what am i in for?
this is my LAST Lynch film, I have watched everything else he has ever made
Wild At Heart
He is a good director, yes. If he ever goes ahead and makes a film about what's really on his mind, instead of hiding behind sophomoric humor and the cop-out of 'parody', he may realize the early promise of his Eraserhead. But he likes the box office prizes that go along with his pop satires, so he makes dishonest movies like this one.
yeah i heard its the worst thats why i svaed it for last
>what's on lynch's mind -- eraserhead
>dude being a father is scary as fuck lmao
did there really need to be an entire discography of movies for this subject?
what am i in for when i watch inland empire
absolute top rate kino, or you will get pleb filtered, there is no in between
> a lynchan version of the wizard of oz
> great soundtrack by chris isaac
> a magnificent scene with sherilyn fenn
> based williem dafoe
> laura dern at the top of her beauty
> based nick cage
I got pleb filtered by it.
i really like the 'locomotion' scene but i havent seen more than that because i dont know if i'm mentally prepared enough to see that for 3 hours
that scene there because lynch listen to the music and like it.
ironically enough, the first hour of the movie is very interesting, it has a great mystery going on about the movie that the character is in and all.
them it goes completly crazy, i didnt get it but i like it anyway. laura dern was great, she deserved an oscar nomination indeed. lynch campain for it, sitting on a chair with a cow next to him.
damn Dern looks good in this
Honesty has no place in fiction.
You forgot Crispin Fucking Glover. His brief sequence is awesome. My take: the film was a brief little diversion after making a huge film that got away from him and a personal one that is his masterpiece. It's an interesting trifle that I happen to enjoy immensely.
opinion discarded
I forgot about this and how great it was
Double dose of Tidbit right there.
i'm making my lunch lol
david lunch lol
wish me luck boys just started it got a few beers and hoping i can make it through so far so good
fair warning, you WILL get spooked
sounds comfy, I wish you the best. careful not to get lynched
Mulholland Drive > Inland Empire = Lost Highway > Wild At Heart
about 40 minutes in. the rabbits what do they mean
Take a bite of peach.
lol just saw that part
that ass was MINT
that scene with audrey horne was unexpected
Not the best Lynch movie but I love it. Everyone is a fucking cartoon character, and the actors all embrace it. Diane Ladd is particularly great. I hated this movie the first time I saw it, now I think I've seen it more than any other David Lynch movie
Her face is still a little fucked there but damn those titties.
never watched this, laura dern and nick cage are both such old boring actors. if this was with anyone else id watch it.
Don't worry, Twin Peaks, FWWM, Missing Pieces, The Return have led up to his follow-up to Eraserhead, Ronny/ie Rocket.
what is the context of the scene? does it go with twin peaks?
It's his most fun and care free film and unfairly maligned because of that. There are the dark Lynchian moments but it's hard to take them seriously because the film almost comes off as a parody of his style with how comedic it is. I love it.
perhaps the appearance of Mr. Willem Dafoe will convince you
oh shit I lol'ed
My dog...barks some. MENTALLY, you picture my dog...but I have not TOLD you the type of dog I HAVE.
Nobody in it is a human being or pretends to be one, and it features the great 80s thrash rock band Powermad. What's not to like, unless you're super pretentious and need your Lynch to have more of a Lynch quality.
He's obviously not saying that the subtext of Eraserhead is the ONLY thing on his mind.
just finished bros, pretty tight movie, not that i'm susprised, Lynch is Lynch
also, that nose makeup at the end LMAO
cage kino
how the fuck has one man been so consistently ridiculous and absurd for his entire career