GOT 2nd episode when they were planning the defense I never heard them make a single mention of one VERY crucial...

GOT 2nd episode when they were planning the defense I never heard them make a single mention of one VERY crucial strategic disadvantage - The Night King now has his own fucking dragon.

Everyone originally from the wall after it fell made it back to Winterfell. NO ONE HAS MENTIONED THIS FACT after seeing it for their very own eyes destroy the Wall.

They did not prepare a dragonglass ballista I assume, so aside from a dragon on dragon battle mid-air, how the fuck they bringing that fuck down?

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D&D want a scene where the characters are shocked by the appearance of the dragon and lots of side characters and extras die, so they excluded the dragon from their plans even though it makes no sense whatsoever
Just turn your brain off

>arya somehow able to throw daggers with pinpoint accuracy
>had Gendry forge a spear with dragonglass tips
>olympic gold medal javelin throw
>death has many faces

their defense didn't seem to involve the dragons at all either. Like, you have air superiority you stupid fucks. Fly high, drop fucking sacks of flaming pitch or something from like 2000 ft up. Prep sacks of dragonglass darts to just dump on top of moving columns.

The dragons should have been out buttfucking the incoming army this entire time instead of dildoing around giving rides to manlets and eyebrows.

>Enemy controls dead
>The safest place is crypt

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bad writing

Didnt Tormund and Beric witness the dragon destroy the wall? It is kind of weird that he never mentions it

The dragons will be weak, there's hundereds of thousands of undead.

bran wargs into he NK's dragon of course

Bran told them the NK had a dragon in the first episode. They know about it, they're just conveniently ignoring it so it can catch them off-guard. The writers are total hacks.

Why don't they just burn the zombies?

Yeah they did, and it's never shown that they mention it to literally anyone else. It's so fucking stupid, like the the first thing Tormund should do after arriving at Winterfell is fuck Brienne then tell Jon.

Why not Jon? All the Stark kids, including Jon, are wargs, and Jon's got Targ blood so he's the one with the closest connection to dragons.

Yeah wildfire would come in real handy right about now. If only someone had used it before. hmmmm

My normie dad even said something like 'What about their ice dragon?'.

No, they're ignoring the aerial plan so they can catch the audience off guard dummy

wildfire is notoriously unstable. They'ld have to bring the pyromancers guild and all the necessary materials and equipment to Winterfell, assuming they could transport them, and Cersei would never agree to that.

1st, Bran mentions it first thing in the previous episode.
2nd, we all know he isn't gonna be there, he's gonna go to kings landing and get 1m+ more dead for his army
3rd, the most idiotic thing is that they're hiding the women and children in the crypt. Zombie Ned is gonna kill a bunch of them.

Joffrey sent Ned's headless body to winterfell? How nice of him

Well to be fair they know the night king can shoot dragons out of the sky so they're probably not trying to risk them

>Arya wears the dragons face and saves Westeros

>skellies in the crypt gonna get 'em
unironically, i hope this happens

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Right thats the unreasonable part, not all of the other shit. Wildfyre is the only thing that makes sense, Tyrion has used it before to literally decimate an army so why would he not try now. He should have grabbed the Pyromancer while he was in kings landing.

It's been said a lot but I don't think the dragon is going to attack winterfell anyway.

In the books the body is sent north and I think in season 1 Varys makes a point of sending the body back in a small council meeting. Zombie Ned is a possibility same with Zombie Rickon, zombie Rob is out of the question.

Didn't the weapon Sam used to kill that undead literally shatter afterwards? Are the weapons they're making one-hit wonders?


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They cut all stark warging except for bran.

When they go north to capture a white, the majority of the characters have dragonglass weapons and none break if they kill a wight, I think only killing an actual white-walker destroys the weapon

Night King and Viserion are not going to show up to the Battle of Winterfell, because they are currently fucking King's Landing in the ass. The entire plan for the battle is going to be a disaster.

cant someone just leak the whole damn thing so i can get it all over and done with and not think about it anymore. waiting a week is tedious per time is.

She is so fucking disgusting.

The walker turned into ice cubes and the dagger was left in the middle of it.

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>Didn't the weapon Sam used to kill that undead literally shatter afterwards?
No, he just left the dragonglass shiv on the ground next to the abandoned hut and ran with Gilly. It was actually frustrating to watch, but probably just a production error.

I see, it's been a while since I've seen the ep so memory was hazy at best.

will people fuck off with this crypt prediction.
we never once even see a sarcophagus, so it's safe to assume they are sealed in stone either in the walls or below the ground. regardless, it would make no sense for them to just bust through stone like it's nothing. not to mention it's almost exclusively royal Starks buried there, who would mostly be just piles of dust and bones.

Did you miss the scene where Littlefinger returned Neds body to Catelyn?

You do remember back in Season 4 how a bunch of corpses that were buried in the ground came back as Wights to attack Bran, Jojen and company, right?

I hear you. Some glorious souls did that with one of the previous seasons.

I just want to see the mountain go on a fucking rampage. Someone kills Cerci and he kills all of kings landing.

They also mentioned the crypts like 50 times so expect there to be dead risen in there. Maybe they stashed little fingers body in there so he can come back from teh dead

>implying the show didn't literally show fully-articulated skellies bursting from the ground and becoming stab-monsters
>implying we're not about to see full ghostbusters-tier horror on display as skelly Lyanna rises from the dead and murders errbody in the crypts.
also, Rickon's corpse will be a thing. They mentioned the crypts too much. I hope we get brief zombie cameos from anyone who died in the north and didnt get burned.

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>night king is riding on his dragon several hundred feet in the air
>dragon is breathing undead dragonfire onto Winterfell
>dragon raises wingtip to its neck, begins to pry
>Arya pulls the dragon mask off, her head is on the dragon torso flapping in the air
>”ice try, Night King, but it’s too late now. You’ve lost”
>backflips from dragon neck behind the Night King
>pierces him with obsidian spear through the back of his head
>whole undead army collapses
>Arya, dead Night King, and dragon torso fall to the ground
>Arya does a x10 front flip, lands you on her feet with no fall damage
>giant dragon torso lands behind her, she doesn’t look back
>pan to everyone watching from Winterfell wall with their jaws dropped
>Sansa smugly smiles and looks into the camera

Bran mentioned it once in the 1st episode and nobody gave a shit.
risking them? Its not like the dragons will be of any use to them if they die, and most of the characters seem to think they aren't going to win the battle.

>watching got for the plot
>not for the quips

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They could have also given the dragons armor to protect them from the night kings spears

Also did anybody mention all of the dead soldiers burried near the castle? In the frozen north land bodys don't rot. Will we se 1000s of soldiers rising from the ground?

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>they might die so we can't use them
That's fucking retarded. Now that they know the NK can throw a fucking spear like a boss, you just have to stay away from him or put some armor on the dragons. Or have them hitting and running on the outskirts of the assembled mass. Just a quick flaming of a few hundred dead, then leave and hit somewhere else.

My point is just that they are the two biggest assets they have, and they're not being discussed AT ALL.

This is gonna be how they write in lady stoneheart dudes

Checked and confirmed

they could have also given them saddles so riding them wouldnt be objectively gaffaw-worthy, but they didn't. Their job is to write quips. Your job is to turn your brain off and clap.

Winterfell isn't in the arctic. I'm pretty sure you dont reach permafrost until beyond the wall. Bodies rot in the north.

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Careful with that CGI budget