Watch our movie

Attached: Don Cheadle Brie Larson Chris Hemsworth.jpg (720x855, 139K)

>spend three weeks shooting a movie
>spend half an year going around the world promoting it, answering the same retarded questions all day every day

sad that these threads are a welcome break from all the maise williams threads

I thought it was the opposite for these guys, i.e. like 5 months shooting the films back to back and then do a 2 weeks to a month of press. I know Call Me By Your Name had a really lengthy promo tour though.

racism is not cool man

Ooga my booga! Avengers Assemble!

you just know they double teamed her

Nah you're right :^)

a normal person could share this picture without realizing its content before was too late.

>5 months shooting the films back to back
That was the whole production
The movies are all ensemble pieces so I wouldn't be surprised if the main actors were on set an average of a couple of weeks each