Attached: Don Cheadle Brie Larson Chris Hemsworth.jpg (720x855, 139K)
Watch our movie
Nathan Reyes
Jordan Clark
>spend three weeks shooting a movie
>spend half an year going around the world promoting it, answering the same retarded questions all day every day
Parker Phillips
sad that these threads are a welcome break from all the maise williams threads
Andrew Hughes
I thought it was the opposite for these guys, i.e. like 5 months shooting the films back to back and then do a 2 weeks to a month of press. I know Call Me By Your Name had a really lengthy promo tour though.
Andrew Cox
racism is not cool man
Colton Butler
Ooga my booga! Avengers Assemble!
Luis Brown
you just know they double teamed her
Ryder Campbell
Nah you're right :^)
Connor Gutierrez
a normal person could share this picture without realizing its content before was too late.
Ian Kelly
>5 months shooting the films back to back
That was the whole production
The movies are all ensemble pieces so I wouldn't be surprised if the main actors were on set an average of a couple of weeks each