Why are city slickers always the butt of jokes?

Why are city slickers always the butt of jokes?

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because they're turbohomos

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>waaahhh city people earn more money, have more skills, and can afford to waste it on whatever trash they feel like...das bad!

some people are born to be scammed

>spending five hundred dollars for a branded jacket
Typically Bugman

>more skills

Just because you don't understand them doesn't mean they don't exist, user.

this but unironically
kek get a load of mr. gucci loafer over here

Is this a female? or Male? I don't know any more

Is this the one with Hampton Brandon?

>city people have more skills
lmao ok, retard

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why does every top rated youtube comment sound like it was authored by someone's retarded uncle

Well la dee dah Mr. Manicure

i dont think people realize how fucking filthy rich some farmers are and generally speaking these "skills" you are referring to are in fields like marketing or human resources.

>sir? SIR??? are you robbing people?
Thanks goodness Fox is doing all the investigative journalism the world is begging for.

Have sex.

Aguirre the nearest bull for your prolonged buttfucking.



based titty sucking poster

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Weak. Seriously, seek out sexual intercourse. I'm begging ya.

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>mfw had sex yesterday morning with a girl who is crazy about me.
nice try though, city slicker
stay mad because your soil pH is up around 9.6 and you need 7 or 8 max

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Okay this is epic

>an incel fanfic writer and a virgin obsessed with trannies