Let's rank the most interesting characters and see how many are dead

Let's rank the most interesting characters and see how many are dead.

#1 is obvious so we'll start there.

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old annoying faggot

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All of the characters that made the show great have been killed off or reduced to very little or interesting dialogue.

i unironically like the white walkers everytime they appear they are cool

1. Tywin
2. CIA

I am going 4 (These two faggots are basically the same character) behind your number one, the dwarf character up until the source material dried up for the HBO writing faggots, and CIA

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If Ned was alive GoT/ASOIAF Lore would be a lot better

1. Tywin
2. CIA
3. Joffrey
4. Ramsey
5. Early Tyrian


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The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's custodian has to be in the top 8 at least

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at least we were given explanations for Ramsay being a cunt. Joffrey was too one dimensional.

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3 Eyed Raven

Mance got severely short changed

The most based characters are as follows :
Bobby B

U Cannot forget the GRAVY

Ramsay is nowhere near Joffrey. He's like OC DONUT STEELE version of Joffrey.

Joffrey was the right amount of a dickhead. Ramsay was all over the place and it seemed like they just wanted to shock people every time he was on screen. You didn't want to watch him die because you hated him, you just wanted his story to end already.

In terms of interest
2.Tyrion (1-4)
5 Stannis or Beric (technically dead)

Stannis Baratheon
The old onion knight
The rest is rip

Impeccable fucking taste. You have won the game of thrones sir

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1. Jamie
2. Tywin
3. Tyrion
4. CIA
5. Olenna
6. Oberyn
7. Margery
8. Stannis
9. Varys
10. Bran
11. Arya
12. Eddard
13. Qyburn
14. Davos
15. Varys

Starks and targaryans are mostly fucking boring as hell.

Literally did nothing wrong

Bretty accurate, i would argue Tyrion was sort of based even if he was incompetant af

It should've been him serving the folks soup in that line, not Davos.

Both were sadistic trolls held back by their authority figures. The only difference was Ramsey had a narrower and concise scope due to the lack of complexities Joffrey was responsible for (Due to his title).
Both were considered illegitimate from birth (Bastard and product of incest) and both handed their positions.
They are completely interchangeable because Ramsey would of sure as hell been poisoned if he was in Joffrey's place. Joffrey would of been the same maniacal idiot Ramsey was after taking Winterfell.

Hated him, no way. The story would be a lot more interesting if those faggots stayed alive during "the winter".

Add in Littlefinger and I'll buy you a beer, friend.

1. Jaime
2. Cersei
3. Tywin
4. Varys
5. Melisandre
6. Margaery
7. Olenna
8. CIA
9. Roose
10. Sandor

great list