>Yeah, my favorite movies are Taxi Driver, Drive and Bladerunner 2049
What kind of person do you imagine?
Yeah, my favorite movies are Taxi Driver, Drive and Bladerunner 2049
a real human being
>h-hey can I get one ticket to Drive 2, please
>haha yes, h-how'd you know?
Goddamn Ryan Gosling.
Watched Lala Land earlier and that ending hurt my soul. Not the fact it ends bittersweet but the fact the movie throws a big "what if" at you, going through all the events of the film in a perfect scenario.
a complete faggot. likely 18-20. shits on reddit but essentially is a redditor in the closet. unironically tries to dress like a 'doomer'. probably bi. horrible to be around, smelly, pleb taste in everything. criticises capeshit but watches them all because he can't admit he's as shallow as his friends. gaymer. listens to EPIC SYNTHWAVE PLAYLIST 234. has meme folders and posts wojaks and other cringe shit.
An intellectual.
Imagine being so insecure
a real human bean
literally me
this but unironically
Absolute kino taste
this hole was made for me
Seems like a cool guy.
My favorite movies are Escape from New York, Waterworld, and Fire and Ice.
>Why yes, I relate heavily to Ryan Gosling, or "The Goose", as he is affectionately referred to. In fact, I would go so far as to say that The Goose is indeed literally me.
Those dick sucking lips, just imagine that handsome face looking up at you with those lips wrapped around your shaft haha, no homo of course.
What if I pick Bladerunner 2049, Apocalypse Now, and the Big Lebowski?
*stares in Russian*
someone who has bad taste 2/3rds of the time
zoomer incel jajaja
10/10 it's a manlet
Barry Lyndon
Now there's a patrician.
>i too like emulating charls carrol
Everyone here
Reminder Goose is a ftm tranny
What would you imagine of a guy who liked Duel (1971), the wrath of khan, and the original blade runner?
a 50 year old guy
I watched Duel and kept imagining how fucking cool it would be if he had a rifle in his car and stopped up the road, giving him enough time to magdump the truck.
Reminder you are a fag