Why did they cuck him so hard...

why did they cuck him so hard? he used to be scary and badass but now his character has been complete reduced to “lol he wants to fuck the tall girl xD”

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Other urls found in this thread:


why do you (((think)))?

I mean wouldn't you

It's called character development

still not as bad as most other characters

Hmm at the end of season 6 he was ripping a guys throath with his teeth. I think he understand the survival of his people is the most important thing and he likes tall women.

Reminder that he will never face justice for slaughtering an entire village full of innocent farmers, including women and children

He's going to marry Brienne after Jaime is killed by Cersei so it will be fine.

reminder that tormund knew they would all end up as walker fodder anyway and was sparing them

>all my favorite characters are friends goofing around

flanderising isnt development. its reduction.


Thats how shows work now. Netflix shows are a good example of this. They have a few good seasons up front to hook people in and then they just start going in the trash with propaganda. And by that point you finish it out anyways cause of some sunk cost bullshit

They tend to make them well liked before they kill the shit out of them. He's definitely going to die next episode

They have done this to almost all of the awesome characters
>Stannis dies unremarkably in a snow field and forgotten forever
>Littlefinger became stupid all of a sudden a died in a dark room forgotten forever
>Varys gets about a line of dialogue on average per episode now
>Tyrion gets about two lines of dialogue on average per episode now

The only characters they didn't fuck over is Cersei and Jamie.

he seems pretty alpha to me fucking giant mommies

Okay, TvTropes.

>sucking a giant mommy's tear for years
could he be anymore of /ourguy/

Tormund literally got the giantess mommy gf

Fucker had the best scene of S8 so far.
>I killed a giant when I was 10. Then I climbed right into bed with his wife. When she woke up, you know what she did? Suckled me at her teat for three months, thought I was her baby. That's how I got so strong. Giant's milk.

I get the idea that he's not supposed to be good in social situations.

This show is such shit, i am watching this right now and this is horrible. very bad

so people in bars can react to his scenes and upload it to youtube. that's literally how scenes are written.

I can’t believe more people don’t think that’s cringe and that it goes against the entire feel of GoT for some capeshit level comic relief. I instantly lost all hope for the series after this scene

Post face, body, and lifts, INCEL

>anything me no like is propeganderr!

The reason is he's dying next episode

Shut the fuck up, loser

You type like an aspie child. Was it very super duper bad bad, no no?

This was without a doubt the stupidest scene in the series

Every male character is cucked. Here, I'll prove it.
Theon Greyjoy - Dickless servant for Danny. A villain for the first 5 seasons, redeemed himself through his service to women.
Tyrion Lannister - His only job is to get yelled at by Danny. He will be executed at the end of season 8.
Greyworm - Dickless servant of Danny, yet somehow one of the only male characters portrayed honorably. Probably because he's Obama colored.
Varys - Dickless old fart who pretty much does nothing.
The Hound - The subject of Arya's ridicule
Gendry - Arya's bitch
Jaime - Villain for the first 4 seasons, redeemed himself through service to women.
Euron - Cersei's bitch
Bran - crippled creep

Am I missing anything? Game of Thrones is literally the first feminist epic. That's what it is. You can still enjoy it, but don't forget what it is.

Oh yeah, I forgot Jorah Fedora. Beta cuck for obvious reasons.

Giantess mommy gfs are never the worst thing anywhere

>giants teat
cast her

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Tormund was always a weirdo, he was only "scary" when Jon was his enemy. Sure they ramped it up a bit, but its not as big as you make it out to be.

Davos is what ruined the scene. Thormund saying shit like that is in line with his character.


tormund has been a source of comic relief the entire series so i don't find this behavior jarring either

He's still a badass. I guess you missed the part where he survived the North and just got back.

His character hasn't changed, your complaint is that they don't have more time to focus on him. With every character in Winterfell they simply don't.

I mean i get what you're sayin its kind of a buzzword but didnt they literally say they were gonna put in extra effort to show female empowerment ect? Thats not even counting the whole plz donate so more syrians can enter europe vid they did

>appears in one place to another.

>You can still enjoy it, but don't forget what it is.

i cant really , I stopped watching when they started emasculating every male character it was too obvious. Fuck Hollywood SJWs , I hate the GOP but I hope trump gets re-elected just so I can see them cry like babies again.

Yeah. Reactions to what he was saying was a complete scene killer.

Davos didn’t do or say shit. Him and Edgy Podge has no lines. Tormund tried to be funny and ruined the entire episode. I’ve never seen worse dialog. You could tell Jamie’s actor wanted to crawl out of his skin during that scene


True Detective is a good example.

I mean this is the world we live in, dude. Shit is not getting better until we destroy the media or create an alternative media.

I don't have anything to prove to a tranny loser like you, and I just got done dogging my girl out a few hours ago
Stay mad, loser

Gay Jewish writers don't write traditional healthy masculine men. Everyone has to be an archetype they know from their own lives; degenerates, freaks, killers, cucks, etc.

We need more White Christian Heterosexual TV and movies. Unironically. I want wholesome media not this non-stop Jewish subversion.

Who is this?

have you not watched the show? Almost all characters are butchered. Its just what they do.

>he lived the amazon/giantess dream and drew power from it on top
you can't get anymore based and kino than that
and why would he continue killing random people and raid after everything? you also squeal at Jaime's character development?

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They’ve just made all of the previously interesting characters into walking quip machines. Tyrion, Davos, Tormund, Jaime, Varys, Jorah... all of them have strikingly little impact on the overall story, and are constantly made to look stupid and goofy, but just think of all the t-shirts we can sell with these one-liners!

The problem is that Christian Wholesome White entertainment is not allowed to exist anymore. They are not allowed on traditional television stations and they will be demonetized off youtube. It's impossible to create anything non-gay and collect funding for it.

S N E E D. fuck jannies, and fuck GoT cucks

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This. All the male characters are female slaves and all the female characters are in masculine roles.

First for Tormund "Never ridden a horse before but somehow passes the undead army twice and beats them to Winterfell" Giantsbane

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Netflix do this from the start though.

>not wanting to fuck tall women all the time

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>tfw the closest thing we can get get to white entertainment is fucking anime from the nips in nippon land

Not even lying. A big complaint for most shonen manga even in the current times is that there's too many "weak" females. Boku No Hero Academia is the closest to not really have this complaint, but there are still people who think that the females aren't doing that well in the manga, so even in one of the most progressive mangas in japan, females being weak is still a complaint.

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>Thormund saying shit like that is in line with his character.
It really isn't Tormund was a primal rage kind of character. An unpredictable force that can snap you in half at any minute he wanted, distrusting to outsiders, but also loyal and friendly to his close ones. Now he's just "le capeshit type comic relief". There's nothing in his character besides "i want to fuck the tall woman".

>Tfw born on a planet where giantesses don't exist

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The main character, Jon, was okay with it all and wound up fucking one of Tormund's fellow wildlings. Only Ollie gave a shit and he got killed for it.

>ruined the entire episode
>You could tell Jamie's actor...
>implying that you can see what the fucking ACTOR was thinking in that scene

Biggest brainlet take I've seen here so far.

Just cut your legs off. It'll have the same effect

literally from the books you whiny cunt

It honestly feel like that to me as well, am I paranoid? Last example I can think of is Fargo

I was thinking about this recently.
Anime is popular with white young adults because it's not fake and gay like American television. Granted, anime has some weird shit going on, but it's better than being fed some political bullshit.

gib bimbo mommy gf pls

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Actually he was embarrassed in the book that the giant took him in as a child and changed the story to "I fucked a giant" or something.

Exactly. American television is just not worth watching anymore.

You can't be for real comparing Fargo season 3 to this shit. It's probably the weakest season, but it was still quality and the villain was absolutely amazing

>he isn't still 6'2'' without his legs

lmao check out the manlet over here guys

Because women love the idea of "taming" dangerous men.


Did you forget about the scene where she just smears her period and leave her tampon? mate what was the point of this scene? I was so disappointed with series 2 and 3 I liked the first one so much


Stannis was a faggot who believed in religion and a woman. he deserved what he got

Wildings are wacky by design
They don’t care about land, lords, castles or kingdoms.
They are free. Free to go where they want, say what they want, and fuck any woman, giant or bear that they feel like

>Did you forget about the scene where she just smears her period and leave her tampon?
She's a nasty bitch.
>ate what was the point of this scene?
Get back at Emmit. She didn't like him. Honestly, why are you complaining? There is no girl power or feminism in the show. As a matter of fact, she got beaten the fuck out in that one scene
Imagine this in GOT. It'd be Nikki beating the crap of these two elite assassin's instead, all the while being a snarky "badass" with an attitude.

Say what you want about Fargo, and I agree that the first season was the best (and I loved season 2 and liked season 3), but as far as inserting artificial themes - it's clean in that department. And the dialogue remains quality throughout.

Bronn and NK are the last protagonists of toxic masculinity
Bronn is next in line to get cucked.


Being a /pol/tard must get exhausting.

>political opinions are the same as brainwashing propaganda techniques
Everyone has an opinion, stop getting so spooked when (literally anyone) has an idea you don't like. The real world isn't an /x/-fueled dystopia

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>am I paranoid?
Yes, probably.

>Christian Wholesome White entertainment
I too enjoy Dumb Fat Husband and Hot Jewish Wife. Such a Christian classic.

he got metooed by the bear he raped

based hallmark has got you covered

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He only raided the south, because their division didn't allow him to see them as his own tribe. Plus, he resented the south a great deal, because of the wall that forbade him from escaping the dangers in the north.

He was a bad guy, but he had reasons behind his actions. After his people were allowed south, and he was given a job, and integrated, he lost his motivation to act like a bad guy.

On the contrary, they still very much characterize him as really manly - see the story about the giant - it's more that the device was to show that he, as the voice of the manly men, recognized and respected Bronn (and fair enough... her character has actually earned it, and has even conducted herself honorably and faithfully). Honestly I thought the knighting scene was nice.

>it's a "CHRISTmas is all about snow, trees, candies, gifts and other forms of consumerism with no mention of Jesus" episode
Fuck off, Juden


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user put down your katana for a moment and remember that christmas is about love and sometimes love involves moving back to your small town and leaving behind the fast pace city life to fall head over heels for the manager of the local bakery

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>live in clownworld
>blame everyone else for noticing something is wrong with it
This is your brain on western shit.

What the fuck are you talking about? There is literally nothing in modern western media that speaks to me or honestly represents my point of view.


Do you call yourself "redpilled" too and mumble under your breath how nobody knows the truth like you do, retardo?

The real question is why do so many young men have goofy fringe beliefs? What caused the incel phenomenon?

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Holy fuck, the amount of faggotry here is astounding.

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They don't, you're literally in an echo chamber on here. Go outside.

Unironically, lack of mentally healthy and stable family units and public distrust due to immigration.

What is your point of view?

Literally the internet giving fringe crazies a platform to come together and say "it can't be us, it must be SOCIETY that's wrong" instead of accepting the invisible hand of majority social guidance moving them further from misanthropic crazy person territory when everyone laughs at their nonsense.

It's pretty in line with his character from the books desu
If you actually read the books and then watch the show you'll realise the wackiness is pretty consistent

have sex


Yeah he's been boring since they stopped following the books, same thing happened to Littlefinger

He spends half the time in the books talking about how gigantic his dick is

friendly reminder the CEO of netflix is related to this guy

do burgers really go to bars to watch soap operas

You are woefully disconnected from reality, unfortunately. This is coming from a guy who wishes you were right.

>it can't be us, it must be SOCIETY that's wrong
It's both. Neurotics are more sensitive to certain trends, they are like canaries in the coal mine.

>Tormund doesn't talk about how he suckled a giant's teat

user: b-but why? that was in the books!

>Tormund finally talks about being Tormund Giantsbabe

user: he is a cuck and this dialogue was stupid!

Tormund is fucking amazing, what the fuck are you talking about

Not an argument, as usual.

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Kill yourself bracket poster.

Obviously it is exaggerated in a place like this but even in my day to day I see a disconcerting number of young guys who fit the "incel" stereotype (over/underweight, poor hygiene, aggressive demeanor, wearing fedoras etc...). I know there have always been nerds but these modern incels are different because they are edgier and don't even seem to have social interaction through D&D games or whatever.

This makes sense but there must be more to it as well.

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>maybe i will have that drink
>laugh track
>cuts to commercial

It is stupid regardless of who wrote it. GRRM writes a lot of stupid shit, when he writes at all.

What episode is this

Lol you actually think the Westerosi wont genocide them after the Memewalkers are gone.


You've noticed he's a white male, right?

literally every single male character has lost most of their personality and strength so that the female characters can be amazing, smarter and more respected in every way.
Women make no mistakes anymore and men are only good for fighting.
Its no surprise this happens to coincide with the hollywood writers taking over from the books.
No source material = hollywood shills

>it's different THIS time! Because it effects me

Isn't the fat guy the butt of the joke on the show?

Modern jews hate gingers because they descend from the 12 tribes of Israel.
This has been daily historical and true facts with user.

The female characters have been memefied though.

>They have a few good seasons up front to hook people in and then they just start going in the trash with propaganda.
The problem is that a lot of these shows were created years back before the whole propaganda injection even started so shows were still being written and premised based on their ability to gather an audience from good storytelling. Now that those shows were successful enough to have new seasons created, the new people being brought in to write, direct, and market the show are people who are inclined to turn the show into some socio-political message. The propaganda stuff will die out eventually as that model of showmaking is not a sustainable business model. It already happened with online news companies purging entire sections of staff to adjust for loss in profits. It will take a little more time before we start seeing it in the television industry.

The world doesn't have to pander to my beliefs, and I don't have to be OK with the state of the world. You seem weirdly invested in me being OK with it, tho.

Somewhere between Ted Kaczynski and traditional Catholicism, I guess. I don't expect art to directly appeal to me ideologically or anything, but none of it that I see nowadays speaks to me as a person, at all. At least, nothing that comes out of the west.

it was up there. no doubt about it

Tormund has always told outrageous tall tales like that. Sure he's been flanderized like everyone else in the show but that giant story bit was in-line with his character

>the state of the world is bad
Yes, this first world empire of technological marvel that you get fat in while shitposting freely on your computer sure is a hellhole because sometimes moobies aren't right-wing enough. My heart truly bleeds for your suffering, cunt.

They've cucked all the bad guys and fooled the audience into thinking they're "redeemed" or some shit and that the Starks are these benevolent enlightened people who can turn bad to good.

Tormund kills entire villages of people and eats them, he's best buds with Jon now and his people who've been killing, raping and kidnapping for years are across the wall and settle peacefully.

Theon and the ironborn attack and conquer parts of the North, put northerners to the sword, fakekill Bran and Rickon and everything's fine now cause Theon got Sansa Bolton out of Winterfell.

Jaime cucks his king for years and fights to keep his bastards on the throne while Joffrey does stupid thing after stupid thing and innocent people get raped, killed and robbed. But it's okay cause it's war

>Jobmo posting
>Dekuck posting
>Bakufujo posting
>Shoutokek posting

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>this level of cope

because they had to finish this whole thing in 6 episodes for some dumbass reason.

The left constantly reminds us whenever it infects art how bad the state of the world is, how much progress we have yet to make, and how discontent we're supposed to be with it, but some right wingers saying they're not into things on the internet is what makes you pissed enough to spill your dilation blood all over the keyboard.

>muh leftist boogeywoogeywoo
>muh tranny meme
Get better talking points I haven't heard fifty times an hour anytime someone left of fucking Hitler tells you your ideas are silly

Christ, kill yourself already.

Lmfao jorah fedora

The books were written by a self proclaimed feminist who married a feminist activist
It's like looking at a recipe book written by a nutritionalist and being shocked the food is healthy

Do you have an obsession with knowing everything projected onto everyone around you? Do you have an desperate need for everything to be meta n shit and take it as a given whether you look into it or not? If so then ya, you are paranoid

read books, he was like this in the books. They fucked him in his first episodes.

this. netflix was founded by the nephew of a CIA propaganda psychologist, it runs on a billion dollar deficit and is largely funded by blackwater, a shadow bank that you have never heard of which manages 6 trillion in assets. it is pure propaganda.

>this is r3ddit, this is memes

Settle down, /x/.

They call me Giant's Bane. Want to know why? I killed a giant when I was 10. Then I climbed right into bed with his wife. When she woke up, do you know what she did? Suckled me at her teat for 3 months, thought I was a baby. That's how I got so strong, giant's milk

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>they have a few good seasons

there is no hope for you buddy

you are 100% correct.

you're stupid. leftists love their "progressive" propaganda. go back to r3ddit if you're too stupid to know this.

at least you are able to acknowledge it. doesnt explain the fact that little girls are raped by horse men though.

Isn't Blackwater a mercenary company

good goy, don't question anything. it is totally normal that netflix runs at a deficit and is founded by a propaganda family.

you deserve to be a redditor numale slave.

D&D literally pulled it from the books. GRRM wrote that

I think he meant Blackrock

yes, i meant blackstone. apologies.

This was great until the shot of him drinking the milk went on for too long. Half expected him to wink at the camera

Reed Hastings also really fucking hates public education

It was beer and the long take was the whole point. Tormund literally exists to trigger uptight people. He's based.

just neck yourself and be done with it, Christ. Your life must be completely schizophrenic.

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It's always the same /pol/nigger script, I'm convinced half of you aren't even real people at this point, since I literally read the same handful of sentences written in different ways by you "people" for years. No way you're a breathing human. More like a automated bugman.

Holy shit that's a lot of autism in one picture

all men are bumbling buffoons and the women are pristine flawless masters of everything

back to /pol/

You faggots are so far gone you can't even enjoy TV shows anymore. Sad!

the ability of /pol/tards to accept any larp as absolute fact as long as it fits the narrative always amazes me

But the jews and the leftists and the trannies and all my other pet scapegoats!!

Happy Passover.

>You faggots are so far gone you can't even enjoy TV shows anymore.
They're welcome to make more shows like Sharpe's Company anytime, but they won't. It's not my obligation to watch whatever shit they serve me and like it.


You live in a world of literally millions of movies and you people still find ways to complain, it's amazing. It truy is.

I live in a world in which literally millions of people in positions of power espouse discontent with things as they are and I share some of that discontent. There's literally nothing wrong with wanting things to change, y'know?


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What even do you want? You're clearly conservative, given how often you cry about da ebul libruhs. Do you want some sort of movie quota? Why do you feel entitled to a free market making decisions specifically for you?

Imagine making this because mixed raced couples tickle your sperg this hard.

>he still believes in le free market meme

mainstream media is subsidized by globalist money and capeshit the studios know which movies are moneymakers and which are for "sending the message" and they dont have to make a profit on these because they have other revenue streams

>The Hound - The subject of Arya's ridicule

i can tell you're an emotionally invested cuck bc you care more about arya's interaction with him than his uncaring dismissal of her "list". your conspiratorial paranoia is bible thumper tier

Imagine allowing yourself to recognize patterns.

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>da globalists
There's another buzzword, check that one off your NPC list, faggot.

>What even do you want?
A certain percentage of art that's made to speak to me.

>Do you want some sort of movie quota? Why do you feel entitled to a free market making decisions specifically for you?
Was the left demanding 'some sort of movie quota' when they pointed out tropes and characterizations they didn't like in art? Or were they just critiquing it with the intent of getting more art that they wanted?

>muh pattern recognition
Again, it's like you people are bots.

not an argument

[coincidences intensify]

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Kill yourself scum.

they are parentheses you dumbass

So you want people to pander to your specific beliefs? I'm sure if you bothered to look, there are plenty of movies. Why do you need the mainstream to validate you in art? The main rule in Hollywood is if it makes money, they do it.

It's not a conspiracy, they aren't out to destroy whites like most schizoid /pol/fags think. There is also literally nothing wrong with most liberal-leaning attitudes as they are shared by the majority of the first world and movies with those themes make money.

Maybe you are overtly sensitive?

I'm not sure what you think this proves. I'm not mentally ill

Neither is repeating Alex Jones memes like an underage.

>There is also literally nothing wrong with most liberal-leaning attitudes as they are shared by the majority

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That was pretty classic Tormund

>literally couldn't get a peaceful fuck because Ed Sheeran got burned alive
>cock blocked by a chain less half Maester
>given a choice of gold and kill best friends, or refuse and get unceremoniously crushed by an undead Mountain

He was already Punished Bronn: A Man Denied His Castle. And his fat wife. And his Bad Pussy. Now he has been denied his Hoo-oors and is in danger of losing his professional pride. If he doesn't flip his absolute shit and kill a fookin ice dragon with a fookin scorpion so that it lands on the Queen of Cunts then it'll be a damn tragedy.

>the bedrock ideologies that helped shape the Enlightenment and the rejection of absolute monarchy in all of Europe
>the belief systems that built some of the strongest free societies on the planet
>are le bad now because I'm an edgy retard who gets his brainwashing from a forum filled with holohoaxers and flat earthers and because sometimes a movie has a black in it
This is your life on extremism.

>Why do you need the mainstream to validate you in art?
Why do you need me to validate mainstream tropes, characterizations, plotlines, etc.?

>The main rule in Hollywood is if it makes money, they do it.
People said this to others who have provided political critiques of Hollywood's art, and a number of them ended up having an influence on the movies that are being made right now. Clearly, there is a viable role for people who are not content with art other than 'shut up and buy a ticket'.

>There is also literally nothing wrong with most liberal-leaning attitudes as they are shared by the majority of the first world and movies with those themes make money.
You can have whatever attitude you like, and my critique of any show or movie isn't censoring your attitude.

>a good thing

Tormund has the best sword in the whole show, always butchering fucks with his giant ass machete

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globalism is a mainstream political ideology and there is nothing controversial about pointing out that international integration is promoted in mainstream media and that nationalism has become a dirty word

What are you, some science-illiterare extremist from Saudi Arabia?

one image doesnt prove anything but again its about pattern recognition

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>jerome flynn and lena headley hate each other so they demand a deal that they will never share a scene together
> bronn is contractually protected from being cucked by cersei
Based Jerome

>he's crying that people aren't nationalist enough now
You people aren't even subtle.

Oh yes, an interracial kiss in a comic book. Truly, the West is dying!

I can't imagine complaining seriously about interracial anything.

The characterization is done by people who write television for a mainstream audience and not GRRM

But what do you WANT!?

You chimps are getting so bad at this that pretty much everyone is starting to notice it. It's what happens when you drive everyone competent out of your industry.

again im not trying to hang anything on one example but instead am providing multiple examples to illustrate a trend

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Psssh, there are reasons not to like season 3 of True Detective, and none of them involve the fact the main character and his grill are black.

Yikes bud, how can you not see that you have an obsession?

What are you even arguing anymore?

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>most of these are literal who blogospheres

Just pointing out little truths that your species will never understand. Here's another. If your only method for defending your work is to insult the people who don't like it, chances are it's garbage.

>he's a racist too
I'm not even certain you're following your own conversation anymore. Go to bed.

>he thinks calling someone obsessed on an anime forum enhances his credibility

big oof from me

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I'm willing to bet he negotiated for Bronn to renege on a job for the very first time. Just to fuck with Lena even more. I'd have it so she wouldn't even find out until the show premieres, and she'd been lead to believe that she'd essentially gotten her ex-husband to kill his best friends. Pointless petty fuckery. Serves her right, she probably negotiated to get to personally kiss and kill Bad Pussy.

Speciesist, technically.

Truly a religion of peace.

Didn't this person literally jeapordize her own career because of her Twitter? Are you just going to keep mindlessly spamming infographics?

>blacks are a different species

Jeopardize? Are you kidding?

>In standing by its decision to hire the well-known tech journalist, the Times shut down a major bullying tactic of the alt-right.


she kept her job even though these same kind of tweets would be career enders if they were directed towards anyone other than white males

it really makes you think

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Who mentioned blacks you reactionary lunatic?

toxic masculinity

But why do you care what a private company does with its hiring process? Jesus, it's always mountains out of molehills with reactionary types. You can't just enjoy being alive.

>person claims the jeopardized her career
>user proves him wrong
>you post some retarded shit

Same crying. Every day.

There go the goalposts again.

One of Tormund's many nicknames is literally Tall-Talker.
As in Tall Tales. Like his story about how he fucked a bear.

you're fuckin stupid dude

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Wasn't there massive uproar with what she said but the Times stood by her? It's not really a story...is it?

You've moved the goalposts constantly, /pol/nigger.

Why do people clap and cheer at a fucking tv show? I just don't get it

>U just like, dum dum
Woah, epic.

Soi poisoning.

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Nice retort, fraynd.

>no u
Are you done?

It's the western equivalent to how all those North Koreans reacted when Kim Jong-Il died.

The more extreme their display is, the more they say "I care more than you do" when in front of a group of peers. Basically a shouting match to show devotion.

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Yes but if you look at that webm the men there seem to shout the least and show the least reaction. Stoicism is still strong in some.

>You people
You're replying to a singular user.

>They have done this to almost all of the awesome characters
Night King didn't loose any line so far.

People who subscribe to collectivist ideologies tend to think everyone else does too.

>everyone who disagrees with me is part of a collectivist ideology that I don't like

of course it's not as universal as the Korean example but the ones who are making public displays are acting in the same way just differnt emotions

It’s with “s” you mutt

Are you capable of making an argument without inventing words to put into someone's mouth?

You chimps really are useless.

This. Blackrock and Vanguard and State Street bought up the world while no one is watching. Look up any publicly traded company and they own a huge stake in it. These banks are run by the dynastic financier families, and since they own both Apple and Microsoft, Disney and Netflix, the food companies and the medical companies, etc... it's really making an illusion of competition, and also creating multiple large-scale rackets, and the CIA, which works for these banks, inserts their say in any show. The Church Committee Hearings show they preview works set to air, and that was 50 years ago.

Some of the stuff is blatant propaganda to me, but I watch TV knowing the above.

You can go back to /pol/ anytime you know.

The internet will never be your safe space.

Neither will any other board.

Kill yourself.

More like character DEvelopment amirite

Many many shills ITT

so triggered

Because he likes tall girls
Udderly based

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Damnit you stole my edit before I could make it

>this is your brain on (((hollywood)))

And trannies

Never read the books, huh?

>>Littlefinger became stupid all of a sudden a died in a dark room forgotten forever
I think that Littlefinger always being the perfect genius was getting way to old, but his ending was fairly lame.

>The only characters they didn't fuck over is Cersei and Jamie.
The way Jamie asked to serve under Brianne was not in character. He has been totally cucked like all the other male characters.

No, he became a little cucky and passive. It's not an accident. It's an intent. And they aren't even trying to evolve the male characters that way, but rather just plain erasing their personalities.

What they did to that little boy they introduced is intentionally symbolic of the whole situation: "we want males/boys sacrificed". We want men/boys to see their future as castration/sacrifice.

not him but he didnt dismiss her. he was ready to banter with her along with the eyepatch guy and she dismissed them

It's funny that you think that the intentional choices of media owned by powerful elites are "majority social guidance".

The punishment/propaganda comes first, then comes the "majority social guidance".

You think you are part of a movement. It's just powerful people writing a script.

there's nothing you can do about it, goyy

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One thing people are not getting about this is that the crudeness of the message, though blatant to adults, is most effective in children.

Children get the message. And crude messages can be more effective on them.

Next generation is absolutely being primed to be full of castrati for whatever the powerful plan to do with it (hint: say bye bye to reproductive rights). And I'm not talking about abortion.

That's very fascinating regardless of its authenticity.

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Based, post more

this scene was okay up until he just poured milk all over his face and Tormund became that guy at a party too dedicated to an unfunny comedy bit.

the only thing keeping Tormund alive was that he was cool. he is not cool anymore and probably dead next episode

>people who watch too many movies have a weaker grasp on reality

Shit I could have told you that

The whole series changed it's tone. Compare first seasons . They are redpilled as fuck. And now the final season respec wamen stuff + nefred all male characters to sumbissive cucks. The only masculine man shown is that Euron Greyjoy - and they set up him as a complete evil .

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I hardly watch any movies, I get bored and fall asleep almost 100% of the time. The few times when I was younger and tried to emulate a character from a film also ended up very badly and cringeworthy. I don't think this technique would be very effective on me.

Yep it's stupid as fuck.
Also a major fucking fuck up they didn't develop the white walkers more now we have deus ex night King who we know nothing about
Not even 1 episode in a 8 season 80 episode long show about him

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>Stannis was a faggot who believed in religion and a woman.
I can hear you flipping that fedora you massive faggot.

Can you refute their statements?
I don't think so.

>favorite character not being the Night King
the nerve of some people

You know user, a character can be multifaceted. Just because he's a loverboy for Brienne doesn't mean he won't be a total beast on the battlefield.

Also it doesn't make sense for him to he an intimidating as he was when introduced when he's allied with everyone else.

I swear GoT discussion brings IQ down like 30 points