Do you think she's annoyed that Maisie's nude scene has btfo her TD one now? And she didn't even show both nips

Do you think she's annoyed that Maisie's nude scene has btfo her TD one now? And she didn't even show both nips

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I give you a 1/10 for effort

They are both pigs

Thats like comparing a pengiun to an eagle.

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>perfect tits vs british slagbags

nice bait


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well I mean somebody has to post the webm now right?

Stop posting maisie, you look like a dog that had its face kicked in

This one?

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>a pig

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pathetic bait, kill yourself

god i hate this fucking world

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will the tranny meme ever die?

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I expect Daddario does another full naked scene and show us she had a pussyplasty

Based. The same people who think Dadario is 10/10 also think overrated bitches like Kate Upton are 10/10

That poor father. It's sad because you can tell he loves his son and truly wants to try and support him, but at the same time, hates the monster that society has turned his little boy into.

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Daddario is a cow tho

if you have a male son, and he is about to do a tranny gender reveal, wouldn't the other people automatically know he is going to change it to female?

How many liters of milk does she give per day?

It's not about logic it's about attention.

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i would beat the shit out that kid until he stops this american degeneracy crap

Me:on the right

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Pure autism. That is not what this guy is displaying at all.

>tfw no big tiddy gf

Yeah, I'm sure fathers love that their sons turn into psychotic attention whores.

Threadly reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong and we fought the wrong enemy.

Really. What did we get for all of that trouble? We cucked Japan to hell and back but Russia and China certainly weren't grateful at all.

Yeah, I'm sure that look of pure pain in his eyes is actually just genuine happiness

she can drain the semen out of my balls if you catch my meaning

The real sad thing is knowing his boy won't live past 40

I'd love to make her my pig


>dat roman nose
daddario is truly the descendant of patricians

I want to eat her roast like the last supper

>you realize your family line just ended.

this is so painfully awkward
why would you do this

don't forget, there are like 300 "genders" now