Wtf I love the Nu Canon now

wtf I love the Nu Canon now

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Let me guess, queef lesbian weddings?

Currently listening to an audio dramatization of the Thrawn Trilogy. It's kopfkino. Fuck Disney.

Did the same thing with pic related. Absolutely fantastic

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I think there's an EU novel called Bloodline. Or Bloodlines.

Bloodlines. It was a boba fett book iirc

Thrawn and Mara would have been awesome to see on the big screen.
They could have recasted the main trio and Lando then just bring the old actors back together for a vision scene by young Luke in episode 9.

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>They could have recasted the main trio
Idris Elba as Luke

They recast Han and everyone had a shit fit so I wouldn't be too sure about that

>luke used to have a wife and kids and huge successful academy he was in charge of
>disney turned him into an island hut dwelling incel and a supposed "jedi master" who gets beaten by a trainee and couldnt even control his emotions enough to sheath his fucking saber around his nephew's bad dreams
it hurts to see these people in charge of SW

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link please

>Mark had to literally tell the fanbase his character had sex

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For me, it's pic related.

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This was the only star wars book I ever read. Read it immediately after episode 1 when I as in love with Darth Maul at just 11 years old.

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This was the first one I read and it was kino af

Even the fucking Vong was kino compared to what Disney shat out

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Based, this is the only one I read and it's fucking biblio
based thane's chapters are way better than his girlfriends

Bloodlines isn’t THAT good it’s written by a women so the Leia love dynamic is boarderline cringe

Should have made a Legacy trilogy.

Me too!

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It was a fun read. Kind of weird that the Alliance was putting random Imperial commanders on trial for war crimes, though. That seemed like a slightly forced way to make an ambiguous ending



>>luke used to have a wife and kids and huge successful academy he was in charge of

This could have been THE ENTIRE SEQUEL TRILOGY and people would have loved it.

Sorry, we at Disney want to wrap up the Skywalker saga in our first five years because they're white people.
