What's HIS backstory?

What's HIS backstory?

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Toxic masculinity given shape by the dark side.

Johnson was supposed to explain that but thankfully he decided to fuck with Disney.


He was just doing it for the lulz

he had sex

Failed Palpatine clonejust like Rey is a failed Vader clone.

kept getting rejected by women

rey doesn't care about him

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addicted to sissy hypno

He got punched in the face really hard, which made him fall over and accidentally stab himself in the head

Its dumbfounding that the big bad Sidious of this trilogy was retconned unceremoniously and won't be addressed again most likely

he's a white male, who cares

he was the evil bad guy in charge of the space nazis. there is no back story because that sort of shit is for incels

he was originally a white female, Snookie

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Why would a Vader clone be a woman

You literally can't find a shittier villain name.

He was formerly Darth Choke.

Giant death stars, lightsabers, hyper space but biotech is still shit. Can't regrow limbs or heal burns. Aging isn't fixed yet. What is this garbage?

Vader identified as a woman. Rey is anakin as he saw herself