Heard you talkin' shit 'bout me like I wouldn't find out
Heard you talkin' shit 'bout me like I wouldn't find out
Sam put her on his diet
i wanna suck on her double chin
>More pie, my lady?
Same, brother. Her sweaty skin must taste so good. I feel you.
>Bran thinks he's drawing the Night King in.
>It was actually just Gilly's gravitational pull.
Clever plot twist tbqh
So which is it? Pregnancy or antidepressants?
The real twist is that she's walking around Winterfell recruiting children to "hide" in the "safety" of the crypt with her so she can lock herself there with them and have a huge food supply.
Why did she get so fat, bros?
how do women gain weight like that? I mean it couldn't have been overnight. She had to look at herself in the mirror getting fatter and fatter while thinking "this is fine" and stuffing her face
I'm guessing she didn't have a weight clause in her contract so she said fuck it
RIP this tight bod
Is this achievable natty?
Based and fat chin sucking pilled
David Spade looks good in that wig
What the fuck went wrong?
Look at the image in the post above you. She was clearly pregnant. Her stomach is totally spherical towards the outside. Round preggo belly. That is not just fat. Fat people don't get that outwards sharp roundness in their stomach like that. They tried to disguise her pregnancy by covering her in lots of clothing but that camera angle revealed it.
Its been 2 years what the fuck
Sam is going to be a Chad by the end and she's going to die and become a fatwalker. He'll finally be free to restore his family and marry Sansa.
man, she was a cutie, what a waste
who am I to cast the first stone
big girl
They don't exercise. Like at all. Fat shows more on them than guys and a lot of ''skinny'' women are just skinny fat. Like many obese people she has poor self control and little to no ideas about nutrition.
plus since she's British she probably drinks full pints of beer every weekend
My fucking dick...
Filming of season 8. She wasn't that bad.
I just needed 2 years, non believers. That's all.
I'd respect the shit out of this if true. Fuck it indeed.
>White women
there is no fucking neck user, what are you talking about? it was THAT bad already.
Season 5 was like 4 years ago. This sort of perfection takes time
Hi mr. Brosnan, one question. Are you working right now on Keira?
>what is a fat suit?
i'm scared, bros. i'm a massive fan of all of his past work, but dammit, he's just going too far this time. i can't see this ending in anything but a tragedy for all involved.
I would be most pleased to work on that canvas my friend.
She's a woman!
>i can't see this ending in anything but a tragedy for all involved.
oh boy, we are all here to have fun aren't we? She can leave this plane whenever she wants.
This. Work in any office and try to listen to women there rationalise their eating habits and why they just "don't have the time" to exercise. Or suddenly developing a crippling health condition which means they can't go to the gym and allows them to get fat.
All women want is a magic diet that'll make them obese to skinny in a week because that's all the willpower they have. Unfortunately no such diet exists. Only expensive surgery or liposuction which is a temporary fix at best.
Joe dempsie is a good looking fella damn and Im not even gay
Have you considered that maybe they don't have the time because they have two jobs? One as their regular job and the other as a mother and wife. They have to take care of their household, raise the kids, etc. Stop being sexist and small minded.
women should not be allowe3d to eat
Shut up cunt.
Thanks came here for this.
is she pregnant what the fuck
there's no way she gained that much weight
is this like part of her contract??
Eating disorder """"recovery""""". Sometimes they go the opposite way and get super fat after, she has the puffy bulimic face too.