Best man's number

Someone post the pasta

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the pasta

I don't know what you guys are talking about. I'd totally give her a fake number so I could escape from her goblin talons.

Yes but did she give him seizure handjob. .

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another maisee williams thread, jesus.

what is this? Can someone explain please?

>Lulalulalula....yes, Doctor, I WILL get your number

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The one where she gets aggressively attacked by a pack of extremely large dogs , can't find it

Some british candy whose entire ad campaign is about disabled girls getting fucked
>that top comment

she didnt gave her number. to be fair, women can be that out of touch with reality.

men can be honest about being losers and fuck a whore and eat a whooper and go home.

women? theres always something better. until there isnt and they become le alcohoolic aunt.

these two are hideous but the deaf woman with the dog is so fucking loud, i don't fucking care if you are deaf why do i want to hear overeggagerated muching and crunching noises its fukcing disgusting.
thankfully they don't play these two in a long time but the dog one is on regularly.

i don't really understand it either are they both deaf? is it a deaf school? do you have to be deaf to teach in a deaf school? can deaf people teach a normal school? they couldn't hear anythign happening like if someone asks to go to the toilet? i don't know why its in a school. are there so many people deaf its economicaly viable to run a school for deaf kids? do they only have two teachers because so few kids?

I sympathise with her. She's gotta live out the one life she has as a deformed monstrosity. A life of rejection, pity and outright hostility.
What I cannot fucking stand is that some marketing cunt thought it would be cute and progressive to write her in and say she got with the best man.

This instantly conjures up images of this little tard-trike bound butthole wheeling up to the studly young bearded best man, at the reception and moments later rolling away with a knowing wink and a lick of the lips as if we're supposed to be fucking sit there, during fucking tea time, forced to contemplate the allusion that at some point a regular sized bloke and this little afterbirth-in-a-wig will be fucking going at in all filthy and sweaty with his normal sized tadger fucking smashing up against the back of her neck or wherever the fuck her truncated vagina ends and then we're all supposed to look at each other and say 'wow isn't that so progressive don't we live in such a wonderful age aren't we all so fucking fantastic'.

I wish that little 'goblin' all the best but the sewer-stall runoff that fucking worked up this ad needs taking out into the town square to be beaten by the rotted dicks of every syphilitic beggar available, gang-raped by a gang of impressively large dogs and then forced to watch her own shitty advert for eternity.

The only saving grace of this advert was the disgruntled chort that came out of every single one of my family members as we were subjected to this abomination on, what was otherwise, a pretty capital weekday evening.

Also maltesers can fucking do one. They look like they fell off a black man's diseased dingus.

How long did it take you to type this all out? Autism.

so she ollied the wheelchair onto the foot and crushed all of the bones?
the best man hated the bride so much he asked her out to piss off the bride?
her friends are a woman and a gay bald black man? hmmmmm

Yes to all

if we are talking shite adverts of the UK this is the one i hate most of all

if you want to be an arrogant prick that pushes in the front of a bus queue, drink this water.
fuck you.

>the pasta

first time on the internet?


I bet her pussy tight af


Mandatory supplementary viewing for OPs advert

Literal Autist

>Someone taller.

>first time on the internet?
Yeah and?

The Malteaser ad campaign was built around promoting the paralympics from a few years ago. It tried to sell the idea that "look! These retards and freaks are just like you and me!"

The seizure handjob one was just bizarre but oddly arousing.

Maisie guest star when?

well boy oh boy are you in for an interesting and educational time! let me be the first to say a warm welcome from all the friends here at Yea Forums's Yea Forums board i'm sure i speak for everyone to say we hope you enjoy your stay with us and best of luck with all your future endeavors in whatever your goal was in visiting. abiento!


>oddly arousing.
i know we are on Yea Forums.
but holy fuck man.
you can't just go around saying things like that.
you are demented.

i lol'd
only an incel/autist would let this trigger them

Its rare to see girls giggling talk about cum squirting from their boyfriend's cock daytime tv and replicating the ejaculation with chocolate.

Whys that?

>The only saving grace of this advert was the disgruntled chort that came out of every single one of my family members as we were subjected to this abomination on, what was otherwise, a pretty capital weekday evening.

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i hate ads like these
they dont even sell the product, how the hell am i supposed to decide if the candy is any good or not?
now whenever i see the logo on the package, i'm gonna picture some squeaky wheelchair goblin bragging about getting randy with some desperate fuck
might as well just a 30 minute loop of a gay orgy and then plaster the a toyota logo over it

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You should be executed

90s born queer kill yourself

what do you want the advert to be?
malteasers in uk everyone knows what they are
no need to advertise saying what it is.

if coke made an advert saying hey drink this its fizzy black water that tastes funny and doesn't make you less thirsty also you get really fat
yeah it owuld be honest and informative and interesting and exactly what an advert should be but at the same time evryone knows what coke is and advertising executives get paid millions regardless so at least humour them and let them think they made something quirky and imaginative instead of giving them money for reading out the ingredients.

i wasn't born in the 90's
i'm not a queer
but meet me outside and i'll crack your skull if you like come ahead.

This, fuckin based thank u man

90s born queer confirmed

trips for retard fren
absolutely based


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>the deaf girls

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What she even say at the end? 20 cents? Also why does her sentences sound like she holds her breath to talk

She said "that's what he said"

"seed and feed"

>leftist view: the BMWF trope in advertising does not exist, but if it did that would be beautiful. Pointing any of this out is extremely racist btw.

>right-wing view: the BMWF trope is a Jewish plot to foster interracial relationships, thus decreasing white birthrates. Somehow this is genocide, even though nobody is killed (???)

>enlightened centrist chad: the BMWF trope does exist, which is easily proven by statistics. Statistics also show that most white women have relationships with witches. Simultaneously, they spend the most money on consumer goods of all large population groups. Other ethnicities are sexual fantasies to white women therefore BMWF ads will boost sales. This is so extremely obvious it should be common knowledge.

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>Statistics also show that most white women have relationships with witches.

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I want the advert to be a literal blow job, on my dick, by scar jo

>a pretty capital weekday evening
Do Bongs really talk like this?

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so this is the power of MDE without charls as a writer, woah