bigger than them
Statistically white men are slightly taller and have slightly bigger penises than blacks.

PLEASE go back to /r/chapo

>everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi

Which one of us is obsessed? I've never read a more faggy thing in my entire life. Why don't you go put on your tranny panties and go get some of that BBC you claim to love so much?

>gay nazis
How in the world is this supposed to upset /pol/?
Holy shit you people have wasted your lives being angry and stupid. When will you realize?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: Autism.png (820x4104, 1020K)


Because of all the shilling here I decided to give it a try. It's awful. Watch Kingdom, if you want a good Netflix zombie series.

I have netflix but only really use it to watch fx stuff like legion or white gold or peaky blinders

The netflix originals are all terrible

>Every TV show depicting emasculated white males is a coincidence


>I project my tiny white peepee onto everything I watch that has minorities
Things are starting to make sense.

tranny nazi, actually

Attached: gay nazis4.jpg (636x382, 47K)

I like this version more

Attached: 155565.jpg (404x713, 89K)

I thought it was a good show. OP wasnt off base because the bad military guys are all white I recall thinking, and the military in real life is was more diverse. The use of a black character saving a blonde white woman was a little obvious too, but he was menacing in a way too so I could live with it.

Reflection of reality

Attached: white race.png (1215x1000, 830K)

art imitates life

Attached: racewar4.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

Faggot, seems like you are obsessed with penises and pee pees.

>he doesn't know the difference between a transexual and crossdresser


Attached: 1554173335671.webm (480x480, 2.99M)

>Being a street thug is more reputable than being a person who has money

Nigger logic, everybody.

That's all they know. You wonder why he saved all those gay Nazi?

>getting so mad to post some sort of "retaliation" webm

Who's mad?


That's a good point. The left is constantly calling everyone gay, but nobody was talking about faggot shit before they got here. Kinda makes you wonder.
I know it's an old meme, but they're constantly doing what they accuse you of doing. It's pure evil and entirely dishonest and manipulative.
Let me guess, Hurr Durr incel is the response I get to this post. Leftists are incapable of something besides an ad hominem attack. It's beneath contempt and I'm really getting tired of their bullshit.

>black guy is a criminal that literally kills the soldier and steals his clothes

>still fucking whining

Attached: like.png (950x534, 100K)

Have sex

Weren't you the one who posted the video first, guy?

>I don't understand irony, the post

>damage control, the post

This Television program featuring a non-white protagonist is LITERALLY genocide.

This is why the white race is dying and I'm 31 and still a virgin

Congrats on the argument. Oh wait, you didn't make one.

The message was incredibly simplistic and super heavy-handed, but the episode was pretty fine. Some good thrills, action scenes were pretty well done, performances were good.

Did you make any?

>Says something gay
> Fuck off, faggot"
>I was only being ironic!

I really want to see what you look like irl. You people who love shit pieces of work fascinate me.


That's a deflection, pal.




Alright people I'll be fair, I'll post a White guy getting btfo'd.
Commies don't cry okay, I'm here for you.

Attached: 1543706841716.webm (400x266, 2.13M)

I thought I’d watch it just to kill some time, expecting it to be pretty bad.
It was so laughably bad I had to shit it off after half an hour.
Really shattered my expectations for how bad it was.

what i wouldn't give to have been there with an automatic assault rifle and several high capacity mags

I have like 10 more webm's of blacks btfoing whites but don't feel like waiting for a minute each time to post a new one

here's one more

Attached: racewar1.webm (720x1230, 1.99M)

>See trailer
>Somehow the mom ends up without her daughter and her husband
>A lot of scenes hugging that black soldier
PLEASE, tell me there's a sex scene between these two

Attached: 1496073149731.png (334x458, 204K)

I didn't like it. They're all so dumb except for maybe the asian chick. Terrible writing.

Okay okay we get it you lose your fornite match.

sorry but i dont browse reddit like (you)

That's another deflection, fag.

Lol I didn’t read any of that

Oh please do post them, its not like you have anything better to do.

This desu. My time was saved.




A black man's high strength and low intelligence makes him an excellent slave. I'm not offended at all by this.


literally quoting south park
can you imagine?

holy shit he got demolished

>he knew the reference
Can you imagine?



This one is p funny

now I'm done

Attached: racewar.webm (480x270, 1.31M)

you are such an unbelievable faggot

Yeah he did, here's the complete opposite.

Attached: 1551040609305.webm (360x360, 1.02M)

big fucking hmm

lmao so triggered he has to repost webm already posted

This one is also funny
Nigger harassing some drunktard and getting knocked out

Attached: 1547843357973.webm (326x180, 772K)

the left doesnt meme based on truth, the left memes based on repeated exposure to a cancer until you develop stockholm syndrome to it

My bad, here's the reason why grappling is a good form of self defense.

Attached: 1547843612942.webm (468x352, 2.19M)

25% of ivy league students are Jewish.

Did he died?

I'm not as left-wing as I let on in a lot of these threads I just find pissing off /pol/tards funny. I voted for trump.

So yeah this vid is p funny too. I like rekt'd vids in general

>now I'm done
you're here everyday jidf, you never use different images or filenames - you aren't even trying

yer because of higher IQs. Their acceptance rates are down though as colleges favor blacks/hispanics instead

how do you know he's here every day unless you're here every day?

doing divine work user

Attached: 1529929108708.jpg (262x263, 8K)

>yer because of higher IQs

Attached: jewish iq being the reason for overrepresentation debunk.png (1190x604, 433K)

based actually. the hero this board needs but doesnt deserve.

I'm not from /pol/ too but there's one user constantly dumping his shitty images here and /his/, its pathetic. I wonder what he does with all his free time.

Attached: debunking high jewish IQ.jpg (902x2268, 1.62M)

This admits Jewish IQ is higher, but doesn't mention cultural issues. Jewish culture emphasizes education/success. They have less things that cause kids to not succeed as well (divorce, wedlock births, drug use, obesity, etc).

Same blacks don't do well even if they're rich.

>free time
unlike the lovely janitors of this site he is paid

t. cant handle the bants

is that way sir

sorry m8, hard statistics disagree with your little mental gymnastics

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf
I know race realism is inconvenient sometimes. Blacks feel the same way when it comes to whites I'm sure. Maybe you'll have some empathy with blacks now.

>This admits Jewish IQ is higher
it doesn't, it is using the highest (false) estimate

>rule world secretly
>constantly orchestrate these crazy plans that nobody but /pol/ notices
>not smartest race

off topic responses and threads have gone down thanks to this guy. he deserves a fuckin medal

Jews are also tribalistic and nepotistic, admit it. They work like a big, cohesive, exclusive club.

so the accurate estimate then. Literally what racial realists like Watson, Jared Taylor, and Richard Lynn have concluded.

same small sample size, schlomo. you had this all in a txt file to defend jews, that's pretty gey dude

>Wants whites to work together
>gets mad when others do it

>because of higher IQs
Nepotism, Herschel. It's nepotism.


Literally a study with 3.2 million people tested. Average IQ = 113

lmao cope brainlet

>off topic response and threads is good on /his/
People like are fucking up that board

What bants? Here's a bant for you.

Attached: 1499021048491.png (800x545, 580K)

>overestimate iq
>crazy plan
??? do you think this is unusual - chinks do it all the time

this is what blacks say about whites too. I can post plenty of sources that say they are too.

I'll admit Jews are nepotistic if you admit whites are nepotistic.

sounds familiar

Attached: literally2.png (1280x956, 207K)

115 is not accurate

Stop projecting.

The idea of nepotism is a liberal idea. Why do you think Democrats dislike certain political dynasty from the right?

where does it mention sample size being 3.2 mil?

t. bantlet

>getting confused by the chimney

this is the crematorium 1 in the so-called main camp; during the war the crematorium (including the morgue that served as a gas chamber) was converted into an air-raid shelter; after the war it was restored by the authorities to represent the original state, including the chimney. The attempt was partially symbolic and partially botched. That said, the chimney always looked "detached" because it was connected to the crematorium by underground flues.


Any other questions user?

Crazy as in complexity. I mean look at shit /pol/ says Jews did

>Free Masonry
>Most ism's in general
>Black Plague
>All missing children
>Flat Earth
>World Financial Crash
>Iraq War/Afghanistan/basically every war ever
>Gay people
>JFK assassination
>all media
>all governing affairs in the world’s most powerful and successful countries
>you personally not having a girlfriend

They CAN'T do this shit and have nobody but a few fat incels notice and not be the smartest

Yes it is

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


>he can't handle the bants
Also here are your ancestors mate

Attached: 1486015945633.jpg (1512x1200, 570K)

Chimney was attached via underground tubing. P common for large-scale crematoriums.

Blueprints of the facility show this clearly

Attached: Doc_8[1].gif (640x284, 135K)

>nobody but a few fat incels notice
yeah no one else

Attached: expulsion List 359 Times.jpg (928x8800, 1.78M)

Are those nazi tranny sex toys? I know they were into some fabulous stuff

Attached: gay nazis5.jpg (780x585, 75K)

Reminds me of this

Attached: white expulsions.jpg (1357x617, 190K)

>h-here's the evidence
>believe us goy

Attached: 1499383809612.png (590x387, 228K)

you just posted the same shit without backing up your 3 mil sample size

That never happened, JIDF. Are fake tales made up so dumb goys sympathize with Jews

Nice try.

nice rebuttal of his evidence man

when were whites expelled from russia?

>still mad about the nazi tranny pics

Don't sue me Schlomo

Attached: 1493913475522.png (500x416, 102K)

>he thinks everyone who questions his propaganda is jewish

proofs the blueprints are fake?

I mean usually it's the deniers who sue. David Irving's famous trial for instance was not for denying the holocaust, but because he sued a lady that said he denied the holocaust

Thin skin desu


I'm not a denier, I never was. So please don't assume.

>he can't handle the bants
Let me guess, no one talks to you irl?

these are times specific ethnicities were removed usually due to war - jews were kicked out for the same reasons every time (usury, coin clipping, blood libel, not integrating, political subversion)


This led to an expulsion of over 180,000 european nationals from Russian cities that had been living there for several centuries.

In addition, in the 1940s Baltic Germans (whites) were expelled from the Baltics and relocated to Siberia/Kazakhstan

In the Great Northern War, large numbers of Swedes were expelled from Livonia by Russia.

In the Napoleonic Wars, Swedes and Norwegians were expelled from Finland by Russian officials.

>DUDE, white people save the day
A great piece of cinema.

Attached: Ok Retard.png (500x479, 309K)

they usually are

is it your pretend-period again? why so much angst?

Attached: gay nazis6.jpg (850x567, 63K)

yeah, that's what i thought

>it's different when it happens to us because blah blah blah
seems the same to me man.

Attached: white expulsions1.jpg (1744x1544, 762K)

Attached: 1498122189802.jpg (490x333, 66K)

Oh so it doesn't count because "it was a war"? Half the "expulsions" on the Jewish lists were the result of wars too (particularly the Roman/Ancient-era ones)

Edit your list accordingly.

Attached: 1492890789106.png (429x410, 181K)

lmao seething whiteoid parasite

Attached: we wuz.jpg (705x773, 119K)

It's almost as if people prefer to be around their own race

boring and stale

tranny nazi's are the future

Attached: gay nazis9.jpg (1781x1336, 182K)

Because people like you shit up threads on /his/
>thread about nazi germany that has nothing to do with the holocaust
>the same JIDF constantly spam the same images over and over again

>it's different when it happens to us because blah blah blah
not an argument

nazis looks like THAT?!?!?!

I bet a jewish guy could make up a ton of excuses for why his expulsions "didn't count" either....

No proof for the other user? Im disappointed desu

>he admits to being a lonely person

there is a very big difference between 'once some Spaniards were kicked out of a country' to 'all jews kicked out - not some - all'

do you have a problem with verified historical events?

Attached: gaydolf3.png (630x521, 58K)

>muh dick

I didn't say that. Jews and whites have been expelled lots of times. So have certain black and asian groups. They're usually all for similar reasons

You're the one chimping out at the massive level of white expulsions throughout history

keep avoiding it then

All whites were kicked out of Moorish Spain in medieval times. Not just due to fighting after. Afterwards, thousands of white civilians were forcibly expelled by muslim authorities due to their subversive and disloyal nature.

Same with Algeria in the 1950s. All 300,000 French living in Algeria were expelled, again due to their subversive nature (see the Algerian Putsch).

>chimping out
>types blah blah blah to discredit an argument


Attached: pol poster faps.jpg (1199x1491, 226K)

>check actor list
>see people I do not want to see
>don't watch movie or show
Simple as.

you seem p chimpish ITT. Literally just using nigger talking points about whites and replacing white with jews.

Rly makes me think...

Attached: chimps3.png (892x1006, 126K)

There's lots of books about Adolf Hitler that aren't based on any historical accuracy. An example is The Pink Swastika that has been debunked like all holocaust denier but yet you keep shilling it as a source of evidence. Also read your own image,
>so says a sensational new biography
You don't think fabrications are made just so that author can make a feel bucks from his book? We both know you're better than that.

>All whites were kicked out of Moorish Spain in medieval times
I think being kicked out of your own country by foreign invaders is different than being kicked out by your host nation

People prefer to be around their own race. Usually they simply tolerate other races until they have a reason not to. That's why subversive populations are rounded up during times of war or economic turmoil; because people are naturally aligned with their own racial group. Every race does it, and it's perfectly natural and OK.



Attached: gay nazi.jpg (2048x1476, 743K)


Attached: 1555900224504.png (579x454, 64K)

but you're a shill, look at your filenames dood

>It's different because there was a war
that original pic listed roman expulsions, which were due to wars. Yet those count?

Attached: Content-Migration-and-Ever-Moving-Goalposts2.jpg (640x426, 133K)

coin clipping, usury and blood libel is not ok

You're literally using the same tactics you used on /his/
Do we know the context of that image? Or are you one of those useful idiots who believe anything he sees online. I got a feeling you're a neo-nazi larping as the opposite.

Wasn't wars all the time. Ottomans expelled Greeks in 1780 from Cyprus due to their subversive activities against Turkish Cypriots for instance. Was no war.

Seems p similar to me!

Didn't say it was. I said people preferring to be around their own race is natural and okay.

>Yet those count
not if they were in the jews homeland, but most of them weren't - fell free to remove that 1 or 2 from the list of over 300

not at the same rate - this is all about proportionality not total. there are more whites than jews so of course they could be more cases for whites (there aren't though). the strange thing is that this is happening to such a small group of people

Attached: 1547278744168.jpg (1000x1000, 245K)

are you still mad that /his/ doesnt see hitler as alexander, ceasar and napoleon's equals?

It was not the gaydolf poster btw. It was me just trying to pull your leg and LO AND BEHOLD YOU WENT ALL THE WAY HERE TO /TV because you got so triggered.

Attached: 1531078218487.png (500x513, 119K)

I can't argue with that

I remember that thread.

Attached: 69.jpg (550x408, 33K)

This is why I get so triggered at the "muh racism is bad" meme. Everybody except white cucks act in their own racial interest. Literally everybody. White people need to wake the fuck up.

>It's not the same because blah blah, excuse #2!!!
just give it up man. You're goalposting hard.

>he thinks its about hero worship
I said /his/, not /pol/.
We both know you don't browse that board, don't pretend like you know shit when you don't.
Yikes, is this what you thought?
>people don't browse multiple boards
I mean it looks like you have autism, seek help.

everywhere whites have gone they have been expelled at one point. Seems the same to me.

US and Canada?

No China and Korea

didnt they genocided the natives there?

im sorry for getting on your nerves my guy. at least you got a lot of (you)s. ill get of your ass now

Attached: (You) Harvestor.jpg (1235x1077, 516K)


>this thread
Why are incels so obsessed with blacks and Jews and shit? Is it really their fault your life turned out the way it did?

>Is it really their fault your life turned out the way it did?
it's just a coping mechanism. like i'm also a failure but at least i don't try to blame others for it

Attached: 1555288568407.gif (245x245, 968K)

stopped reading after this. This isn't twitter you fucking faggot where you have to all caps for extra sas points

I wasn't talking about that thread specifically, I wasn't even in that thread but whatever helps you sleep at night.

They can't. It's literally written into their genetic code.

Attached: npc_gray_lives.jpg (640x640, 35K)

Whites have been expelled from China many times. Multiple Emperors had decrees expelling europeans from cities they were previously tolerated in. Dozens of different instances probably.

Most recent would have been 1953 when Mao expelled Europeans from Shanghai for the final time.

Korea issued bans on Europeans during the Joseon era. Had Europeans in Pusan and Incheon but were expelled in the 1500s after they tried to convert locals.

Ask them.

Attached: jewish.jpg (974x928, 281K)

seems to me that jews are just higher IQ, more successful whites

t. asian here so don't get worked up over this like you guys

>t. asian here

Attached: 1538009810268.webm (1280x720, 2M)

fascinating how nearly every surname to have come out of that college admittance scandal has been Jewish hmmm?

Not really. Jews dominate academia without things like affirmative actions. Diversity quotas are actually hurting their representation has when you accept people based on skin color IQ matters less


Felt bad about the girl who got hit by the car at the beginning.

Shame this thread isn't interested in talking about the show.

>More than the 50% of the crime

well thats not minor at all...

Imagine having to pretend to like trash entertainment all day just because you think it triggers white people.

Attached: lol11.gif (349x199, 487K)

You can start by talking about the show first. And no the girl was ugly so its okay.

that's not relevant to what I said
nice "not really" you little hebrew worm

>"I'm not actually a cuck haha so that vid doesn't offend me haha I'm an edge lord too!"
Youre trying too hard now nignog

Attached: 1554184577490.jpg (324x278, 27K)

Most privledged minorities are celebrities or some person of a minority background with a starter advantage (dad was a doctor, mom is ceo, etc). They were going to be privledged regardless of if their white or not

If you’re Asian or Indian, you’re pretty much treated as white in academia/legally if the law is concerned

The only truly privledged people out there that can be safely generalized are probably women. They fucked all men and each other up hard emotionally, physically and most especially financially/legally regardless of race; with people always making one million and one excuses for them due to being spineless

i liked that people actually miss their shots instead of twd where everyone has perfect aim with any kind of weapon.

it was shit overall though

>husband of however many years
>man who fathered your child
>helped protect and guide you through the zombie apocalypse
>get separated from your daughter because said husband was bitten or wounded at some point and he was forced to stay behind even though it was against his wishes
>immediately express regret at your decision right to your dying husbands face
>husband then turns into a mindless zombie, tries to kill you, then has his brains blown out in front of you
>first reaction is to passionately hug the BBC who murdered your husband

Attached: 1527823691786.jpg (702x702, 154K)

What movie?

>when the playing field is levelled

That's libspeak fpr "when unwarranted gibs and preferential treatment is given".

They provably do not.


>Are you talking about government housing for minorities?

Fucking lel. This.


Let me guess: By having a "more diverse workforce/set of coworkers"?

Wow, thanks, Schlomo. What a tremendous service.

lol "french people were killed by brits, it's the same as jews being exiled" wtf is this logic

also latin america is literally a spaniard rape baby

I more white than your entire country budd
t. russian

nice try faggot

Attached: Samefagging ........................Play Salieri.gif (500x206, 584K)

I hate niggers but that guy is a faggot. Slamming someone's head on pavement and hitting them while they are knocked out? And the pulling his leg thing? Dude, fight like a man.

If Salieri is so famous people would have recognize his voice.

Its literally the show that the OP is talking about user, just how unaware are you.

>you lefties
Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, nigger?

yeah no shit, you can do basic math user.
That doesn't mean that Jewish people aren't smarter and more motivated (that's a big one) than white people.
Think of all the pathetic white failsons on here with high IQs. That was pretty much /pol/'s identity for a long time, matter of fact: smart young white guys who thought they were being cheated by unfair systems rigged against them.
Now the real reason most of them failed was because they were lazy pieces of shit who did nothing with their smarts, but the point still stands.
Jews though, because of cultural pressure, feel the need to succeed. Same for Asians. If you're smart, you will work hard and make your family proud. Make a lot of money. Get a nice job. Be powerful. Enrich your community. Allow future generations to do even better. And if you're not smart, all that means is that you work even fucking harder because the same expectations are still there, but it'll be harder to achieve them.

I never got poltard logic on this desu. You'd think they'd find Jews and Asians to be role models to emulate, with their strong cultural pride, great work ethic, high intelligence, and drive to control things. That's what /pol/ wants white people to be! Yet they mostly tear down the Jews and Asians for doing the exact same thing they want to do
>Jews shouldn't be allowed to want to preserve their culture, fucking kikes should be exterminated! No ethnostate for the Jews, death to Israel!
>We need a separate ethnostate for white people to preserve our culture tho!

Like jesus christ, at least be ideologically consistent. If you like ethnic groups that are smart, controlling, and view life and culture as a competition to be won, then don't get butthurt just because you find yourself to be losing the culture wars to ethnic groups smarter and better than you. Just take the L with grace and either adopt their successful traits or accept that you're inferior.

Not that guy, but if I spoke about how often women cheated and had a disproportionately high privledge in western countries due to having an easier time in courts / make rape accusations that are mostly false, what would you say to that?

seething low IQ brainlet

>I'm just bantering
>except actually unironically fuck the kikes, here's a bunch of infographics from /pol/.
>but if you call those out as obviously fake then please, PLEASE remember that I'm just joking, those aren't serious
>so stop fucking making fun of them, OK?!

French and british are both whites so it doesn't make sense.

Latinos are not white tho, fuck off pablo. So them kicking out 500,000 Spanish officials and settlers who had to flee back to spain in the 19th century counts as an expulsion, yer

sure thing vlad just ask hitler about that

Weird, that's literally the argument they used to defend Sarah Jeong.


why are poltards like this?

tbf, the natives tried really hard to kick the whites back out, they just didn't actually succeed.
Does it still count as not being wanted somewhere if you're so ruinous to civilization that you completely annihilate the culture that already exists somewhere and take it as your own? On the one hand, they were not actually forcibly removed in that case, but on the other hand, it pretty well demonstrates what happens when they're not forcefully removed: the host culture is consumed.

They are racist
Some people also don’t like being forced with watching “protected classes” being accessorized on tv by condescending liberal racists

So I guess both of you are racist but can’t agree with who is inferior

I think we can all agree that liberals are inferior.

poltards are always inferior to us regular people who don't see race.

goodnight user. leave the gaydolf poster alone

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That isn't me either.

>hatred at the inability to control
>fearful arrogance backed by shame by the crowd that controls him


Did someone hurt you?

>don't see race
>give preferential treatment to people based on race

Attached: liberals3.jpg (600x443, 96K)

because they are pic related IRL

Attached: polfights2.webm (360x654, 943K)

that one actually wasn't me.


Everyone participating unironically in this thread is a fucking retard with way too much time on their hands


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did you saved this from facebook?

I'd say you're working off of MRA stats, only some of which are accurate. Women are more privileged in some areas and less privileged in others. Making blanket statements about how women have "disproportionately high privilege in western countries" just makes you sound like a brainlet.

Regardless of that, I'd also say that, assuming all of what you said to be true... good for them! They know the system and are working it to their advantage. How is that not admirable? Do you think people should not use whatever talents and advantages they are born with to make their life as good as possible?

I would have no problem with men trying to achieve equality. I also have no problem with the current state of affairs. I also have no problem with women trying to achieve equality in the areas where they're currently disadvantaged.

Going back to the Jewish issue, it seems clear to me that Jewish people, assuming /pol/ to be correct about their influence, understand the game and how to play it, and are quite simply playing it better on a global scale than whites. To some extent that's genetic, to some extent that's cultural. However, they shouldn't be faulted for doing their best to use the advantages they have to get ahead. You would 100% do the same if you were more intelligent and had more drive. I also have no problem with white people trying to catch up to the jews and be more equal with them.

What I do take issue with is whiny lazy bitches who with one hand raise up the ideals of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps while they stretch out the other asking for handouts because life is so unfair to them and the jews are cheating.

There is no cheating in the game of life, you're just not playing to win and then complaining about other people actually trying.

Why the black Japanese guy is so heroic? Isn't he supposed to be a cheap thug?

>triggering both sides

I think you might just be saying this to spite the perceived “/pol/“ menace you see

>how is that not admirable
By also understanding that men are people too and the cost of “admiring” women comes with throwing them out the window with ruined lives


Facebook is for leftist monkeys.

I'm upper middle class, 33, two kids, white collar.

I have an idea of what you're life probably is like and a part of me feels bad for you, sweetie.

This is a fucking lie.

"Jewish Heritage" is one of the racial sub-categories that heavily benefits from Affirmative Action.


why are diversitytards like this?

thats very depressing desu

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Why dont poltards just make their own TV shows instead of being hysterical 24/7?

Why are all left leaning people who believe in equality the most arrogant and loud mouthed?
You type entire paragraphs of basically nothing in order to virtue signal.

It's sad that you aren't self aware enough to understand the irony of that statement.

I actually watched this. The beginning was interesting and then the retardation started. The last episode was absolutely fucking retarded. Why were they all firing at one target? Why did they start with crossfire? Why did it end up so retarded? Why did they ruin it? It was actually kind of interesting and then it went full retard. I'm kind of upset I wasted time watching it.

It wasn't even The Mist fucked good.

have sex

Why are you obsessed with politics, sex and /pol/
Don’t you know that not everyone that disagrees with you cares/is affiliated with those things? Shame is only something that seems to affect the weak and the highly political left leaning people.

no, that's my genuine view as a conservative. Conservative ideology is all about the idea of self-reliance and of struggling for limited resources to be superior. I like that and I agree with it.

And within that framework, clearly someone using their skills and advantages to the best effect is not just tolerable but fantastic. That's the ideal to strive towards. If you can get a tax break through a loophole, do it. If you can avoid government oversight through deregulation, do it. And yes, if you can get ahead in the courts by playing up your femininity, do it! If you can get a higher paying job from a family connection, do it. If you can get into a better school because you worked your ass off for it and are just plain smarter than the other applicants, then you deserve that spot and shouldn't feel bad because some poor kid didn't get in.

The idea that you can be an ideologically consistent conservative and at the same time hate people for using their inherent advantages to get ahead is mind-boggling to me, and seems to come more from low-minded jealousy than any true high-minded political or social ideal.
amazing how I stopped being a lifelong conservative to become a staunch liberal so fast. And all because you said so!
I guess anyone who disagrees with you is a liberal, huh?

You got bullied as a kid?

fuck I WISH I had some Xanax

>if you can, you should
Mate, you’re fucked

i mean all of them come out of california.


The only thing you’ve done life-long is practice making noise and typing like a geriatric 70 year old

I enjoyed this show. Not sure why people are getting so upset about it.


I don’t understand. I’m talking about how immoral false rape accusations are.

It’s ok to fuck up a guys life because you can?

I’m thinking if it were the other way around you’d probably not agree. I really wish people weren’t this whipped and actually cared about doing what’s right.

not a rebuttal.

yeah I was but Im guilty of bullying others as well. I was a shitty kid

You have to be self absorbed to be preachy like this in the first place

It’s like those dumb bitches who say hostile countries are just a figment of a racist institution; and then actually experience rape-culture for the first time in their lives. Often times fatally

Just ignore them. Literally too stupid and high off the cool aid to even care about anything other than themselves

Diversity is okay. Racism is not.

It's okay user, we learn from past mistakes.

I wish I was obsessed, because that would mean I'm blowing things out of proportion. But no, I can't blink without seeing race shit pushed on me.

How so? Is that not how our society has always functioned? I think you're deluding yourself if you don't think that's how things already are.

The weak should fear the strong, and that's not wrong.
yes, the "people" in that context was the jews. You're so clever user, your grasp of context and basic reading comprehension is incredible.
If I were you, I might have spent a little more time and put a little more thought into my sick burn. You've got awhile, consider something a bit smarter.
>I don’t understand. I’m talking about how immoral false rape accusations are.
No I understand. As I said, if you find that issue to be truly abhorrent, fight for it. I'll support you. If you're strong enough to succeed, that's great. But if you don't, that's fine too, because clearly if you fail that means you do not deserve to have that issue resolved.
>It’s ok to fuck up a guys life because you can?
Yes, welcome to society, enjoy your stay. Don't worry, it's only been like this for 10,000 years.

Or wait, did you think that there was a point in history where those in power couldn't just do what they liked to those not?

Couldn't make it through first episode. The acting is so bad. Like they hired people off the streets of LA

>takes his shoe off

>the weak should fear the strong
Ok, Yea Forums user

Attached: CA12F6EB-7A6E-495E-97D0-4FF4FA6BBAB5.png (645x773, 11K)

Post your pr

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You’re whole logic is flawed.

The main reason pussy whipped institutions are allowing women to go off is due to corporations profiting off of women being emotional spenders.

Nobody here is strong; these were institutions created a long time ago that nobody can really fight, since they now control a lot of the speech on major media platforms

Modern society does not allow “the strong” to thrive. It allows opportunists and evil people to make due.

Your idea is most likely an ideal you picked up reading a history book or watching a cartoon or some other childishly naive thing you did recently

>posting himself squatting with a belt
Yeah, real strong my dude lmao

You don't rebut word vomit Moshe.

Holy shit that's some hardcore butthurt

>how so?
Becuase like edgy teens (you), rules and common decency has always been a thing
Please stop making yourself look retarded

>mean while in reality
the white woman saved the minotiries multiple times as she was the only one that seemed to have any drive to accomplish anything.

what do you mean by "the strong?" I think that's operative to figuring out what you're thinking
Though to break down some of your points:
>The main reason pussy whipped institutions are allowing women to go off is due to corporations profiting off of women being emotional spenders.
So women have something that those in power want, which men do not have, and women use that to their advantage? Sounds fine to me.
>Nobody here is strong; these were institutions created a long time ago that nobody can really fight, since they now control a lot of the speech on major media platforms
surely those running the institutions are strong. Surely the "they" in there are strong. You even mention they control major media platforms! How is that not a show of dominance?
>Your idea is most likely an ideal you picked up reading a history book or watching a cartoon or some other childishly naive thing you did recently
people can disagree with you and still have a good reason for the formation of their opinion. In my case, it's based on my own experiences.

Where did you get your views from, if I may ask?
I am in my 20's friend. Rules and common decency are lies we tell ourselves to maintain the status quo. Which is actually fine, I do not object to them nor am I a completely amoral hedonist, but the idea that you should obey the rules simply because they are there is a pretty brainlet take tbqh.
You should have a stronger justification for your actions than "because others tell me what to do and think". You can (and probably should) come to the same conclusions about most things as society, but that doesn't mean you should do so simply because of peer pressure.

what are you oing outside plg if that's really you

What a tiresome thing to read.
You’re not special.
You’re not unique.
And your retarded ideas of “power” are a product of you most likely lacking in tons of mental and social areas.

The status quo is the natural overall progression that most people that want to make a society come to.

You’re not interested in society, you’re interested in doing whatever you want and using a loose nebulous term “strength” to justify this and your lack of morals.

I hope you’re “strong” enough to shoot yourself when you find yourself being the victim of a shitty system.

How can someone claim to be strong when they post this austically on Yea Forums no less?

Reminder Jews are not people

>You’re not special.
>You’re not unique.
Never claimed to be, did I?
>And your retarded ideas of “power” are a product of you most likely lacking in tons of mental and social areas.
Odd of you to say, given that for one thing I'm really doing nothing more than describing the majority of societies as they objectively are, and given that many very intelligent and well-adjusted people have come to similar conclusions, on both the right and the left. Hell, basically what I've done is describe social conflict theory from a conservative rather than leftist perspective and with a stronger focus on individualism with no eventual uprising.
that is not me, either the poster of the video.
>The status quo is the natural overall progression that most people that want to make a society come to.
true, and I never said it was a bad thing, merely that rules are made-up lies we tell ourselves to maintain it. There's nothing wrong with the status quo, but mindlessly returning to it as the gold standard is a poor idea. Forming your own opinions rather than letting society dictate to you what you want and feel is ideal.
>You’re not interested in society, you’re interested in doing whatever you want and using a loose nebulous term “strength” to justify this and your lack of morals.
to the contrary, I am quite a moral person. I never steal, rob, rape, murder, cheat, or swindle. I help people when I can, and ask for nothing in return.
You sound like the type who simply cannot believe that a non-religious person could still be moral and not be a complete hedonist. Whether you accept it or not, you can acknowledge that rules are fake and still abide by them for your own personal reasons.
I also never claim to be strong, merely that I believe that strength (in some form, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, etc) is the ultimate arbiter of value in society. I am stronger than some and weaker than others, of course.

ah, and I should note:
>You sound like the type who simply cannot believe that a non-religious person could still be moral and not be a complete hedonist.
I realize this sounds like a non sequitur. What I meant was to make a comparison between the deeply religious who cannot believe the nonreligious can still be moral outside of a religious framework, and those who deeply believe in structured society, and who cannot believe that you can still be moral outside of a strict rigid structure of rules.

>tape is not level


smarter, more competent versions of people*

that's barely a sentence mate

in english next time ahmed

does making up strawmen make you feel as if you had sex? ;)

>if i list it and it looks like too much it didnt happen

>black summer
Always white female black male where are the qt amazons

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