I've made a terrible mistake

>I've made a terrible mistake

Attached: 1474627595486.jpg (480x360, 13K)

fr*ckin epic thread

fr*ck libtards epic style

Why does his wife look like Danny Brown though? Is that what happens when you make a career out of reviewing meme rap?

Attached: fantanowife.jpg (960x637, 139K)

she seems chill m8, have sex

Attached: fantano and wife.png (1280x720, 1.1M)


Looks like Ruby Rhod

they cute
have sex

why her shirt say "I'm with Nigger"? More sense when he wearing it no???

>His smile and optimism: gone

Shes kinda cute, though I don't know what she sounds like or acts

ok she doesnt look that bad here

What does chocolate milk taste like?

Attached: 1554028766200.jpg (355x241, 40K)



I can't think of anything more pathetic than music reviews.

Why the fuck do people keep trying to ascribe objective ratings to purely subjective subjects?

Americans are disgusting negrophiles.

It's almost like OP took a frame from a video where she looked bad...on purpose


>He racemixes

a good night's sleep

this guy is a fucking loser

Your containment is that way, champ

Their kids will be abominations

mulattos are the masterrace pleb

>be fantano
>self hating (((white)))
>parents "escaped mussolini" (oh the horror)
>commit life to promoting black artists
>defend gambino for stealing American Pharoah
>defend drake for tastless music video handing out dollar bills to minorities because he's so kind
>race mix
>try to play to the right audience to indoctrinate them by meeting sam hyde
>end up giving up on all that edgy shit anyways
>reviews are forgettable, does he even have qualifications besides his opinion
>tries to argue against peterson and a bunch of people for calling out bullshit post modernism
>calls out Convington kids as act of white kids being indoctrinated as nazis before whole video comes out

is fantanos agenda any more obvious?

Attached: americans in reality.png (961x414, 330K)

Kill yourself

Back to /pol/

i liked oddsac

>omg nigger music!

Attached: soi.png (632x586, 487K)

keep this talentless e-celeb on your zoomer faggot containment board, Yea Forumstant

>Americans are disgusting negrophiles.

You're pathetic.

no, her glasses are huge and terrible, he has knappy hair, the lighting is god awful considering the darkness of her skin, and you can see her pronounced nigger jaw at that angle

hate this nu-male.
trying to "review" music makes no sense at all.

the fader hitpiece changed fantano

How do i get a black gf?