Wasn't this nigga supposed to have a super duper master plan? I swear he hasn't even talked in 2 seasons or so.
Wasn't this nigga supposed to have a super duper master plan? I swear he hasn't even talked in 2 seasons or so
At least he's still alive ;_;
Yeah, he was secretly supporting another Targ claiming to be Rhaegar's son Aegon but who's most likely a Blackfyre, because Ilyrio's wife was one too I think. I love Conleth Hill but they should have killed him off in Mereen the episode after the one where he threatens that hooker's asthmatic son. That was a good scene
>Hasn't talked
'don't bully me tyrion'
The less a character speaks on GOT the more chances he has to suevive these days
>"nothing lasts"
powerful line, so much foreshadowing about how the show ends.
it was all a big joke
considering they cut his storyline from the books its not surprising
If they hadn’t have killed off Littlefinger we could have had some more Baelish/Varys banter in the final hours before the battle.
...but they don’t think that far ahead.
He forgot how fragile political power actually is. He was deluded by his own illusion.
GoT went all girl power
smart people like Varys and Tyrian are long dead
It still hurts bros
D&D can't write his lines for shit. Remember all this scenes with Ned or Littlefinger or Tyrion? Think D&D can make this shit up?
I miss him bros. The show is too tame without any shitposting character left.
That's because game of thrones has gone from being about political intrigue to zombie invasion shit
What's this nigga even doing in Winterfell? Does he plan on fighting the NK himself? Lmao
Why do that if you can get some cheap ball jokes in instead.
You are gonna feel silly when he supplexes that ice cunto to death.
>no man can kill me
*pulls out Valaryian Steel dildo*
"I am no man"
*fucks the NK to death*
>NK kicks varys between the legs
>varys smiles and stabs him with dragonglass
The fuck you on about, bookfag?
Yeah, his master plan was to spy for the Targaryens and prepare for their coming back to Westeros. Except, the first choice was a retarded dud and got himself killed, and the second one was a young, idiot girl who no one thought had a chance, so he instead started fucking around with things to create his vision of what he thought should happen... except that was all derailed when he felt obligated to help Tyrion after he murdered his father, and since Dany started having actual success, he went back to his original plan with no other choice. Once they got to Westeros having succeeded in helping Dany get back, he no longer really needs to do anything but advise her, except nothing she is currently doing at the moment requires any type of focus from this character, so he's backburner'd.
Why Varys doesn't hang out with other characters except Tyrion sometimes? He's not making any friends.
What happens when the nonexistent bumps against the decrepit?
It's pretty sad what happened to him, littlefinger, and Stannis. Two of them got killed off in lame ways.
Just give him something to do for fucks sake. Have him meet Sam, who read about Varys ‘The Spider’ of Kings Landing. Let’s get some of that kino Varys dialogue back. Or we could just have more cock jokes I guess haha lol.
the future is female, have sex
Well at least we'd get an answer to Oleanna's question.
If the Night King ain't decrepit I don't know who is.
Did he even appear with anybody is last episodes montage at the end? why wasn't he with Jaime and the second tier bunch?
What the fuck would he have to talk about with them. Should have been with LF ;__;
>All these plebs that actually think based LF is dead
le dany is a good person, despite his promise to fuck her up if she acts up, he won't do anything all this season
He's no one without his network of informants, so he's useless now. Hopefully he dies next episode.
dude no balls haha
The reason why CIA, Varys and Tyrion have all been neutered the past few seasons comes down to this: Your characters can only be as clever as the people writing them
Or people watching.
true, wouldn't he best served in essos, e.g. a complete safe haven he can 110% get to. not hold out in a death trap
The main problem is that there are no good villains left, or ANY villains. The strength of GoT, like most movies hinge on the strength of its villains (Die Hard, most Disney movies, Terminator, etc).
There's Cersei (who has done nothing villainous in a while to our heroes), Euron (too new and annoying), and... that's it. There's Qyburn and The Mountain but they're also team Cersei and have been given next to no screentime.
Cersei was always a shitty villain as well.
Tywin, Roose, Ramsay, Olenna Tyrell, those were good villains who could wreck your shit
Cersei's just a fucking idiot
Also miss Walder Frey
for you
wait, olenna was villain? why?
She's an interesting character, sure.
But the way she schemed and threw people under the bus, she was Littlefingeresque.
Tyrion and Sansa were in danger because of her
That doesn't really make her villain, not in the way Roose and Ramsay were.
>Wasn't this nigga supposed to have a super duper master plan?
>all the so called "smart" and "cunning" people in got turn out to be just fuck up retards without any grand master plan.
Sansa is the smartest person in the whole 7 kingdoms now. Arya confirmed it. Why even bother asking for his opinion?
>Be LF
>Be a smart motherfucker having everyone under your thumb with ease.
>Everything goes according to keikaku
>Only die because some guy in a wheelchair can see ANY PAST memory he wishes to see.
dickless wonders aren't good at fighting zombies
He was sacrified to please the reddit and Fanglington bar retards.
Jesus Christ is that picture real? We really are in clown world
Dubs confirm Sansa will die
/ourguy/ detected
another abandoned storyline, the first two episodes have been nothing but reunions and marvel quips.
Life is a comedy
also the pajooter in the front
It all makes sense now.
sounds retarded enough to be true
Littlefinger is advising the night king, screencap this
He had a plot in the books but season 5 cut out the big part of his story so he is basically useless now. Not sure why they included him in, I'm sure the series makes no sense if you watch his story from season 1 to now and you pay attention to what he does and says
There is no intrigue anymore
this is the worst thing that happend to the show