
character diagram edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


get rid of lyanna mormont please, she's shit

>Those five other fucks can suck my cock, I'm gonna become the kingdom of the seven kings, king of the vandals and the fucked men and all that crap. I mean, I'm not smart, but those guys' brain compartments are way more fucked than mine. First you have that alien looking fuck Trevor Lannister, I'm telling you that guy is a few screws short of a picnic. Then you have the young wolf, I don't know why they call him that, I mean big wolves are scary, but little puppy dogs, those can be kicked around easy. There's also Stannis, that guy is like scary serious, I can't say much about him, I'll just offer him a toke and see where it goes. And there's his brother, Randy, no wait Renly, I'm soorry, I got them mixed up, what with his gay clothes and gay guards and his gay sex and stuff, he'll probably be begging me to stick my sword in. Oh and how can I forget that salty fuck, if he wants to do his jobs he can do them outside of my turf, that dick is destroying my poppy plants with his pirate fuckies, agh fuck him and fuck the rest, Westeros is mine.

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he will save the day, digits confirm.

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The starks use iron swords on the crypt "to keep the starks down there" aka prevent them from turning. (btw some of those were taken so next episode those lads will come back)
Also their crown is made of iron and bronze instead of silver and gold

How can one girl be this ugly

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33 44

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reddit likes her because she's quippy and epic
tumblr likes her because of girl power
Yea Forums likes her because she's a loli

i'm not a big fan of her either but she's the only character that has appeal on all 3 sites

I saw it, Arya. The smith hammering at your anvil. The sparks and clangs. It was beautiful

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In the books. D&D will be willing to ignore any logic or canon to get an epic scene with Stark zombies

Azor Jaime

If she got bangs and cheek filler should be real cute


Do you guys think that you'll be satisfied at the end of this series? I don't mean that you'll necessarily get the ending you want (pic very related) but rather that it'll be an ending that brings closure and doesn't leave a genuinely bad taste in your mouth.

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They'll be able to get at least a few turned, since three swords were taken already,
Most of the other starks weren't ever mentioned in the show anyways so d&d will be happy to not resurrect them

Azor Jorah. Uncucked edition.

is anyone else disappointed with Bran? I warmed to him a lot when he was doing his Luke/Yoda thing and actually took on an active protagonist role. Now he's just Le Prophecy Man

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you think she bled?

So Westeros originally had a nonhuman species on it that were reptillian yet Westeros isnt covered with reptiles but for some stupid reason is mammal dominant.
Next humans from Essos somehow defeated these creatures in their home turf mind you these creatures have LITERAL FUCKING MAGIC and these humans were stone age
Then the Andals from Essos showed up and brought civilization to the land dominated by the First Men's descendents and the Free Folk are the ones who were retarded enough to live in tundras
At some point the seven kingdoms form

This makes no sense at all

If he called would you pledge your banner?

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Still, my question is:
what's the thing with iron and white walkers? Or is it simply cerimonial (being buried with a sword or somehitng)

nah he's the funniest part of every scene he's in, no other character has any idea how to react to him

I'll be satisfied when the fat fuck finishes the books.

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I think I'll be satisfied
the ending of the story was always going to be a subversion of traditional fantasy and not go with predictable expectations. that is, it's going to subvert the expectations of the normalfag audience who want Jon and Dany ruling together with Tyrion as their Hand.

so as long as it's not that- and knowing the kind of story George is telling, it won't be- I'll be pleased.

3ER = Bran Time Loop

How are we not all on board with this yet?

I'm not going to list all the obvious reasons that have been listed before but real fast: they are literally the same person, old 3ER (Bran) fails to stop the NK, hops back to the past and does his best to set up Westeros (Bran the Builder) for a better shot then waits for himself in the tree. He's probably doing all that Lord of Light shit while in the tree, but that's a separate consideration. They mentioned no less than three times in the show that if you stay too long warging into the past you're stuck. There's no reason to ever mention this if it doesn't happen in the show.

New 3ER (Bran) is now giving it a shot, and if he fails he will jump back in the past and try again. This plays perfectly into this season's set ups. Why else would the NK go out of his way and risk everything to get at Bran? As long as the 3ER exists, he can never truly win. He also mentions no one has tried killing the NK with dragonfire before (drawing on the knowledge of each time they've been through this loop). Why would he even say this if he doesn't have knowledge of all the loops where they are trying to stop the NK?


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threadly reminder that the NK isn't at Winterfell, and is flying to King's Landing to ice it

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I'll just be glad it will finally be over.

>the deaths, Christopher
>the deaths

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I'd pledge my banner right in his boypussy, fuck the luggage lad, he abandoned us when we needed him the most


He's just a cheat button for the writers. When they need the characters to know something, but all credible ways of communicating said knowledge are unavailable they just say fuck it and let Bran magically inform everyone. I can't stand him.

The history of Westeros sounds exactly like Britain.

CoF-Pre Indo Europeans
First Men-Uh Celts?

What a fucking hack he just pirated british history and called it a story.

missed the spoiler tag, frend
also pic related, stark dog

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Referring to the NK exposing himself to get to Bran: “He’s tried before. Many times, with many Three-eyed Ravens.” Knowing the history of Westeros and when the NK was created, we know this has to refer to different timelines.

So yes, each time the 3ER tries to stop the NK, he sets up new things to try. He probably orchestrated the whole god damn R+L situation (we saw him affecting that scene already) just to create a series of events to get the dragons here for the first time. In the same vein, this might have been the first loop where the 3ER gets marked by the NK. And if he goes back to set it up again, new Bran will take his place and not be marked yet.

There's a billion specific things from the show that point to this. I don't know why it isn't the prevailing theory, so go ahead and poke holes in it for me, please.

Is this reddit normie right?

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"I saw you, me. Watching them fuck in the closet. I was beautiful."

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Finna boutta pour one out this coming Sunday for my boy Leon Grayboat.

There's no way. The past few seasons have been so shitty I just want to get it over with.

if she was born a dude she would've made a fine incel


100% dead:
Grey Worm

50/50 chance of survival:
Lyanna Mormont


Returns: Stannis

This. couldn't care less about the show.

>There's a billion specific things from the show that point to this. I don't know why it isn't the prevailing theory, so go ahead and poke holes in it for me, please.
Your average audience member has zero fucking desire to know about any of the background reasoning. They're just here for tits and dragons at this point. Pretty sure that's literally what Dinklage referred to it as though I might have that wrong.

>First Men-Uh Celts?
doesn't work perfectly since IRL the Anglos were pagan and the Celts were christian, while in GOT its backwards

>Yea Forums

how can you guys like something that doesn't have a penis?

That's what Ian McShane called it.

>tfw all of our boys are dying next week
If you could save only one and everyone else would die, who would it be? Jaime is my favourite character but I think Davos deserves to live the most. I just want him to go home and rest bros. I don't want him to be ripped to shreds by corpses.

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lmao. they haven't mentioned warging in years. do you really think warging actually is a thing? that's almost as forgotten as ghost.

The shittiness of /GoT/ is legendary

>pre-meme tormund
>pre-season 5 tyrion

not based
>everyone else


ghost was in the latest episode
for three seconds
and he'll die in the next one

"The carpet, Jon, it matched the drapes. It was beautiful. So beautiful in fact that I like to watch it multiple times a day. Generally before bed and sometimes in the morning."

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>Uh Celts?
>not Beaker Bois
git gud

I still can't believe how much they flanderized Tormund and how everyone just eats it up

>big winterfell battle
>night king in godswood about to face bran
>out of nowhere lyanna mormont kicks him in the crotch
>nk combusts, wights all drop dead
>nuff said
>roll credits
and who are you...

>And Robertposters?
>Eh, no Robertposters your grace
>That's disappointing, I was told /got/ had Robertposters
>They are excellent shitposters, but not well suited to lower bump limits.

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Why the fuck did Jon just blurt out everything Sam told him to Dany? He had a great hand given to him and instead of keeping them close to his chest he just throws them away. And this is literally 5 minutes before they go to war with the White Walkers, so now he's also hurt the chances of effective co-operation between him and Dany thanks to the distrust she may now have for him. To top that all off, he just threw his best friend and brother under the bus; he didn't have to tell her who told him, but he once again blurted it all out with no hesitation whatsoever. They could conceivably be killed for treason and trying to usurp the queen. I get that Starks go full retard with "muh honour" at times, but this guy is fucking ridiculous.

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11/10 kino episode. I dont even care if this is our canon ending. Fuck the books. Fuck GRRM


why don't they just cut bran's arm off and have an eagle take it to mordor?

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There's too fucking many of them. They're going to have to spare some of them, or the remaining episodes will just be a secondary/tertiary character death every other scene and none of them will be satisfying.

>Who are you
>I'm the four eyed raven
>fucking nerd

lol no

where's the thing about 3 swords being taken coming from? desu I don't pay as much attention anymore while watching this show, but I think I would've caught onto that.

Dany will be in a position to potentially save Jon next episode and will let him die because it solves her lineage problem

It's all a dream. That's the ending


why is this even an issue

Targ's whole thing is them marrying each other incestuously and ruling together

DxD shit writing

How are you nerds dealing with the fact that last night's ep was one of the worst in the entire series?

because 4 episodes left

Euron is the nk show fag

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Jorah's going to have a disappointing death scene, isn't he?

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total kek

More like top 5 best

Everyone is, because they're deaths to fill a battle quota and not actually well written conclusions to their arcs that were planned long ago.

stop this stupid meme. They didn't ruin his character or anything. That's what he was always like, except he's not in a fucking battle right now so he's hardly being to be crushing people's skulls left and right


If there was a fucking plan the books would be finished

I wish he would outlive Dany but she has plot armour out the arse

Bran will warg into Ghost to save himself before the Night King kills him.
That's why Ghost is there.

How is Bronn reddit?

give me you's you ungrateful cunts,.

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The mountain will survive. He will live another day to romp and frolic in the glorious green fields with mayster Kiybern.

>Jorah never fucks Dany
What a horrible end for the man

Please go rewatch the entire plot line with Jon 'joining' the Wildlings. He legit was a character with something he stood for and fought for, and now he is a walking joke.

when the boltons take winterfell I believe
Bran, holdor and the thot hide there and each take a sword

Bronn isn't reddit he's /lads/
Literally every guy I know loves Bronn because he's one of the lads

>you've never had sex before right?

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Realistically, why didn't Daenerys crush Cersei at KL? She had the men and the dragons. All she would have had to do would be to bust open the gates with the dragons and let her troops pour into the city. It'd be over in hours.

>this is reddit this is memes

Uh, no, never.

I can't tell if the NK is supposed to be aware that a time loop is going on in that theory. elaborate.

she's in leagues with D&D and they told her that if she padded the show out for them they'd give her the iron throne at the end


>no full frontal shot

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>people don't warm up to people
tormund acts differently because he has just met Jon who is a member of the Night's Watch
You missed the part where they became friends and Tormund let his guard down and trusted him

Hey guys, DABID here. So a little confession we actually haven't finished the season yet. We're filming and editing it as we go along. Any recommendations on what we should do? For 3 we're planning on just having the armies stare at each other for around the first 15-20 minutes followed by Arya and Brienne tag teaming the Night King in a call back to their training sesh in the last season. The current plan is Jon and Dany get married and rule but Dany brings Daario to KL to be her bull. Suggestions we’re currently entertaining are Cersei killing the Night king by him cutting his dick on a dragonglass shard hidden in her ass, a dance off, some more awkward staring, and Dany doing an old man blacked scene with Salador San at some point. Thoughts?

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Where the FUCK is the story going to after next week? I'm surprised the Battle for Winterfell is happening so early. I thought it would be the climax and theyd stab NK and his whole army would die.

Or maybe that IS the plan, the White Walkers are a red herring and Cersei is the true final boss

the celts were not fully christianized when the anglos invaded.

Sam found himself kissing her back. I said the words, he thought, but her hands were tugging at his blacks, pulling at the laces of his breeches. He broke off the kiss long enough to say, "We can't," but Gilly said, "We can," and covered his mouth with her own again. The Cinnamon Wind was spinning all around them and he could taste the rum on Gilly's tongue and the next thing her breasts were bare and he was touching them. I said the words, Sam thought again, but one of her nipples found its way between his lips. It was pink and hard and when he sucked on it her milk filled his mouth, mingling with the taste of rum, and he had never tasted anything so fine and sweet and good. If I do this I am no better than Dareon, Sam thought, but it felt too good to stop. And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast. It looked so silly standing there that he might have laughed, but Gilly pushed him back onto her pallet, hiked her skirts up around her thighs, and lowered herself onto him with a little whimpery sound. That was even better than her nipples. She's so wet, he thought, gasping. I never knew a woman could get so wet down there. "I am your wife now," she whispered, sliding up and down on him. And Sam groaned and thought, No, no, you can't be, I said the words, I said the words, but the only word he said was, "Yes."

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>that scene where Dany gets cucked by Theon
Best part of the episode. No one gives a remote fuck about Dany but Theon and Sansa were both just about in tears when they hugged. Her whole growing up without a family made her a sociopath who can't form friendships or kinship with anyone

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imagine this:
Davos getting torn to shreds by zombified Stannis

ep3 leaked

winterfell's wall is fugged

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>GIlly didn't get nude

I'd be pretty excited to see Salador San back, David

If she was a sociopath she would have invaded Kings Landing while lying to Jon about going there for muh negotiations.

she got FAT

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all Yea Forums characers will die, all twitter will live and reddit will half and half

Has the fat man ever had sex before?

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Everyone loves Dinosaurs, DABID.
I think having a T-Rex show up in the ending would really bring everything together.

yeeeah, that's waaaay too long a shot
D&D probably don't even remember that

>eyeball over the lists to see if I can find someone I disagree with
good list frend I r8 it grrm/d&d

Diddickon Tarly

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*lust and dog sounds*

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>If you could save only one and everyone else would die, who would it be?

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Game of Quips sucks

they definitely do, bhai
this HAS to happen cause the crypt twist will be yuge in ep03
Gilly will die and sam will blame himself for not staying in the crypt, you can screenshot this

A pale imitation but a worthy effort. Here's your (you)

D&D will not do an episode about killing all the women and children
Maybe 5 seasons ago, but not now

True, but Dany will want the power to herself.



How will you feel when Bran "The rape was beautiful" Stark dies?

Everyone at the crypt has an iron sword and a stone doge.
I'm sure the sword/doge combination will come into play, specially if John is azor ahai

>reddit's guys

she literally killed 6 characters on the Reddit side.

>our guys
looks good desu

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Should swap jon and tyrion

Maester Luwin is our guy

He doesn't care about them anymore, the purpose of Gilly was to give Sam Heartsbane and have him expelled from the tarly home, both have been achieved already so she can die.

She used to be so cute bros. What happened?

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I counted the strokes, Arya. Once the cock slid in, twice the dong slammed, thrice the wanger pumped your innards. Ninety six in all. Like the beating a of great drum, the rhythmic echoing slap of his pelvic flesh on yours It was beautiful. Not as beautiful as Sansa's rape. But beautiful, nonetheless, Arya.

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That's suppose to be the tragedy of it, but D&D didn't really put as much emphasis as George will.

>Arya becoming a faceless man makes her a ruthless monster
>Jon's true parentage will end up getting the person he loves killed
>Bran essentially dies to become the Three-Eyed Raven

A lot of people doubt that George will do these prophecies/miracles, but he probably will, with the twist being that these great things have great consequences.

yeah I get that in the series she's an entitled power hungry cunt that sees Jon as a threat

I guess if Jon knew that then yeah he's an idiot for revealing his parentage right before the battle

if anything she should be relieved, since it reinforces the notion that they should marry and rule together, since now they know they're both Targaryens but we all know the writers are using this to create pointless drama between them

morning after

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in episode 2 they mentioned "BEING SAFE IN THE CRYPTS" about 10 fucking times.

do you think that was a fact they were spouting, or the least subtle foreshadowing by an inept team of writers?

Wasnt Jaime supposed to carry a grudge against Tyrion for the murder of his father and the supposed murder of his son?

I'd save Theon in a heartbeat

Why the hell do people think NK dies this episode? Winterfell is going literally fall, heroes escape through crypts and a Dragon takes them to Dragonstone.

episode 3 just got leaked

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they made sure to have literally every character talk about the crypt, we only missed a scene of ghost trying to say it was safe there.
d&d can't be subtle like WHO ARE YOU playing at red wedding, they underestimate the viewer so they must make everything extra clear

You think that's actually Masie or a double?

So, uh, why couldn't they make more Wildfire in King's Landing and bring it to Winterfell? There you go, problem solved. Fuck that shit army up.

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>S2E4 Garden of Bones

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It's her.

>The kingsguard serves for life
So what, when they're 90 do they beat down would be assassins with their colostomy bags?

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>ice to see you again

Bran is the best meme, fight me

>Cersei would help them defeat the WW with her alchemists and wild fire

lorelet confirmed

its tumblr user

I'd pick beric, he's an absolute lad
Jaime and stannis aren't bad either
everything else is shit

now honestly, even almost 2 years later, that scene still doesn't make a lick of sense, right?
like, there's no in-world reason for him to mention the rape. it just so the audience can go "OMG BRAN IS A CRAZY GUY NOW"

Dabid, make Theon Azor Ahai Dabid, please. I promise everyone will love it Dabid itll be great Dabid please

Cersei would never help them out plus i'm not sure the Guild of Pyromancers is still around, the wildfire she used to blow up the Sept of Baelor might have been the last of it.

Their dad was a shithead and the fat chick admitted she killed his son

Nah, just rewatching the series and witnessing how much the writers fucked up consistency in the last two seasons.

they get another soldier and keep the old ones as watchers?


literally the most kino thing possible

>Bran survives the Long Night
>Spends his days writing reviews of the sexual encounters of high born ladies.

Oh right I forgot Olenna confessed she was the one who murdered Joffery

they're not expected to live that long user. Barristan was such a chad he managed to live to be an old fucker

post boars

i'm shooting nk. hope he kills them all. fucking so many redit fags here now

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kys retard

does any family use the boar as they symbol?


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only if related to them

Reminder that Bran warged into the Boar that killed Robert who was also under the control of another Bran.

the council opened with the fact that if they kill the NK, his army falls. They then doubted there was any reason he could be lured into a trap. Bran told them the NK will risk death and complete and utter defeat to go after him, because he's done it before. Is that a good idea if your goal is to destroy humanity and nothing else? It only makes a shred of sense if you know killing every man except the 3ER meaningless. Bran is literally telling everyone that the NK will risk losing the entire war and letting millions of men live for a chance to kill the 3ER. NK will never achieve his fundamental motivation with the 3ER alive. He is aware of time and space in the same way that the 3ER is. Okay. Let's say they can never affect the past. They can't have a vision, and change anything that has already happened. That fits even better with the looping theory. He can't do jack shit about anything we've seen up to this point. What he can do, is get stuck in the past. So you're the 3ER, you've managed to have a new physical form in the past. You can't go back to the future, because now it hasn't happened yet. You're no longer in the past, but the present. But you still know everything you did before you got yourself stuck. So what do you do? Try to stop the Night King again.

theory is that he fails to stop the NK, purposefully has a vision/warging/greenseeing to put himself in the past, and get stuck there. On purpose. The theory is that he's done this many times. it's possible that this is his last chance based on getting marked this time around.

cercei is still a strong independent female who obeys no man


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no he didn't techincally/

This show has too many fucking characters

He’ll be Bran the Builder.

>Rick where the fuck is my Lannister army?

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>Renly on /ourguys/
why would I be on a fag's side

Melisandre mentions at some point that YI-TI has equivalents to fireworks but GRRM has said there's no gunpowder anywhere, so it might there's only wildfire and magic around.

>They try to desperately make you root against him by bringing all the characters together against him
>all the living are Reddit so he becomes a fan favourite and people root for him to kill everyone and win
Based Night

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Notice how you couldn't help but bring up your trap friend on the show? You're the Yea Forums demographic that put him on the chart.
Every damn thread, you try to force us to talk about Varys, and when nobody takes the bait, you samefag and have conversations with yourself.
Here's your (You) Varys faggot!

I watched your conception, Jon.
Your mother's face twisted in beautiful ways as she felt the dragon enter her.
It was a long affair, she felt the warmth of his liquid fire many times.
Your father was so handsome and well endowed...
What happened to you Jon?


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not enough
he's fun

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westeros is a weird amalgamation of different real life time periods. the north looks like somewhere in the 10th and 11th centuries, except there were no massive stone castles then.
Kings Landing, Highgarden etc. looks like early 16th century.

beat the shit out of

luwin is not reddit

>it's a catelyn chapter

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How can you tell?

luwin should never have died

there is something to be said about an old man in a profession were many men die young

Terrible, terrible list!
probably the worst list in the history of lists, ladies and gentlemen

Azor Luwin

But then he wouldn't have been able to star for about 5 minutes in an awful Doctor Who story that people only give a shit about because it follows on from one of the few times the show was any good.

Kek for your image. Gods I laughed!

Iron is a traditional weapon against faeries, which is what BookWalkers are closer to, I guess its a holdover


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Anyone else think Theon looks like moot?

pet a



By the fact that they aren't clearly showing her boob and only some of her ass crack, a double would not need to hide anything. That's obviously as much as she was willing to show.

Bran will go back in time, warg into Davos and use his knowledge of the future to help Stannis take the Iron Throne.

The show runners remember Bran is a warg? When did this happen?


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The rape

More like he will watch Melisandre and Stannis banging one more time

have another

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The old three eyed raven made facial expressions and seemingly had something close to emotions I don't understand why they made Bran a vegetable.

das rite warmblood boi I'm coming

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who would win, peak Barry or Isshin the Sword Saint

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Literally who?

season 1 was so gud


Without the use of his dick, he couldn't be a good fruit so a vegetable's the next best thing.

makes sense
why is iron useless against white walkers, then?
Actually, has anyone in the series tried to use a normal, iron sword against them? I don't remember

What's the tiny picture above Dany, I can't see shit

All she had to do was kill a handful of people too.
Cersei, the Mountain, and perhaps Euron.
It would have been so simple, then she'd have more troops and resources to battle death with.


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Since the show is finally ending I bought the first book, it's coming tomorrow. Do you think George will manage to finish the books or am I in for an unfinished story?

>I'm disappointed in you, Night King. I'm very disappointed. Warging myself was the first trick I learned. It didn't kill Brandon Stark. Did you really think it would kill me?

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Quaithe, why does she wear the mask

Its strange seeing the variety in costumes that this show used to have. Fuck black clothes and leather armor

Max von Sydow is an OG actor and Bergman veteran. Bran is a crippled twink.

i miss when the show had an enormous cast of named characters, it made the world feel so much more alive and rich
the show peaked in number of characters in season 6, with well over 120+ named characters in the season

season 8 has only had 38 named characters, just feels like a large sitcom now.

what's the topmost pic?

Tumblr likes little Theon?

>tfw qyburn synthesizes super dragon glass into a liquid and gasses the ice niggas

Attached: Profile-Qyburn.png (365x570, 362K)

Did the children of the forest used an Arduino on the Night King or did they needed a Raspberry PI?

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unironically cant wait to see what this nigga does next

kinda. they're both cuties

That nigga is busy making wildfire to blow up King’s Landing.

Hesitation is defeat

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Swap cercei and brienne, everything else seem fine

they're constantly shipping him, he makes them feel emotional

arduinos aren't even hard
high chance they just used an MSP430FR for maximum energy efficiency

Top kek

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I want it to be either a they lose or they win but Westro's is beyond fucked and only about 1-3 characters are still alive and at the absolute least Dragon Bitch is on the casualty list.

Infuriate incels with this one weird trick

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dude will literally develop the first nuke based on a dragon corpse

fug can he do that?

I swear, if the mountain dies like a bitch I'm going to be so pissed off. I want him to murderfuck an army before he gets taken down.


Don't worry, I'll do it.

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Yes, read the books.


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The last episode is just going to be fucking Cleganebowl, you do realize that.

sheeit you right

>How many children did Scarlett O'Hara have? Three, in the novel. One, in the movie. None, in real life: she was a fictional character, she never existed. The show is the show, the books are the books; two different tellings of the same story.

you're missing an important house for the Yea Forums/Reddit shared(dark green)

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Sell me on Roose and Qyburn, they were good, but you guys treat them like they're perfect

Please don't post twitter cancer here


lmao that pic is perfect

nigga who's called a sword saint pulling a 9mm on you might be the most based boss moment in all of vidya

I can't see Jon being cool with it.

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the one with the gun and spear, but without a gun easily barry in full plate

He sold us out to a fucking chink and took all the gold pass data with him to Google
He can get ass fucked by that trap boxy

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dude doesn't seem to mind


for the sake of my wife's son

Shouldn't Bran be in the little girl's place?

>still believing in cleganebowl after all this time
but I fear your believe might be misplaced

Because Cersei could have stopped Danaerys outright ganking her at KL?
Why didn't Tyrion suggest doing this very thing? He totally wins after that happens, and his house lives on through his heirs if they survive the war against death. Even Jaime would understand assassinating Cersei for the good of the kingdom.


I really, really want to see him go on a rampage. Its been built up so much

NOT EVEN STANNIS in these threads since e1

This but only if Lightbringer becomes his phantom cock and he fucks the night king to death.

No, but D&D needed a yaaaasss queen moment for that scene

Qyburn is an amoral genius who only cares about doing mad scientist shit and doesn't give a shit about all the pretentious noble power struggles

Reminder that Aegon VI will be saving the day, Blackfyre in hand, with the Golden Company, elephants included.

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according to the leak on pelbbit YES he will

who's D&D? Dungeons & Dragons?

don't make me cry

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>he set the main story after all the interesting people died
what did GRRM mean by this?

if Qyburn can resurrect the dead and create anti-dragon artillery, surely he can develop the firearm?
If Cersei managed to get her armies equipped with guns, forget about just winning the war against Dany. She could take over the whole damn world.

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We all know this is going to happen. he's said he doesn't want to, but when Martin dies they'll just keep adding zeroes to a paycheck until Sanderson caves and does it.

yeah but she's hot

Qyburn has secretly been building a nuclear submarine and plans on sailing to Asshai

azor qyburn

>We'll never ever see Asshai in the show or the books


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>call it the final season
>end it on a cliffhanger
>make another season anyway
it's so obvious this is going to happen. they don't have the balls/skills to write an ending to this shit without the guidebooks. how many shows have done farewell episodes only to come back a few years later? this shit is a mess so far, the first 2 / 6 hours are basically nothing, it could have all been done in 22 minutes. GoT season 9 is all but confirmed at this point. also enjoy all the "dramatic deaths" from this season being retconned

Because he doesn't want to keep having sex with his aunt

I'm liking F&TM cover of Jenny but Pods version was kino even if the episode was shit


Sad he's dead I genuinely liked every time he was on screen

>the first 2 / 6 hours are basically nothing, it could have all been done in 22 minutes. GoT season 9 is all but confirmed at this point.
Imagine being this delusional

Hound dies before Cleganebowl so d&d can piss at the audience some more.

lol that's actually pretty accurate

bc he's based

>I really, really want to see him go on a rampage. Its been built up so much
Name one

Why does the book wiki have so much disgusting fanart

>a fat out of his depth guy with a idea
>can't make the main antagonists plausible without reverting to ancient olde pagan lore

Given how stubborn martin is it wouldn't shock me if his will says nobody can do it

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? He smashed a guyses skul into a wall after he was zombified, later he ripped the head clean off some little fanatic that wanted to kidnap the queen. Every scene involving him is him being large, imposing and filled with murderous intent.

Go back and watch the scene where he rips the guyses head off, you can see him smiling under his helmet.

Because the book fanbase never became large enough to get decent fanartists.

I assume he has no fucking clue how to finish the books and is hoping he dies before he gets called out too hard on his bullshit.

Roose Bolton is based.

He sends the Glover armies to the front lines during the Harrenhal campaign, while preserving his own forces, so that his king, Robb Stark, must continue to have him be his second in command. When Robb drags the war on for too long, he kills him, and assumes control of the North since he has the largest army remaining anyway.

Roose is soft-spoken and discreet. He permits his soldiers, and even his son, to commit wanton atrocities, but ensures witnesses are always eliminated in some way or another. He was once cruel and openly villainous as well, but his habit of leeching himself has kept these tendencies in check.

The level of his cunning cannot be underestimated. He refuses to let Arya(disguised as a boy) become his page and follow him to the Twins, and he kills the squatters at Winterfell after they repair it: he cannot allow for there to be a chance of spies in his midst.

But Roose is not a sweet-tongued diplomat like Littlefinger. He is still a rough and barbaric northman, speaking and acting bluntly while also showing utmost caution and impassibility. Robb Stark's first impression of him is fear.

A peaceful land, a quiet people.

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He's in too deep, he's got a million strands of story to resolve and suffers from a compulsion to invent more whenever he's bored.

Yet he dies like a bitch at the hands of his bastard psychopath son that was hiding in plain sight. Not cautious enough.

Ned did trust Bolton but Robb trusted him way too much. Should have never given him any command.

He could just half ass what the show did in a more competent way and I'm sure there wouldn't be much complaining.

the first firearms were shit, it'd take hundreds of years for it to be perfected. It'd be some kind of early musket, using wildfire as blackpowder and standard fuse. This, however, would be worse than a longbow and would need to be fired at an angle to prevent the wildfire from dripping away

new thread

I have a feeling he could string together something more worthwhile than this shitshow of a TV series if he just pulled his fucking socks up.

It was heartwarming. She is still considered a freak of size, skill, and character so its ok in my book.


>not about NK
>still relevant

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Thats Helm's Deep from LOTR

"You are my daughter the princess shireen of house baratheon and i would never harm. Also i heard the crypts are pretty safe."

Its beyond obvious, D&D are gonna kill the wome and children in the crypt for shock, i guarantee.

The contrast in the writing for this show is almost as bad as the contrast in the costume design

based actually

>Not /ourguy/
Almost perfect