Hellboy: Hidden Kino?

Will Hellboy be remembered as legendary af?

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should be a tv show, mignola is surrounded by idiots.


How do you not break even on a $50 million budget? Should have brought 2 time Academy Award winner Del Taco back.

Maybe they will and pull a ghostbusters 3

How much did Mignola got fucked over with this.
He endorsed the movie as how it should have been, only to get cucked in the process.
I know everyone is talking about studio meddling and the director walking out, but how can this happen, and have a greenlight from the studios?

This is 100% on Mignola. He was putting out damage control the day he stabbed Del Toro in the back.

Im glad it bombed hard

Del taco took a rest of fucking 10 years letting Perlman get too old what did you want from Mignola?

Are you seriously telling that he agreed on what is now this movie?
I know he stabbed Del Taco, but I legit think what he approved on is nothing near what we got. The damage control is obvious, but even Del Taco is retweeting #ReadHellboy.

It’s shit. Legitimately soulless compared to the first two movies, visually and story-wise.

I thought it was alright. Ive seen far worse movies. You want bad? Go watch A Wrinkle I'm Time. Now that's a pisspoor movie in comparison to this.
This film had effort put into it. It wasn't a great movie, but people had fun being in it. Especially the soap opera actors.

Mignola is also an idiot

>I thought it was alright. Ive seen far worse movies. You want bad? Go watch A Wrinkle I'm Time. Now that's a pisspoor movie in comparison to this.

The lengths people go to in order to defend trash/mediocre films. You're literally the reason this shlock still survives.

fuck you

Studios refused to greenlight the third movie, he didn't take a break, he was told no every time.

t. dago spawn hack
Go away Mignola, you can only write one character and got mad about it


I remember seeing this trailer and being amazed by how shit it looked. I didn't think it actually came out yet. I thought it was like a Q4 2019 thing.

it was a low-effort, low-risk, low return piece of trash not worth discussing.

>How do you not break even on a $50 million budget?
No advertising, and sandwiching it between Shazam and Endgame, which themselves are already relatively soon after Captain Marvel. There's no way the studio didn't intentionally put it in a spot for it to quickly die and be forgotten.

>pacing's completely fucked
>tone's all over the place
>acting is atrocious
>visuals look like a bad videogame
>characters aren't anything like the comics
>every joke falls flat
>years of character development condensed into two hours

Deserves to be forgotten

Mignola BTFO

He used to be so good, but he got too big for his britches.

dissert, non ironically, always love to have reasons to hate soemone.

that. dont find fair the whole "my del taco, my lil don" bullshit. its not their character and they took forever to make the movie, mignola has all the right to move on.

the opening scene, with him in mexico, doing a reference to a cool comic book drawn by the legendary richard corben, is cool, the scene with the giants could be great with a better budget and ian mcshane offers an interesting new approach to hellboys father - wich is mcshane being himself, basically.

those are the good things, all the rest is just sad. tonally speaking the movie look like a mess, its all over the place, even quality wise from one scene to another.

and the guy from stranger things is not as good as perlman but how to do justice to the character with shitty make up and script?

Plus poor Selma Blair would be too sick to act in it unless they wrote it into Liz's character. It could actually make sense, her powers taking a toll on her body. That would have been nice to get her a new role when she is having such troubles.

i would get walt jr from breaking bad and put him on the film so they could talk to each other.

would be longer than endgame.

F4NTASTIC tier reboot.

Another one to forget it even existed.

Why in the fuck did they rush to key plot points from the end of the comic series in their first fucking movie?! What a shitty reboot.

>watching anything with ron "touched some shit before shaking hands with drumpf" perlman

A perfect basic gestalt.

It was without a doubt the absolute dumbest time to release another comic book movie.

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I'm pretty sure Mignola had some involvement with the script along with a frequent co-writer. I don't believe for a second he wasn't involved. I love his work but it's been apparent his strengths lie in his art rather than his writing. I've heard rumors that John Arcudi left the BPRD comic book which he helped establish due to Mignola wanting to finish it so who knows how much he butted heads with Neil.

Literally not their fucking fault it took forever. Anyone who thinks a hellboy movie could be done better than what we had deserves what we got.

>that. dont find fair the whole "my del taco, my lil don" bullshit. its not their character and they took forever to make the movie, mignola has all the right to move on.

Horseshit. Deltaco was trying to work on it as early as 2011

Mignola and the studio fucked him the entire time


how? i really want to know, no ironies.

in the period he was trying to do hellboy del taco direct a bunch of things. shitty things, like pacific rim, that gothic mountain shit.

anyway, i never get things like why do a cartoon not using mignola style when they did other cartoon with his style.

hollywood is too weird, i dont know how shit even happen.

Trump wins again

>Go watch A Wrinkle I'm Time. Now that's a pisspoor movie in comparison to this.

A Wrinkle In Time is a bad movie compared to a 2 hour home video of me passing a kidney stone and drowning stray cats in my bathtub, quit moving goalposts you fucking homo