wagie kino? Clerks, Office Space,...???
Wagie kino? Clerks, Office Space,...???
Other urls found in this thread:
>wagies rebel and kidnap rich fuck's wife
Not too late to join the good guys, user.
but he was unemployed.
who let those wagies out of the cagies?
any NEET kinos?
He was laid off, that is part of the wagie lifestyle
Real life
I find it hilarious how 90s shit like Office Space treated cubicles as oppressive.
Now look where we are.
yea pretty much
Zero Theorem if you're looking for something more dystopian wagie in a cagie stuff
>inb4 cotton eyed Joe
The Big Lebowski
Things have got to get better someday, right?
Buffalo '66
yup, those cubicles had more square ft per employee than modern open offices
Seriously, at least you had a little privacy
All of those whinging boomers ruined the best aspect of being stuck at a desk all day long.
Zero Theorem is a great movie. Seconding it.
oh right idk if this counts but soul crushing corporate culture is definitely one of the themes
Good Burger
>you're gonna be a cashier some day
why is mcdonald's wojak part of the wagie meme, minimum wage jobs aren't even jobs, they're just outright brainlet slavery. when I think wagie I think salary man, not some poor idiot forced to waste a third of his life make billions for somebody else
Literally the same thing. Just different flavors of brainlet slavery.
that's why it's called wage slavery you fucking tard
Do american managers really hate their staff so much they'll make them dance like monkeys for the amusement of the customers?
Yes. You mean other countries don't do this?
In the American workforce whoever is the biggest asshole is the one who gets promoted
Can guarantee that every manager there has their own office
Americans are literally slaves to their company.
wtf I need to act more like an asshole now
>Alberta is in America
So do you suck at geography or reading?
>tfw sister introduced me to Superstore, since she rented first 3 seasons from local library
>tfw we both had worked at Walmart at one point
>tfw liked the first episode, ended up continuing on, marathoning all 3 seasons
id recommend it, OP, especially if you worked in retail.
hell, i think they're working on Season 5 right now, or it got greenlit, and S4 is being shown on TV
It's in North America
>Clearly mentions Canada
I mean "technically" Canada is in North America, yes. But technically, Brazillians are Americans by that same logic, being in South America. Most of you faggots mean "United Statesians" when you say "Americans".
It even says Canada on the leaflet, the mong
>"I WANT A SONG", barks the wheezing Boomer
>"United Statesians"
Interesting filename there user
people like open plans like that more, you can actually see people smiling
yep, good old coldstone... hey wagie, sing a song for your dear old uncle while I enjoy muh chocolate cookie dough ice cream!
>office clump are new
Office UK had them 1 year after Office Space came out. zoomer idiot
I got a job at Walmart as a self check-out host. I basically wait for someone to miss scan an item and then bypass it with my credentials so they can continue. That's literally it.
>Not referring to yourself as a "Statesman"
All 5 muzzies that watched The Office UK must have been blown away.
There are none. Artists aren't interested in wageslaverie, even as a subject of pity.
I'm a Usonian.
Do we still get to keep blanket referencing Brits as European after brexit then?
>Canada's energy industry
and this is why you're a wagie
Fuck normalniggers, they're the only ones who like the open office meme. Fortunately I work at home now so I don't have to deal with other people and their bullshit anymore.
the childhood of maxim gorky
Is the military the true redpill for working? Not as lazy or fat as a neet but also not mentally destroyed and hopeless as a wage slave
Normalfags like open offices?
>but also not mentally destroyed and hopeless as a wage slave
>not mentally destroyed and hopeless
So that's why all those veterans kill themselves.
>not white collar masterrace
You literally sign a contract indenturing yourself for 8 years of shit wages.
Looks comfy
>you literally sign a contract indenturing yourself for 8 years of adult daycare
Fixed it
Why do NEETs always lash out at people with jobs?
Not all of them like open offices but the only people who do like them are normies. It lets them be more social and they buy into management's lies about how open offices are good for teambuilding and morale.
Can anyone post the reverse one of these?
We are trying to save you
I've been an armycuck and a wagie, the military is a special kind of awful retardation
go on
Huh. I thought even for normalfags it was a cope situation
>A-At least Google has craft beer on tap and a ball pit, h-heh
Yeah thats why I hear such good things about neets.
Oh wait you don't.
nobody gonna bother to interract with me so i will just say: an asshole boss is basically the center piece of the movie. wagey abuse have been going on for a long ass time. making people dance, whip em, abuse them, blame them, own them. kill them by overwork. use them and leave them infirm to fend on their own on the streets and still blame them for it even if it doesn't make sense. all that is in this movie and it's still going basically to this day with a few changes of methods , nomenclature or locations.
but I love my career. My boss praises me, my clients praise me, my co-workers are great friends, and I make bank for doing fuck-all 40 hours a week. I make enough money I can do literally whatever I want lol.
That BLM poster in the back. Dropped.
>I don't want to be doing this when I'm 50
what extroverted useless degree faggot came up with this idea?
Wagies will never be free until the last manager is strangled with the entrails of the last management consultant
It looks shopped in. There's also a picture of a tranny and a generic "Science is awesome!" poster
I'm an officer in the Air Force and I fucking love it. Shitpost everyday on Yea Forums, /fit/, and /k/ while I collect NEET bucks on base. Feelsgoodman.
Is navy any good?
If you're an officer in the military you will live the good life regardless of branch and eventually become a chad. If you're an enlisted say hello to wagie hell and crippling depression.
>military cuck
Don't forget your daily punch a woman routine
You goin' faggot on me, user?
False. Even normies hate open plan offices.
Seriously though what's with the hate?
Get a real job.
That's cops, military only injure themselves
If you want to learn something technical like engineering then go for it. Also it's less hierarchical and you're left to yourself a lot more than the Army or Muhreens. Be prepared to know a lot about your MOS and brief on it. You'll also be confined to a ship most of the time and based on my friend's experience, selection is a lot harder for Naval Officers. However all the sick bases are from the Navy and you'll actually get to see cool shit. Anyone who calls you a faggot is either a retarded Army POG or is jealous as fuck.
I make 85k a year with free health insurance plus benefits, how is that not a real job?
A simple "no" would have sufficed
Based boomer
It’s a welfare queen gig, not a real job. Gain skills.
>how is that not a real job?
Government handout, no different than NEETs. Hopefully the US will come to their senses and cut 1/3 of all military budgets and put you fuckers back into the bars and homeless shelters where you belong.
>tfw have to work towards a "real" job instead of just keeping on bartending for approval of others which I actually don't care about
>cut the military budget
BWAHAHA as if boomers will let you take away their israel defense system
They'll be dead sooner than you think
dont bartenders make a lot of money
b-but I need a JOB to pay my STUDENT DEBT
A lot when you’re 22.
Not him, but he never said they didn’t. All he said is he’s working towards validation despite claiming to not care
Only when I moonlight as a gay male prostitute on the weekends
That's not gonna happen lol. Companies have a hard on for these fuckers.
yeah because of my parents, I don't care about anyone else judging
But I have an Mechanical Engineering degree.
This lady needs to get laid badly.
>not learning a trade
How hard was she trolled to produce this response?
I would actually kill this woman if that were me.
She could not possibly make enough money for private security around the clock if she has time to craft sick boomer burns for desperate linkedin job seekers. Her skull would be cracked, her brains smeared across concrete, I would be looking at 20 years in prison, and every minute would be worth it.
>That's not gonna happen lol
Boomers are all dead in 10 to 20 years
I know a guy who wants to be a bartender and has shitty parents. How old are you?
How to avoid being a wagecuck and a NEET by enjoying the best of both worlds:
Step 1. Go to college.
Step 2. Major in nursing.
Step 3. Graduate.
Step 4. Get a job as a nurse working 3 12 hour shifts a week 7am-7pm.
Step 4a. Get a job in the operating room so you don't have to deal with shit, piss, or patients.
But working 3 12 hour shifts a week you have 4 days off a week. For me, I wake up on workdays at 6:15am and get home at 7:45pm, since I usually don't work consecutive days and have the next day off i stay up until 1-2:30 and wake up the next day at 8-9:30 and enjoy the entire day off.
You get the pay, social life, potential romantic partners and independence of a wagecuck without spending all your time at work by having lots of freetime like a NEET.
It didn't happen retard
I hear Jiffy Lube is hiring
Shit like this pisses me off so fucking much. She acts like she's so high and mighty as if she's the god of the universe when in reality she's nothing more than a obnoxious cunt who earns a little more than a wage slave. I bet your ass she did nothing to get that position back in her day while that same position would require a fucking PHD and 5-10 yrs of experience in a relevant field today. Entitled boomers like these fucking kill me. They reaped the benefits of social security and now they're lobbying to cut the spending so they can fuck us over even further in the future. FUCK BOOMERS
i take it you've never seen starship troopers? i've been in boot camp and on its face, it's fun but don't fool yourself.
Well what do you do Mr. user?
I dont get how there are so many NEETs on this website, and proud NEETs at that.
How do they survive?
Rich parents?
Barely scrape by on welfare?
21, but I haven't been doing it long
trump's kids make more in a year than you'll see in a life time. you think they work like we do?
none has their own office at my work, not even the manager/owner
(~120 employees)
Nah probably not but it's still comfy living desu.
You seem a bit triggered over the question, which further leads me to believe that you were being an annoying turd and she responded appropriately.
Most are still living with their parent's and are a year or two away from being dismissed. some are squeaking by on autism-bux.
Something like 33% of young adults still live with their parents. These people don't factor into unemployment figures because they're completely off the grid. Parents don't necessarily need to be rich, as these NEETs just stay cooped up in their room all day shitposting here.
>got an office tech job
>boss is a raging libertarian and only cares about results, not how we get them
>get to hear him rant about immigrants and not giving up his guns all day
>is okay with me coming to work drunk for god knows what reason, I guess libertarianism?
>share office with 1 other guy, legitimately one of the funniest people I've ever met (also right wing as fuck)
>get to sit around all day shooting the shit and shittalking brown people and clients while still getting work done because for some reason I legitimately enjoy what our company does
Expected office work to crush my spirit but it's surprisingly based, the commute is just absolute ass
t. hasn't actually worked a real job
Real corporations like banks still use cubicles. Open concept shittery is for starters and failed businesses.
holy based
I fucked up
me on the bottom right
>interviewing for a summer IT job at my uni tomorrow
Wish me luck teevee
>hey nurseboy get your ass in here we got a patient who overflowed his bed shitpan. be warned it’s not a very firm stool.
uni IT jobs are pretty comfy
prepare for a LOT of walking people through student email password recovery, though
LMFAO her smug face
very based user
W-would you anons?
>"Hey Faggots,
My name is Joanna, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world..."
You are not who i think you are so nevermind
>The part about "2d women"
you retards always find a way to embarrass yourselves, intentionally or not
>they're just outright brainlet slavery.
>Hurr durr why is the meme called wage slave though?
>been a NEET for the good part of the last 8 years
>gubmint took away my neetbux because my mother ratted me out about being able to work
shit sucks
im just gonna get a part time and save up so i can be a neet again for a year or so
Employee of the Month
>god i hate my fucking life
She's not wrong, and none of you can prove otherwise.
Yea Forums is full of young privileged males who unashamedly live off mommy and daddy
Why do Americans put up with this affront to their dignity?
She's not wrong she's just a bitch. She couldn't have just ignored them?
Racism works. Cool.
But racism doesn't exist, right?
She was making a point to the smug asshole who thought he deserved a shortcut because he was special.
boomers are lucky people aren't just killing them on sight
She did them a genuine favour, even if it made her look like a bitch
this would make a good pasta
>NEETs just stay cooped up in their room all day shitposting here.
this is actually good for the imminent communist revolution.
Why the hate on boomers sweetie? They raised you, you know...
>be a low-tier editor
>share an office with another editor
Comfy as fuck, this dude is a friend of my father got me this job and now we are good friends
Nah, most commies are pretty fucking lazy and ironically aren't the lower class people that you would think would be most persuaded by communism
so fucking based
>thinking future generations won't follow in their foot steps
lol, the military industrial complex is pretty much ingrained into the work force by this point, my own brother got his job due to his company being granted a contract by the air force and he gets to party on his boss's yaht every weekend
I've been workin a standard white collar office job for the last 6 years or so. by mid year one, my boss and I became good friends, drinkin buddies, go see movies, chat about shows, share music, go to shows. Anywho, we do whatever we please and he covers my ass from c-level management. I take the train to the office and just crush books and listen to music. I get in around 830 and leave around 1:30 or 2, whenever I decide I don't wanna be in the office anymore
It's great.
lol i was looking for this one thanks comrade
based boss, he should embrace the ancap pill and let you bring in child sex slave armys to nuke your competition
Am I the only one who finds this really hot?
Boomers call it "building character"
Yep, they just don't make flash games like they used to.
If this boomer were a guy you would all be saying based boomer.
Based boomer.
>implying commies aren't winning the meme wars
>fascists getting deplatformed and demonetized left and right
>>boss is a raging libertarian and only cares about results, not how we get them
>>get to hear him rant about immigrants and not giving up his guns all day
Your boss unironically sounds based.
>based boss
oh yeah one thing I forgot to mention, it's a tech company but he specifically looks for people without degrees because he thinks college is a scam and it's better to just jump straight into the workforce
Just don't badmouth Israel, user :^)
All this is doing is growing the right wing by turning them into martyrs.
>need big capitalist corps you claim to hate so much to help you fight a meme war due to how incompetent you are at basic humor
>still get your assed kicked by the side that isn't even really trying
lol, commies always manage to find ways to fail spectacularly despite any advantage they get
>oh yeah one thing I forgot to mention, it's a tech company but he specifically looks for people without degrees because he thinks college is a scam and it's better to just jump straight into the workforce
God fucking dammit every boss should be like this.
This is honestly fucking madness
>imminent communist revolution.
any day now lmao
holy fuck he really is based, how well is the business doing and were is its general location
I remember this part from Fallout 4
>what is subscribestar
Sargon said he makes more money on subscribestar than he made on patreon.
Then your not a wage slave you retard, not everyone who makes a wage is a wage slave the meme is specifically about people making fuck all in shit jobs.
Literally too much business to handle, apparently we're gaining clients faster than our vendors can keep up with
In the based midwest
do you think you can fir the entire unemployed population of Yea Forums because this might turn into the most kino business to date
what exactly does the company do regarding tech?
im curious
I'd rather not say as it's a very niche market and I'm paranoid about shit
We are legitimately desparate for new hires, but I'm afraid I can't give out information
oh fugg, but understandable
And this is more cost effective than having a few trucks per city which are leased by their operators?
Literally no shame in that. I saved up a fuckload living in my parents house 4 years after I got employed into corporate wage cuckery.
Dope, never heard of it but I'm going to check it out.
Im not even american but it would be awesome if my boss was libertarian and a nationalist
oh well
Cool. My dad works at Nintendo.
>Selling your life for merchant overlords
I only watch for the hispanic girl
it's like a fucking circus
there are tons of based companies out there, just look for local shit
i'm an air force contractor, officers are too nice imo
I have to get ready for work in ten minutes
Fuck, I don't want to go. Can someone just hurry up and kill me already?
omw, do you have an android charger I can use though?
No. Just kill me and leave.
apparently she shits out responses like this all the time
power tripping like crazy
any other wagies noticed boomers love to deliver little quips / oner liners to you to sort of break the ice? i worked as a cashier, and every single boomer would say to me "working hard, or hardly working"?, "let me give you something to do", or if i don't have any customers in line for a while, they love saying "you look lonely" .
>saying that as if it’s not based and redpilled
Can’t offend mommy or you won’t get your trendies will you?
it's not too bad where I live, there are plenty of younger adults buying groceries whenever I'm checking so they don't give me that shit
the quip I get the most often is when something doesn't scan "oh so it's free?"
I saw Office Space for the first time last year and didn't find it funny at all. Maybe people hyped it up too much.
open offices and other hippie millenial bullshit like that are fucking cancer
give me a cublice or give me an actual office god damn it
/biz/ is a hilarious board
Im usually not in favor of this shit, but fucking BASED
Would you rather work with boomers or with millenials? Pick your poison.
Literally "Don't forget, you're here forever"
>thinks she's great because she has a degree in some random was field
I honestly don't get wagies or fucking eejits like this. They act all high and mighty because "muh degree" or "muh PHD" when they're just another rat in the cage. Working is a means to an end. Just working a job for the sake of it is retarded and a waste of time. If I could retire tommorow I would. I don't get gobshites who continue to work even though they can do whatever they fucking want with all the wealth they have attained. It's a big fucking world out there. Might aswell enjoy it.
A little cringe, exceedingly edgy... but I cannot help feel that this post is a smidge based
post feet bitch
boomers because they are nicer
they had it easy and naively assumed work equals reward, but at the end of the day i want to work with someone who isn't a bitter, sullen shit like me
I get paid 60k a year to write computer programs. I dont have deadlines so when I get bored I just read articles or browse Yea Forums on my phone so I dont work most of the day.
So yea nah.
love my cube
>merchants ask you to shoot mudslides
>even give you multiple benefits for it so long as you don't question goiym which the average normie doesn't do to begin with
>somehow its not redpilled
Lets face it man, the Jews have been at this game ever since they started rubbing their hands. might as well get some gibs from it
I would just reply, *Too long didn't read*
I meant to do quotes but my keyboard somehow all the keys remapped except letters.
but shit costs stuff and work can be fulfilling. Also some jobs aren't shit.
I don't get why they disliked cubicles. It's a lot better for both privacy and retaining some sanity without leering over someone else at all times.
Only downside is no natural light.
>Come back home
>Being a vet gives you an aura where everyone near you applauds you and sucks your dick
You might be right
so they can watch over you and make sure you're being a good worker bee
there's also all kinds of social dynamics at play with everyone being exposed that the higher ups can exploit
many low security jails and prisons have adopted a similar model for cell blocks
Even better, if you somehow managed to make a good impression on a commanding officer they could help you get in a nice military college which will mean you can be an officer and get even more benefits and prestige. Along with the ability to shoot even more mudslides and commies. Essentially, merchants will be paying you to have grunts move around, thats a pretty based existence.
if you're going to do anything join the navy and shoot for being an officer
anything else and you'll either be overworked for your pay grade or be on desk duty in bumblefuck
Just don't fall for the nuke meme
does this count?
>tfw work in local owned restaurant
>would castrate myself before working for a chain
>I dont get how there are so many NEETs on this website
Because they have nothing better to do.
Is it better to join after you become an officer or is joining right out of highschool better? I have no idea how military ranks work ever since I moved away from my family who were big into military shit
YES! YES! I LOVE this kind of stuff. Being able to force people to do things they find childish or stupid is what gets me the biggest HARD ON. HAHAHAHAHA, dance, wagie, DANCE and SMILE for me. Yeah, you better do it and pretend you like it or else, if you disrupt the client in the sightliest way, you may get FIRED. HAHAHAHA, YES, wagie, YES, smile and dance for the camera.
fuck this is tacky and cringe inducing
only people who would ever find this charming are boomers and chinese tourists
An Obvious pick would be pic related
Would you watch a movie about a few McSlaves who decide to rob their drug dealer? With DEADLY consequences?
based and boscopilled
Checked. Is the pay worth it? Seems like a comfy and easy job.
>anna faris
>justin long
>dane cook
>andy fucking milinakis
Jesus god what a blast from the past.
... And other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself
Unfucking believable
there is no reverse one
what kind of monster would do such a thing?
>many low security jails and prisons have adopted a similar model for cell blocks
look up the concept of the panopticon
>based and redpilled Yea Forums NEET literally shitposts IRL at the kinoplex
>cringe and bluepilled leddit wagecuck earning $9/hr has to clean it or else Mr. Schlomoberg will fire him
i'm going to be completely honest. i did this once after sitting at a waffle house for an obscene amount of time and finding out the workers were performing a strike of some kind. pissed for 2 minutes straight and flooded the floor. really helped get the anger out.
Kek the way he's shooting in bursts all over the place
I've work graveyard shift security for over 3 years.
I only make $10/hr, but my job is sitting for 8 hours doing literally nothing. Sometimes I even take 2 hour naps. Worth it.
The panopticon?
The panopticon is a type of institutional building and a system of control designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The scheme of the design is to allow all (pan-) inmates of an institution to be observed (-opticon) by a single watchman without the inmates being able to tell whether or not they are being watched. Although it is physically impossible for the single watchman to observe all the inmates' cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that they are motivated to act as though they are being watched at all times. Thus, they are effectively compelled to regulate their own behaviour.
oh god dude fuck that my anxiety would be through the roof and i wouldnt be able to browse at work
>hate my job and have talked to boss about leaving 3 times
>ended with 3 raises
>make 19 dollars an hour doing a job I hate
>can't find anything better without experience
>tfw gonna be stuck here forever
The Shining btw
>tfw I work in a Amazon FC
The part I don't mind is that theres so many workers that I kinda just blend in and don't have to talk to people all that much
That and they offer a lot of voluntary time off
I've heard Amazon is harder on your well being than the post office back when the post office drove ppl to suicide and mass murder. Keep cashing the checks bro, don't let it get to ya.
>dieing for Israel
Yeah, that's worse then both.
I'm 24, live with parents, get newstart, I need a full time job within 10 years before my dad retires.
>tfw no comfy gen x angst anymore
zoomers were a mistake
You guys should just play the lottery, then you can be NEET
People who get called into work on off days and agree are the ultimate cucks.
Wageslave here, this is legit my plan.
If i don't win by 30 im killing myself
>writing skills of a 12-year-old girl
I would personally strangle her for only this reason. I care about nothing else.
why dont you just study /biz/shit and try day trading instead?
not enough money, can't get enough money because can't work full time, can't work full time because carer for ill parent.
>Worth it
>somebody else in my city recently won the state lottery with a huge jackpot that I had been playing for months
What was the jackpot prize and the odds of winning? I try to play lotteries with best odds that go off without jackpotting forever
The jackpot was nearly 7 million so not enough to buy yachts and private islands but more than enough to live comfortably without wagecucking ever again. The odds are 1 in 10 million. $1 gets you 2 sets of numbers and they do 3 drawings a week.
Those odds are pretty good actually as well as the price, stuff like powerball and mega millions is a joke.
Take my energy
>tfw everyone is leaving my retail job
>company is refusing to hire new people
>supervisor has had nervous breakdown and doesn't turn up
>everyone hates him
the same but i'm the lowest level worker and i'm about to have a mental breakdown
I work at UBS. We do not have cubicles. It's all open spaces.
I work in the UK’s largest bank and they have offices like this.
ill wipe my ass with that information user, thanks
Real boomer tier post
>work in government
>glorified NEET
Feels good
Possibly the most BASED post of the day
>have a good paying job but the most taxing thing about it is pretending to care about my co-workers lives and their interests
Why is it looked down upon if you just want to be left alone and work?
I feel like she always wanted to be one of those dominatrix women who shame their emasculated clients as some kind of fetish thing. Seems like she put just that little bit too much effort into it.
I love how this shows that the employer is obviously fucking awful
>Be a NEET
>Never leave my apartment
>Stupid normie bitch apartment manager still pestered me all week to join in on her faggy easter egg hunt
didnt read the thread so it might have been posted already. anyone remember it?
>oh no sweetie, live for 40 years before you dare approach me for a job
i know you had no dad but dont take it out on others sheesh
Did your supervisor leave during the day and hasn't turned up for 3 weeks?
>black lives matter on the clipboard to the right
Is this a photoshop or is this real.
I've seen environments that look way worse then this, except the nigger sticker.
Not him but i worked in yurp gov office space tier workfloor for 3 years supplying NEETS and refugees with welfare.
Seriously most of them are fucking trash, let's forget about the small minority of the people who have a dissability, are old, or have mental problems because mommy drank to much alchohol during pregnancy or uncle user came over unnanounced a bunch of times when he/she was younger.
No most of the people are fucking trash who got more per month in total than i worked for 40 hours a week, with almost no time for coffee breaks, you just sit there researching people, writing useless information onto useless files which nobody will use because everyone is dumb and useless as fuck.
The majority of the people i gave welfare to luckily didn't need it for too long and were self sufficient, just down on their luck.
But then there are a lot who are just lazy, uneducated, involved in crime, etc.
As for refugees there are 2 types, the family who fled war and the lonely luck seeker, mostly young man who all get for some reason permits to stay but not to work, the worst and most frustrating part is that they get the affordable housing while people like me who lived here their entire life have to throw away hundreds of euro's per month.
I quit after that, the terrorism, the violence, the never ending refugees, the fact dumb co-workers can't work fast enough so when push comes to shove you need to complete the work some bitch couldn't, and when you look over half the time that bitch is on the phone texting
And when u talk to said bitch about it you need to be understanding that she has kids and cannot do as much work as you do even though she gets paid the same,.... this is then reinforced by the majority female co-worker horde.
Fuck woman, fuck you useless pieces of shits
Never seen or heard of a funny communist.
This is the single most based post on this website at this very moment in time
literally the only good anime
what would be the best response to this? because despite that last line you know she would still read it
"Okay. Thanks for your time spent writing this email!"
she wants your dick you dumb autist.
How do I get a job with almost no experience and a 2 year gap in my resume?
People always suggest lying but I suck at it, last time I tried to they saw through it and it was one of the most humiliating experiences in my life.
i work in a fedex warehouse and im pretty sure they'd hire farm animals if they could. you can work tomorrow if you want, you just wont have fun doing it.
Please elaborate on the humiliation
you can actually see other living organisms. gross. needs to be more oppressive.
very based but at least plan on not getting caught, you fool
its not hard
>work never ever gets done
Yeah, working alongside women is a fucking nightmare. They are such useless creatures that should never be in same space as a man.
Americans have nothing but contempt for people beneath them. The concept of treating retail or service employees with respect eludes them
tofu logic
yeah if you really wanted to ruin this woman's life just point out how ugly she is and that her face makes me want to vomit. You'll get banned from linkedin faster than you can say fuck jannies but she'll have a meltdown irl.
Open offices have been proven to reduce morale and productivity by shitloads time and time again, the reason toilberg loves it so much is because it saves him so much on rent, and it's sort of a self-policing environment where you can see everyone's screen so you have to work harder and are unable to slack off(or at least look like you are).
The sad, sad reality
In my mind i cannot accept being a NEET because not everyone can be one.
i'm educated properly and have applied for jobs and universities so i have not given up
>lenovo monitors
absolute poverty tier shit